Transcribed Messages


 By Pastor Sheila Vitale



(Unlinked Messages Have Not Been Transcribed)



029  -  Lust Has Power

068  -  Romantic Love

073  -  Pride

082  -  Love Or Lust

130  -  Wisdom To Live By 1

131  -  Wisdom To Live By 2

132  -  Life (6 Parts)

135  -  Christ In The Dysfunctional Family

147  -  Denial & Multiple Personalities

148  -  Heaven & Earth

150  -  Spiritual Roadblocks to Communication

153  -  Denial & Abuse

155  -  Spiritual Observations About Marriage & The Family

157  -  The Spiritual Roots Of Masturbation

160  -  Emotional Pain & Defense Mechanisms

162  -  The Roots Of Denial (3 Parts)

166  -  The Value Of Obedience

175  -  Overcomer Or Overcome? God's Promise To Struggling Christians

191  -  The Dysfunctional Family & The Individual

220  -  Problem Solving & Communication

221  -  Pharisees & Narcissism (2 Parts)

222  -  Neurosis

225  -  Religion, Humanism & God

233  -  Rejection

277  -  The Spiritual Foundation For Celibacy

320  -  Communication Skills For A Better Life

327  -  Anger, Aggression & Intimacy

332  -  Experiencing Consequences Builds Christ Jesus

334  -  Emotionalism & Christ Jesus

335  -  Pride & Judgment

337  -  Comments On Relationships

353  -  The Paradox Of Spiritual Manhood

359  -  Viewing World Events

412  -  Human Sexuality & Perfection - Are They Compatible??

414  -  Women's Liberation Hits The Church

424  -  Positive Thinking In Christ Jesus

432  -  Verbal Abuse

454  -  Review, Movie: Interview With A Vampire (2 Parts)

456  -  Christ Jesus Doesn't Do That

462  -  Spiritual Warfare In Washington

498  -  Thou Shalt Not Lie

507  -  A Study In Rebellion

524  -  Indignation (2 Parts)

526  -  Is It Lawful To Put Away A Wife? (Mk. 10:2-23)

549  -  Submit Yourselves (They Watch For Your Soul)

551  -  Confusion

559  -  Jesus Is Political

560  -  A Very Big Fish

561  -  Review, Movie: Titanic

563  -  Pastor Holzhauser We Love You

583  -  Unveiling Charles Dolan

585  -  A Muslim In Washington

586  -  The Problem With God’s People

589  -  Correction, The Love Of God (2 Parts)

590  -  Is God Responsible? (Jehovah’s Judicial Law)

593  -  The 42nd President

594  -  Emotions & The Root Of Control

595  -  Copeland, Huckabee & The End Times

599  -  Mormonism, The Kingdom Of God & America

602  -  Mitt Romney's Foreign Policy (2 Parts)

611  -  Politics, Pride & The Carnal Mind

627  -  Honor Thy Natural & Spiritual Parents

636  -  Women, Amazons & Equality

641  -  Political Chit Chat - 2008

643  -  Healing, Society, & The Debate

652  -  The Spiritual Life

662  -  Herbert Armstrong (7 Parts)

665  -  Review, Broadway: Wicked 

673  -  USA: Truth & Resurrection

674  -  Ideology And The Fair Market

675  -  Isaiah 36:37, A Political Statement (2 Parts)

676  -  An Earthquake In Haiti

677  -  A Little Bit About This And That

678  -  A Look At Progressivism

681  -  An Earthquake In Chile

684  -  Christ & Little Red Riding Hood

688  -  Bill Keller Vs Glenn Beck

692  -  Experiencing Discipleship

693  -  Baal-Peor In Washington

698  -  Church Ministry 02/16/12

702  -  Deadly Reasoning

703  -  Murder In Connecticut

704  -  Zeitgeist, The Spirit Of This Age (2 Parts)

705  -  Natural Law & Common Core

706  -  Alcoholics Anonymous & The Kingdom Of God

708  -  National Socialism (2 Parts)

709  -  Bang, You're Dead

710  -  Trying Moments

711  -  Listen & Follow Me

712  -  Hang In There, For The Lord Your God Is Well Able

719  -  Review, Movie: Edge Of Tomorrow (2 Parts)   [Video]

721  -  Review, TV Series: The Sopranos   [Video]

725  -  Israel Vs Palestine

726  -  Academia Weaponized

727  -  The Mike Brown Affair

729  -  Review, Movie: Lucy   [Video]

730  -  Review, Movie: Divergent   [Video]

734  -  Investigating The Illuminati   [Video]

737  -  Review, Movie: Jupiter Ascending  [Video]

738  -  Review, Netflix: House Of Cards  [Video]

739  -  CERN  [Video]

741  -  Group Therapy   [Video]

743  -  Growth Through Communication With Pastor   [Video]

745  -  No Fear In Godly Leadership   [Video]

749  -  The 1st Republican Debate 2016   [Video]

751  -  The American Aristocracy   [Video]

752  -  Adultery   [Video]

753  -  Spiritual Fornication & Spiritual Abortion   [Video]

754  -  Let's Break The Programming   [Video]

755  -  Putin In Syria   [Video]

757  -  A Time Such As This   [Video]

760  -  TPP-TPA   [Video]

761  -  Sound The Alarm!   [Video]

767  -  Sin As God Sees It   [Video]

768  -  Israel, Isil & Palestine (2 Parts)

769  -  The Holographic Planes of 9/11 [Video]

771  -  Glenn Beck's Antichrist Spirit & Donald Trump [Video]

777  -  Republican Debate & Other Issues [Video]

778  -  The Pope vs. Donald Trump [Video]

782  -  Trump, Rubio, Cruz, Carson - Analysis & Opinion [Video]

785  -  Trump [Video]

786  -  The Real World In 2016 [Video]

787  -  Current World Issues: March 2016 [Video]

788  -  Genetically Modified Foods (GMO) [Video]

789  -  Training In The Field [Video]

790  -  Mature Ministry For Mature Sons [Video]

791  -  Walking The Spiritual Walk [Video]

792  -  The Colorado Primary Controversy [Video]

793  -  Current Events 04/21/16 [Video]

794  -  My Long, Scary Journey Into Truth [Video]

795  -  What Happened To Mary? [Video]

796  -  Self-Preservation & Two Ways Of Escape [Video]

797  -  Spiritual Crimes Under The New Covenant [Video]

798  -  The Soul Of The State [Video]

799  -  God's Intentions, Motive & Opinions [Video]

802  -  Comments On The Rapture Debate

803  -  Tidbits For A Modern Time [Video]

806  -  Turkey Coup: Current Events [Video]

807  -  "Stop Trump" At The Convention [Video]

808  -  Donald Trump & Mike Pence: Issues [Video]

809  -  Republican Convention 2016 [Video]

811  -  Trump & Other Stuff [Video]

813  -  Trump, Icke & The New World [Video]

815  -  Trump Is God's Man [Video]

816  -  Truth, Higher Than Personal Loyalties [Video]

817  -  The Legitimization Of Witchcraft & The Vision Of Christ [Video]

820  -  Let This Mind Be In You, Christians [Video]

829  -  A New Era Is Coming [Video]

838  -  Woman, The Foundation Of Civilized Society [Video]

839  -  Death Of The Ego[Video]

840  -  The Wisdom Of God & Your Finances [Video]

842  -  The Judgement Of Silence [Video]

846  -  Trump, Paris Peace Accord & Other Comments [Video]

847  -  Review, Movie: Wonder Woman [Video]

848  -  Opinion: Trump, Russia [Video]

851  -  Pentecost Today - A Look From The Outside [Video]

854  -  Pastor Vitale On Prayer [Video]

855  -  The Book Of Ephesians, Chapter 1 - Alternate Translation [Video]

856  -  The Oral Law In The New Testament [Video]

857  -  What Happened To Michelle? [Video]

858  -  The Book Of Ephesians, Chapter 2 - Alternate Translation (3 Parts)

860  -  Charlottesville [Video]

862  -  I Do Not Hate You Like You Hate Me [Video]

863  -  Piercing Satan's Veil (2 Parts)

867  -  Trump & Judge Roy Moore [Video]

870  -  The Necessity For Discipline [Video]

871  -  Why Are Our Lives Sustained? [Video]

874  -  Review, Movie: Amnesia [Video] 

876  -  Conscience, A New Testament Concept [Video]

878  -  The Book Of Ephesians, Chapter 4 - Alternate Translation [Video]

879  -  The Book Of Ephesians, Chapter 5 - Alternate Translation [Video]

881  -  Sin & Its Consequences [Video]

883  -  Benjamin Fulford [Video]

885  -  The Restoration Of The Republic [Video]

889  -  2018 Prophecies & Commentaries [Video]

890  -  Mueller Vs Trump [Video]

892  -  Blockchain & Christianity [Video]

893  -  The Deep State & Qanon [Video]

894  -  About Billy Graham (Including Ben Shapiro) [Video]

895  -  Engage To Christ Mind (Tony Milton) [Video]

899  -  About Passover [Video]

900  -  State Of The Ministry (April, 2018)

901  -  Psychic Prayer [Video]

903  -  A Serious Discussion Of Life Issues [Video]

905  -  Know Thyself [Video]

907  -  Deuteronomy, Chapter 17 - Alternate Translation

908  -  Can Two Walk Together Except They Be Agreed? [Video]

911  -  Gino Jennings [Video]

913  -  It Is Hard Following The Lord (2 Parts)

917  -  The Book Of Ephesians, Chapter 6 - Alternate Translation (4 Parts)

918  -  State Of The Union: 2018 [Video]

919  -  Don't Look Back [Video]

920  -  The Land Of Milk & Honey [Video]

922  -  Judge Kavanaugh [Video]

923  -  Judge Kavanaugh - 2 [Video]

924  -  Judge Kavanaugh - 3 [Video]

925  -  The Sins Of Sodom (3 Parts)

926  -  Get Understanding [Video]

927  -  Be Ye Transformed [Video]

929  -  A Vision: Political & Spiritual Implications [Video]

930  -  The Fall Of The Black Magicians [Video]

931  -  State Of The Ministry (Nov 2018) [Video]

932  -  Midterms, 2018[Video]

933  -  An AI God[Video]

934  -  Wake Up You Who Are Sleeping [Video]

935  -  The Triffin Dilemma [Video]

936  -  Mature Spiritual Ministry [Video]

937  -  The Two-Witness Warfare [Video]

938  -  Political Exhortation 12/23/18 [Video]

940  -  Political Crisis In The USA [Video]

941  -  About Incest [Video]

943  -  Unholy Philosophy [Video]

944  -  An Informal Look At Revelation 13 [Video]

945  -  Owe No Man Anything [Video]

946  -  You Shall Lack Nothing & Owe No Man Nothing [Video]

947  -  Politics & Dreams [Video]

950  -  A Muslim Wanted To Know [Video]

952  -  Politics & The End Times [Video]

954  -  Things Good & Evil [Video]

963  -  LEM/CCK 2019 Conference (Margaret Mobolaji-Lawal) [Video]

964  -  I Have Something To Say (Tony Milton) [Video]

965  -  Review, Movie: Cold War [Video]

967  -  1 Peter, Chapter 1 - Exhortation [Video]

968  -  Spiritual Analysis & Ministry [Video]

971  -  You Are Not Your Own (Tony Milton) [Video]

972  -  Spiritually You Are Not Your Own (Tony Milton) [Video]

974  -  Political Commentary 8/4/19

975  -  The Clash Of The Titans & Olympians

976  -  Godly Communication And Mind Control (Sandra Aldrich) [Video]

977  -  Rick Wiles On Trump [Video]

978  -  The Three R's: Race, Racism & Racist (3 Parts)

987  -  Review, Movie: Tess Of The D'Urbervilles [Video]

988  -  Review, Movie: Reds [Video]

990  -  The Truth About Christmas (Jesse Aldrich) [Video]

991  -  Christmas & Paganism (Jesse Aldrich) [Video]

992  -  Yoga Infiltrating Christianity (Jesse Aldrich) [Video]

993  -  Lech Lecha Anyone (Tony Milton) [Video]

994  -  The Coronavirus & Some Political Implications [Video]

995  -  Christ & The Temple Sacrifices [Video]

996  -  Pastor Vitale's Personal Testimony [Video]

997  -  Mind To Mind Combat [Video]

1001 - Sin In The Blood, You Can Be Healed (Tony Milton) [Video]

1003 - The Three Sacrifices Of Jesus [Video]

1005 - George Floyd (2 Parts)

1006 - The Political Landscape, 6/2020 [Video]

1007 - Pastor Vitale's Testimony - Spiritual Warfare [Video]

1008 - Feed My Sheep & Lamb (Tony Milton) [Video]

1010 - Christ Working In You (Sandra Aldrich) [Video]

1011 - I In Them And You In Me (Tony Milton) [Video]

1014 - Let Us Make A Name For Ourselves (Tony Milton) [Video]

1015 - Masks & Other Things (Political Commentary) [Video]

1016 - Social Justice [Video]

1017 - Adversity And Good Both Come From God (Tony Milton) [Video]

1018 - Satan & The Devil Defined (Tony Milton) [Video]

1019 - Holiness [Video]

1020 - Who Is Job's Accuser? (Tony Milton) [Video] 

1021 - Joy Cometh In The Morning [Video]

1022 - Understanding The "Woke" Generation [Video]

1023 - Jesus' Response to the Satanists: 2020 [Video]

1024 - Testimonies Of Spiritual Warfare [Video]

1025 - Texas Vs Pennsylvania [Video]

1026 - There Is Nothing New Under The Sun [Video]

1027 - I Thirst And Hunger (Tony Milton) [Video]

1028 - What's Going On? [Video]

1029 - Vatican Nativity 2020 - Luciferian Nativity (Jesse Aldrich) [Video]

1031 - Wisdom For The Spiritual Life [Video]

1032 - What Is In A Number? - Judgment (Tony Milton) [Video]

1033 - All About The Reset [Video]

1034 - Nesara, The Great Reset & More[Video]

1035 - A Change Is Coming In The Church (Tony Milton) [Video]

1036 - Learn God's Love Before You Can Love (Tony Milton) [Video]

1037 - Knock, Knock. Who's There? Your Heart. (Tony Milton) [Video]

1038 - Know Your Rights And The Truth [Video]

1039 - The Genesis Of The 5th Day Creation [Video]

1040 - Present Truth [Video]

1041 - Moral Law of God [Video]

1042 - Premature Death - Understanding It [Video]

1043 - Covid-19 & The Wetiko Mind-Virus (2 Parts)

1044 - The Elect (1 Peter) [Video]

1045 - Israel, Hamas & The Current Crisis (2 Parts)

1046 - The Church Is Compromised (Tony Milton) [Video]

1048 - Review, Movie: The End of Eden [Video]

1049 - Seduction And The Snake (2 Parts)

1050 - Review, Movie: Roman J. Israel, Esq. [Video]

1051 - David, Absalom & CVD19 [Video]

1052 - Rev 14 & The Current Political Situation [Video]

1053 - God's Heart Matters (Tony Milton) [Video]

1055 - God's Frequency Has Benefits [Video]

1059 - A Few Small Bites [Video]

1060 - Review, Movie: Sunstroke [Video]

1061 - Longevity Is Possible (Tony Milton) [Video]

1062 - Review, Movie: Lost Horizon [Video]

1063 - Beware Of Seduction [Video]

1064 - Armageddon: What Is it? [Video]

1065 - Review, Movie: Anna Karenina [Video]

1066 - Man of God #5 - Smart green Cities [Video]

1067 - Review, Movie: Tender Is The Night [Video]

1069 - Let Us Make All Things New (Tony Milton) [Video]

1070 - Where Is Your Faith? (Tony Milton) [Video]

1071 - Review, Movie: A Death In Canaan [Video]

1072 - We Are The Serpent [Video]

1073 - Our Father Is The Devil (Tony Milton) [Video]

1074 - Praise Is A Spiritual Weapon (Tony Milton) [Video]

1075 - God's Unconventional Warfare (Tony Milton) [Video]

1076 - Is The Earth Flat Or What? (Tony Milton) [Video]

1077 - Raid At Mar-A-Lago

1078 - A Spiritual Crisis (2 Parts)

1079 - Provoked To Sin [Video]

1080 - The Ramblings Of Sheila Vitale [Video]

1081 - Review, Movie: Wildlife [Video]

1082 - Review, Movie: The Innocents [Video]

1083 - We Have A Fragmented Soul (Tony Milton) [Video]

1083 - Functioning From A Fragmented Soul (Tony Milton)[Video]

1085 - Pre-Marital Counseling [Video]

1087 - Giants & Jack And The Beanstalk [Video]

1089 - God Will Not Be Silent (Tony Milton) [Video]

1090 - In The Latter Days (Tony Milton) [Video]

1091 - Assume, Assumption And Presumption (Tony Milton) [Video]

1093 - 2023 LEM/CCK Conference (2 Parts)

1094 - God's Spiritual Bank Account (Tony Milton) [Video]

1095 - Why Do We Do The Things We Do? (Tony Milton) [Video]

1096 - Why Do Men Have Nipples? (Tony Milton) [Video]

1097 - Injustice (Tony Milton) [Video]

1098 - Burden Of Truth (Tony Milton) [Video]

1099 - Words Have Power (Tony Milton) [Video]

1100 - Everything And Everyone Has A Purpose (Tony Milton) [Video]

1101 - Is Oral Sex Acceptable To God? [Video]

1102 - The Israel-Hamas War

1103 - Can A Christian Have A Demon??? [Video]

1104 - 1 Corinthians 5 & 6 Unveiled [Video]

1105 - What Does It Mean To Be A Man And A Woman? (Tony Milton) [Video]

1106 - Feed My Sheep (Tony Milton) [Video]

1107 - What About Antarctica [Video]

1108 - A Time To Die (Tony Milton) [Video]

1110 - The Other Side Of God (Tony Milton) [Video]

1112 - Death And Life (Tony Milton) [Video]

1113 - What Would Jesus And Christ Do? (Tony Milton) [Video]

1114 - God Wins Debates (Tony Milton) [Video]



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Very interesting topics. Thank you.

  Silent Observer
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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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