{small}049 - Part 3{/small} {br} THE MIGHTY ANGEL {br} {small}(Revelation 10){/small}
Part 3 of 3 Parts
This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.
[INAUDIBLE] and this issue of his sovereignty. See, man tries to put God in a box and say that, you know, so-and-so can't minister Christ, because he manifested a spirit of sexual perversion, or so-and-so can't manifest Christ, because they're in adultery, or so-and-so can't manifest Christ, because they're such a roaring jezebel, that no one in the church would even listen to what they have to say. But let me tell you something. God Almighty will manifest through whomever he chooses, and he will decide when a vessel is no longer usable by his spirit. And he will not honor that decision coming from the mind of man.
So we, the whole church, has to get its act together, but those of us that are called to this entire ministry, it's just really important. He's calling us to get delivered from religious, not only religious spirits, but we've got to get that religious way of thinking out of our mind. We've got to, by his power, start thinking with his mind, and as he -- because and, you know, I'm going to keep repeating this. I told you about this too. When I say things like you've got to, we've got to, I hope you all here know that nobody -- I don't know anybody more than me that's aware that we don't have the power to do these things. When I say we've got to, what I mean is that we have to ask the Lord to help us do it, because I know we cannot do these things by our own power. And some people manage to succeed in manifesting on the surface this behavior, and they think they've attained it. But it's just a religious work, because their he- -- it's not coming. The motive is wrong. Their motive is self-righteousness.
I know a -- we all know people -- there are folks so holy, but God knows their heart, you see. So he's not interested in that stuff. He doesn't care, you know. He doesn't care if you're a roaring jezebel. All he knows is that he tests you, and somehow he determines that your heart is yielded to him. And he'll use you whether you've got the deliverance or whether you haven't got the deliverance. And all these Pharisees out there, they're cutting off the kingdom of God from themselves and from everybody that comes to them for help with their self-righteousness and their cloak of self-righteousness and their religious works and their religious systems. And God hates it. He just hates it.
So I just want to say it to you one more time. When I say things like you've got to or we've got to, what I mean is by the power of God, we've got to. I mean -- not that I'm putting a burden on you that you can't possibly do, what I mean is that we have to pray for it, that we have to ask God if what I'm say- -- if you're not receiving it, ask God if it's not true. If you are receiving what I'm saying, ask God for it. Ask him to do it for you. That's what I mean. I don't mean that I expect you to do it in your own power, because we can't. And a lot of very well meaning Christians are in a lot of bondage trying to do things by their own power. And not only are they not achieving what they're trying to do, but they're tying God's hands because he's too busy struggling with you to do it for you. He's got to deal with you and knock you out before he could do the work.
So they're hindering the move of God in life on two levels. This is the point that God's really hitting home day. And I just got the Bill Burton newsletter in the mail today. I have it here if anybody wants it. Let me just read you the name of this. It's called "Walk on Water or Learn How to Swim." And if anybody wants it, you can have it. It's -- basically what he's saying is he's talking about faith. And he's explaining faith. I hope you all know here that it's really important that we get an understanding of how God's mind works, because one of the biggest problems in the church is that we have a lot of very well-meaning believers that think they understand what they read in the Bible.
But the reality of what's happened to them, and this is -- this happens to all Christians. It's a process of growing up. We all go through this. We read something in the Bible, and we think we know what it means. And we go out and we run with it, and it doesn't mean that at all. And then we fall down and get our knee skinned, and we can't figure out how we got hurt. Well, it's because we thought those words meant something that they never meant at all.
OK. So what this book about -- is about -- is faith, and I hear a lot of believers out there saying well, do it on faith. You know, go get that plane ticket on faith. Go to California by faith. Do it by faith, you know. Quit your job on faith, you know. And everything's going to be OK. But brethren, faith must be based on a word from God. If God tells you go buy the plane ticket, and you say Lord, I don't have any money. Then you go by faith and put it on your credit card believing he's going to give you the money by the time the bill comes in. But if you decide you want to do something, and you don't have the money and you go out and do it, you better be prepared that the money might not come in.
And this is what this whole book is about. He says walk on water. Exercise your faith, OK. But if somehow you miss God, and you're exercising a faith that he gave you no reason to have, he says, you better learn how to swim, because otherwise you're going to drown. And that's what the whole book is about. He says if you want to have faith for healing, he says you have to be prepared either to get healed or to die, or you better learn how to swim. In other words, and we've been preaching this here, you better find out at what point you should run to the doctor. You have to be able to hear from God. You have to know that if you have a serious illness that God has said to you trust me. I'm going to heal you. Don't go to the doctor. Then you walk on water, but if you haven't heard from God, if you have diabetes and you haven't heard from God and you throw away your insulin, you're going to die.
You can have that kind of faith if you want. You can have faith based on something that God never told you. Well then he might heal you, or he might let you die. Yes, he might let you die. So this concept of walk on water or learn how to swim, what it means is if for whatever reason in your life, whether it be infirmity or finances or whatever, if you're desiring a miracle from God, but he hasn't promised you that miracle, you can step out on faith. But be prepared that he might not give it to you. If you're home and you don't have any money to live on, and you have not gotten a clear word from the Lord that he is going to supply your needs, you better be prepared to either get evicted from your apartment or go get a job. Can you hear this? If God didn't speak to you and say quit your job. I'm going to take care of everything, and you said I'm having faith for finances. I'm going to quit my job, and everything's going to be OK. And you were exercising this faith without a clear word from the Lord, you better be prepared to either wind up without a place to live or to swim to go get a job, to do it in the natural, to do it in the natural.
Did I make that clear? Your faith must be based on a word from the Lord. Yes, OK. Someone just said sometimes there people's faith is in their own faith but not in God. We have to have faith in the word of the Lord, not that's written in this book, brethren, but that has been prophesied to each of us personally by God Almighty. I know people that have been in Christ for years and have died. You all know how sick I've been. He's never failed to raise me up, but that's because he told me don't go to the doctor. And I want you to know, in case you don't know, that every time I get sick or I frequently pray, Lord if you want me to go to the doctor, you better tell me because I've just had so much healing from him that I say if you don't tell me to go -- if I don't get a clear word from you to go to the doctor, I'm not going. And if you let me die, I die. So because I've had so much healing from him, I'm coming at it from this point of view. I'm not going unless you tell me to go.
But if you are a new believer or if you are a mature believer that is new to the realm of healing, if you were up until five minutes ago or a week ago has gone to a doctor for every medical problem that you had, before you stop going to doctors, you have to get a clear word from the Lord that he's moving you into this realm of healing. And you better bring every infirmity before him and say Lord, should I go to the doctor, or are you going to heal me. Then, if you get the word and you better get at least two witnesses from it and not -- and I don't mean this in any disrespect Marcum [SP]. I'm trying to protect you, and I tell Rita this all the time, not from someone that's very close to you. You're too close. When it comes to a life giving situation, you should get your confirmations preferably from believers that don't know anything about your life at all. But what you do is ask for the Lord to send the person to you that he wants to give you the witness. You should have at least two witnesses from someone outside of this intensely close relationship because it's very dangerous. It's as dangerous as getting the word in your own head. And I don't trust any word that comes into my own head with regard to my own personal life. I want at least two witnesses outside of me.
OK. So you two are so close, you're like the same person. So any serious move that's going to affect your life or your health, you should get at least two confirmations from wherever God sends it -- people. I mean even if it's me in a situation maybe you're pursuing God in a matter that I don't know about. But whoever he sends is fine, OK, but preferably people that don't even know what the problem is. We put our own emotions into this. It's too dangerous. Our own emotions are going to rise up and call themselves God. It's just too dangerous. It happens all the time. That's to protect ourselves. So we either have to -- we have to get a clear word from the Lord and then if he says yes, I'm going to heal you. Don't go to the doctor. Then when the healing doesn't come within 24 hours, then you have to believe God and just hang on. And that's really hard because sometimes he doesn't heal you right away.
But this whole concept of walk on the water, it means get the miracle or swim. It means if God hasn't give you a personal word that he's going to give you this miracle. You better get your need met by employing the natural means of this world. That's what he's saying because I think you all know my testimony. I almost got evicted from this apartment learning that lesson.
The last time I was in full time ministry for a year. The Lord told me to go back to work, and I didn't like who he spoke it through. I said oh that can't be God speaking through that person telling me to go get a job. I'm cutting off your funds. I said oh no, that can't be God. Next week my rent didn't come in from the source that it had been coming in for a whole year, and I said oh well, God's just going to send it in from another place.
I waited three weeks. By the end of three weeks my landlord had sent me notices. Now he wanted two months' rent, the month that I was living in plus the next month plus penalties plus interest. He wanted $1400 or he was going to put me and my daughter on the street. I paid my bills all my life. I was hysterical. I didn't have the money, and the Lord let it go right up to the last second and he showed me what I did wrong. And I to -- when I repented, he delivered me. He sent people to loan the money. I had to pay it back. He didn't give it to me. And the second I repented, within minutes after I repented, the phone rang. The job came to me. Someone that I hadn't -- it was agency that I had registered with a year ago called me and said I have a job for you. I went to work the next Monday, within minutes after I repented. So he's faithful, but who needs the grief. I mean who needs it. Who needs it?
So that's what he's been dealing me with -- dealing with me on. If anyone wants this, you're welcome to it. It's a very important principle in God. Our faith has to be based on a personal word from the Lord. And the second way he's been showing this to me is that a lot of these statements in the Bible that Paul makes, the John makes, that he says we have the mind of Christ, for example, you know, I was a reading in the first epistle of John this morning. I can't remember any of the -- it's just eluding me right now. OK. I don't -- I'm not going to make any big deal out of this. We have the mind of Christ. We are the inheritor of the promises, you know, the -- no man may teach you the anointing that abides in you. It may teach -- it's the only thing that you need. All of these statements, the carnal minds of the church read them, including me. Even today I make these mistakes. Please don't be condemned. Just reap wisdom from this. Learn.
The carnal minded Christians in the church read these statements, and they so oh, I've got it, you know, no you haven't got it. What the apostle is doing when he makes statements like this is that he's praying it on you. And I really don't understand Greek enough to know how it came across in the Greek. I just know when the King James translators translated it, they translated it to sound like we already have it. I wouldn't know what a Greek person in Bible days, how they -- what tense they would have heard that in. But there's a tense in all languages. I mentioned it once before, and I never found out what the name of the tense in, but it's a prophecy.
You hear it a lot in Spanish. They use it, or they used to use it. May God go with you. Vaya con Dios. Everybody heard that phrase. Vaya con Dios. That was their departure greeting. May God go with you. May God be with you. May you be blessed. May you have -- what, you have a baby. May you have -- well, you're getting married. May you have many good years together. That's the tense. May the mind of Christ be in you. May the wisdom and the power of Almighty God be in you. May the anointing that was in Christ Jesus that put him in a condition that no man may teach of, may it be in you. That's what they're saying to you. They are blessing you. They are praying it on you. They're not telling you to walk around in a state of Christian Science mind control saying I have it when I don't have it. It's really important. It's important. It's really, really important.
So this is his emphasis to us today, and we're going to see this principle in the Book of Revelation, Chapter 10. And we are up to Verse 8. I'll first you read you the Alternate Translation of last week's message.
[UNINTELLIGIBLE] Revelation Chapter 10, Verses 5 to 7, "And the Christ which I saw exercising authority over the unconscious, satanic mind of man and judging the conscious minds of men, purged his sons from all sin and raised them up into the high realm of God's spirit where his authority to judge the living soul was given to them. And Christ swore by the living one, even the Father, who was extending his life into the realm of time, the one who originally manufactured the human spirit, the conscious minds of men, which is the human soul and unconscious mind of man, even Satan. Christ swore by the living one that Satan's opportunity to rule over men should not continue any longer, indeed, in the time period when the angel announcing the completion of the warfare against the living soul and the time of his redemption and of his restoration to the spiritual realm of God, even in the time period when the light shall be revealed to men, whenever that disclosure shall be about until I bring forth. The first step of the process by which we are entering into the kingdom of God may be concluded as the Lord has revealed to his people, to the men who serve him and through whom he speaks."
I want to read you that last verse again, "Indeed, in the time period, the indefinite time period when the angel announcing the completion of the warfare against the living soul and the time of his redemption and of his restoration to the spiritual realm of God. Even in the time period when the light shall be revealed to men, whenever that disclosure shall be about until I bring forth. The first step of the process by which we are entering into the kingdom of God may be concluded as the Lord has revealed to his people, to the men who serve him and through whom he speaks."
And I remind you that the reason God is so vague about the time period that this is happening is that it's happening, in my opinion, over a period of thousands of years to each man one at a time. And that's why God is so vague about it. Glory to God because what the time period is for you is not the time period that it will be for me. Hallelujah.
Verse 8, Chapter 10 of the Book of Revelation, "And the voice, which I heard from heaven, spake to me again and said go and take the little book, which is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth," and I remind you the voice that spoke to John was the voice that told him to not write down what the seven thunders had said in the book. And I suggest to you that that voice is the voice of the Father and that the angel holding the little book is Christ. So we have a voice, an unseen voice, pure spirit is the Father. The angel, the spirit of God in a condition where it could be seen is Christ. Hallelujah. And I suggest to you that this glorified Christ that we've been studying that is holding the book and that is standing on the earth and the sea, that this is a vision of this spiritual Christ, the spirit of Jesus Christ who is now and shall be manifesting in the minds of the many members of his body, human beings on the face of the earth.
So let's see what we have here in Verse 8, "And the sound which I heard and the voice which I heard from him and spoke to me again and said go and take the little book, which is open in the hand of the angel," and I just remind you that -- well, let me do it this way. OK, the word spake is 2980, and it's the same word translated utter in Verse 4 where it says, "And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices." Glory to God. Hallelujah. And it means an extended, random harangue, and we said when we studied Chapter 4 that the word harangue was a speech addressed to a public assembly, a bombastic ranting speech or writing or a lecture. And we decided that that was talking about an anointed preaching, an emotional, an exciting, powerful word coming forth from the sons of God.
So the voice that I heard from heaven that told him not to write what the seven thunders said in the book, it gave him further instruction. And it says, "Now you go and take the little book, which is open in the hand of the angel." And the word go means to leave where you are and go to another place, and the word take means to take possession of. And I'm going to suggest to you, that in accordance with the little exhortation that we had earlier, when the voice said to him, "You take the book," what the Father was saying to him, may this soul of Jesus Christ be in you, not take the book in your hand, but take it into you. And we're going to see in the next verse. He says that he ate up the little book. And I'm going to suggest to you that what the Father is saying is may this book, may this living soul that's been accessed, may this soul in whom Christ has appeared, may it be in you. May your soul too produce Christ.
OK. We'll talk about it a little more. The little book I remind you, we established was the beloved soul. And the hand of the angel that it was in was the left hand. We established that at the last message, and the left hand is that of judgment and I remind you that the unconscious mind of man, which is Satan, has already been overlaid and brought into submission by the spirit of Jesus Christ.
And now he is about to bring judgment upon the conscious minds of men. And the reason the judgment is necessary is that the conscious minds of men have been obeying Satan for so many centuries that they have become one with him and with his doctrine and with his ways. And they are not responding to the righteous spirit of Jesus Christ that is in their own mind. They're still living out of their old soul, so the only thing left to them is judgment, judgment that will tear down the old ways and enable them to manifest Christ and get their needs met through manifesting Jesus Christ. They have to get broken out of that trap. They have to get broken out of that routine. They have to be broken. They've been doing it so long they can't stop doing it, and God said the way to stop them from doing it, which is going to save their life, is judgment because when their conscious mind is still doing what Satan told them to do, what does that mean. It means they're sinning. And if they're sinning it means that they're dying. And Jesus desires to impart the life of the ages to all of us.
So the purpose for this judgment that he does not deny will be painful, the purpose for it is to stop up from dying and impart the life of the ages to us. This is the spiritual application of the instruction in the Book of Proverbs as to how to raise your children. He is going to beat the violence out of it. He's going to beat the foolishness out of us. He's going to beat the error out of us, that we might not die and that we might live. Glory to God.
OK, Alternate Translation, Revelation Chapter 10, Verse 8, "And the sound which I heard from the realm of the spirit of God spoke to me again." That's the voice of the Father, "saying leave this place, and when you leave go with a fertilized soul, which has birthed Christ. Take the little book out of the hand of the angel. May this soul that has birthed Christ be in you. May your soul birth Christ too. Leave this place and go with a fertilized soul, which has birthed Christ and is now ready to be judged by him, even by the one who was bringing the unconscious mind of the living soul into submission to his holiness and the conscious minds of men into obedience." And we've talked about this before. I want to remind you that what I'm suggested to you is that when Christ is birthed in you, he becomes the judge of your soul -- the white throne judgment. We're going to go over that in just a minute.
You know, brethren, we have to get practical. I've told you this before. This whole book of Revelation is very mysterious. It's very mysterious, but it's supposed to be mysterious for the world. It's not supposed to be mysterious to the church. We are supposed to be able to lay hold of it and understand what it's saying in a manner that we can apply it to our practical life. And what I am declaring to you is that when Christ is birthed in you, he becomes the judge of your soul because we look at Jesus. It's like looking in a mirror, and we see our own faults. We're going to go over those few verses in just a minute. I want to read you my notes to make sure I didn't leave anything out.
The angel is Christ. Therefore, the voice from heaven must be the Father. And when he says, "Take the open little book, which is in the hand of the angel," he means let this manifestation of the living soul be in you. Let your soul birth Christ. OK. We're going to go over Revelation 20, Verses 11 to 15. Now we're not going to do it word by word. We'll wait until we get up to that. I'm just going to comment on it, and I hope to impart to you this concept of the great white throne judgment, which has been made so mysterious and supernatural by the church world. Brethren, there is not a vision appearing in the sky. We established when we first started doing the book of Revelation that a throne is a soul, and we are dealing with the soul of Jesus Christ. And we are dealing with the soul of Adam. This is a great throne, which is white, white meaning righteousness, great meaning mighty. And I declare to you that it is the soul of the Lord, Jesus Christ, and we saw him that sat on it.
Does anybody remember from, I believe, Chapter 4, who was sitting on the throne of Jesus Christ? Does anybody remember? [INAUDIBLE] It's the Father who's sitting on the throne of Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ, when he's through with us will be sitting on the throne of our souls. Yes, glory to God. So I saw a great white throne. I saw the soul of Jesus Christ, and him that sat on it, the Father, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. What does flee away mean? It means you can't see it anymore. Well, you can't see it anymore. The heaven and the earth of the natural man why, because it's sitting on top of our human soul. And the only thing that's going to be seen is the glory of the Father through his Jesus, the -- Jesus Christ.
And there was found no place for them, no place for what? Who? No place for the heaven and the earth. There was no place for them to be indivi- -- to be manifesting individually. The only place for the heaven and earth is to be serving the Lord, Jesus Christ, which is the vehicle through which the Father lives in man. Verse 12, "And I saw the dead small and great stand before God." Does anybody remember who the dead are? Does anybody care to -- [INAUDIBLE] Right, everybody dies since the time of Adam. And the dead are those that are separated from God. The dead are those who are separated from God. The dead are those who are dwelling in this soul realm. The dead are those who are dwelling in an existence of death. The definition of death in the scripture does not mean to cease to exist. Adam died, but he still exists. He does not have life. He exists, and everybody abiding in the carnal mind is abiding in death.
We have other messages on this. There are many scriptures on it, and the Greek word denoting that form of death is thanatos, the death of this world system. So I saw the dead small and great stand before God. Well, what does this mean? It means that the small and great of this world system and had birthed Christ. And when they birthed Christ, they stood before God in their own souls. When Christ appears in your soul, you will stand before God. You are not going to have to go to natural Israel to stand before Jesus Christ. He's not coming in a vision out of the sky. You're not going to see him on television. He's going to appear in your own soul, and when he appears, he is going to be in a position of authority. And your soul will stand before him.
And the books were opened. We're on Verse 12, and I hope we've established in prior meetings that we are the books. The name of this ministry is Living Epistles. We are the books upon which the message of God is engraved, and his message is his image. We are the manifestation, the realm of appearance, of the word of God. We are the books, and the books were opened. The books were accessed. We've been studying in this ministry for weeks now. When the books are opened, it means they fulfilled their function, and their function is to produce Christ. The books were opened, and they produced Christ. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life, and I suggest to you the Book of Life is the Lord, Jesus Christ. It's the soul of the Lord, Jesus Christ, and I remind you, brethren, that even though you have the promise, even though Christ has been birthed in you, you are still abiding in death probably a large part of the time because even though Christ has been birthed in you, a transfer must take place. An exchange must take place. That which is our spiritual substance, that which is of God from before the foundation of the earth, which is our human spirit. It must be broken free from the satanic life, and it must be transferred into Christ. And after that happens, everything that's not of God must be burned to the ground so that Jesus Christ can raise it up in a new form, a form of submission and obedience to his life.
OK. So it says there are two books. There are many -- let me read it again, and the books, plural, were open. Adam is divided. There are many of us in this soul realm, but brethren, there is only one Book of Life. There was only one soul of Christ. We talked about this at the last meeting. Well, actually, it wasn't a meeting in this series. It was a Friday night meeting, and if anyone's hearing this message and you want to study that, the name of that message is Reconciling Two Doctrines of Incarnation. We said that Christ is not divided. There's one body of Christ, but there are many books in the soul realm. Glory to God. So many -- the books were opened -- the books of the natural man, and another book was opened, which is the book of life.
Brethren, the soul of Jesus Christ is available to you. It is now possible. There is reason to hope. There is reason to have faith, brethren, that your spiritual substance will be broken out of the satanic realm that you live in in this world system and be transferred into Christ. You have reason to have faith. Why? Because Jesus Christ of Nazareth incarnated in this realm and submitted to the Father, permitted his body to be crucified on the cross and crucified Satan to his own soul for each and every one of us. And now you have reason to have faith that you can be transferred into Christ. Before the crucifixion, brethren, you had no reason to have faith unless you laid whole of the promise through the Jewish scriptures. You had no reason to hope for deliverance from death, but now every man on the face of the earth -- brethren, if you hope for deliverance from death, your faith is not in vain, for Jesus Christ has risen from the dead. Glory to God.
OK. So we had the books, plural, were open. The natural men were accessing -- Christ was birthed in them, and another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the soul of Christ was made available to them. How was it made available to them? When Christ is birthed in you, the soul of Christ is made available to you. Glory to God. Can you hear this? What he did on the cross, it's got to happen in your heart. It's not happening outside of you. It's happening from within you. The Book of Life is opened when Jesus Christ is birthed in your heart. And the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books according to their works.
Brethren, you are going to be judged according to your works. I am going to be judged according to my works. We, the human race, are going to be judged according to our works. This is a fairytale that's being preached in the church today, that you're forgiven and you're OK, and you're going to fly away. And the judgment is for the rest of the world. Brethren, that is a lie. All sin shall be judged. Yes, you are forgiven, and because you are forgiven, God is going to cleanse you and purge you and translate you into Christ, but you're not moving into Christ, brethren, without being cleansed and purged. That is a lie, a wicked lie being perpetrated in the church today. So it says and the dead, which is everyone in this soul realm. I don't care whether you have the promise or not, brethren, either you're dead or you're alive. Either you're pregnant, or you're not. And if you're alive, you're not dying. You never get sick, and you do not sin. I don't know anyone that fulfills that criteria except Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
So if you'll have -- even if you birth Christ, you've got the promise, brethren, but you're still dead. You've got to be resurrected from the dead, and until you're resurrected, you're dead. Lazarus was in the tomb for four days. Brethren, he was dead. How do I know? When he came out, he stinketh. We stink, brethren. We stink. OK, and the dead were judged out of those things, which were written in the books according to their works. Don't think you're not going to be judged for it. Now, there's different forms of judgment. If the Lord grants you repentance, the judgment can take the form of deliverance, which sometimes is painless and sometimes very painful we're finding out in this ministry.
Sometimes when God reveals to you a sin that's taken form in your heart in the form of a demon, and that demon is causing great torment in your life, you might have to seek the Lord for many a season and shed many a tear and go through many trials where he requires you to overcome by his power before that judgment comes forth. But we know that there's another form of judgment that's called wormwood that's going to be much more difficult and painful than that. So we'll take the deliverance, and we'll take the trials and we'll take the tears at least knowing the Jesus Christ is with us, hoping to get through the judgment, hoping to get purged of these demons and these curses as quickly and with as little pain as possible. And no matter how painful it might get, we try to bear in mind that it could be much worse. We could be under the judgment of wormwood, which does not carry with it immediate repentance, which means it could go on for a lifetime, years, 20 years, 30 years, 40 years of torment in your life. Glory to God.
OK. Verse 13, "And the sea gave up the dead, which were in it." Anybody remember what the sea typifies? The unconscious, good -- the soul of man, but specifically within the soul of man, the unconscious mind of man. It's that part of the living soul, which is in every human being, the unconscious part of man, which is Satan himself. And death and hell were delivered up -- delivered up the dead that were in them, and death is the -- typifying the conscious minds of each individual man, hell being the spiritual realm of torment that he dwells in. And they gave up the dead, which were in them.
So what are we saying here? The unconscious mind of man, Satan, gave it up. The conscious mind of man gave it up, and hell, this whole realm that we dwell in, gave it up. They gave up the prisoners. They gave up the captives, and who did they give them to? They gave them to the Lord, Jesus Christ. What for? To be transferred into the soul of Jesus Christ and to enter into life, and they were judged every man according to their works. Jesus Christ in you is going to be judged according to his works, and I declare to you, the Father shall find him righteous. And he shall be granted life. And Adam and Satan and you shall be judged according to their works, and I declare to you the Lord God shall find them guilty, and the judgment of death shall be pronounced upon them.
Verse 14, "And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. Death has been pronounced upon death that rules and reigns in you." And when you kill death, what have you got left? Christ is in you now. Christ is in you manifesting, and when you kill death, what have you got? You've got life. Glory to God, and the lake of fire I suggest to you, is Christ in you. He is an all-consuming fire, so when God judges sin in you, he shall be cast into the Christ that has already been birthed in you swallowed up by Christ to live again only in the form of righteousness, which is servitude to Almighty God.
Verse 15, "And whosoever was not find written in the Book of Life and whosoever was not find written in the soul of Jesus Christ, was cast into the lake of fire." And Satan and Adam are not found written in the soul of Christ. Glory to God. Did anyone know who's written in the soul of Christ? What part of the natural man is found in the soul of Christ? Eve? Glory to God. The spirit? You're both right. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Thank you Jesus. Glory. She'll let me get over there with the microphone. Let me get over there with the microphone.
It just -- it came to me. The unconscious mind, which is Satan has already been covered over by Christ. Is that every man's mind in the earth has been covered over by Christ now?
It happens in Jesus Christ at Nazareth. See, these things are happening. It happened in Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
And that's the only one it happened in? So that's the only person this happened in?
That I know of. If it happened to anybody else, it hasn't been made so obvious. I don't know about it, but what's happened is that Jesus Christ did it. And now it's available to all of us. We have now reason to have faith that our satanic realm can be utterly subdued. And that's what we're fighting for. When we meet in a meeting like this, we're in a warfare meeting. And this is being preached, and we're believing it. And we're hoping for it, that what happened to our head is going to soon happen to us. He's going to -- now we see we have no power over our unconscious mind. God does not expect us to have power over our unconscious mind, so Jesus is coming in and bringing Satan into submission. Now our conscious mind, he expects us to exercise authority over. When it comes into our conscious mind, he expects us to say no, that's wrong. And when we fail to do that, that's why he's raining judgment on us because we may not have the power to do it. But we should know that it's wrong.
But when Satan attacks us, he's so subtle that most of the time we don't even know what's happening. And even -- and a lot of the time, we'll perform a behavior or say a word so fast that we won't even realize that Satan prompted us to do it. So Jesus recognizes that, and he has mercy on us. And he's fighting the battle of the unconscious mind. But our conscious minds, when we should know better, that is -- we can't take the victory ourself. We must receive judgment for it. We don't have the power to take victory in with the weakness in us. And Jesus said that the healing for that weakness is not tender loving care but judgment. And he said that, not me.
If blood -- his blood washes away the sin, you know, then it takes it away. Then there won't be any desire to come up from the unconscious mind anymore, would it, to make me think that oh, that's wrong? I shouldn't do it. But it wouldn't have the source to come from there, would it?
You're absolutely correct, but --
What is this time? Then we're really going to expect -- experience the washing of the blood of Jesus.
Absolutely, this is -- we have reason to hope in this hour this message is being preached, we have reason to have faith. This is not a fool's faith. It's going to happen in our lifetime, that the whisperer -- that's why Satan is called the whisperer. He whispers into our conscious mind and we don't even know that it's him. We think it's our own idea, but he's whispered a thought into our mind. And we go out and we do it.
When you first said this I had -- I was thinking you were saying that Christ is now -- is sitting on the unconscious mind of people's souls, men in the earth, and judging them.
OK. This is really hard. I'm going to try and help you to understand. This is a really hard concept, and that's what we were talking about earlier in the exhortation. Yes, that's what the scripture says, but it hasn't happened to me yet. And I don't think it's happened to anybody here yet, so what the scripture's really saying is this is a spiritual reality. It happens in the realm of the spirit. May it happen to you also. May it happen to you also. It is a spiritual reality because it happened to Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Now, I pray, may it happen to you also. And just by the fact that you're hearing this preaching, it's happening to you. It is in the process of happening to you. But if you're having any kind of a problem at all with ungodly thoughts in your mind, it has not happened totally. You're in the process of. Jesus Christ is in the process of overlaying your unconscious mind. He is simultaneously judging your conscious mind. It's all happening simultaneously. It's not one thing after the other. It's all happening together. Did I answer your question?
[INAUDIBLE] more, I just -- the question comes to my mind is how it could be that so many preach this and it not be experienced though, you know, about the power of the blood of Jesus and like we're washed from sin. And we're not.
Well, this is a big problem in the church today. But you see it is true in a measure. I know [unintelligible].
Religious -- it's the religious that makes the whole thing seem so religious. And I thought that for a while, the thing about, you know, the blood of Jesus and the washing white as snow and everything. I want it so bad, and yet it seems like a religious thing. It's become a religious thing.
And then you get condemned. If you don't have it, you get condemned.
And the pride of man rises up and says oh you, you know, and when the person's weakness has shown up, they're not allowed for that -- this sin, this weakness to show up. It's not right.
Well, that's the theme in this whole message today. Number one, God will use you, and he'll use you mightily even though there's still sin in your heart. And number two, there is this message in the church that I liken to -- I mean [UNINTELLIGIBLE] with it. They raise up this religious structure, and they cover themselves with their fig leaf, with a false religious covering. And they get very religious and say I've got it, and their hearts, they're filthy.
And these are the people, unfortunately, that this ministry that's coming forth, where one of the ministries that I really hope it's going to just burst forth in. But it's the ministry of Jesus Christ that's coming forth into the earth. It's not Living Epistles. We may be one of the places that it's going to appear, but the ministry is Jesus Christ, this supernatural, spiritual ministry, that is really going to have the power to purge us of our sins and exchange us and transfer us into his soul. It's about to burst through like a dam, and these people are not going to be able to partake of it. They're going to be modern day Pharisees, and they're going to deny it. They're going to deny that it's Christ, and they're not going to be able to partake of it. And every person sitting under their ministries who is looking to their pastor rather than to Jesus is going to die with them.
I don't know how to make it any clearer, you know, I hope that you can be blessed by me and get knowledge from me and wisdom from me and deliverance from me, or Christ through me, you know, whatever else. But please, you know, your pastor is Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and it's just the truth. Don't make me a pastor because if I make a mistake, then you are subject to my mistake. And you will not be able to get past my error. But if Jesus Christ is your pastor, you will get past my error. And you might be able to help me. If you see something in me, and you're convinced it's not God and you go before the Lord and pray, you can help me. But if you have a religious attitude towards me and say she's my pastor. You can't talk about my pastor, impossible that there could be sin in her or error, well then you're not helping me. And you're destroying yourself.
It's a fine line. We should be submitting to and respecting everybody. I can't even say respect me. We should be respecting everybody in our lives in the ministry. We should be in order with every relationship that we're in, you know, it's just deciding it. So this thing is coming. This ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ is about to break forth into the realm of appearance, and these religious people, they're going to turn it away. You want to say something?
This morning I heard on the radio -- I don't know if you use the term born again or saved, but he said the worst saved person is better than the best person who's not born again. And I thought that was like what you're saying they believe, you know, they believe that no matter what you do you're covered under the blood, you know.
I feel sorry for them, because they'll tell you, you know, I don't want to, you know, I guess you just don't know. But I just -- I've been suffering a lot. I don't know whether I'm supposed to be stronger or what. Maybe I'm failing. I don't know, but I'm suffering a lot. I've been doing the best I can to deal with it. I've been in a lot of pain, and I forgot what I was going to say, that -- I completely forgot what I was going to say. Oh well, something to do with suffering. Well, these people -- oh yeah, they think they don't have to suffer. No, that wasn't what I was going to say. What was I going to say? Well, they believe that, that they're going to enter into the soul of Christ without suffering. That's what it is.
They believe that they're going to enter in, and they believe they have entered in, that they're covered with the blood. And they don't understand that this is the mirror image of the realm of the spirit. And the blood is not covering us from the outside. It's covering us from the inside. And the blood is the soul life of the Lord Jesus Christ. And when he appears in you, it brings with it great suffering. We'll see that as we go on with this message. It's in the scripture. He brings with him great suffering for a season, so Jesus said when you suffer, take heart because it means your redemption is near. But these people, they think that their life has to be easy and good and that they're OK. And everyone else isn't. They're sadly mistaken. They're desperately mistaken.
Oh, I know what I started to say when I told you about suffering. I'm really suffering. I really am, and as far as I know, I'm entering into this thing in full agreement with Jesus Christ. I cannot imagine the suffering that these people are going to go through that are not in agreement with him. I can't imagine it because I'm really hurting. I'm not asking for anyone to feel sorry for me. I'm just telling you the truth. I'm really, really hurting. I cannot imagine what it will be like to go through against your will. I can't even conceive of it. It's beyond my ability to comprehend it. And they're so lifted up in pride, you know, so this is the situation. This is the message for today. And the lady that you heard talking on the message has been in the church all her life, so she's been subject to a lot of religious bondage that God's having to break her out of.
And that's the size of it. There are going to be a few Pharisees that are going to make it. I don't mean to insult you by calling you a Pharisee, but anybody that's come up in the church world is subject to a spirit of Phariseeism. And there's going to be a few that are going to come out, and who are those that are going to come out? Those that are going to come out are those that really love Jesus, that they love him, that they have read this Bible and that they want these promises appropriated in their life and that they're going to go after him and not after any man to get it. They're the ones that are going to get it.
And I'm telling you the same principle goes for deliverance in healing. Don't look for a strong man to cast a demon out of you. Just look to Jesus and say who do I go to. Look to Jesus. He's the deliverer because, you know, you could find someone that's really powerful in deliverance, and you could have an evil spirit that they can't cast out of you. Jesus makes all decisions: what is going to be cast out of you, when it's going to be cast out of you, who's going to cast it out of you, how it's going to be cast out of you. He is the deliverer. He is the savior of all mankind.
And on the contrary, don't be deceived. God could send you to a brand new believer that don't even know the first thing about deliverance and anoint that person to cast that wicked spirit out of you. Don't worship men, and sometimes we worship men and we don't realize that that's what we're doing. Don't worship men. Be careful. Examine yourselves daily for forms of idolatry manifesting in your mind because sometimes we're doing it, and we don't know it. Put yourself before the Lord daily. Say show me idolatry in my life. I don't want to be guilty of it. And I remind you that the two sins that God hates the most is idolatry and pride. Put yourself before him. What have you got to lose? You got only everything to gain, nothing to lose.
OK. Let's go on with this. So we just did the white throne judgment, and we're up to Verse 9. Let me read you that Alternate Translation again -- a little confusion here today. I thought that was Verse 8.
Alternate Translation, Revelation Chapter 10, Verse 8, "And the sound which I heard from the realm of the spirit of God spoke to me again saying leave this place. And when you go, go with a fertilized soul that has birthed Christ and is now ready to be judged by him, even by the one who was bringing the unconscious mind of the living soul into submission to his holiness and the conscious minds of men into obedience." That brethren is Christ in you. It's not some abstract Christ that's ruling and reigning in heaven with his father. It's the Christ that has been birthed in your own soul, is now bringing your soul into submission. And if you see all these Christians running around the church dancing and singing with everything going right in their life brethren, you can believe they have not birthed Christ because the second he's birthed they are under judgment. And that doesn't mean that they're bad and you're good. All it means is they're young. They're too young. It's not yet the time of love for them. That's how God puts it in the Song of Solomon, also in one of the prophets he says it.
And when I looked upon you, I looked upon you and I saw that you were ready for love. They're not ready. God's got everything under control. Verse 9, "And I went unto the angel and said unto him, give me the little book. And he said unto me, take it and eat it up and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey." And I remind you that the glor- -- that the angel is glorified Jesus Christ who is now a spirit, and he is appearing in the minds and bodies of a many member company. And this word give, it means deliver up, give me possession of. And the word eat, it's Strong's 2719. It's the only time it's translated eat in the New Testament. And it does not mean simply to eat food. It's a much stronger word. It means to devour, to forcibly appropriate, to strip one of its goods, to ruin by inflicting injuries, to destroy.
Well, if you need translation, the first half of Revelation 10:9 -- and I went to the glorified Jesus Christ and said to him, let Christ appear in my conscious mind. I want this thing. I want this thing. Let it happen to me. Give me that book. I want it in my mind too. And he said to me, may my son appear in your conscious mind. Glory to God. And when Jesus Christ says to you, may my son appear in your conscious mind. Brethren, you've got it. You may have to wait nine months. You may have to wait a couple of years. You may have to wait two weeks. I don't know, but when he says let it happen, it's as good as done. Now you have to wait for it. You don't have to run around. You don't have to be frantic. You don't have to hysterical. Just ask him what he wants you to do and rest in him until it happens.
And he said to me, may my son appear in your conscious mind. And by his indwelling power, the indwelling power of the Christ that's going to appear in your mind, may you forcibly bring your conscious mind into obedience by inflicting injuries upon it and stripping it of its power over you. And I went into the angel and said unto him, give me the little book. And he said unto me, take it and eat it up. And I went to the glorified Jesus Christ and said to him, let Christ appear in my conscious mind. And he said to me, may my son appear in your conscious mind. So be it. And when that happens, by his power, may you forcibly -- may you throw your spiritual substance over to his soul and together with him, may you bring your conscious mind into obedience by inflicting injuries upon it and stripping it of its power over you. Glory to God.
And in thy -- and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey. The word belly is Strong's 2836 and that means heart or womb, and I suggest it's our spiritual womb. It's our heart that produces spiritual life. When it fornicates with Satan, it produces demons which are a part of the carnal. And when it copulates with the Holy Spirit, it produces Christ. So it says and it shall make your belly, your heart, your emotions bitter. And the word bitter is Strong's 4087. It means to embitter, which means -- it's from a root, 4089, and it's from the idea of piercing. Bitterness is piercing. Webster says that bitter is a distasteful or distressing to the mind. Webster says that, distasteful or distressing to the mind marked by intensity or severity, accompanied by severe pain or suffering, vehement, relentless, exhibiting intense animosity. That's hatred, sharp and resentful, marked by cynicism. That's lack of belief. That's unbelief, and rancor. That's mocking intensely, unpleasant, expressive of severe pain, grief or regret.
And it shall make thy belly bitter. Your heart is going to experience distasteful or distressing, discomforting pain, severe, intense suffering, grief and regret when Christ appears in you and starts judging your soul. Why? Because you're still one with your soul, and it's your heart that's being judged. And you're going to feel the pain. Glory to God. But it shall make thy mouth -- but in thy mouth it shall be as sweet as honey. And the word mouth is Strong's 4750. And it simply means a gash in the face, which is like a hole in our face. That's what our mouth is. But it also means the thoughts of a man's soul find utterance in the mouth. Thus it can mean language, the place through which our thoughts are expressed. Glory to God.
In your mouth it shall be sweet as honey. The word sweet is Strong's 1099. It means not bitter, not painful or salty, not bitter or salty but fresh, and the scriptural reference I have for you on that is James 3, Verses 10 and 11, "Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing, my brethren. These things ought not so to be. Fountains stand forth at the same place, sweet water and bitter." And I've heard this preached so many times under a spirit of condemnation, telling the people watch what you say. Only sweet words should come out of your mouth, but brethren, this is in your [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. God is concerned with your heart.
So there's no condemnation, and it's what James is saying is this thing should not be. What is the problem? The problem is that you have two hearts, and we're waiting for the heart of Christ to swallow up the heart of man. He's telling you this is your condition, and it shouldn't be. And the religious community runs out and says watch your tongue. Well, you should watch your tongue. You shouldn't be offensive, but you're missing the whole point, brethren. We can't do this ourselves. We cannot transfer our life's substance, our spiritual substance into Christ. Jesus Christ has to do it. We can't do it. And when we try, we're just going to stand up with the religious structure that's going to do the exact opposite of what we're trying to accomplish. It's going to cut us off from God because we'll do it. And we'll convince ourselves that we're OK, and we will therefore cut off the ministry that Jesus Christ has for us, which will transfer us into his soul.
This is the -- one of the greatest errors in the church today. They're trying to do it themselves. We can't. We're supposed to try. Then you go to the other extreme, and there was a ministry that's preaching well, you know, God knew everybody was going to sin, so let her rip. He knew it was going to happen anyway, so don't resist. Just go out and do it. No. Why? Because you're going to sow what you reap. You're going to be judged. If you fornicate, you could have an illegitimate child. No. You're supposed to resist. Submit yourself to God. Resist the devil, and he shall flee from you. Submit yourself to God, and resist. But the Lord, Jesus Christ must cause him to flee from you. How shall he flee from you? If you recall from a recent message, when righteousness appears in you, he shall flee from you because you shall be obnoxious to him. And you do not have the power to cause righteousness to appear in you anymore than you have the power, if you're a pregnant woman, to give birth at one month old. We must wait for the appearance of Christ in us, living until then to the best of our ability in submission to God and trying to obey the laws of God, trying to love the brethren.
But the reason there's no condemnation when we fail is that Jesus knows we're going to fail, but we are still required to try. We are not to throw all caution to the wind and revel in our sin. I hope I made that clear. OK. Sweet water typifies, therefore, the spirit of Christ as opposed to the spirit of Satan manifesting in man. Satan is to be resisted and Christ is to be encouraged. The behavior that Satan whispers into our heart is to be resisted, and the behavior that Jesus whispers into our heart is to be encouraged and developed. Glory to God.
And honey, the scriptures says, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey. Honey in the scripture typifies wisdom. Isaiah 7:15, "Butter and honey shall he eat," talking about Christ, "butter and honey shall Christ eat that he may know to refuse the evil and choose the good." Wisdom will enable us to refuse the evil and choose the good. Why do you need wisdom to do that? Brethren, how will you know what is good and what is evil if you do not have the wisdom of Jesus Christ? And although there's great wisdom in the scripture, in the book of Proverbs, I repeat to you brethren -- this is really important, that is just a typewritten book. You can benefit from it. It can help you. It can save your life, but the true wisdom is the indwelling Christ. The true wisdom that will help you to resist the evil and choose the good when a man comes to you with a suggestion, with a word, if you're going to find out what his motive is, if you're going to find out what he's really leaning towards you, if you're going to avoid destruction in your life, that word on that typewritten page has to become alive in your heart. It has to be a combination of knowing what is right and wrong and being able to recognize that good or that evil as it appears in men.
And it's one of the things we're preaching these last few weeks that a lot of Christians, they just can't. They have a lot of pri- -- and it's not even the Christians. It's not being preached. The teaching that will help us to learn how to read this Bible and apply it what's happening in our lives or apply it what's happening in our minds. We've got to get it off the pages of this book and into our mind and our heart in a functioning manner. It's got to become functionable in our own minds and in our own hearts. You know, I've experienced -- I can't think of an example right now. But I know something is wrong. I've read the Bible, and I know something is wrong. And someone comes to me and has a very subtle spirit and suggests it to me in a manner that makes it sound very desirable, and I've done it. Has that ever happened to you? Well, you knew what was right or wrong. How did you get into this trouble? It was a head knowledge, brethren. It was a head knowledge. That knowledge has to get into your spirit. It has to be a live, living spiritual force that's in your heart, that will rise up against the evil and say no. Well, more than a knowledge, a knowledge that carries with it spiritual power to recognize what's happening to you and to resist. It's Christ in you. He is our wisdom. Hallelujah.
Alternate Translation, the second half of Revelation 10:9, and this process. What process? The process of having Christ birthed in you and then having your soul judged will cause you intense, severe pain and suffering in your emotions. But it will also result in great wisdom.
Alternate Translation, the whole of Revelation 10:9, "And I went to the glorified Jesus Christ and said to him, let Christ appear in my conscious mind. I want this thing. And he said to me, may my son appear in your conscious mind. So be it. Any by his indwelling power, may you forcibly bring your conscious mind into obedience by inflicting injuries upon it and stripping it of its power over you. And this process will cause your intense, severe pain -- will cause you intense, severe pain and suffering in your emotions. But it will also result in great wisdom." Hallelujah.
See, when Christ is birthed in you, he goes to work immediately to suppress your unconscious mind, which is Satan. But then the judgment of your soul comes in which you are a participant. Two phases, he brings Satan into submission, and he brings your conscious mind into obedience through beating. Ouch. Verse 10, "And I took the little book out of the angel's hand and ate it up, and it was in my mouth sweet as honey. And as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter."
Alternate Translation, Revelation 10:10, "And Christ appeared in me, bringing judgment to my conscious mind and the power of Satan's thoughts in my conscious mind was destroyed. And as my conscious mind was becoming obedient to Christ, great wisdom was imparted to me, but I experienced intensely, distasteful and unpleasant suffering in my emotions." And Christ appeared in me, bringing judgment to my conscious mind and the power of Satan's thoughts, which was still operating in my conscious mind was destroyed. And my conscious mind -- and as my conscious mind was becoming obedient to Christ, through judgment, great wisdom was imparted to me. But I experienced intensely, distasteful and unpleasant suffering in my emotions. Why? As a result of the judgment. Glory to God.
Verse 11, "And he said unto me thou must prophesy again before many peoples and nations and tongues and kings." Prophesy means to preach and apparently John was preaching -- he was preaching before he was sent to Patmos when this revelation was given to him. Peoples is Strong's 2992, and that's all those who are of the same stock and language. For example, a European nation, England or France, they're all from the same genetic stock, and they all speak the same language.
The word nations typifies -- is Strong's 1484, and that typifies any race that's not Jewish, so that's the nations of the world. Tongues is 11- -- Strong's 1100, and it means all those speaking the same naturally acquired language. Now, that's what's happening here in this country and in Australia. We're all from different stock, from different races, from different nationalities, but when we're born here, we all speak English. So he's taking in these modern countries. And kings is 935, which means a sovereign power. And I suggest that means the sons of God. So he's sending John not only to Israel, but to the peoples of the world.
And this is an Alternate Translation, Revelation 10:11, "And the Lord said to me, you must preach once again before many races, non-Jewish nations, mixed peoples raised in the same location and songs of God." He's sending him forth with a new message, with a -- he's sending him forth with Christ in his soul. Apparently when John preached and wrote the gospel of John and the Epistles of John, he just had the Holy Spirit. We know the apostles received the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. And apparently they were preaching -- I don't know, possibly in the same condition we're in now. I really don't know. I just know that he was sent to the Isle of Patmos, and he was given this message. And he was sent forth with a mature Christ in him and a soul that had been brought into submission. And God said now you have to go preach in this condition.
This is what's coming. It's that ministry that's coming to the world today. We've had the church preaching for all of these years, but the age of the kingdom is coming. There are a lot of preachers that think that the age of the kingdom is now. Well, the age of the kingdom is now, but most ministries are not operating out of it. Or they're operating only in part -- out of it only in part. But there is a powerful move of God coming, and he's going to be the impartation or the breaking forth of the kingdom into the realm of appearance in this age. It's going to be a supernatural ministry, and the ministers ministering in it will have gone through this process of having their soul judged by Christ that has been birthed in them. They're not going to get an imputed anointing without any cost because the [UNINTELLIGIBLE] without repentance.
If you want to be a part of this, brethren, if you desire to be in ministry in this hour, don't think that you're going to be in ministry in this hour without great pain because you're not. And if you think you're a part of it and you haven't experienced great pain, you're deceived because you're not going in without pain. You're not going in without the imparted anointing. And God is not a merciless sadist. The pain is going to bring forth his righteousness in you and his mercy.
You're not going to judge men while you're just as defunct as they are, just as decrepit and depraved as they are. Why? Because you'll want to burn them in hell forever. Isn't that what we've got in the pulpit today? You're evil. You're going to burn in hell forever. Well, a depraved mind preaching judgment preaches depraved judgment. This move of God is going to be by preachers that are going to preach the truth about the Lord, Jesus Christ, that everything he destroys rises again in another form in a new form of life. Everything he touches results in life. Everything man touches he destroys. Look around you. Our water's destroyed. Our air is destroyed. Our children are destroyed. Every -- our animals, our fur is -- everything we touch is destroyed. We are death. But everything Jesus Christ touches, he imparts life to. Even when he kills you, you live again in another form. And he's not going to have this message preached by depraved, carnal minded preachers that are going to be destroying people with their condemnation.
Recap Revelation 10, Verses 8 to 11, "And the sound which I heard from the realm of the spirit of God spoke to me again saying leave this place and go with a fertilized soul, which has birthed Christ and is now ready to be judged by him, even by the one who was bringing the unconscious mind of the living soul into submission to his holiness and the conscious minds of men into obedience. And I went to the glorified Christ and said to him, let Christ appear in my conscious mind. And he said to me, may my son appear in your conscious mind. So be it. And by his indwelling power, may you forcibly bring your conscious mind into obedience by inflicting injuries upon it and stripping it of its power of you. And this process will cause you intense, severe pain and suffering in your emotions, but it will also result in great wisdom. And Christ appeared to me, bringing judgment to my conscious mind. And the power of Satan's thoughts in my conscious mind was destroyed. And as my conscious mind was becoming obedient to Christ, great wisdom was imparted to me, but I experienced intensely, distasteful and unpleasant suffering in my emotions. And the Lord said to me, you must preach, once again, before many races, non-Jewish nations, mixed peoples raised in the same location, and sons of God." Hallelujah.
So what happened here? John was caught up, and he saw a vision. And he said I want it. And now that vision that he saw is being preached. Now I declare to you, whoever hears this word and says let this soul be in me, that Jesus will say to you, so be it. May my son appear in you. I declare to you he will say no to no man. Hallelujah. Any questions today? OK. Let me get over there. OK.
The last part -- I think I misunderstood what you said. You said he was on the Isle of Patmos but that he preached. Did you say that he preached?
No, the Lord said to him now you have to go and preach again. See, he was a prisoner on the Isle of Patmos. I understand he was in isolation, so when the Lord said now go and preach again, he must've gotten him off of the Isle of Patmos and sent him out preaching.
You don't think by spirit that he went off? He actually went?
I don't know. My thought before you asked this question was that God delivered him from the Isle of Patmos and that he went out preaching in this new spiritual condition, even though I read in one of the Epistles of John this morning trying to determine what he was preaching before he was on Patmos. And I found his message very filled with the knowledge of the gospel of the kingdom, very much so. But I would have to guess -- it's my guess that when he preached the Epistles of John that he had it -- well, just like I do. I have a revelation of the gospel of the kingdom, but I'm not there. OK. And then he was put in jail in Patmos, and he experienced what he was preaching. And God said no, now I'm going to send you back. Preach it again when it happened to you, and that's how I see, that he preached it before it happened to him, like I'm preaching now. And then he was put in jail, and I'm in a spiritual jail for sure, you know, and somewhere along the line God got him out of that jail and said now go preach it after it's happened to you. And I can't -- I don't -- offhand, I don't know anything in the scripture that would give me information about the different response of the peoples that he was preaching to in one condition or in the other condition. I don't what he -- I don't have any information about that at all. We really don't.
Because I can only [INAUDIBLE] he never left Patmos or he died there.
I don't know, and, you know, I preached on a couple of messages that John was boiled in oil and his skin didn't boil. And I found out that that's a tradition that comes from the Catholic Church, so at this point, I don't really want to believe anything that I don't see in the Bible. And I don't have any information in the Bible as to what happened to him.
Yes, so I'm very leery now about believing any of this traditional stuff. But you know what's in my heart now, what I feel God is saying to me that when the Lord said to John now you must prophesy again to all of these peoples that what the Lord was really saying was the spirit of Christ that was in John, we have the spirit of Christ in you that's in John, you're going to practice that again. And he was really referring to this ministry that's coming forth now. Yes, because we know that Christ, the same Christ that was in the apostle John is in us today. He just has some more bodies and some new songs. Glory to -- that's what the Lord just said to me. So maybe John did die on the Isle of Patmos. I don't know. Do you want to put another question on this message?
Well, I was going to ask you about -- you were saying -- you were talking about the scripture about blessing and cursing coming out of the same mouth and how that -- they had used it to -- it was like religious. Another one that I think that is more intense when it says there's no condemnation in Christ to those who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit. That's also like religious in the church. The way they preach is religious. What do you have to say about that verse?
I agree with you completely, because they assume that they're walking after the spirit, and they're hating their brother in their heart. And they often indeed, they're often hating their brother indeed. And again, they think that they've got it, you know, and also a scripture that I believe is from the same epistle is they say who is born of God is incapable of sin. And we believe that they're incapable of sin. And I was going to another church before God raised up this ministry and I was at a Bible study. And God had sent me to a man. He was a young man. He's married with three children, but he, you know, in his 30s, I guess. And God just showed me he was [?really cruel?] and the preacher -- this particular preacher was a very carnal preacher and preaching on that verse. And I -- we had a fellowship afterwards and I wound up speaking to not the preacher but the man that was really anointed. And it was bothering him, you know, he couldn't understand it. And I just dropped that. I said it really simply about Christ being in us, you know, it's Christ in us that can't sin. It's not that we can't sin. It's the Christ that's born in us that cannot sin. And when he swallows us up and there's nothing left of us, then we won't be able to sin either.
But I put it to him in a very simple way. I don't even remember how, and he just received it. He was so excited. He just received it, and right after that the pastor came over just saying hello to everybody. And for whatever reason he came to us, and this young man turned around with this revelation. He was all excited. He just went right into the spirit, and the pastor literally laughed at him. He literally -- I mean he -- I -- in my opinion of what his response was, he was just patronizing. He literally patting him on the head and he [UNINTELLIGIBLE] but didn't believe it for a second.
He really believed that if you receive the promise that you're incapable of sin. And this man sinned frequently. In the pulpit he sinned. This man sinned in the pulpit. I met him in the -- I'll finish out this message with this testimony. You may have heard it before. I was in the diner after a service with a few people that had been in a deliverance church. And he came in and someone -- however, he found out where we were found, and he went into the men's room and got a piece of paper towel and bouncing the paper towel on his hand very sarcastically saying all right, who's going to throw up first. Who's going to throw up with you, but very wicked, and he made a statement somewhere in there that he would never let anyone vomit up a demon or anything else in his church. He would never tolerate it, and that was after a Thursday night service.
The very next Sunday, got brought a retarded adult into the church. And he was [UNINTELLIGIBLE] his guts out and throwing those paper towels under the chair, and this preacher just stood up in the pulpit. I thought he was going to have some kind of a fit. He was really -- he was acting very strange. I didn't know what he was going to do, and a person and the anointing came over me and what came out of my mouth was praise God. But it was loud. He heard it, and it had to be a [UNINTELLIGIBLE], because it just imparted a peace to him. And I think he was going to do something terrible [UNINTELLIGIBLE] he didn't do it. And he just seemed to gather his faculties, and he called the deacon and asked him to move the man to the back of the church. The man was a retarded adult, yet apparently [?he?] --
04/15/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion
04/18/14 1st Edit BP