050 - 1 Part



The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


I know someone that gets the tapes to this ministry that does not attend the meetings. These people that get the tapes that do not attend the meetings, they are always behind us because when you listen to this teaching under the anointing, you absorb it much faster than when you just stay in your home and get the tapes. I have not seen any exception to this rule at all.


If you are on a regimen, if you are involved in a discipline that you come here twice a week, or now, hopefully, Lord willing, three times a week, you just stay with the clip, you stay with the clip, you stay with the clip, and if you do not understand something one week, well, I repeat myself so much, even if you never get 100% of it (any college course you take, you never get 100% of it), so do not feel bad if you do not. These people that study at home, they never go that fast unless they are a real exception. I used to, but apparently God was just stretching my muscles to prepare me for ministry, but I do not know anybody else, nobody that gets the tapes is up to us. They are all way behind us, way behind us.


Someone called. They are up to Tape #27, Thy Neighbor's Landmark, which is about one of the tapes on multiple incarnations, and maybe we will go over this tonight. I remember that this sister had asked this question, I had two primary tapes on multiple incarnations, and there is a shade of difference. I do not know if it is on a tape, but I remember that you asked the question, "How do you put the two together?"


The teaching that is on Thy Neighbor's Landmark, if you recall, that is the teaching about the fact that Jesus Christ was propelled into the earth with all of the spiritual Sons of God in Him. He was joined to the intelligence in the earth, and He became the living soul. That living soul is an unseen spiritual entity. You can liken Him to the roots of the tree that are under the ground, you cannot see Him. When He wants to appear in the realm of appearance, He incarnates in a human being.


He is a supernatural entity that appears on the face of the earth in a many-membered body. Just like the body of Christ is a many-membered body, fallen adam is a many-membered body. Glory to God. We taught on this tape, "Thy Neighbor's Landmark," that we know that the whole human race is cursed. Why? Anybody? Why is the human race cursed?


He is cursed because of the fall, and he fell because of sin, and because he is cursed, his body and his soul dies after a season. The soul that sinneth it shall die, and when the soul dies, the body cannot stay alive. The Scripture describes the body as a skin sack, literally, brethren, a water sack, a sack that holds the water of the spirit, it really has a life of its own, but that life cannot exist unless it has a soul and a spirit. Once the soul dies the body dies, and the soul that sinneth it shall die.


We have fallen adam, an invisible spiritual entity, which is the mind of man ruled by the spirit of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, appearing in the realm of appearance, and a many-membered body, many human beings. He can be likened to a tree. The mind of man is not seen, it is the roots of the tree that are underground. The soul of man is likened unto the tree trunk and the branches. When I say that the mind of man is unseen, I mean the unconscious mind which is Satan. The personality or the conscious mind is seen. Who remembers how the personality is seen? In our words, thoughts, and deeds.


We know who is operating in that person's mind by what they say, unless they are deliberately trying to deceive us. Although a tree can live for a hundred or more years, eventually trees do die, and I am going to suggest to you that the soul of man seen in the realm of appearance, in the personality, is dying because it is cursed, but it is dying very slowly.


Now, there is a living soul that died. God created a living soul. There is a little bit of that in you, and there is a little bit of that in me. If I die or if you die, the living soul that died is still alive in all of the other members of the living race. The living soul, although it is cursed unto death because of sin, it has died in that it is separated from God, but it has not yet ceased to exist because it is dying slowly. So long as there is one human being on the face of the earth in which fallen adam, the living soul that died, is manifesting, that soul that is cursed unto death shall not have completely died.


COMMENT: The soul goes on to the next generation?


PASTOR VITALE: Amen, it is just divided, we are one living soul that died.


COMMENT: Explain again about the soul. The Bible says, "The soul that sins shall die." Could you just explain that one more time?


PASTOR VITALE: The Bible...I just want to preface that with this statement. The biggest problem that man has is that we are very self-centered. The fancy word is narcissistic. We are very self-centered, and we tend to think that we are much more important than we are. When we read a Scripture that says, "The soul that sinneth, it shall die," we think it means that if Joe Blow sins, that soul is going to die. That is not really what it means. There is only one soul, we are members of one living soul. The true meaning of that Scripture is that the living soul that sinneth, which was and is fallen adam, shall die. God smote him when God separated from him, but he is still dying very slowly, just like that other man's ministry that we were talking about.


It is taking him thousands of years to descend to the point of death. Even though if an individual dies, and that man's human soul dies, it is true that the human soul that sins is going to die, but the true spiritual significance of that Scripture, "The soul that sinneth, it shall die," is that fallen adam must die. The whole living soul that died that is manifesting, in this hour, in billions of members must die.


Let me put that on the tape. We have someone in the congregation that said, "But it does not really die, because Christ's soul is on top of it crushing it." Yes, it is relegated unto death. The judgment of death has been pronounced upon the living soul that died, and unless God intervenes it will die. God's mercy is his Son that is going to impart righteousness to the living soul that died, giving it life. That is the supernatural miracle that is the mercy of God, but if God did not intervene, the living soul shall die. It shall die, it is going to die, it is going to be...well, let me put it this way. If Christ did not intervene it would die in accordance with the standards of the soul realm, which means it would cease to exist.


Almighty God, everything He touches He imparts life to. When God kills, it is made alive in a new form. For all intents and purposes the living soul that died shall die. It shall never be seen again in the form that we know it now, in this fallen state, in this sin-riddled state. It shall neither rise again, as you asked the question several weeks ago, it shall neither rise again in the state of innocence that it was in before the fall, but it shall live in a new form having been totally domesticated like the wild beast that it is, reigned in, brought into servitude to Christ. It shall live in servitude to Christ.


To the mind of man, to me, that strikes terror in my heart, but to be a slave of Almighty God is greater than to have the best that this realm can offer. Glory to God. That is the reality of it; we shall live in another form. All of the identifying characteristics of the living soul that died shall cease to exist. For all intents and purposes, we shall die. Did I answer your question?


This tape, "Thy Neighbor's Landmark," is the truth about fallen adam. He is a mind, he is a living soul that died. His unconscious mind is likened to the roots of the tree, and his conscious mind is likened to the trunk and the branches, which have a very long life but do eventually die, and his appearance in men on the face of the earth is likened unto the leaves of trees.


Now, the life of the leaves is very short lived, much shorter lived than the roots, or the trunk, or the branches. They come forth just for a season, and they wither and they die, and the next season the tree puts out new leaves. They are not the same leaves. The leaves that lived and died are dead, and people that work in sync with the earth will take those leaves, and chop them up, and make mulch out of them. They will spread them on the earth, hoping for them to decompose and revitalize and put minerals and life back into the earth, but those leaves will never rise again


I am suggesting to you that the leaves typify the bodies that appear in the realm of appearance, and that human soul, that individual personality that makes you who you are, not the part of you that is a part of the corporate living soul that died, but the part of you that makes you the individual that you are, and I suggest it shall never rise again. This is a very controversial subject, and I think I mentioned this to you once before.


Of all the preachers today that I know, the one that, in my opinion, is walking in this revelation to the greatest extent that I know of is this brother. I read one of his newsletters recently, and he made this statement. He had this revelation that the soul that sinneth, it shall die, and that we are not going to be seeing everybody in the by and by. The only thing that survives this life is the spirit.


What I am saying to you is that fallen adam, the living soul that died, has manifested in you. He is in the earth. The living soul that died has never left the earth. From the time that he was propelled into the earth, he has never left the earth. When the soul and the body that he is manifesting in wears out, if ten million people die in a holocaust, fallen adam is still appearing in the earth in the balance of the members of the living soul that died that appear in the earth.


It is like taking your body and saying, "I am going to kill you," and go to a person and you cut off their arms, and you cut off their legs, and you cut off their ears, you cut off their nose, you take one of their kidneys, but they are still alive. They may be utterly crippled, they may be utterly deformed, but they are still alive. As many members of the living soul that died are destroyed, fallen adam is not dead until every last member of the living soul that died has either been destroyed, or what is going to happen to everybody? Resurrected into Christ. They are going to be translated into Christ. He will not be completely dead until the day that fallen adam does not appear in one vessel on the face of the earth.


What am I saying? There is one spiritual entity, there is one living soul that died, he is in the earth, and because man has been cursed the bodies and the souls that fallen adam is appearing in die, so he has to keep generating new souls and new bodies, but there is really just one entity in the earth.


You look out across the face of the earth, look at the billions of people, and what you are looking at is God's creation, fallen adam, the living soul that died. All of us together are one soul, but the earth has been divided. We went into that in more detail in one of the earlier tapes. The earth was divided, we have been separated into lots. The Old Testament talks about lots many times. There was one living soul that died, and we are unfolding like this plant over here, and it keeps giving off new leaves. New babies are born, and we keep on unfolding. The leaves die, you pull them off of the plant, but the life of the plant still lives.


Here I am preaching this, that there is just one living sou that died in the earth, and then on another tape, I think it is Tape #32, Part 4, I teach multiple incarnations. Well, what is reappearing? Well, the spirit is reappearing. I completely forgot how to reconcile the two doctrines, and I had to take out Tape #32, Part 4, and restudy it, and I did it just this week and through it, God reminded me how I could reconcile the two doctrines. Now, I have to remember how I reconciled the two doctrines, I just reviewed it the other night.


Well, in the living soul that died, there is a piece of God. It is the human spirit. Glory to God. It is the human spirit, and that is what is specifically of Christ. We know the Scripture says that when a man dies the soul and the body returns to the dust from which it is made, but the spirit is gathered unto its fathers, the spirit is gathered unto the fathers. Now, the word is not the Father, God in heaven, the spirit is gathered unto the fathers, and when you look that word up in the Greek, it means that it is gathered unto its original ancestor.


Well, if there is a human spirit that is of God that is in every man, who is his original ancestor? Who is the original ancestor even of the living soul that died? Who is the original ancestor even of fallen adam? God, Christ. God sent his Son, He propelled His Son into the earth, which the Scripture really says, "He propelled His Son into the dust," which was gray and without life, and when Jesus Christ was joined to the gray lifeless dust in which Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, dwelled there was an intelligence in that dust. The dust became ground, the ground out of which fallen adam was formed. It became red, ruddy, alive with the life of Jesus Christ. The original ancestor of every human spirit is Christ. The original ancestor of every human soul is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, the intelligence in the earth. Glory to God.


If the spirit is going to be gathered unto the fathers, where is the original ancestor, where is Christ? He has been made into the living soul that died, has he not? Glory to God. I am going to say that again. The original ancestor of the soulish part of our being is in existence in the earth, which is condemned to death. When this body dies, the soul returns to the dust. The human spirit comes straight from God, that part of the living soul which is Christ, and it is gathered unto its original ancestor, the elements of the living soul that is Christ. Stop me as I go along, does everybody hear this? The human spirit, when the body dies, is gathered to its original ancestor.


The living soul is made up of two parts; Christ and the intelligence in the earth. Christ is one of the components of the living soul that died. When Christ was propelled into the earth, He was propelled into the earth with all of the Sons of God, and He divided himself, and every human vessel that we see has an element of Christ, and an element of the living soul that died in it.


When we die, the soul and the body return to the dust, but that in us which has given us life (we have no life without Christ), that in us which gives this earth of our souls life is gathered unto that part of the living soul which is Christ that is still alive, the root that is not seen, the root that is underneath the earth, the root of the mind of the living soul that is still alive, that is going to be alive, until every last vessel is taken over by Christ. What I am saying is the soul is destroyed, the body is destroyed, and the spirit goes back to the underground root system.


COMMENT: You are saying then, the living soul is in that one personality, that person is Jesus Christ.


PASTOR VITALE: Amen, you got ahead of me but that is true, that is true, that is what I am getting at. You jumped way ahead of me, that is what I am getting at. I am going to go over it slowly though. Let me get this question over here.


COMMENT: When you said the soul is destroyed, I remember when you said one time that it goes back into the lump, now how is that different?


PASTOR VITALE: Well, maybe I said it wrong, let me try it again. I did preach that, okay? The soul that sinneth, it must die, but it is the corporate soul that is dying slowly.


There is an entity. It is called the living soul, it is unseen, and we are likening it to the root system of a tree. It is in two parts. When one member dies, the soul returns to the lump, it goes back to the earth. It is destroyed from the earth, it is no longer in the realm of appearance, and it goes back to that part of the living soul that is the dust. The human spirit, the soul, dissolves.


I am really glad you asked these questions, because sometimes I do not explain myself, and if you understand it in a manner that I do not mean, then you run with it for the next three months, and then I have to unteach you everything that you learned that I did not mean to teach you in the first place. Please ask me these questions.


When I said it was destroyed, what I meant was the personality is dissolved never to rise again. That was the idea that I was trying to give, but the substance from which the personality was formed does go back to the lump. It goes back to the unseen entity, and it is the living soul which we are likening to the root system of this tree.


Does anybody know what the name of the tree is? The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, that is Adam, right. He is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The root system, the unseen system is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and Adam is the personality that goes back to that lump when it dies. What has given this lump life is the fact that Christ has been joined to him. Now, this gets very confusing, I just want to remind you of this, I want to remind you that the living soul is the fallen son of God.


COMMENT: When He told him not to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, this is when they were spirit. Before they became soul, He told them?


PASTOR VITALE: No, they were soul already.


COMMENT: If the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is them, then how did he tell them not to eat of it?


PASTOR VITALE: What God meant, when He said that He had created an entity called the living soul, it was not in a human body. It was made up of who we are. What are the three parts?


It was made up of Adam, Eve, and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. Adam, the conscience and conscious mind. Satan, the unconscious mind. Eve, the human spirit, who was utterly without conscience, without knowledge, indefensible and naive, specifically designed to be fertilized by a spirit and reproduce a child and reproduce the image of that spirit.


When God said, "Do not eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil," what He meant was, "Do not partake of the spirit that dwells in your own members. You are designed to be Eve. You are designed to be fertilized by God, and bring forth Christ. Adam, you are the conscience, and you are not to let her fornicate with the intelligence in the earth. She is to stay a virgin until the hour that God will fertilize her. Do not partake of your own tree."


I remind you that we are teaching in this ministry another very controversial message, but I believe it from the bottom of my heart that in the early days before the flood, the human beings that appeared on the face of the earth were not in male and female form. They were all the same, and they had both male and female organs. The Scripture says in Genesis, "The fruit trees with seed bearing fruit within itself." Now, I have a couple of, at least one whole tape on this, that I believe the form of the body of mankind before the flood was that everybody was the same, and that everybody had male and female organs. They were fertilized.


Now there is basis for this in our world. There are many plants that fertilize themselves. We have no animals that fertilize themselves, but there are many plants in the plant kingdom that have both male and female organs that fertilize themselves and produce young. We have many teachings on this in the early tapes. I have a whole teaching on it on one of the #18 Series.


If you say to me, "But we are not plants, we are animals," I remind you, and I have this on other tapes too, that God likens us to plants. He calls Himself the husbandman. He likens us to plants, and He likens the life of His Son that is growing in us as a plant. If you cannot receive this, that is okay, you do not have to stop listening to the tapes, or leave the ministry or any thing like that.


I know it is a very tough word, but I prayed about this for years, where did Cain and Abel get their wives from? I have heard all kind of fairy tales and all kinds of theories, and I have prayed about this for years, and I am convinced that God told me that before the flood, I do not know the scientific name, there has to be a scientific name, I do not know what it is, all human beings had the same body. I do not know what they looked like. To be honest with you, I do not know what they looked like, but they had to have a uterus because a uterus brings forth the baby, but there was an apparatus within them that enabled them to fertilize themselves.


If you want to check this out in the Scripture, you will find that Noah's wife's name was not named. God said, "Noah and his wife." She had no name, and Noah's sons and his son's wives, and they had no name. It is not until after the flood that the Scripture starts naming the names of the women.


You check it out, it is the truth. That is easy to check, that God does not start naming the names of the wives until after the flood. Then God starts talking about the descendants of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. I do not remember what chapter of Genesis it is, but when He is talking about their descendants, on at least three occasions, the Lord states, "And in his days the earth was divided." I suggest to you the earth was divided into many members, and it was also divided in that it started producing male and female as separate individuals.


I am suggesting to you that to be a species that has fertilization and reproduction from two different sexual forms is a lower life form. It is a lower life form. We know that man lived for 900 years before the flood. Even though you cannot receive what I am saying, it is okay. It is okay if you do not believe it, you know, but I would hope that you would pray about it. I really would hope that you would pray about it because I am convinced that God told me this, so at the very least, stay with this.


It is a Scriptural fact that something genetic happened to man after the flood. Just look at the Scriptures, men were living 800 and 900 years up until the flood, and after the flood they just went zip, they just went right down the tubes, 400 years, 300 years, 200 years. These days if you live to 90 years old you are doing great.


We are descending physically, we are ascending spiritually, in that Christ is joining himself to us, but we are a descending, dying, creation. I suggest to you that, that change that came after the flood was a degeneration of the human race, and I challenge you in all love to give me a better explanation as to where Cain and Abel got their wives from. Do not tell me they had sisters. I do not want to hear it, it is not true, it is not true, it is really not. Also if you want to study in Genesis, in the early chapters where it says, "In those days, the sons of God looked upon the daughters of men, and they were fair, and they took as many of them as wives as they chose." Are you familiar with that Scripture?


You look up those words, sons and daughters, and it does not mean sons and daughters. If I am not mistaken it is the same word both times, and it means, offspring. It does not mean sons, and it does not mean daughters. It says that the offspring of God looked at the offspring of men, and took as many as wives as they wanted, and I declare to you that the offspring of God was the spiritual man in the creation, and the offspring of man was the soul realm of the creation.


I suggest to you that the incest continued. The incest that started when Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, fertilized Eve continued in the members of the living soul after they appeared in the realm of appearance. The very next Scripture or two, within the very next few Scriptures, it says something about violence. "And violence covered the earth, and they were filled with violence." I am suggesting to you that the incest continued, that the Spirit of God that was in the vessel fornicated with the soul which is the harlot. We have a whole series on it, "Mystery Babylon," how the spirit that is in each vessel, God is requiring to overcome the soul and serve God, and we are just failing for generations.


The spiritual man fornicates with his soul. We have taught that a lot in this ministry, and I am suggesting to you that, that is what that Scripture means, "And they became filled with violence." What does man become filled with? When his spirit becomes filled, when his spirit fornicates with his soul, what does he become filled with? Demons. He becomes filled with demons.


If you want to review it, it is the #32 Series. We have a whole series on it. I think it is six tapes, it is a real good series. I will have you listening to tapes twenty-four hours a day, but that is okay if you do not remember. How I got into this whole message was, I am telling you I do not remember lots of things either, but it is okay. God picked this message for tonight, so he must have a reason for it. I am suggesting to you that the spirit was fornicating with the harlot of the soul of the living soul, and demons were being produced, and man became filled with violence. He became criminal. He became criminal. That is what I am suggesting to you.


Now, let me try and pull this together. Did I answer your question, do you remember what your question was? You asked me that if Adam was the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, how could God say, "You cannot partake of that tree." What God meant was, "You cannot fornicate with Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. I have got him there." I have heard all kinds of questions from Christians; "Well, if God knew that Satan was there, why did He not take him away? Why did He let him be there? Why did He let it happen?"


Brethren, because Satan is going to be the skeleton of the glorified creation. He served a purpose, and, yes, I believe that God knew that Adam would fall, and that is just the way it is going, but the Tree of Life was Jesus Christ. The Lord said to the creation, He said, "Look, here is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, here is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and here is the Tree of Life. Here is God, He is going to fertilize you and bring forth Christ in you." He says, "Do not partake of Satan. Wait for God so that Christ comes forth."


Adam was not strong enough, and he did not protect Eve, and she fornicated with Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and who did she give birth to, anybody? The carnal mind. Amen. When she gave birth to the carnal mind, that was the factor that was necessary for man to appear in the realm of appearance, and get the bodies that we have now which are going to be a part of the ultimate creation of God.


That is why God has such mercy on us because He has certainly subjected the creation to this weakness that we are in. What is that Scripture, He subjected the creation to what? What is the word in the King James? It is what? Well, in the King James it is not futility. Well, it does not matter. The intent of the Scriptures in the Book of Romans, it says, "And He subjected the creation to weakness," and we fell. The reason that He subjected us to weakness was so that we could multiply into many members.


I remind you of Lazarus. Mary said to Him, "Lord, if you just would have gotten here sooner, you could have saved him." Jesus wept. Jesus said, "He will live again," and Mary said, "I know, in the resurrection." Jesus wept. He said, anybody? What did Jesus say? "I am the resurrection." Glory to God! The living soul that died is not lost, Jesus is not late. He has got everything under control, and we shall live again, and He shall live again. The living soul that died shall live again in Christ. Glory to God. Now, we answered that question.


The tree that we are talking about, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, is Adam, and the unseen part of it is likened unto the root system, the unconscious mind and the conscious mind that is unseen. In the realm of appearance, we have the trunk and the branches, which is the personality that manifests through our deeds, and then we have the leaves on the tree which are these bodies and the personalities in the realm of appearance, which are only here for a season and are destroyed in that the personality never lives again, although the substance of which the personality was made goes back into the lump. I answered that question for you.


It is Jesus Christ in the fallen condition which is the female element of the creation. I will just remind you that when God decided to form this creation, He decided that He would have a female element and a male element, and when Jesus Christ was propelled into the earth and joined to the existence in the earth, that was when He became poor so that we could receive His life, and He became the female element of the creation which is the living soul that died, which we are.


What was the question that got me into that, do you remember? You forgot. I am just trying to remember, I am trying to keep my train of thought. Father, help me to hold on to my train of thought. This is a very complicated message. We are saying that when a body dies the body corrupts, it returns to the dust of this realm of appearance. The soul, the personality is destroyed in that it will never rise again, but the substance from which it is made which is the living soul that died, which is Christ humbled, which is the female element of the creation (it is not the glorified Christ), it returns to the substance of which it is made which is the living soul, and the living soul that died is Christ in His poor condition. Jesus became poor that we could become rich.


He gave up all of the wealth of the realm of the spirit to give His life to the earth that man could be formed. He is the female element. Who remembers what the male element is? Do you remember what the male element is? Who is likened to the sperm that is going to fertilize the living soul that died? The Holy Spirit. Amen. Glory to God. The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus Christ, and they are going to have a child. Jesus gave up all of His riches in the realm of the spirit, He gave His life to us, and He became the female living soul. The Holy Spirit is male, and when He fertilizes the human spirit of the living soul, Christ is appearing, and the end of Christ is that He is going to totally swallow up the living soul that died, and only Christ will be seen. That is the end of God's plan. I am trying to stay on the track here.


We are talking about the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and we are talking about what happens to people when they die. Their body disintegrates and returns to the dust of the earth. Their soul, their personality, for this lifetime is destroyed, and the substance from which it is made which is the living soul that died returns to the root, to the lump, to the unseen element of the living soul.


The unseen element of the living soul is in two parts. Does anybody remember? I just mentioned it tonight. The two parts are made of the existence that is in the earth which is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and the son of God that was joined to him. The human spirit is of the Son of God, and it returns to that element of the living soul that is Christ. Is everybody with me? I know it is getting complicated, it is okay if you are not with me.


God is going to just keep telling you til you get it, do not worry about it. I just told you before, I forget myself. They are twisted together like a cord. The son of God that fell into the earth, and the existence in the earth, they are twisted together to the point that they have become one. God breaks it down, just like the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost, and the soul returns to that part of the living soul that is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and the human spirit returns to that part of the living soul that is Christ, and they continue to flow through the earth. They continue to flow through the earth in new souls and new bodies when the spirit comes back to the root system, to the unseen part of the living soul right to the existence that is in the earth. It is still joined to Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. Yes, it is still joined to Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.


Now, this is what God has shown me recently. I am going to try and impart it to you. It is very touchy because the line is very thin.


Now, the living soul that died is divided. When it takes on the flesh, it appears in many different personalities, and those personalities live one lifetime and never live again. The human spirit which is Christ in the living soul is not divided. Christ is not divided, He is one, He is one, and if you recall going back several months I said to you, "I would not know how to recognize you by your spirit. I recognize you by your soul, or your personality, or your appearance." Remember me saying that? I said, "I would not know how to recognize you by your spirit," and the Lord has spoken to me about that, and He said to me, "Christ is not divided." I am going to try and make you understand this, I am going to go very slow.


The reason we are as different as we are is because fallen adam has been dispersed. He is under the curse of Babel. Everybody looks different. We are different colors, we are different ethnic backgrounds, Irish, Jewish, Puerto Rican, English. We are different races, black, white, we speak different languages, we think differently. The whole soul realm is filled with violence, it is a miracle to find a few people that agree. Even people that love each other disagree. Why? We are under a curse of dispersion. God has dispersed the living soul that died and set us one against the other. Man against man, nation against nation and, if it were possible, it would probably be planet against planet.


Christ is not divided. Christ in each and every one of us is in total, perfect agreement. The problem is our soul is manifesting much more so than our spirit. What I am trying to say is that to recognize you by the spirit is to see Christ in you, but if I see Christ in you, and I see Christ in you, you lose your identity. There is no dispersion in Christ. Do you hear me? There is no dispersion in Christ. We are going to be the body of Christ, and when we are pulled together in the exact perfect order, we are going to be one functioning organism in total sync.


COMMENT: Then you totally lose your individuality?


PASTOR VITALE: Well, yes and no. Let me try and make that clearer. I do not believe we are going to be robots, I do not believe we are going to be clones. I believe that Christ is very creative, and He may have one skill manifesting through one believer, and another skill manifesting through another believer just like flowers are in different colors and different variations. Somehow, I may not have an exact vision of it now, but I know that God told me that your spiritual identity is Christ. It is Christ, and I believe there will be variations, variations within this oneness. I cannot make it any clearer than that.


COMMENT: When you talk of that it reminds me of an orchestra, it is all different but they are all in harmony, you know, different instruments but they are in harmony.


PASTOR VITALE: Excellent, thank you for that, yes, excellent. Thank you Lord, faithful Lord, that is what it is going to be, so God has answered that question for me. That is your spiritual identity, and spiritually you can only have one of two identities. Either you are manifesting Christ, or you are manifesting fallen adam. You can have 5,000 people manifesting fallen adam, and they will all be different, but you are still manifesting fallen adam.


When you are manifesting Christ, you are going to be like Jesus was on the mount of transfiguration, and you are going to be in glory, and there will be that subtle variation as in an orchestra, but we will be in total synchronization.


You know, I did not get a chance to mention it. Tonight is Friday, it had to be Wednesday night, the Lord just did not...I guess I was just talking about something else, but the thought came to me, there was such a peace here Wednesday. If you recall, that was the day I came in with such a burden because God had shown me the reprobation of man's mind, and the horrible darkness that was upon it, and there was such a peace in here, and I know that none of us here are perfect except me. Now, none of us here are perfect, and I heard that sister laughing, and yet all of us at the very least, we have the basic problems of mankind, which are pride, rebellion, and envy. God bless you, God bless us all.


Pride, rebellion, and envy, we have all got it, plus God only knows how much other garbage laying on top of it, but when you square root it down to our roots, we have all got pride, rebellion, and envy. In the condition that we are in now, with our pride and with our rebellion and with our envy, there was such a peace here Wednesday night. I saw a group of people, that, at least for that service, were in submission to Christ, they were in submission to His Spirit, and to the move of His Spirit. It was the most beautiful thing that I think I have ever seen. The thought came to my mind if this could be existing with us, and we know where we all are, right, and I am at the head of the list, how far we are from perfection.


Can you imagine a planet of people in submission to Christ, walking down the street saying, "Praise the Lord, God bless you." You know, ministering to one another, not worrying about strangers but just moving under the anointing in total harmony, can you imagine the glory of this? It is very exciting.


I just want to finish my point that I started with earlier, and I am trying to tie together this concept of a spiritual entity, an unseen spiritual entity being in the earth, and never leaving the earth until the end of its program, and who knows what the end of this program is? What is the end of the living soul that died? We have a whole tape, The End of the Commandment. What is the end of the living soul that died? He is going to become Christ. He is a caterpillar that is going to become a butterfly. We are red worms. The Scripture has described us as worms, red worms, flies. We are quite ugly from the spiritual view point, but we shall become butterflies.


The living soul is going to metamorphosize which is an English word and a Greek word. It is a Greek word (metamorphosize). I mean, I cannot pronounce the Greek, maybe it is the same thing in the Greek as it is in the English. We are going to be metamorphosized. We are going to be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, and we shall become a butterfly, which is Christ. That is the end of the living soul that died.


He is going to be...what happens to the caterpillar when the butterfly appears? There is no more caterpillar. He is just completely converted into a new, beautiful flying entity, and we shall soar in the heavenlies, and we shall be beautiful because of Christ's Spirit.


We have an unseen entity dwelling in the earth, and he shall remain, (he is an earth worm, see, he is tunneling under the earth,) and he shall remain in that condition until he is metamorphosized. When the bodies and the souls that he is appearing in wear out, he just takes on new ones. Now, we want to tie this teaching together with multiple incarnations. Well, if the soul dies and never rises again, and it is just one entity appearing in new bodies, how does multiple incarnations fit into this?


The multiple incarnations are of the Spirit. It is of the Spirit. When a man dies, and the spirit that is in him is gathered unto his fathers, he is returned to the living soul; his personality has not been destroyed forever, he is still Christ. The human spirit is Christ even in its unfertilized form, it is Christ in the female element. He is not dispersed. The human spirit is Christ. That personality will rise again.


Now, do not get confused and do not say (well, let me put it to you this way), the human spirit does not manifest. In an unsaved person, you cannot see it manifesting. The living soul that died has utterly covered over the human spirit. Well, God just corrected me, that is not true. We have people in the earth that Paul says are a law unto themselves. The law of mercy, and kindness, and truth, and decency, and honor, and fair play with your fellow man, where does that come out of the fallen living soul? The human spirit is manifesting Christ, Christ. Paul says, "You are a law unto yourself," if you have these qualities.


For whatever reason in your vessel... well, this is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. There are evil vessels, and there are good vessels, and some human beings are born on the face of the earth with an unfertilized human spirit, that for whatever reason the way that God set it up, the qualities of Christ are appearing in the realm of appearance, despite the prompts of the soul and the harlot to fornicate with the endued evil. Christ is still appearing, because this is still the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and in some human vessels, good appears.


COMMENT: You were saying that the human spirit is Christ, and when it manifests it shows good, but how about the people who use their human spirit for evil, like the witches, and Satanic people, etc.


PASTOR VITALE: Well, to the best of my knowledge they do not use the human spirit. They are using the spirit of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, to the best of my knowledge. That witchcraft emanates from the spirit of Satan, not the human spirit.


COMMENT: The human spirit is not you, it is Christ. Is that what you are saying?


PASTOR VITALE: The human spirit is Christ but if I confuse you, tell me, because this is confusing. Christ in man in this hour, the human spirit, has been utterly polluted. She is the harlot of Revelation, but she is still Christ.


What is coming to me now on that Mystery Babylon Series, that Number #32 Series, I remember preaching it to you, but I cannot give it to you word-for-word, that when God talks about that great city, that mighty city, and we looked up all of those words, somewhere in there we found out that God still called her His bride. Despite the fact that she was utterly polluted, and she produced all of the names of blasphemy, and all of this evil in human beings, when the Lord looked at her, He looked at her in her cleansed, purified, and restored condition.


In the Book of the Song of Solomon, there is a verse there where the Lord is telling her, and it is God speaking to the human spirit, He is telling her how beautiful she is, and she says, "How could you look upon me? I have fornicated, I am filthy." If you continue to read, He just ignores her, and He continues to tell her how beautiful she is. It is like a man looking at his wife in a labor room. I do not mean to be vulgar, but you must have some idea of what it is like to have a baby. I know you are not married, you know, but you must have some idea of what it is like.


They have it on TV. The woman lies there, her legs are wide open, there is blood all over her, all kinds of after-birth and garbage pouring out of her, and some men have the greatest love and passion towards their wife in that moment, big belly full of sweat, hair mopped back. Well, that is what we look like to Christ. That is what we look like to Him. We are having His baby, you see, we are filthy, the after-birth is all over us, and we are disgusting, and He says, "That is okay honey, because I am going to take a nice wet warm rag, and I am going to wipe you down, and we are going to rule and reign forever." That is the truth of it.


When despite the fact that the living soul that died or that the human spirit is utterly corrupted, that she has become the harlot of Revelation, and she is producing all of the names of blasphemy, despite all that, every now and then she finds the wherewithal in her vessel to show Christ. Christ seeps through. Can you hear that? The way Paul describes it, is that the law of God is written on their heart. That is the way Paul describes it, but Christ seeps through. The human spirit is Christ. Corrupted or not corrupted, she is Christ. If somebody out there has a daughter, and she becomes a prostitute the father's heart might be broken but it is still his daughter. Prostitute, drug addict, dope addict, or Doctor in Harvard, it is still his daughter, and the Lord has the ability to clean up the human spirit.


Our human spirit is Christ. Christ is not divided, and it is Christ, the human spirit in us. Christ...maybe I should not be saying Christ because I should say Jesus Christ. Well, I do not know what to call it, Lord, because we know that Christ is the offspring of the human spirit and the Holy Spirit. When I say Christ it sounds like I am saying the offspring. I do not mean the offspring. It was the Son of God that was propelled into the earth that is now the human spirit. I should stop saying Christ. The Son of God in his female condition is the human spirit, and He is not divided, He does not have many personalities. You know, the Son of God in each and every one of us is exactly the same.


COMMENT: You taught us that some of us have the seed and others do not, so if the Son of God is all the same in all of us, you know, how does it differ?


PASTOR VITALE: My understanding of this at this time, the teaching about having the root of Christ, the way God showed it to me is that every vessel, every man born is born with a human spirit, but in some cases it is simply not functioning. The word is atrophy. It is like a withered arm. Did you ever see anybody where their arm is there, but it is absolutely useless. It is absolutely useless, and God has not activated it, which means if a person with a human spirit in that condition is exposed to the ministry of Jesus Christ, is exposed to an anointed word, it cannot be fertilized.


I do not know exactly what has to be done to it, it has to be primed, whatever, I am not sure, but this is how God gave it to me. It is not activated, it has not been accessed. We have been teaching that from the book of Revelation, that the living soul has to be accessed. It is just like a woman can have ovaries that do not produce eggs. A woman can have a uterus and ovaries, and she can be barren, she can be unable to produce fruit. There are human beings that are born with a human spirit that is not activated. I really do not have anymore. I do have some idea of why and why not. I will try and explain it to you. I keep trying to get out of all of these complicated questions, and the Lord will not let me.


Some men are born with a human spirit that is not activated, and the way we expressed it was, they did not have the root of Christ. That was how we expressed it, but it is really not activated, or a withered, or a barren human spirit. There are some men born with a human spirit that something has been done to it. That means that if they were to be exposed to an anointed ministry the chances are that their human spirit would be fertilized. As I understand it, this is what the Lord told me.


It is His purpose and His plan that the entire human race should not be fertilized at the same time. It is happening in stages, it is happening in layers. It is His specific intention not to fertilize the billions of people on the face of the earth in this hour. He is just calling forth the sons of God. He has decided that certain numbers of people that come forth, that their human spirit is not activated, He does not want them to be fertilized. It is not their time, it is not their hour.


We have also studied in this ministry that if someone has a withered human spirit, a spiritually barren person, you know they cannot respond at all, and when I say not respond, that does not mean you have to have the baptism of the Holy Spirit. If you can sit under this ministry, if you can hear this word, and you can be blessed by it, you do not have a withered human spirit. If you have a withered human spirit, you could not sit in a ministry like this. You would not want any part of it. You would not even want to hear anything about it at all. If someone like that, somehow by some miracle, hears this word, and they just hear a truth in it, and they want it, and they ask for it, we have been taught here, that to the best of my knowledge, and God only knows, there is a lot I have to learn about all of this, but where I am now, I guess God could do anything, you know, He can do anything.


I guess He could open that person's womb. He has done it in the Scripture. He has given barren women children, and He could do it now, or He could answer their prayer by granting salvation to their children or to future generations. It could be done either way. He could do anything that He wants. Did I answer your question?


The human spirit is the Son of God in the earth, He has been made into the female element. The female element has been seduced and corrupted, and filled with the names of blasphemy but it still is, nevertheless, the Son of God in its female form, and when it appears in the earth of the human soul, it appears as mercy and compassion. I have to put this on this tape that there are people all over this earth that do deeds of mercy and compassion that are motivated by a desire to be liked, to be accepted, and that is not the Son of God in the earth.


There are a lot of "do-gooders," and I thank God for all of the people that have helped poor people and donated food, and helped people that are victims, and we do not question their motives, but when we are dealing with spiritual things, and we are looking for the Son of God, we have to deal with motives, we have to deal with motives. When we are looking for Christ in a human being, we are looking for...the word that comes to my mind is unselfishness, mercy and compassion towards other human beings, motivated by unselfishness when there is nothing in it for you. That is the Son of God in natural man.


Paul said, "When these things come by nature to these people, it is a law written unto themselves." There is a lot of overlapping. Does anybody want to ask me a question now? Are you with me?


COMMENT: You mentioned that the earth was divided, that was at the flood, or after the flood. Does that mean, like, as far as the personalities too, that we were divided at that point or was it before that?


PASTOR VITALE: I believe the personalities were divided. I believe the living soul that died was divided into many members. I believe the living soul that died was no longer one. We were set one against the other, and I also believe that we became men and women.


COMMENT: What about as far as the animals?


PASTOR VITALE: Being male and female? Well, I have not really studied that out, but what comes to my mind is when God told Noah to put the animals on the ark, He said, "Take the animals, male and female." Now, I have not looked those words up in Hebrew, but it seems to me that the animals were male and female from the beginning, at least at that stage. Maybe you want to do it and let me know. Do you have a concordance at home? If you get a chance and you want to do it, just look up those two Hebrew words, and make sure it really means male and female. I would appreciate it. Anybody else? We are up to the multiple incarnations now.


The human spirit when the body dies, it goes back to the Son of God, to that part of the living soul that is the Son of God. It goes back into the root system, into the unseen part of the creation, and when a baby is born that baby gets its body and its soul from its mother and its father. It gets its body and its soul from the genes and the chromosomes of its parents.


Let me put it this way, when a human child is born it needs a human spirit, and I do not know exactly how it happens but when this exciting process of a baby being born is started, somehow the part of the living soul that is the Son of God, says, "Alright, this body and this soul that are coming forth from this woman needs a human spirit." This child does not get his human spirit from his parents. I will make that statement to the best of my knowledge.


That child does not get a human spirit from its parents, it gets a body and a soul from its parents, and the intelligence which is ruling this whole thing, which is God Almighty, says "Alright, that baby is being born, it has a body and soul that is forming in the womb, now it needs a human spirit," and part of the Son of God that is a part of the living soul says, "Alright, get into that baby," and there is the multiple incarnation.


The multiple incarnation is the Son of God. The Son of God that is joined to the intelligence in the earth, He is in you. Well, even if you are not saved He is in every human being on the face of the earth, and He is appearing in the realm of appearance in that person, and when that person dies that part of him goes back out of the realm of appearance. Then whenever Jesus decides it, there are millions of babies born every day, Christ is incarnated again in each human baby that is born on the face of the earth, and when that human being dies, that human soul, that element with the Son of God in it, goes back out of the realm of appearance.


It is the Son of God that is continuously incarnating in the earth, continuously. It is the Son of God, and we in Him, the Son of God and all of those that He brought with him into the earth. We are the ones that are appearing when the baby is born, and they go back into the lump when the person dies.


The soul that is given to the baby when it is born is brand new. It is brand new in that it is a brand new personality. It is a brand new personality. God just gave me another shade of it to give you. God said, "We shall make man in our likeness and in our image," so the soul and the body that is coming forth is in the likeness of God. I am sorry, it is in fallen adam and fallen adam reproduced in his own likeness. Fallen adam is reproducing in his own likeness. The soul and the body that is coming forth is fallen adam incarnating in his own likeness, but it is not the same personality over and over again. He cannot do that, he cannot hold on to the consistency. It is not the same.


It is the same substance, but it is not the same personality, and the whole concept of reincarnation, which we disavow here, is that the personality reincarnates and makes good what it did bad in the life before. Well, we know that this is not true because the personality does not rise again. The personality does not rise again, but the living soul that died does gather together its components, and reproduce itself in its own likeness.


The only entity that is coming back again is the human spirit which is the Son of God. It is a very fine difference, it is a very fine difference.


Father, I just ask that you give me a better way to explain it. I see some confused faces. I cannot think of another example right now, but if you want to just pray about it, we could go over it again another time. It is a very fine line.


I will say it one more time. There is a lump of clay out of which personalities are formed. I cannot say that the personality is incarnating again because each time the living soul that died incarnates, it is a brand new personality. The substance of which the personality is made is the same, but it is a brand new personality. When Christ incarnates again, when the Son of God incarnates again, it is not a brand new personality, it is the Son of God. It is multiple incarnations for the Son of God, but for fallen adam it is not multiple incarnations because it is a brand new person.


It is a brand new leaf every time that leaf comes out on the tree, it is a brand new leaf of Jesus Christ. I have been saying spirit all along, but this is what God has given to me recently, that the spirit is the Son of God. He is the one that keeps reincarnating in all of these vessels.


COMMENT: That makes me feel that is how He is really in control of everybody because even the worse sinner, if God wants them to do something for you He can communicate with them, but they do not even know that He is telling them to do it for you.


PASTOR VITALE: Absolutely, I do not doubt that for a second. God is in every human being on the face of the earth, and if you need help or if he wants to help you, and the only person near you is a mass murderer, I do not doubt for a second that He can rise up in that person and that person will give you the help you need, and never know why he did it. I believe that because the whole creation is within Him. We are literally living within Him. He is so big that we cannot see the outline of the creation, and we are in Him, and He has control over everything, every animal, every human being, every tree.


The animals are soul. They do not have a human spirit, but they are in him too. They are part of the creation. Yes, well, He spoke through a donkey, but they are soul. There is no spirit in them. Did I tie it together for you? Did I tie the two teachings together for you? Multiple incarnations of the Spirit of God. The soul, although it incarnates continuously, it is not multiple because it is a brand new personality every time. The human spirit does not deteriorate because the body and soul dies, it is still the Son of God, Hallelujah. Any other questions?





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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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