Christian Spirituality

Aliens, Aliens, Aliens

Aliens & End-Time Spiritual Maturity*

An Ascension In Consciousness

Ancestors, Incarnations and Curses

Ark Of God In The Mental Plane

Ascension, Consciousness And Vibration

Astral Projection

A Study In Obsession (Comments on "Hillary & Jackie")

Body Manipulations In Christ Jesus (Tuckerton, New Jersey)

Born From Seed, Immaculate Conception, Mind Generation - Part 1

Born From Seed, Immaculate Conception, Mind Generation - Part 2

Christ Mind Control

Empathetic Communication

End Time Mind Control (How It Affects You)

End Time Spiritual Warfare

End-Time Visions & Questions & Answers*

Energy Centers & The Quality Of Life

Experiencing Telepathy In Christ Jesus

Fifth Level Of Consciousness In Christ Jesus

Flee To The Higher Centers (2 Parts)*

Gadara, The Other Side Of The Astral Plane (Mk. 5:1-20) Part 1

Gadara, The Other Side Of The Astral Plane (Mk. 5:1-20) Part 2

Gadara, The Other Side Of The Astral Plane (Mk. 5:1-20) Part 3

Gadara, The Other Side Of The Astral Plane (Mk. 5:1-20) Part 4

Hearing In The Spirit & Righteous Judgment*

Identity On The Astral Plane*

Immortals Amongst Us

Infirmity And Curses

Jesus And Pain Consciousness

Law & the Spirit Of Justice*

Life Giving Sound

Living Thoughts & Spiritual Influences (2 Parts)*

Mind-Generated Incarnation (Comments On "Beloved")

Mind Power & The Formation Of The Physical Environment*

Mind To Mind Conflict

Multiple Planes Of Consciousness

More About The False Ascension

Multiple Planes Of Consciousness

Nature Of Mind Identified By Wave Patterns

Olives In The Brain Stem*

Physics And Multiple Incarnations In Christ Jesus

Physics Of Creation (2 Parts)*

Practicing The Spiritual Power Of God*

Principles Of Dream Interpretation

Progressive Incarnation*


Relative Realities

Set, Satan & Wiccan*

Signs Of Spiritual Manhood

Some Principles Of The Doctrine Of Christ

Soul, Mind & Celestial Body*

Spirits, Demons And Ghosts

Spiritual Christianity

Spiritual Circumcision - Second Stage of Resurrection*

Spiritual Deafness

Spiritual Foundations (10 Parts)*

Spiritual Foundation For Celibacy*

Spiritual Garbage

Spirituality And Discipline

Spirituality In Christ Jesus

Spiritual Life, The*

Spiritual Ministry of Christ

Spiritual Observations About Marriage And Family

Spiritual Or Soulish Christianity

Spiritual Recognition And The Issue Of Job's Righteousness

Spiritual Roadblocks to Communication

 Spiritual Root Of Homosexuality (A Study In Thought Modification & End-Time Mind Control)

Spiritual Root Of Doctrinal Disputes (Aguda, Nigeria)*

Spiritual Roots Of Masturbation

Spiritual Seduction*

Spiritual Signs

Spiritual Truth For The Last Days #1

Spiritual Truth For The Last Days #2

Spiritual Truth For The Last Days #3

Spiritual Truth For The Last Days #4

Spiritual Understanding Of Some Natural Examples

Spiritual Warfare In The Heart Center

Sticks And Stones

Supernatural Experiences In Christ Jesus

Supernatural Ministry Of Christ Jesus (Two Examples)

Surviving Spiritual Ascension*

Testing Spiritual Doctrine (Including The Book Of Enoch)*

The Matrix Page

The Power Of Nothing (Quantum Electrodynamics- Reveals the Serpent)

Third Level Marriage

Thought Forms Vs. Powers And Principalities (The Difference) Part 1

Thought Forms Vs. Powers And Principalities (The Difference) Part 2

Thought Forms Vs. Powers And Principalities (The Difference) Part 3

Thought Forms Vs. Powers And Principalities (The Difference) Part 4

Three Stages of Spiritual Development (Dream & Interpretation)*

Three Stages Of Resurrection - Review*

Truth And The Unconscious Mind

Twilight, The Fifth Energy Center

Understanding The Operation Of Spirit (Aguda, Nigeria)*

Worlds Within Us



*CDs only


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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