049 - Part 2
(Revelation 10)


{small}049 - Part 2{/small} {br} THE MIGHTY ANGEL {br} {small}(Revelation 10){/small}

Part 2 of 3 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Glory to God. Hallelujah. Recap Revelation Chapter 10, Verses 1 to 4, "And I perceived a different, very strong angel come down from the realm of the spirit into the realm of appearance, having a glorified body and an image was projected by his soul. And his image glistened like the rays of the sun, and his human form looked like a resting place of fire. And he was possessing a very beloved, fertilized soul that had birthed Christ, and the righteousness of Christ in the earth was bringing the unconscious mind of the living soul into submission to his holiness. And his judgment in the earth was bringing the conscious minds of men into obedience, and the spirit of Jesus Christ in the unconscious mind of the sons of God disclosed a forceful, authoritative message. And when the mind of Jesus Christ spoke to the sons of God, the sons of God repeated the message to the men that were preaching -- that they were preaching to in a language that the men could understand. And when the sons of God had preached the gospel of God in a language that men could comprehend, I, John, understood it and was about to write it in this book when I heard a voice from the realm of the spirit of God saying to me, 'Keep the gospel of God that you heard preached by the sons of God hidden from me, and don't write it in your book.'"


Now we discussed last week that this is the gospel of God. It is the truth of the word of God that will translate us into Christ. This is a spiritual experience, and I want you to know, brethren, I certainly am not familiar with all the preachers preaching today. But of those familiar -- those preachers that I have partaken of, either heard preach or read their writings, I only know one preacher that had this revelation and has [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. There's nothing we can do to get into Christ. You can't mind control yourself into Christ. You can't say Satan's not there. You can't say I'm supposed to be single-minded towards Christ because when I see only Christ, Satan will cease to exist. You can speak it into existence. Brethren, when you see Christ as He is, Satan will have ceased to exist.


But you cannot bring yourself to that condition by saying that it's so. Only Jesus Christ can do a spiritual work in you. You have to have a spiritual experience that is going to translate you into Christ. It is going to lay the soul of Christ over your organic soul utterly making it inoperable in the way that it's operated for centuries. You can't do it by saying Satan's not there, but we don't talk about him. Brethren, if we don't talk about him, how can help the people that are overcome by him? There's Christian sins in the church today. You're not sick. I'll change the subject. I'm not feeling well. Well, I'll change the subject. Maybe she'll feel better. No, she won't. She won't feel better if you change the subject. She needs your compassion. She needs your understanding, and if God tells you to, she needs your prayers. And if you pray, and she doesn't get better, she needs your compassion. She doesn't need you changing the subject because that hurts. It's hurtful. To have the truth denied is hurtful. All I have to say is oh, I'm sorry you don't feel well. That's all that you could do.


But we cannot take Satan go away. We cannot make demons go away. We cannot make sickness go away because we wish it away. And even if we have authority over Satan and the demons and sickness in a measure in this realm, we're still most likely going to sick again. Why? Because the spiritual work that will prevent us from ever getting sick again has not yet been worked into us, and we can't work it in. We have to wait for Jesus Christ to do it. And in case you're not aware of it, this is really important. It's a really important message of the gospel of kingdom that you'll hardly hear anywhere in this hour. Man, you must lay your will down. Adam, you must stop trying to run the show. Adam, you can't do it. This is the work of Jesus Christ, and your job is to fall in line with Him and submit. And if He's not healing in that hour, and if He's not casting out the demon right now and if He's permitting Satan to run rampant in someone's life and this after you have sought Him for power to help the person and no power has come down, stop trying to force it. Stop trying to force it because Jesus knows what He's doing.


I was sick for two weeks, and the end of that torment was that I was delivered, deep deliverance, from unforgiveness and from bitterness. And I'll tell you something, it was a terrible experience. But that two months of infirmity was worth it to the get -- if that was what I had to go through to uproot the bitterness and the unforgiveness in me, well then praise God for it. So if someone's sick, and you can't pray them out of it, maybe God's got a purpose in it. Lay down your will, Adam, or it's going to be knocked down. I can't think of any nice way to say it, and I just made a very controversial statement. Jesus do something that's not nice. Well, maybe your carnal mind sees it as not nice, but you've got to stop opposing Him, or He will knock you down. Glory to God.


Verse 5, Chapter 10 of the Book of Revelation, "And the angel, which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth, lifted up his hand to heaven." Now the angel, we established in Verse 4 that it was Christ. It was the glorified Jesus Christ, and He was standing in front of the sea and the earth. We already established that He placed the unconscious mind of Satan, typified by the sea, under foot of his sole, under the authority of his sole so that it could no longer whisper its seduction into the minds of men. Sin, cheat, lie, hate, rebel, the soul of Jesus Christ is going to lay upon Satan and black out his voice. We will not hear his voice anymore.


And His other leg was upon thee. His other foot was upon the earth, typifying the conscious minds of men. And the left foot was upon the earth, meaning that the conscious minds of men was being judged. You see, the unconscious mind that we have no po- -- very little power over except what -- outside of Christ, we have no power over the unconscious mind at all. Jesus is going to do that warfare for us. He's going to deal with the unconscious mind. OK, but the conscious mind, when we wilfully sin, that will be dealt with when judgment -- the left foot or the left hand of God.


So the angel, Jesus Christ, which I saw standing upon the unconscious and the conscious minds of men, lifted up his hand to heaven. And this word lifted, it's Strong's 142. It means to take up, and the Hebrew equivalent of that word is Strong's 5375. It means to expiate sin. It means to take away sin. And the phrase we're dealing with is "and the angel lifted up his hand to heaven.' And I remind you that the word hand means ministry. It also means instrument of power. Now we've talked about the fact that in Hebrew there are to separate Hebrew for the left hand and the right hand. But in the Greek there's only one word typifying hand meaning instrument of power. Now, I want to point out to you that in Verses 2 and 5 of Chapter 10 of the Book of Revelation.


And I didn't pick this up in the last message. The word hand, singular hand, is used. And he had in his hand, singular. I'm sure the angel had two hands, but the scripture says he had in his hand a little bit. And in Verse 5 it says that he lifted up his hand, singular. And we can't tell what that means because there's not two different Greek words indicating whether it's the left hand or the right hand. So let's try and figure out whether it's the hand of righteousness or whether it's the hand of judgment. Glory to God.


OK, in Verse 2 of Chapter 10 of the Book of Revelation, the little book had already been opened, which means that the Father had already brought His righteousness. Now, well let me just review this for you. If you recall, the fact that the little book was opened means that it was accessed, and we established last week that the accessing or the making operable of the living soul was fertilizing was to bring it forth to perform its function and the function of the living soul, was and is from the beginning of time, to birth Christ. So when Christ appears in the living soul, it has performed its function. OK? Let me try and put this across to you.


In Verse 2 of Revelation 10, the little book has already been opened, which means that the Father has already brought forth His righteousness. And we know that the right hand is the right hand of righteousness. So the book is open. It means that Christ has appeared, and if Christ has appeared, it means the function of His right hand has been fulfilled. God has brought forth righteousness right in the midst of the unconscious satanic mind of man.


And if you recall me sharing with you the way this is going to happen is that Eve is not going to be separated from Satan before she marries Christ. The Holy Spirit is entering right into the sin-filled heart of man. The crux of the unconscious mind is Eve married to Satan and their offspring, the carnal mind. He was entering right in there and fertilizing the Holy Spirit, committing legal adultery and bringing forth Christ. And when Christ appears in the human spirit, He's going to stand up. He's going to cover over the carnal mind. He's going to separate Eve from Satan. He's going to purify Eve. He's going to marry her, and He's going to take authority over Satan. But that's going to happen after He's birthed right in the midst of enemy territory, and that is the ministry of the right hand or the right foot as it's expressed in Chapter 10, of ministry, of the angel.


So what I'm suggesting to you is that the ministry of the right foot has already been accomplished and that Christ has been brought forth and accessed the book. He's fertilized it for the living soul. So the conclusion that I draw is that the one hand that He's holding the book in must be the left hand, which is the left hand of judgment because we know that Christ has already come forth in the earth. Jesus Christ of Nazareth was, is and shall be the anointed of God. Christ has appeared in the earth. The living soul has performed its function. And we will have brethren that will follow after Him, but the work is done. I hope -- does anybody here not understand that, that the work is done? It now just has to be appropriated in every living soul.


So the right hand of the Father's righteousness has appeared in the satanic, unconscious mind of men and fulfilled its purpose, and now we're just waiting for it to flow over the rest of the living soul. So what is left to us but the left hand of judgment? Here I'm suggesting to you that the hand, singular, that was lifted up to heaven was the left hand of judgment because we know that the world has not been judged yet. How do we know that the world has not been judged yet? Because we know that the judgments of God shall bring forth righteousness in the earth. And, brethren, there's no righteousness in the earth. So the unconscious mind of men -- I hope everybody understands that. I'm hitting a blank wall again tonight. Is anybody having a problem with that? Do you have a question that you want to ask or --




Wait a minute. Let me get over there. Let's put this on the message. Hold it. I'm not over there yet.


Because of that verse that says that the prince of this world has been judged, and it just brought thoughts into my mind that well, you know, because the -- that Jesus came 2,000 years ago and judged the prince of the world. That's the only the thing I, you know --




-- get past that verse is that -- that's the only problem. I mean, that's what I was taught, you know, that this world has been judged.


The priests of this world have been judged, the priest being Satan and the unconscious mind of men, OK? And Jesus Christ has been birthed right in the midst of the unconscious minds of men, OK, therefore bringing judgment upon Satan. And what was his judgment? Do you remember what his judgment was? Do you remember? Want to know what his judgment was? He was nailed to Jesus Christ for the life of the ages. Hallelujah. Glory to God. The prince of this world was judged. He was nailed to the tree of life for the life of the ages and the man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. And now we're waiting. It's as if someone -- it's as if your whole body is covered in a rash and in agony. When someone comes with a healing salve and puts it on the top of your head and the itching and the pain goes away, but from your nose down to the bottom of your toes, you're still in agony. We're just waiting for that balm, for that emollient, for the Balm of Gilead to roll down all the way to the last vessel in the face of the earth.


But the work was done. It has to be manifested, and it has to be appropriated by every member of the living soul. But this is -- it may not look that way to us, but this is easy. What Jesus did was hard, OK. This is easy because He already did the work. We just have to appropriate it. In Adam, all men die. In Christ, all men shall be made alive. We had nothing to say about falling into sin, and we have nothing to say about being made alive. Adam caused us to sin in the first place, and Christ is bringing a sense of righteousness in the second place. We're just along for the ride unfortunately or fortunately, whatever your want to look at it. We're just along for the ride. It's just the truth.


So Satan has been judged. Glory to God. And the unconscious mind of man has been dealt with in Jesus Christ of Nazareth. And now, if you'll recall the last couple of messages that we had, we've been told that available to man now is the mind of Christ, the unconscious mind of Christ. And our spirit is now available to be married to Christ. Well, why is man still sinning? At the end of Chapter 9, that was what we were left with, that the satanic mind was dealt with. The carnal mind was dealt with. Eve was dealt with. She produced Christ. And the one part of man that is still not being dealt with is his conscious mind. And God told us in Chapter 9 of the Book of Revelation that the problem with the conscious mind of man, he can't get out of that groove. He can't get out of that trap. He had this power to stop sinning, and he won't stop sinning. Why? Because his deeds were evil. Glory to God. He received the [?afterlife?] because their deeds were evil.


They liked the bondage that they were in. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] through this society. It's all through the literature, any book you want to pick up, any movie you want to watch. Love slave, innocent virgin gets raped and locked in a room with this madman. It's what happened to Patty Hearst. That's what they say happened. She fell in love with the guy, followed him down the merry path. He loves the sin that he's fell into, doesn't want to give it up. You know, this is all on another message if you want to review that. I think it's two messages ago, if I'm not mistaken. So the only thing left for the living soul that's going to bring it into proper line with Christ is judgment to the conscious mind, judgment so that they start to hate their sin. Glory to God. Anybody have any question on this at all? We are now dealing with the conscious minds of men that willfully, knowingly do not want to change their ways to the ways of Christ because they love their sin. Hallelujah. Glory to God. So I'm suggesting to you that the angel that's raising his left hand to heaven is doing so because the work of his right hand has already been manifested. That is the birth and appearance of Christ in the mind of men.


Alternate Translation, Revelation 10:5, "And the Christ which I saw exercising authority over the unconscious, satanic mind of man and judging the conscious minds of men purged His sons from all sin and raised them up into the high realm of God's spirit where His authority to judge the living soul was given to them." Well, where did I get that from? The angel, which I saw standing upon the unconscious mind and the conscious mind lifted up, or in the Hebrew, lifted away the sins, OK, lifted up His hand, His left hand to heaven. He lifted up the ministry of judgment to heaven, and what is the ministry of judgment? Who's going to administer the judgment, brethren? The sons of God are going to administer the judgment, and He lifted up His left hand of judgment to heaven.


Brethren, the sons of God that are in the earth in part today that are not righteous, that are filled with sin. He lifted them up. He cleansed them of sin, and He raised them up into the heavenlies. He made them righteous. In preparation for the judgment of the world, Jesus Christ purged his first fruits company of sin and made them righteous because let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Brethren, there's no judgment when you're not righteous, and if you're confused because you've heard judgments executed in this ministry, I suggest to you that on the occasions that that has happened, the person that God anoints to do that is under an anointing of righteousness. Christ has utterly overshadowed Adam in them and is fully manifesting and executing their judgment. Can you hear that?


And while we're in this impart realm, it is very dangerous to anybody to be executing judgments unless you really can tell the difference. I've been preaching this for a year and a half. If you can't tell the difference, don't do it because if it's not God, the judgments will come on you. You're practicing witchcraft, but the hour's coming that the sons of God are going to be cleansed from sin, and there'll be no question about whether or not it's Christ in you executing the judgments and which it's going to go forth judging sin in people and saving people into righteousness as a result of that judgment. We're going to be judging them not out of the spirit of condemnation but out of a spirit of mercy that will destroy the sin in them and change their minds and turn their hearts to desire the righteousness of Almighty God. Hallelujah.


I am really up against a wall tonight. Father I just, you know, I just pray for deliverance. I just rebuke that wall in the name of Jesus. I attack it, and I tear it down. I just broke every curse, hex, vex and jinx coming against this meeting, and I just pray that He's glorified in this teaching, Lord. It's Your word.


So we're dealing with Verse 5, "And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and the earth, the conscious and the unconscious minds of men, He lifted up His hand. He lifted up the sons of God [UNINTELLIGIBLE] brethren, to heaven. He purged us of our sins and raised us up to the high heavenly realms where he dwells.


Alternate Translation, Revelation 10:5, " And the Christ which I saw exercising authority over the unconscious, satanic mind of man and judging the conscious minds of men purged His sons from all sin and raised them up into the high realm of God's spirit where His authority to judge the living soul was given to them." Hallelujah. And one of the big problems that we have in the church world today is that we read scriptures, such as the prince of this world is judged, or you have the mind of Christ and people, well-meaning people, read them and they believe that it's already happened to them.


If it's in past tense in the scripture, brethren, it has already happened to Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Maybe it happened to Paul. Paul said we have the mind of Christ, but as I mentioned on the last message, we do have the mind of Christ. But do you -- or do you live out of it? We have two minds. There are so many ifs. There are so many questions. Brethren, this is an impart realm, and it's really important that we get the understanding that all of these promises have to be appropriated into each individual and that there are very few on the earth today walking in these promises because if we can't get this understanding, it shuts up the kingdom of heaven to us because if we think that we have all these promises, then we're not going to look to God. We're not going to examine ourselves. We're not going to be confessing sin or repenting, and there are a lot of Christians in the church world today that really think they've arrived. And the kingdom of heaven is shut up unto them because of their own pride because that's a spirit of pride, brethren, because all you have to do is look at yourself and see that when you just chased that guy down the street because he cursed at you, that you don't have the mind of Christ or when you just screamed at your wife, or when you just ripped off the local supermarket guy, you know, who gave you the wrong change and you walked out without telling him that he did it. That's not the mind of Christ.


And when envy's manifesting in your heart because of what your girlfriend just got, that's not the mind of Christ. And when you didn't get your way, and you're having a temper tantrum or when you've been persecuted and you hate the person that persecuted you, you're not living in the mind of Christ. Just open up your eyes and use your brain. So it has to be a spirit of pride that could convince somebody that they are a partaker already living in the promises of these bi- -- of this bible and therefore don't need any correction or any change. So to be perfectly safe, if we don't want to miss anything that God has for us, what I recommend to you is that whatever you read in the bible, just put it before God. Say Lord, if it's not been appropriated in my mind, I want it. Assume the least, and you can't lose.


Jesus said when you come into the synagogue, if you sit in the front seat, you run the risk of being asked to go to the back of the church, if someone comes in that has more money than you, someone that has more prestige than you, someone that's more spiritual than you, something that the preacher wants, someone that has something that the preacher wants, he may ask you to get up and move to the back of the church and exalt this other person with the gay clothing and let them sit in the front row. But Jesus says of you when you come into the church, if you're sitting in the back row no matter what you've got, if you're rich, if you're talented, if you're spiritual, whatever it is that you have, whether it's what the preacher's looking for or not, if you sit in the back row, you run no danger of being humiliated. And you always walk in the possibility of being invited to the front row. But if you seat yourself in the front row, you're going to be embarrassed. Don't assume you've got anything, brethren. Ask God for understanding. We're on a long journey, brethren, from soul man to spirit man. We're on a long journey. Glory to God.


Verse 6, "And swear by Him that liveth forever and ever, who created heaven and the things that therein are and the earth and the things that therein are and the sea and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer. So the angel purged His sons from all sins, raised them up to the high realm of God's spirit and shared His authority with them to judge the living soul. And then the angels swear by Him that liveth forever and ever." Well who liveth forever and ever? Anybody know who liveth forever and ever? The Father liveth forever and ever. Amen.


And the word swear means to take an oath. It's Strong's 3660, and what we have here is Christ swearing by the Father. And we have a precedent for that in Hebrews 6:13. We find out that because -- when one swears they must -- they can only swear by the one who's greater than they are. And there's only one who's greater than Christ and that is the Father. He said I and the Father are one, but He also said the Father is greater than I. Can anybody here explain that? Anybody understand that scripture? I and the Father are one, and then He also said in another place the Father is greater than I. Anybody want to try and explain that scripture? Jesus said I and the Father are one in the earth, in the realm of appearance, in Christ, in man. Jesus and the Father were one. But the Father is greater than Jesus because spirit is a highly life form than soul. And when God took on the flesh and became the man Jesus Christ of Nazareth even though He was walking in a high realm of the spirit and in great authority. He was in a weaker position because He was in the soul realm. Spirit is superior to soul. Anybody having a problem with that? He had all the authority of the Father, but He was vulnerable where pure spirit was not vulnerable. It's sort of like what we were talking about Sunday, that the Father is totally within us yet He transcends this realm of the spirit. Anybody have any questions on that?


So we see the angel wanting to swear. An oath is only valid when you swear by someone greater than you. And the only one greater than Christ is the Father, so the angels swear by Him that liveth forever and ever, and I had a witness for you. Hebrews 6:13, "For when God made promise to Abraham because He could swear by no greater, He swear by Himself." That was God, the Father, in spirit form, swear by Himself, but Christ in soul -- in the soul realm swear by the Father. And He swore by Him that liveth forever and forever.


God -- I have some more scriptures for you on this oath. God's oath to Abraham, I just want to give you the reference, is Genesis 12:3, where we're blessing them that bless me and curse them that curseth me and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. That was God's oath to Abraham, "and they shall, all families of the earth be blessed." And we have an expanded understanding of that in the New Testament. Well, I wrote down Luke 71. I doubt that that's correct. There is no Luke 71, is there? Well, I'm sorry. I don't have the correct chapter for you, but it's Verses 72 to 75, or 71 to 75. I really messed this up. It's in the Book of Luke. You've got to look for it, that we should be safe from our enemies and from the hand of all that hate us. OK. Now this is Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist prophesying after he was told that his wife is pregnant, that we should be -- we, Israel, should be safe from our enemies and from the hand of all that hate us to perform the mercy promised to our fathers.


That's what we just read, that -- when Abraham said and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed -- to perform the mercy promised to our fathers and to remember his holy covenant. The oath, which he swear to our father, Abraham, that he would grant unto us, OK. Now this is the New Testament interpretation of the phrase that says, "And I will bless thee that bless thee and curse him that curseth thee, and in thee shall families of the earth be blessed." Now Zechariah says that He would grant them to us that we being delivered out of the hands of our enemies might serve Him without fear in holiness and righteousness before Him all the days of our life. So that's where it reads that in thee, all families of the earth shall be blessed, that Israel should be delivered out of the hands of their enemies and serve God without fear in holiness and righteousness before Him, all the days of our life. Not only will Israel be blessed, but their enemies will be blessed because they'll be at peace with Almighty God. Hallelujah.


Now what I'm suggesting to you -- we're talking about -- we're back on Verse 6, and He swear by Him that liveth forever and ever, who created heaven and the things that are therein. What am I doing here? OK. We're still talking about oaths, and I wanted to read to you from Hebrews 3. Let me get my place here. Hebrews 3, I thought I had it marked, and I didn't. Boy, I am up against a brick wall tonight, Lord. Hebrews 3, the whole chapter. OK. I see what I'm trying to do. And He swear by Him that liveth forever and ever. Well, the question is why is Christ swearing? Why is he swearing, and we're going to look into another incident in Chapter 3 of the Book of Hebrews when God swear and what God swear was that the rebellious generation in the desert being led by Moses, God swear that they would not enter into the rest of God. They would not enter into the rest of God, and I won't let you guess. I'm going to suggest to you that the angel with His hand lifted up is swearing that this situation will not exist any longer but that they will indeed enter in. And I'm suggesting to you that under the old covenant, this belief can keep you from receiving the promise, but in the new covenant in Christ, we have the power to overcome disbelief. So let's ju- -- and the whole point that I'm making here is that this angel that's swearing --


OK, let me read you the whole verse again, Verse 6, " And swear by Him that liveth forever and ever, who created heaven and the things that therein are and the earth and the things that therein are and the sea and the things which are therein." OK. Now He saying, and He swear by Him that liveth forever and forever, that there should be time no longer. What is He swearing? That there should be time no longer, and I'm going to suggest to you. I'm going to prove it to you in a few minutes that what He's saying there is that Satan shall rule this world no longer. And I'm going to show you that when we go through the Greek. But right now what I'm suggesting to you is that this whole concept of Christ swearing by the Father is a new covenant manifesting of God swearing that those who rebelled in the desert following Moses would not enter into his rest. And now Christ is swearing that Satan will rule the minds of men causing them to disbelieve no longer.


I'm going to say it again. OK. We're told in the Book of Hebrews. I'm going to read it to you in a minute, in Chapter 3 -- that generation that came out of Egypt, that followed Moses, that there were only two men that entered into the promise of God, and that was Caleb and Joshua. The whole generation was destroyed. They wandered in the wilderness until they died. Why? Because they did not believe. They entered not in because of unbelief. And I'm suggesting to you that they were incapable of believing the old covenant. Only those that were manifesting Christ, which apparently was Joshua and Caleb, Christ was manifesting in them. They were imparted. To them were imparted the ability to believe, and that whole generation that God permitted to die out in the wilderness, they died out yes, because of disbelief, but also because they were incapable of believing. We can only believe when Christ gives us belief. We can't have faith. He is our faith. We can't believe without Him. And I'm suggesting to you that the angel swearing to God that there should be time no longer was saying this is the new covenant. And in the new covenant the mind of Christ is available and that men will no longer have to die in the wilderness because of unbelief, because the mind of Christ to which they will be able to belief, is available to them. Anybody have a question like that -- on that, right now before we read Chapter 3?


OK. I'm going to go through it quickly, "Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the apostle and high priest of our profession, Christ Jesus, who was faithful to Him that appointed Him and also Moses was faithful in all [?the tasks?] for this man Christ was counted worthy of more glory than Moses in as much as he was building the house has more honor than the house." And I'm suggesting to you that this angel with his hand lifted is Christ. "For every house is builded by some man, but He that build all things is God. And Moses verily was faithful in all house as a servant for a testimony of those things which were to be spoken after. But Christ is a son over His own house, whose house we are if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end." Now Moses did not have the power to impart belief to those people? Why? Because he was a servant in the house. He was still a member of the living soul, but Christ, He is the master over His own house. And if we can get into Christ, He has the power to impart belief unto us that we need not perish in the wilderness.


Verse 6, I want to read it again, "But Christ, as a son over His own house whose house we are," OK, "if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end." And I want to make it very clear that in the new covenant, the ability to believe is available to men, but we have to fight that war. What's given us is power to overcome. In Moses' day, those men in the wilderness could have fought with everything they had, and they could not believe. We are involved in a warfare, and what has been imparted to us is overcoming power. But, brethren, you're going to get hurt. I'm not going to lie to you. This thing is hard, but if you're willing to fight, the power will be imparted to you to overcome, to enter into Christ and to believe that you die not in the wilderness. Is everybody following me? Any questions there at all?


OK, Verse 7, "Wherefore as the Holy Ghost sayeth, today if you will hear His voice, harden not your hearts as in the provocation." That word means rebellion. "And the day of temptation in the wilderness when your Father tempted me, proved me and saw my works for 40 years, wherefore I was grieved with that generation and said they do not always err in their hearts, and they have not known My ways. So I swear in My wrath," there's God swearing, "I swear in My wrath they shall not enter into My rest." Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief and departing from the living God. You have a choice. If you abide in Christ, you can have the power to believe, but, brethren, I'm not going to lie to you. You can depart from the living God because of the own hardness of -- the hardness of your own heart. But if you see yourself not believing, you're required to go before God and ask for deliverance and ask Him to translate you Adam into Christ because if you abide in Adam, you shall die in the wilderness. We in this covenant have a choice. The man in the desert, in the old covenant, had no choice and God swear that they would not enter into His rest.


But the angel in Chapter 6 of the Book of Revelation is swearing that there should be the time no longer that Satan rules men. And He's going to give men the ability to enter into the rest of God through Christ -- through the mind of Christ Jesus. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Verse 13, "That exalt one another daily while it is called today lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin." Well, if you don't believe, brethren, it's going to be because you have been deceived by your Adamic mind, ruled by Satan. Examine yourselves daily. Submit yourself to God and ask Him to keep you in the kingdom of His son because you can lose this thing at least for a season if you yield to the sin in your heart. And you are engaged in a warfare and required to employ the power of God.


Verse 14, "For we are made partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast unto the end. While it is said today if you will hear His voice," I will hear in Christ today, brethren, "harden not your hearts as in the provocation." Well, why would you harden your heart? If God looks upon you and says I see rebellion, and you say not me, that's not God speaking to me, you have hardened your heart. If God speaks to you through another believer, through a prophet and comes to you with a correction that He requires of you and you will not at the very least say to that person I shall submit this issue to the Lord, and I pray that if your word is of God that it be quickened to me. Brethren, you are required at the very least if someone that you respect is a believer, or not even a believer, you know, God could send a heathen to you. Did you know that God could send a heathen to you with a word about something that He wants you to work on? Brethren, any form of criticism that comes into you, for your own sake, go before the Lord and say Father, if it's You, I want to submit to it. If it's You, I'll take the correction. And if you can't do that and it is God and you turn the word away, you've hardened your heart, and you could die in the wilderness because you've left Christ and are now abiding in the mind of Adam, which is ruled by Satan. Glory to God.


Verse 16, "For some when they had heard did provoke or rebel. Some people heard the word of the Lord and they said no, not me. I won't submit to that deliverance. I don't believe in having demons cast out of me. I don't believe I have that demon. I don't want to change. I don't want to do it your way. I thought it was going to be easy. I don't want to make the effort. He can't talk to me like that. No one has the right to treat me like that. You've hardened your heart, brethren. For some when they had heard the word of the Lord did provoke or rebel. Albeit not all that came out of Egypt by Moses but with whom was he grieved for the years. Was it not with them that had sinned whose carcasses fell into the wilderness and to whom swear -- there's the swearing again -- he that they should not enter into His rest but to them that believe not. So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief, and if you yield to the sin in your heart when God comes to you with correction, you are rebelling and you shall die in the wilderness.


I hope I made that clear. Under the old covenant, man had no choice. There were only two men that were -- to whom were imparted the mind of Christ. The others had no choice. They died for lack of belief. In this covenant we have a choice. We can throw ourself on the mercy of God and ask Him for the ability to abide in Christ and the safest way to do that is to examine yourself every day, confess your sins, repent and submit for deliverance. I was in this conversation with someone last week about a personal matter in my life. And I was really surprised at what they said, and I started resisting it. And I recognized the spirit of rebellion in myself. I really thought that their counsel to me was wrong, but I resisted it. And I did put it before the Lord. I realized I was not even considering what they were saying to me. And I stopped and I did pray about it, and I did send it to the Lord. And it just so happens that at least in this hour, unless I hear from the Lord, I've decided that what I had felt about the issue I was going to stay with that. But I did submit it to the Lord. Brethren, I don't care where the correction comes from. If you really want to go on with God, you have to ask yourself if this isn't true because we're under judgment, brethren, the judgment that is going to cause Christ to appear in us. Hallelujah.


So I said all that to say this, that the spiritual significance of the angel swearing is that this is the new covenant manifestation of being in a wilderness. The wilderness is spiritual, and we are not entering into a natural land of Canaan, but we are entering into the kingdom of God. And it's available to everyone that Jesus Christ is calling in this hour, and it will eventually be available to every member of the living soul. But it can be stolen from us if we yield to the sins in our heart. And if we fall away, and we perish in the wilderness, what that means is that we will be grouped together with the people living today to whom this promise is not being offered. And I'm not going to get into, on this message, what happens to all those people. If you've never heard another message, write to me. I'll get you some messages on it.


OK. Let's go on. Verse 6 of Chapter 10 of the Book of Revelation, and the angel swear by Him, the Father, that liveth forever and forever who created all those things. I'm going to skip over it because it confuses the issue -- that there should be no time any longer. Now this word ever and ever -- well, first of all, the word liveth is the Greek word zao, and it means -- it's 2198 and that [?zaoy?] life -- and we did a whole teaching. And think it's somewhere in the 18 series on the meaning of zaoy life. And zaoy, it's a Greek work, zaoy, and it means basic life. It simply means alive. And, brethren, I remind you that natural man is alive. He is dead. Natural man is dead. And I declare to you at the risk of persecution that we, too, are dead. We have received the promise of life. But if you're still abiding in the carnal mind in any manner, shape or form, if you're sick, if you have destruction in your life, if you share -- partake in any of the problems of this realm, brethren, you are abiding in death.


You have received the promise of life, but you have not entered in yet. Life is where? Life is in the son, so really enter into life, we have to enter into the kingdom of God. We have to enter into the soul of Christ permanently to say that we're alive. We have received the promise, brethren. We have to enter in. Glory to God, so the one that lives, the one that has life is God Almighty. It's the Father. All life is in the son. He's granted to the son that all life should be in Him, that if we want to enter into life, we have to enter in through the son. But the one that has life to give is the Father, and the reason that the Father has given, that the life is in the son is that the Father has given the life unto the son. I should've put down that scripture for you. I know it's in John, but I don't know where it is. So I'm going to keep on going.


But it says and this is the record, that God has decided to give life unto men. I'm paraphrasing -- and that that life is in His son. And to partake of that life we must become one with His son. And, brethren, I declare to you that the most spiritual person I know in the church has no more than his big toe into the soul of Jesus Christ. I'll declare to you. Maybe he's got his foot in. I just have my big toe in. Brethren, we're not there yet. Snap out of it because you can't enter in when you think you've got it. You've got to admit you don't have it, so forget it. Glory to God. Help them Father.


So -- and we swear by Him that liveth forever and ever. Now [UNINTELLIGIBLE] He swear by Him that liveth forever and ever. Okay. This word for, it's a wrong translation that really should be translated to. If you look up the word for in Strong's, it's not the Greek word that's printed in the interlinear. The Greek word that's printed in the interlinear is translated to. It's Strong's 1519, and it can be translated either to or into. And swear by Him that liveth into ever and ever. Well, what in the world does that mean? The word ever is Strong's 165. It's the Greek word aion. It means age, and although the translation in English says ever and ever, if you look at it in the Greek, it says age of the ages. When we're one age, one word is singular and the other word is plural. So what it's really saying is when you swear by him that liveth into the age of the ages. And I suggest to you that the age of the ages simply means the age that is greatest of all the ages. We know that the Song of Solomon is the Song of Songs meaning that it is the song that is the greatest of all songs.


One of the titles of Jesus is that he is the King of Kings, and who were the other kings? We shall all be kings and priests in Him, but Jesus is the king of all the kings. Well this is the age of all the ages. It's the greatest of all the ages, so what it's really saying is Verse 6, and this is where the angels swear by who, the Father, the one that has life that was living into the age of the ages. Well, what does that mean? And Christ swear by the living one even the Father who is extending His life into the realm of time. Now I declare to you, brethren, trying, I didn't put up the board today. The Father has life. The realm of time is death. The way God is saving the realm of time is that He is literally injecting Himself into the realm of time. The Father is life. He is entering into time, and because He is God, when He enters into this realm of death, it shall be made alive.


Let me give it to you in the reverse. You can have living people, a family of people, when disease, when pestilence enters into the family, it brings death. Something is entering into the realm of time and imparting life to it. Should I get out the board? Are there people not understanding, or is this outside? I'm really up against a wall today. Should I put up the board? Anybody? Do you understand what I'm saying? You understand, or you want me to put up the board? You understand? OK. This is the realm of death, and there is an element. There is a gaseous substance. There is a spirit that is entering into this realm, but it is not going to destroy. It's going to reverse everything that this realm is and is going to impart life to it.


So this verse that says, "And the angel swear by the Father," the one that has life into the age of the ages. Glory to God. And Christ swore by the living one even the Father, who is extending His life into the realm of time. That's what it means. Glory to God. And the angel swear by the Father, the one that has life who is entering into. He's entering into the age of the ages. Glory to God. He's bringing life into the age which is the greatest of all ages. And why is it the gre- -- the age that is -- why is this age greater than all the other ages? Because it's the age in which the souls and bodies of men will no longer corrupt. It's the age that the light shall dawn upon the darkness of this realm of hell. It's the age that the light of Almighty God shall be shined upon the hearts of mankind. It's the age of deliverance. It's the age of salvation. It's the age of the death of death. And it is therefore the greatest of all ages. And the angel, Christ, swear by the one who liveth, the Father who is entering into the age of the ages and granting life. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


OK. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Now I wanted to give you a witness on that, 2 Peter 1:1, "That at this last age is an everlasting age, for so an entrance shall be administered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." We are entering into the age of the kingdom. How? Because the spirit of the Father, the one who has life who was in His Christ has entered, is entering and shall enter into our hearts. And He's going to enter in like a mustard seed, and He's going to grow. And He's going to fill the entire earth of our soul. And He's going to utterly overtake and swallow up every manifestation of death in our souls. He's entering in, and therefore life shall come to you. And life shall come to me. Glory to God. Hallelujah. And it's going to be everlasting age, and we're entering in one at a time, brethren, one at a time. Glory to God.


OK, "And swear by Him that liveth forever and ever who created heaven and the things that are therein and the earth and the things that are therein and the sea and the things which are therein." The word created is Strong's 2936, and it means the original manufacturer. It means to form originally. God is the originator of mankind. I watched the most terrible program on evolution the other night. God told me to watch it, and I learned something very important. Of all of these years that I've known about evolution, that I haven't, you know, that I have the opinions, whatever opinions I have on it, I never realized that what these evolutionists were really saying when they say that man has evolved from animals is this, that if we evolved from animals, there therefore was no fall. I never realized that the theory of evolution denies the fall of man, and if you can deny the fall of man, you can deny the wickedness and the evil and the corruption of man's heart. And if you can deny that, you deny the need for a savior. I never knew that. Did anybody here know that? I never knew that. I knew that it wasn't scriptural what they were preaching. And I know that it came from an antichrist mind, but I never realized that the subliminal, ultimate effect of this wicked doctrine was to teach men that they are OK, that they have never fallen and that they do not need salvation, wicked. Glory to God.


OK, and He swear by Him that liveth forever and forever who created heaven, earth and the sea and things that are therein. Now the heaven I've declared here typifies a vehement spirit that's in heaven. The earth, the soul is in the earth, and the soul is the mind, will and emotion or the conscious mind of men. And that's made of earth and the sea is the corporate living soul typifying the unconscious minds of men, even Satan himself who manifests through every man on the face of the earth except those that are completely translated into Christ. Brethren, if you are not 100 percent in Christ, Satan is operating in your mind. And if you're anywhere where I am, he has great power.


And don't tell me all you preachers out there that preach this message that I'm double minded. I am as single minded towards Christ as I am capable of being in this hour. And I'm not going to lie and use mind control to deny something that's very real in my own mind, and no one looks more forward to the day than me that I am single towards Christ. But I'm not going to make it come to pass by mind control. There's a lot of power in my life. I'm not over it, and I look forward to my deliverance. I'll tell you God gave me a day off yesterday. He sent me to the beach. I was praising God. I've been so afflicted in my mind. I was just praising Him and thanking Him. I felt wonderful, and I was coming in to go to work. I had worked in the morning. I had taken four hours off in the afternoon, and I was planning on finishing my workday as soon as I got home. Brethren, the minute I got into the house I was so sick, I couldn't get off the couch for the rest of the night, sick. And I woke up this morning, and I was just as ill. I must've prayed a prayer that caused God to have mercy on me because it just lifted off of me. I pray all kinds of prayers. I rebuked it. I asked God to help me. I prayed everything. I don't know what did it. All I know is that it went. He just had mercy on me. Do you hear what I'm saying? God gave me the most victorious four hours, and within a minute after I came home I was too sick to do anything. It's called retaliation, and it came right from Satan in my own mind. And don't tell me I'm double towards God. Well, I am, but that's my spiritual condition, and I'm not going to change it by lying about it. Glory to God. He's too powerful, and I'm waiting for God to deliver me out of this power. I hope it's real soon.


So, what have we got here? Glory to God. What have we got here? "And Christ swear by the living one, even the Father, who was extending His life into the realm of time, the one who originally manufactured the human spirit, the conscious minds of men, which is the human soul and the unconscious mind of man, even Satan. And Christ swore by the living one that there should be time no longer. Well, what does that mean? The word time is Strong's 5550, and it means opportunity, that there should be opportunity no longer. Opportunity for what? Well, first of all, Webster says that opportunity is a favorable juncture of circumstances, a good chance for advancement or progress. Well, the angel was swearing by the life of His Father that there was going to be no more favorable juncture of circumstances or good chances for advancement of progress of what. I suggest to you, brethren, of Satan's world. And I remind you that this whole creation was sold under sin up until the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Satan has legal authority over the living soul and over the realm of appearance. He was defeated in the heavenlies 2,000 years ago, and the hour is at hand for that spiritual victory to be imparted to every living human being on the face of the earth. Glory to God. Come quickly Lord Jesus.


And I declare to you that this little angel, not lit- -- do you know that I -- all of the labels on that message I typed up little angel and it's mighty angel? And there's something in my mind that keeps calling him a little angel. I rebuke you. He is the mighty angel of the Lord, Jesus Christ. And He is swearing by the only one that's greater than Him, His Father, the one that has life that Satan shall no longer have the opportunity to reign and rule by death in your life and in my life. Hallelujah. Glory to God. And the word longer, that there should be time no longer, that word longer means henceforth or hereafter, that after this time he's not going to have the power of death anymore. That's Strong's 2089, longer. It means hereafter, that there should be opportunity, that there should be no opportunity hereafter, no opportunity for Satan to kill you. He's had a lot of opportunity, brethren.


Alternate Translation, Revelation Chapter 10, Verse 6, "And Christ swore by the living one, even the Father, who was extending His life into the realm of time, the one who originally manufactured the human spirit, the conscious minds of men," which is the human soul, "and the unconscious mind of man, even Satan, that his opportunity to rule over men should not continue any longer." Jesus Christ has manifested His sons. He's imparted righteousness to them and equipped them to bring judgment on the living soul with the express intent and purpose of cutting off and utterly destroying Satan's opportunity to kill men. Hallelujah.


That's not man's judgment, brethren. Man's judgment would burn you in hell forever. Let's preach the true, living God. He wants to be revealed to men in this hour. He's not a killer. He's a giver of life, but He gives life because we are chaste in Him because if He didn't chasten you, you'd be a bastard. And his chastening is love, and it is life. Glory to God.

Verse 7, "But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound the mystery of God should be finished as He has declared to His servants, the prophets." But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, that word but, it's Strong's 235. It can also be translated indeed, and we're going to use it that way in the scripture. Indeed in the days of the voice of the seventh angel -- glory to God -- the mystery of God should be finished. And apparently the mystery -- the finishing of the mystery of God is associated with Satan's power being cut off. So let's find out what this is saying. "But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel," the word days I remind you are time periods in which the light appears. And this is a plural word. I checked it out in the Greek, and I asked the Lord why it should be plural and what He said to me is that it's plural because it's happening in each member of the living soul individually. So He made it plural. I also ask you to note that the word voice is singular. "But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel," there's going to be one voice. It's going to be sounding in the realm of the spirit, and it's going to enter into the heart of every man to which the light is being revealed.


The word voice I remind you really means sound. It's either the sound of a beast or language. It doesn't -- it's going to come forth in preaching, but to some people it's going to come forth by the realm of the spirit. The concept is that it's going to be a disclosure of information. It's going to be a sound, and it's going to be heard. But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, seven meaning the number of completion, and the angel is the -- this -- is the one that's blowing the trumpet. And we know that we've gone through seven angels with seven trumpets and we have determined when we started the first trumpet that what they were doing with the blowing the trumpet means to sound the alarm and to bring forth warning. Glory to God. "But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound." Now this word begin, this is very interesting. It's Strong's 3195, and it does mean begin to sound. When I read begin to sound, what it means to me is that the sounding has started, but according to this Greek word, the sounding has not started. It really means to intend to sound, to be about to sound, but it has not actually begun.


And I'm going to tell you when we read an alternate translation of this verse, we're going to find out that it's a very indefinite verse. When, about the time that the trumpet sounds, very indefinite, and Jesus said no man knows the time of the end except the Father. Even Jesus didn't know, and I believe that the reason for this is that it's going to take thousands of years for every vessel on the face of the earth to receive the salvation. God cannot impart the time to man because men will go crazy with it. Their carnal minds will use it for destructive purposes. And as I see the rate of this salvation progressing, I personally believe it's going to take thousands of years for it to touch every member of the living soul. I could be wrong. That's my opinion. Now whether or not the sons of God that are -- to whom righteousness is imparted, whether or not they're going to live indefinitely because once we become righteous, our bodies and our souls should stop corrupting. The soul than sinneth, it shall die. If there's no sin in your heart, there's no reason for your soul or your body to die. So there's every possibility that that first fruits company that's caught up to that high place in God will be alive for the thousands of years that it's going to take to minister this salvation to the entire living soul. But I have to tell you that God has not clearly spoken that to me. It just seems to make sense right now. I don't have a clear word from Him on it.


So this is what we're dealing with, "but in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound," -- well, he's getting ready to sound -- "the mystery of God should be finished." Well, this word mystery is Strong's 3466, and it's through the idea of silence imposed for initiation to religious rites. Well, what does mean? It means that we don't really fully understand the plan of God, that we need silence. Mystery means silence. We've been denied marriage. Why? Because we're being initiated into religious rights. That means we're absolutely abject beginners. We can't get any more beginner than to be an initiate. So if you've got your head all lifted up in the clouds, and you really think you're something special, I call your attention to the scripture. And I remind you that you are an initiate that has not even received the full knowledge of the plan of God. We are very lowdown, brethren. We're at the beginning.


And Webster says that initiate means to instruct in the rudiments or principles of something, rudiments meaning basics. We're being instructed in the basics, brethren, to introduce, to induct into membership by or if by special rights to begin. What we're going through, all of our dancing and singing and instruction and teaching, these are the beginning instructions into the kingdom of God, the beginning. And Webster also says that initiate means that it is implies the taking of a first step of a process or series that is to continue. This is the first step.


We're way down at the bottom, brethren, and -- "but in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished." Now, this word, the sound, it's 4537. I think we had it once before, and it means to blast a trumpet. But it's through the idea of reverberating. And reverberation, that's what happens when you play a guitar or a violin. The strings vibrate, and we know that vibration is the method by which spirit moves. And I'm suggesting to you that if the trumpet be spiritual and if it be a message, it be a spiritual message. And the way it's going to reach your ears and my ears is that it's going to vibrate through the realm of the spirit. So in the days that the angel shall begin to sound, in the days that the angel shall be preparing to vibrate forth by his spirit with this message. It's what it's saying. The mystery shall be finished. And the word finished, it means to conclude, the perform or to accomplish. Glory to God.


Alternate Translation, Revelation 10:7, those first two phrases, "Indeed, in the time period when the angel, announcing the completion of the warfare against the living soul and the time of his redemption and of his restoration to the spiritual realm of God," that is the blasting of the trumpet, "Even in the time period when the light shall be revealed to men," -- whenever that happens -- "whenever that disclosure shall be about to vibrate forth, the first step of the process by which we are entering into the kingdom of God may be concluded." Now notice the tense of that verb, “may be concluded.” Everything's so indefinite. Do you hear this? "Indeed in the time period when that disclosure shall be about to vibrate forth, the mystery of God may be concluded." Very indefinite, and I repeat. The reason for it is it's going to take a very long time to touch the last man that's still manifesting the carnal mind on the face of the earth.


OK, the last phrase is, and this is the last verse we did tonight, "as He has declared to His servants, the prophets" -- "as he has declared." Why don't I read the whole verse? Verse 7, "But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished as He has declared" -- as who has declared -- "as God has declared to His servants, the prophets." And the word servant is Strong's 1401. It means a female slave, and I remind you that every man in relationship to God is female. If you're a woman or if you're a man, you're female in relationship to God. And the word declared is Strong's -- I have it here as 097. That must be wrong. It means to preach the gospel or to declare the good news. And the word prophet is an inspired speaker or a foreteller that speaks the words of the Lord.


Alternate Translation, Revelation 10:7, "Indeed, in the time period when the angel, announcing the completion of the warfare against the living soul and in the time of his redemption and of his restoration to the spiritual realm of God," -- that's the blowing of the seventh trumpet, "Even in the time period when the light shall be revealed to men, whenever that disclosure shall be about to vibrate forth, the first step of the process by which we are entering into the kingdom of God may be concluded as the Lord has revealed to His people through the men who serve Him and through whom He speaks." This message is in the prophets, brethren. There's a time coming that the seventh angel is going to send forth a message into the realm of the spirit, and it's going to vibrate forth into the minds of the men to whom the light has been revealed. And the mystery of God, the beginning step, the first phase of your salvation will have been completed. Do you hear this? Even if they're entered into the kingdom, it's the first step -- first phase of this thing.


And we've talked about this before, and the witness to it is in 1 Corinthians 15:23 to 28, "Every man in his own order. Christ, the first fruits, afterward they that are Christ that is coming. Then cometh the end" -- that's the second step [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- "have delivered up the kingdom to God." Who? Christ has delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father, "when He shall have put down all rule and all authority and power." For he who? Christ "must reign until He has put all enemies under his feet." Now who are his enemies? Natural man -- "the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death." That's the unconscious mind of men -- "for He has put all things" for who? The Father "has put all things" under who? Christ -- "it is manifest that He has accepted" who? The Father "which did put all things under Him." Who? Christ. The Father is not going under the feet of Christ because the Father is the one that put everything under Christ in the first place. So even though Christ has subdued all of His enemies, there's still someone greater than Him.


Verse 28, "And when all things shall be subdued unto Christ, then shall the son also Himself be subject unto Him." Who? The Father that put all things under Christ, that God might dwell in all. So there's two steps. The first step is that Christ shall subdue the entire creation, and the second step is that He shall offer it up to the Father. Naturally -- my bad, I'm going to make that three steps. I'm sorry. "That every man in his own order. Christ, the first fruits" -- and I believe the sons of God are one with Christ. That's the first fruit -- "afterward, they that are Christ that is coming," and I believe that those are the people that have the law of Christ written on their heart. We've talked about this in recent messages. After the sons of God are raised up, this message is going to be preached from the spirit of the sons of God. And where are those people out there that have Christ that are not -- he's not manifesting in them right now. They are those who are Christ that is coming. They're going to get raised up, and then cometh the end. That's everybody else that's not in either the categories of the sons of God or those that have the law of God written on their heart. Then everyone else is going to become subdued by Christ.


That's three parts to the first stage. We'll do it that way. This is being -- the mystery of God is in two parts, the first part being in three stages. Christ will manifest. Those are who Christ that is coming shall be raised up to righteousness and the balance of the living souls shall be raised up to righteousness. And all enemies shall be put under Christ's feet. And then the second stage of the mystery of God is that Christ shall offer the kingdom up to the Father, and God shall be all in all. Hallelujah.


A recap, Revelation 10, Verses 5 to 7, " And the Christ which I saw exercising authority over the unconscious, satanic mind of man and judging the conscious minds of men purged His sons from all sin and raised them up into the high realm of God's spirit where His authority to judge the living soul was given to them. And Christ swore by the living one, even the Father, who was extending His life into the realm of time, the one who originally manufactured the human spirit, the conscious minds of men, which is the human soul and the unconscious mind of man, even Satan, that his opportunity to rule over men should no -- should not continue any longer. Indeed, in the time period when the angel, announcing the completion of the warfare against the living soul and the time of his redemption and of his restoration to the spiritual realm of God, even in the time period when the light shall be revealed to men, whenever that disclosure shall be about to vibrate forth, the first step of the process by which we are entering into the kingdom of God may be concluded as the Lord has revealed to His people through the men who serve Him and through whom He speaks."

Glory to God. Any questions to put on tonight's message? Anybody? Glory to God. Thank you Jesus. Hallelujah.


04/17/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

04/18/14 1st Edit BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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