721 - 1 Part

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For

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Lord, where are we going from here? Do not start me talk- -- well, maybe I am supposed to give you a commentary on “The Sopranos.” I actually -- I heard that name over the years, but I do not know. I am watching more television these days than I have in a long time. I find that it relaxes me. It is a -- it is -- I do not know when that series was made, but it has to be quite a few years old. Does anybody know how old "The Sopranos" is? Does anybody know who the Sopranos are?


Yeah. I think it probably started maybe 10 years ago.


Ten years ago?


Yeah. Because it is off the air now.


Yeah. Very, very interesting, fascinating, just a fascinating picture, a psychological picture of an American gangster, and I believe, from -- f- -- to the degree of my ability to recognize it, very authentic. Here is this man; he is a gang boss. He is the bo- -- they call him a boss. He is the head of all the gangsters. He is acknowledged as the authority. If anyone wants his job, they get into gang wars and kill each other. American gangster-ism is not something that we are to be proud of, but it is definitely an American phenomenon that initially seemed to have been imported from Italy, and today we have R- -- the Russian mafia. We have the Chinese mafia. But there is something about the Italian mafia that is so attractive to people; it is fascinating. As I discussed this series with the Lord, that is what came to me; it is fascinating, OK. And who is it that fascinates us? Who was the first fascinator, anybody? Who is the fa- -- who fascinated somebody in the Bible? What is the word fascination associated with?


[?I would?] think the serpent.


The serpent, yes. The serpent is fascinating, a fascinating -- a hypnotizing serpent. There is something about the mafia that is so attractive to straight people. The Lord has told me that it is an envy of power. That is what the Lord told me. It is the -- it is -- and if you are fascinated with the mafia -- and I have to admit to it to a degree because that is how the Lord told me that because I was falling under that. He said to me it is a fascination of or an envy of power, and I just know in my spirit it is to be true.


So this is the most incredibly psychological profile of an American gang boss who is this very tough man. He has -- he is a murderer, yeah, and you see that side of him. You see he is -- is -- it is a -- brethren, it is a completely oxymoron. It makes -- it is a contradiction that makes no sense at all to my rational mind that a man could be a murderer and be a righteous man, but the man had a righteous spirit on him, and he only killed people that deserved to be killed. The whole problem is: Who are you to decide to be killed? But he is ready to punish the -- this schoolteacher that incesting [sic] -- that is sleeping with the students. He has a righteous spirit concerning his children and what is morally -- s- -- morally right and wrong from a social point of view, OK. And then he -- what he does for a living is that, if it is necessary, he kills pe- -- he does not like to kill people, but, if he decides it is necessary, he has no problem killing people, and he will kill people who he determines vengeance should be vested upon.


And then he goes home, and he has got this gorgeous house and this beautiful wife who pecks at him all the time. She has no fear. The whole world is terrified of him, OK, and his wife is very attractive, so, from time to time, a man considers going after a married woman. And as soon as he finds out who her husband is, they run for their life. The guy is a known murder, OK, yet, when he comes home, his wife has no fear of him. She pecks at him; she yells at him; she tells him to cut it out and grow up. It is just very interesting, brethren.


And then his children are really -- his daughter needed a big s- -- a quick smack in the mouth, and, at one point, it comes out why he is not harder in his discipline on them. I mean, he will tell them off, but he -- it mentions that these days, if you touch your children, they put you in jail. You know, they will -- oh, they will take your kids away, so he could not discipline his children, and maybe they -- maybe your kids do need a whack. I d- -- I mean, I do not think you should be beating your children, but I think that the Scripture says you -- a child that is rebellious, you need to take a rod to them, you know. But he could not do that, so the two kids, one daughter and one son, were completely out of order, so he rebuked them with his -- with a -- with his mouth, and the wife rebuked them with her mouth, but the kids needed a stronger discipline than that. And s- -- and a couple of times, she was contradicting him, so she was -- brethren, can you see what I am saying? This tough -- this -- everybody is afraid of him, and his wife is telling him to shut up and grow up. Do you see the contradiction?


And then his mother is evil, and, brethren, it is very hard to -- for people to even think that it is possible that a mother could be evil, but sometimes mothers are evil because mothers are people, and some people are evil, and sometimes evil people are mothers. So this particular mother was -- had a borderline personality syndrome, which I have been interested in, in years. I -- my opinion, and I do not know for sure because I have never spoken to a medical professional about this, but my understanding of the borderline personality -- I used to say to the Lord, borderline of what? Borderline on what? It is more common to know about bipolar disorder. More people know about bipolar disorder. Either you are up and you are ecstatic or you are down and you are depressed. They used to call it man depressive; now they call it bipolar. But what is this borderline personality?


Finally, after actually asking the Lord for years, the answer came to me a couple of years ago: You are a borderline sociopath. Now I do not know if a psychiatrist would agree with that, but this is what the Lord told me. It -- you are borderline sociopath, you see, you know, which means you are not functioning in society, but you are not quite a sociopath. And I do not -- I am not that familiar with the criteria. I am not a psychologist to say, well, if your behavior fits this, this and this, you will be -- would be diagnosed as a sociopath, and, if your behavior fits this criteria, you are not quite a sociopath. We will just call you borderline; you are on the border.


Well, according to this series, the -- because this gang boss winds up seeing a psychiatrist, it is just so fascinating. He winds up seeing a psychiatrist because he is having anxiety attacks. Now the anxiety attacks are not coming from his gangland experiences. The anxiety attacks are coming from his family. They are coming from his family, or, if he did have one or two anxiety attacks concerning his business, it was because he had to bring a correction that it broke his heart to bring, and, in his case, a correction is he had to kill the guy because someone that he trusted and thought of like a brother was -- betrayed him. So he -- in his mind, he did what he had to do. He killed him, but then he has an- -- well, if you have seen the videos, I do not want you to think I am making a mistake. That might not be the exact moment, but he has had a couple of anxiety attacks concerning his business, not because he was horrified that he had to kill somebody, but because people betrayed him, and he had to deal with the people in a manner that made him unhappy, and that is why he is having these anxiety attacks.


And my analysis of -- I mean, brethren, this is not just a TV series; this is an absolutely brilliant diagnosis of a man in this condition, where I -- in my opinion, from -- in my opinion, if he w- -- had been -- if he had been born under other circumstances, if he had been born into a professional family, for example, where everybody was a doctor or doctors and lawyers and judges, he would have been a great man in society. The man actually had a spirit of righteousness with regard to people. He tried to do the right thing, tried to help people, and, even in his murders, if you can hear what I am saying, would only do it under the right -- in his estimation, the right circumstances, you know.


And that is what he was born into; he was raised in that. It shows you that his father was a violent man who was out collecting money from people that had borrowed money, and they had to go collect it. That was what he was born into, and that was how he earned his living, and that was what he became. But I have no problem seeing him born in other circumstances, being a completely upright citizen in society, and that is what happened to him, you see.


And then, in his society, there was a character named Richie who was j- -- they were all violent, all of these characters, extremely violent men, OK, but righteous except for Richie. So we see that there was a man -- there was a character who was violent, and he was not righteous; he did not have morals, OK. He -- what did he do that he did not have morals? He k- -- he beat a man so badly, ran him down with his car. He was sadistic. The man became a paraplegic just out of vengeance. He was sadistic. Let me leave it with you at that. He was sadistic, and he did not share the morals of Tony Soprano, and Tony despised him, did not like him at all, recognized him as an immoral man within their sealed community, if you can hear this, fascinating study.


Within their community, there was moral and immoral people, and Tony Soprano, who was the c- -- the head boss, he was a moral man, tough guy. Everybody was afraid of him. The cops were out trying in every way to get him, and his wife picked at him almost continuously when he came home. Now she, in all -- in favor of his wife, in all fairness to her, if there is a fairne- -- brethren, there is no excuse for picking at your husband, you see, no excuse for it. But he had a girlfriend, and, apparently, th- -- it was -- his having a girlfriend was a part of this whole macho culture that they lived in. They, like, lived in a fishbowl. It is not all Italian people; it was this particular Italian culture within Italian culture, OK, and they had their own moral and -- their own morals and their own rules. And if you were a man, you had a girlfriend, and they called her a [?goombah?]. I had never heard that term before.


So his wife, she was really upset with him that he had a girlfriend, so I guess that is why she was picking at him all the time, but, ladies, let me tell you, that is not what you are -- that is not how you get what you want, you see, and it is not just ladies. It is whoever is under authority. You do not get what you want by attacking the authority, you see. God does not honor it. That is not how -- it does not work like that, you know. But, anyway, I do not know what it is like to be married to a man that has a mistress; it must be very painful. But I am -- this is the culture. We are watching a study of this culture. If you were an- -- if you were a man and you were anybody, you had a girlfriend, so he had this gor- -- absolutely gorgeous Russian young lady 20 years younger than him that he was keeping. And then his kids were very nasty to him, you know. I think his daughter really needed a smack in the mouth, you know, but the -- both of the kids were not very nice to him.


And so all of his troubles were his family. You cannot murder your family. You cannot beat up -- and he loved them. He loved his family, so here is another a- -- here is another contradiction: The man who was a cold-blooded murderer, when he thought it was justified, loved his family. He loved his wife, and he loved his children, and he was doing his best to take care of his mother who was a borderline personality and evil -- well, I do not want to be insulting, anybody that is listening to me that has a borderline personality, but this woman happened to be evil, and she happened to have a borderline personality. That is the best that I could do.


And her two daughters had abandoned her, according to the show. Her two daughters had abandoned her. Why? Because she was negative; there was no way to please her. No matter what they did, the children could not please her. No matter what they did, she put them down. She would not acknowledge any of their accomplishments, but it -- but made snide remarks that chipped away at their self-confidence, so the two daughters had abandoned her.


Tony, however, wanted to -- he was not -- this was a really important part of the show. He was not acknowledging what she was. He knew that she was negative, but it was just his mother, and he loved her. And if he would come in and say it is a beautiful day, she would say it is disgusting out. You know, it -- she was n- -- you just -- she just could not be happy, and, according to the psychiatrist in the movie, that is one of the symptoms of borderline personality. They are people who are joyless. They just cannot be happy; they will always find something to be unhappy about.


So he was putting up with it, taking care of his mother, but it turns out that his mother was evil enough to tr- -- she actually tried to get him killed. So -- and then you see how this mentality of murder and violence, how it touches the women in the culture. It shows you how the women deal with it, fascinating, fascinating. So his mother -- and how do you deal with it when you are a woman in that culture? You have to deal with it passively, you know, by manipulating the one that has the gun to do what you want him to do, you see, so his mother was controlling with her negativity.


Brethren, if you see yourself in this profile or if you know anybody like this, you need to know that continuous disapproval or that disapproval, unless it is legitimately motivated, unless it is a godly disapproval, is control, that we control people with our disapproval, especially if it is your children or your mate, someone that is close to you, someone that is hoping for and expecting love from you. When all that they get from you is disapproval, you need to know that yo- -- it is literally spiritual murder of their soul they -- when they just simply cannot please you. You are destroying their soul.


So Tony was just putting up with her and saying, oh, my mother, she is driving me crazy, and the woman was getting older. She -- and she really could not -- she really needed to be in assisted living, but she did not want to go into assisted living. Tony’s wife, at least three or four times they showed you, sincerely invited her to come live with them. She said no, and then went and told everybody that -- why cannot I remember her name? his wife -- what?




Carmela, thank you. W- -- his wife, and she went and told everybody that his wife would not take her in, and she really, sincerely, would have taken her in. She was a kind woman.


So we see the different female reactions to this violent culture, and Carmela’s reaction to it was to become a religious Catholic, you see. She was all into her Catholicism and her religion, but it is revealed throughout the series that -- I like Carmela. I like her. She -- I likened her, but she was a hypocrite, you see, because she took all -- she took the spoils of her husband’s gangster profession. She took the big house. She took the fur coat, you know. She took the money. She took it all, you see. And part of that lifestyle was that he had a mistress, you see, so she tolerated what he was doing, although he never really told her, but she knew what he was doing. And she tolerated the mistress, but she did not tolerate the mistress because she picked at him continuously, which probably drove him to the mistress, away from her, you see. But as much as I likened her, she took the spoils of that violent life, you see.


Then we see his sister, his sister who rejects that life and goes out and becomes a hippie, right. And now this is -- this -- I will get back to his mother in a minute. This was really interesting, his sister Janet. She made at least one statement that I heard her say where she called him something to the effect of -- or the -- this male culture, the males. These are emotional -- and it was not this. I am making it up because I cannot remember exactly what she said, emotional cripples, something like that. In other words, they walk around, and they are so macho, and they have guns, and they kill people, but they are emotional cripples, basically in that they were not very affectionate to their wives, except Tony really loved his wife, but they were distant from their woman. It was all a control issue, me man, you woman, and sex was the primary connection.


Sometimes, even in marriage, people will not go beyond sex. They will not enter into the emotional intimacy that is f- -- that should be pre- -- in my opinion, it should be present in marriage. They do not go beyond the sexual intimacy, which, usually, in most instances, leaves the woman frustrated, OK, because the man will not take that next step to that emotional intimacy, and we see that is what is happening in the culture today. There is all of this talk about sensitizing the men and making them more understanding, but the result of all that is that they are killing the manhood in the country, so, brethren, there is no answer to some of these problems. The only answer is Jesus Christ, you see. For a man to stay strong and take care of his family and discipline the children and do what he -- -ever he has to do, it weakens him in that role when he becomes more sensitized and more understanding and the sensitivity training and everything that we see going on in the Western world today. It weakens him, and we see the men generally being weakened in the country, so the answer is Jesus Christ, brethren, OK.


Anyway, so she comes back from out of town, and she makes this comment. In other words, she has left that culture, you see. She has rejected that macho culture, and she sees those men as emotional cripples, and she is above it. And what do you think happens to his sister, Janet? She falls in love with the most corrupt of all of them. She falls in love with the gangster who is the one that Tony Soprano says has no morals. That is the one that she winds up with, the worst of them, you see. It is like if you have seen “The Godfather.” It is the same principle there. The youngest guy, who was Al Pacino, he was going to escape from that whole culture, OK, but, when he was drawn back in, he became the most severe gangster as godfather of all of his brothers. It is just something inside of you, brethren. You can only overcome it in Jesus Christ. You can run away from it, you see, but it is inside of you. Only Jesus Christ can change you. It is something inside of you that you cannot escape.


I saw another movie not too long ago which made this principle, and I think I mentioned it to you. It was about a scholar, a man who was a college teacher. He had many degrees, and he was -- oh, he was a part of that world called academia, and he wound up in an affair with a woman. Brethren, I hate to use these words, but you have to face the reality. There are different grades of society, and there -- I hate to use the words lower, higher, but I do not know how else to describe it to you. She was a lower -- of a lower cultural degree than himself. She worked as a waitress, and they were miles apart, OK, culturally and financially w- -- miles apart, and she was -- the girl was promiscuous. He had not been promiscuous. He was a widower. What did he have in common with her? And his friends were trying to tell him what do you have in common with this woman? She is not for you. She is going to drag you down, and the bottom line -- because I want to get back to "The Sopranos," the bottom line was that they had something in common that was invisible.


It turned out that this scholar, OK, that he was a black man, that he was the only one in his family that was white, the -- because of the way the genetics came out. The whole family was black, and he rejected his family. He chose to live in the white world and to escape dealing with the prejudice by denying that he was black, and his -- so he -- his mother re- -- I think his family rejected him. He gave up his family, you see, and he had that wound deep inside of him from whatever he had experienced as a black man, the rejection that he had experienced. And -- but when people knew that he was black, whatever that -- ho- -- whatever caused that wound in him to make him decide to give up his whole culture, including his family -- he had a deep wound inside of him.


And then it turned out that the woman, although she was living in this low c- -- on this low cultural and spiritual level because she was promiscuous, that she had grown up in a wealthy home. And she had been abused and raped and incested [sic] and had run away and had culturally and socially and financially fallen down into this world because she would not stay in that financial world where she was be molested, you know. So she was deeply wounded, betrayed by family members, so she had fallen from a high cultural and financial place down to this low financial place [UNINTELLIGIBLE] and spiritually low place, and he had been -- and from a poor family and became upper middle-class because he was a c- -- a well-known college professor and a writer, OK. So she was high, and he she fell. He was low, and he ascended culturally, and their wounds brought them together. You could not see it on the outside, but the inner wounds of the two of them, OK.


Neither one were what they appeared to be, OK. The college professor was not what he appeared to be. What he was that he was denying was that he was a black man that had achieved in this country, you see, and, you see, when he dies, his sister comes to the funeral, and that is how it -- we find out that he was black, you see. He was a black man that had ach- -- from a humble home that had achieved, but nobody knew because he was hiding his background. She was born into a wealthy home that molested her and violated her, and she fled from it, so they both were the opposite of what they were. She was born into money and fell down. He was humble and came into money, OK, and their wounds drew them together, you see. That was the point of the movie. Their wounds that you could not see by looking at them drew them together. Just giving up his family wounded him, but he made a decision to do it, did not see his mother again, even after she died, you see.


So that is what happened with Tony Soprano’s sister, Janice. She physically fled from that culture, but she could not find a man that she was willing to settle down with. She had her affairs, but she was going from one man to the other. When she finally found someone that she was crazy, madly in love with, he was the worst of the crop of what she had fled from. Brethren, you have to hear this, you see. The leopard cannot change its spots; only Jesus Christ can change your spots, you see.


And I will tell you something else, if you want to be willing to hear this. This lesson applies to homosexuality, you see. If you think you are born that way -- and maybe you were. I do not know, you see. And you think -- well, what is popular today is to say, well, I cannot change. You cannot change me; I was born that way, you see. Then you have to live an asexual life, you see, whether it is homosexuality inside of you or whether it is something inside of you attracting you to a murderer who, once you are married, would beat you and abuse you, you see, and that means you have to stay single, if you can hear what I am saying.


I have given you testimonies like this about one woman, that she married three or four times. Each one of the men turned out to be an adulterer when there was absolutely no sign of it in the beginning of the marriage. They all wound up cheating on her. What was it inside of her that picked these men? You see, something inside of the man that did not show, and something inside of her was drawing her to this kind of abuse in her life.


So if you cannot get it fixed, maybe psychiatry can -- so can- -- psychoanalysis can help you. I do not know, and even if Jesus helps you, it is a long process. You do not get delivered from that overnight. That is not a spirit that is cast out of you; that is a corruption of your soul that needs to be remolded in the n- -- in the righteous image of Jesus Christ. So if you do not have that kind of fix to your problem, then you stay single, you see. That is the truth. That is the spiritual truth about life in our fallen condition that Paul was trying to tell you when he said to you women, if you cannot with that man, le- -- if you cannot live with him, leave him, but remain single because that -- whatever it is in you that married someone that beat you, it -- you will be attracted to the same kind of man again. Stay single, and serve God, you see.


So she ran. She left the culture, Janice Soprano, and, when she came back, she fell in love with the worst of the barrel there, scum, by Tony’s own words, OK. And she is crazy in love with him, willing to tolerate little -- brethren, there is always signs. There are always signs that you should not be with that guy or you should not be with that woman, but you ignore those signs because you really want to -- because your emotions want to be with that person, you see, so she knew he was crazy.


He wanted w- -- the one thing that they show you -- I really wonder if this was based on someone. The situations were so authentic that you have to believe that there were people involved in this production that had some contact with this culture, and I just wonder if what I am about the tell you was a story that they actually heard from somebody, that this guy likened having sex holding a gun to the woman’s head. It gave him a thrill, you know, so, of course, she wa- -- he was not forcing her. I guess he had rape fantasies, you know, so he wanted his girlfriend to let -- to have sex with him while he was holding a gun to her head, and she is saying, well, that is OK. It does not hurt me. He can -- I can do that for him. That was in the -- one of the episodes, so the guy is nuts and, you see, has all this po- -- violent potential, OK.


And they are -- now they are getting engaged, and they have this big engagement party, and they are buying a house, and already now the guy is changing because people change when you get married, brethren. They change when you get married. Now they have already been living together, but now they are getting married, you see, so she does not like something that she is doing, and she opens up her mouth to him, you know, and he finally shows his true colors. He says, “Shut up, and get my dinner,” and she will not shut up, so he hauls off and he smacks her, really laid one on her, you know. She had a big bruise.


So what does she do? She is crazy in love with this man, the love of her life. Brethren, the corruption inside of her found the corruption inside of this man, OK. Her head was in the toilet bowl somewhere, and now he hauls off and he smacks her. She goes, and she gets a gun, and she kills him. She shoots him dead. Then she is hysterical, crying over the body how much she loves the man, so, brethren, that is a confused person, you see.


Either by the grace of God you find some way, through either psychiatry or God or -- to live a balanced life despite those roots, or you stay single, you see, but no one is listening to my advice. No one out there is listening to my advice, if they can even hear my advice. They are all going and getting married based on familiar spirits, something in the culture that attracts them, you see, and they are not going by their head. They are going by their emotions, and they think that this guy is different or that woman is different. Well, can you not see they are different? And then as soon as you get married or after the first year, then they revert to what -- they revert to not only what they really are but you were attracted to that you were in denial of, you see.


So his sister Janet is all screwed up, and then she leaves because she murders the guy, and Tony Soprano covers it up for her. And the mother is evil, you know, and she hates her son. Now I want to tell you, brethren, that is really hard to believe that there are mothers that could hate their children, but I am telling you that I have seen it, and it is not a popular thing to say because people do not want to hear that, that a mother could really hate her son, but I have seen it. Not -- I have seen it, not in my immediate family. I do not want you to get the wrong idea, but I have seen it. I have seen a mother hate her child, you see.


So she hates her son. He only wants to please her. He only wants to take care of her. He is ignoring all of her negativity, and he finally decides that she has to go to a c- -- assisted living, and that is her excuse, but she hated him before that. Control, brethren. He put her in assisted living. She was so mad at him that she was able to influence a relative to put out a contract on him. Now, brethren, con- -- this is, like, the ultimate end of control. Control is a big problem in culture where different people will go to different extremes, you see. The greatest extreme that I have ever seen in -- with somebody that cannot control me is that they cut me off, and they will not talk to me. They have utterly failed to control me, so the only thing they have power to do is to say I will not let you in my life, you see. That is the extent of control that I have experienced, and that is in my family, and it is pathological, brethren, you know.


But here the mother goes one step further, OK. Now would she go that step further if she was not a part of that culture? Probably not, you see. So she has a relationship with her dead husband’s brother, Tony’s uncle, and there is all of this competition because they are all gangsters and fighting over the territory, whatever, you see, and so the uncle had some ought against Tony. And to see the -- I have s- -- brethren, I have witnessed this, how she planted the seed in this man’s mind, how she never -- you know, if you went back to her, she can ne- -- you could never -- she would say to you what did I say? She just asked a question or she s- -- or she lied or -- very, very subtle.


So this uncle, Tony’s uncle, goes out and puts a contract on Tony’s life and tries to kill him, but he escapes because he is the hero of the series, so he has to escape, her -- his own mother, because she is so angry at him that he put her in this assisted living, but, in my opinion, it is more than that. It is an anger that goes much deeper than that. It is a need. It is a pathological need to control that went one step further than cutting the person o- -- than saying I will not talk to you anymore, OK. It is a need to control, which is -- it is in every culture, brethren, only it is in degrees of pathology.


The pathology of control comes in degrees, and if you are going to be a son of God, you need to ask the Lord if there is any control in your life and to show it to you so that you can renounce it, you see. Now there is a godly control. If you have children, you have to -- you have control. If you are running a household, you have control. If you are running a ministry, you have control. There is a godly control. I am talking about motive, you see. If your motive for control is to run a tight ship so that everybody can benefit and prosper, then you are not in any trouble. If your motive for control is because you are in a power play with that person, then you have got a problem, and you really need to get before God and start working on it before it gets out of hand, you see, except that very few people can recognize control in their own lives. So if you are listening to me and you want to go on with God and you are smart, you would say, Lord, please show me all my areas of control, ungodly control, so that I can deal with it, you see.


So his mother was e- -- brethren, there are evil people in this world, you see. Now here is a question for you, brethren: Who is the evil one, Tony Soprano, who is a cold-blooded murderer according to his justice, at least according to justice, although it is his justice, who is trying to raise is family and c- -- is concerned about his family, including his mother, as opposed to his mother who has never murdered anybody and probably would never try but is a spiritual murderer that destroys the soul of anyone that she could [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- who has destroyed the soul of her children and actually manipulated an uncle to put out a contract on her own son?


Well, let us say she did not put out the contract on Tony. How do you compare these two people, someone who is a cold-blooded murderer and is really trying to help is family -- wake up -- trying to live for his family, concerned, trying to run the household, to be a father and a husband, OK, and a woman who has a -- such a pathological need to control her children that she is murdering their souls with -- through disapproval? How do you weigh this, brethren? How do you weigh this and stay sane, you see?


Brethren, this is the issue that Jesus was talking about. It is the exact issue that Jesus was talking about when he said, if you have hated your brother, you have already murdered him. Jesus deals with motives. Now as far as Tony is concerned, he is a murderer, and it -- when the -- if and when the law can prove it, he needs to pay for his crimes, you see. But in my opinion, Tony is a candidate for the forgiveness of sins whereas his mother is not. Brethren, some people -- now I cannot tell anybody you cannot have your sins forgiven, but there are some people, some personalities, who are not candidates to have their sins forgiven; they are too evil. Brethren, that is what happened when there was a fl- -- that is why there was a flood. The personalities -- the majority of personalities, was so evil, and that evil is measured in your relationship to each other. They were so evil to each other that Jehovah wiped out the whole human population. He just let the soul survive, only that which was in the water survived.


Tony Soprano, a cold-blooded murderer, is a candidate for salvation. His mother, in my opinion, was not. Brethren, if you do not get this, you need to pray about it. Well, if you can ask me, I will try and help you. If you want to be a son of God, you have to get this because this is what it is all about. This is what being a son of God is all about, knowing people by their motives. How could God forgive a murderer? He could forgive a murderer if that murderer -- if he can [?convict?] that murderer that they were wrong. But someone that is so evil that they want to control you to the point of destroying your soul to satisfy some need in themselves, there is no room there short of an outstanding miracle. Maybe the power of God will fall down on you and give you a miracle. Short of that, there is no hope for you, for that personality. You have to die, and then your soul has to reincarnate and s- -- try again.


Jesus talked about -- was it Jesus? No. I think it was the Old Testament, talks about evil figs. Now the fig tree typifies Israel, and the prophet -- I think it was Isaiah, either Isaiah or, I thi- -- or Jeremiah. I think it was Isaiah, talks about figs that are so evil that they cannot be eaten. What does that mean, they cannot be eaten? It means that the Spirit of God, Jesus Christ, or before Jesus appeared, Adam Kadmon himself, wanted -- wants to consume us so that we can become his skin. When we eat the meat of a cow, that meat winds up as flesh on our bones, so the parable or the metaphor is that the word of God wants to eat us. He wants to consume us. He wants to blend with us, and then our place in the new creature is that we are the skin on the outside, which is inseparable from him, you see.


So the prophet talks about figs, members of Israel that are so evil that they cannot be eaten. There is no way to join them to God. Nobody wants to hear that, parents killing children, children killing parents. There is evil in this world, and that is the sign of a dying culture, you see, when people become evil towards each other. As crazy as it sounds, when the people are pulling together as a loving family and then family members go out and murder to support the family, so to speak, that -- those people can be helped. But once you start being evil towards other people, especially your immediate family, y- -- brethren, you are in spiritual trouble. You need to know you are in severe spiritual trouble, and you really need to cry out to God to help you.


So that is Tony Soprano, his mother. I talked to you about his wife. I talked to you about his children. I talked to you about his sister, and then, well, there is the psychiatrist. The psychiatrist is a very interesting character, and the writers used her to demonstrate this fascination for mafia types, OK. She takes on Tony Soprano as a client, knowing that he is a murderer, and she becomes very attracted to him. So I do not know, and do not anybody tell me if by the end of the series, if she wounds -- winds up sleeping with him or not. I do not know, but she is fascinated by him, and you see how she is resisting that as a psychiatrist. You have to resist these feelings that come forth so that she can treat the man, but it is very obvious in the series that she is fascinated with his violence. People are fascinated with the vi- -- with the whole culture, the violence, the macho-ism, the money, everything that comes in from a man’s point of view. For the women, it is just -- it is like a description of Hell, brethren, you see, lots of sexual corruption there, you see.


And what is interesting -- that I find interesting -- I do not have anything else to say about the psychiatrist right now except that she becomes an alcoholic. She -- something in her -- now what is interesting is that she is Italian. She is from an Ita- -- from an immigrant Italian family that is not mafia, you see. They are hardworking people, came to this country, and, like so many other immigrants that come, their children wound up getting better jobs. She became a psychiatrist, and the family is a prosperous family, and they are a legitimate family. So we see them having a family dinner, talking about how the stain of these other Italians fall upon them, and it shows the conflict in that Italian family that is not mafia, and you see something in her is attracted to the violence in him because that is what it is. It is a -- the attraction of the violence in him, just the power that he walks in.


And, also, what I find very interesting is that he -- the character -- the actor that they took to play his part is not an attractive man. He was not a good-looking man in the series. He was a big guy, but his face was not particular handsome. He was losing his hair. He was overweight. He had some compulsive eating problems. He was really not a good-looking guy, and yet he was that attractive, so it was not his looks, you see. It was -- it is the power that is on the man, that power, you see. She was attracted to it. She was fascinated by it.


And at one point she throws him out and tells him she never wants to see him again, and then she calls him and takes him back, you see, and that was a turning point in her life because at one point he threatened her, you know. Brethren, psychiatrists tend to tell you things that you do not like to hear. They get you angry, so I have had people here call me a spiritual psychiatrist. I tell you things you do not like to hear, and people he- -- get very angry at me.


So, actually, what I think he threatened her about was when she told him the truth about his mother, you see. Up until the point that he found out that his mother try -- actually manipulated his uncle to put out a contract on his life, and that was admitted in the series, w- -- going -- in retrospect, the uncle -- after the attempt failed, it got out on the street that the uncle had been seduced by this little old woman that looked so helpless, and he was the laughing stock. So w- -- it is an established fact in the series that his mother tried to get him killed, you see.


So the psychiatrist a- -- she tries to tell him the truth, that his mother has borderline personality, and he grabs her by the throat. He sc- -- really scared her, you know. He said he was going to mash her face in, you know, but he did not do it, and he leaves, and she locks the door, and she will not treat him. And then you see how that rela- -- she sa- -- has this ungodly soul tie with him that established -- that was established. Although she sits there on her seat separate from him, something inside of her connected with something inside of him, and she was caught. She was trapped in a spiritual way, so she phy- -- now hear this, brethren. She physically ran from him. She told him she would not treat him. She physically ran from him.


After that, he went looking for her and found her in a diner and said he wanted her to continue to treat him, and she told him, no, to get out of there or she was going to call the police, so she physically took the victory, but that connection continued to work inside of her until she took him back. She called him up and said she has an appointment for him. I think it may have been as much as a year later. That was her downfall. Brethren, once you escape, do not go back. We saw that it happened with Lot. Once you escape, do not turn back, OK.


So she started seeing him again, and, shortly after that, she started drinking, you see. And the series shows her seeing her psychiatrist. Now psychiatrists -- I do not know about psychologists, but I know psychiatrists, at least the way it used to be, was that they had to have their own psychiatrist to be in practice. So she was seeing -- and I do not know if that was the case or not, but she was seeing her own psychiatrist who kept telling her, “Why did -- why do you take him back?” You know, and she is deceiving herself saying it is because he needs help, and he is a patient, and she feel that -- felt that she abandoned him, but it is a lie, you see.


She is hooked, and that is why I said earlier do not anybody tell me. I will find out in due season whether or not she ever actually sleeps with him because he would like to sleep with her, you know, and she is sitting there all prim and proper as the professional, and she is not yielding to that thought or that desire, but she is turning into an alcoholic over it. She admits to her psychiatrist that she only drinks either before or after she sees him. I do not recall which it is, and not only is she becoming an alcoholic, but she is taking on violent characteristics. Now here is a s- -- brethren, a sophisticated genteel woman, soft-spoken, and now she is becoming aggressive, and she actually starts a fight with somebody in a restaurant. She is taking on Tony Soprano’s personality characteristics.


So I know -- I do not know what the end of that story is yet except that she is in a lot of trouble, and a psychiatrist is saying to her, “Why do not you give him to somebody else?” No other psychiatrist will take the case, and she will not give him up because she thinks that it would be abandoning a patient, but she is just deceiving herself, and her psychiatrist knows it. And that is the point in the series that I see her. She is an alcoholic. She is really trapped, and, if I had to guess -- I do not know how the series turns out, but looking at that kind of situation, I would say it would be just a matter of time until she sleeps with him.


So is there anything else that I would say? I think I n- -- I am still falling asleep here. An- -- is there anything else that I could say about Tony Soprano, Lord, before we take a break? Tony Soprano, fascinating man, not at all attractive man, nothing attractive about him at all. And as I am telling you, the producers and the directors, they deliberately picked, in my opinion, a man that was not physically attractive to make that point, you see. It is the power.


Oh, yeah. I can tell you about -- I think I have to take a break though. I can tell you about Christopher, yes. When I come back -- let me write this down -- I will tell you about Christopher. This is Tony Soprano’s uncle -- nephew, sorry, who he, sort of, has adopted as a son. I will talk to you about Christopher, OK. I need to take a break, brethren. Maybe I will wake up. I will be back in about 15 minutes.

OK, brethren. I have two more characters for you, Christopher and th- -- Uncle Junior. Christopher is Tony’s nephew. His father is dead, and he wants nothing more than to be a made man. He wants to be -- a made man usually means that you kill somebody. You are an accept- -- you are -- you [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- you prove your macho -- mock -- macho-ism after you murder somebody, but he is a young kid, and he is too hot. Tony does not want to give him that designation. He is afraid he will get into trouble.


Now the -- Christopher is a very interesting profile, if you want to look at him. He is a good-looking young guy, you know. He is so like a -- well, this is something that just popped into my mind, so let me tell you this, that the -- I think the elephant in the room, so to speak, is that when this macho culture, where these men are men, you know, and yet they are -- they have human weakness, so it is the human weakness behind the image that this series is showing, the human weakness behind the image. The fact that Tony is seeing a psychiatrist causes him to lose respect from other men in the community. They are supposed to be tough guys that do not need any help from anybody for anything. All that they need is their guts and their gun, and they are out there making their mark on the world.


And money is very important because, brethren, money is very important in this world, especially if you are a man. You have to be able to take care of your wife and your children. All you women’s libbers, do not give me a hard time with this, you know. Once you have children, ladies, you just -- you -- in my opinion, you are just not as independent as you could be without them, and that is just the way it is, you know. Now you can -- a lot of women today, they go to work, and they leave their children with other caretakers. I am not going to comment on that. I am just telling you that, in the ma- -- in this culture, even in this culture, which is rapidly turning into a female culture, although it is still a male culture here, a man is expected to take care of his family. If you are a lady and you want to go to work and take care of your family, that is your business. My personal opinion is, if you make your husband the housewife and you go out to work, that that is not acceptable to God. That is my opinion.


The man is the head of the household, and being a man is much more than having a male body. Being a male is a psychological state of being. It is an emotional state of being. You have to be male in all areas to be a man, you see. So to be a man, you have to be able to provide for your wife and your children. You need money, and a man that does not or that finds himself unable to provide adequately -- what is adequate? According to the culture that you live in, for his wife and his family -- will suffer some degree of damage to his self-esteem, and that is just the way it is. If you do not like it, you do not like it. That is just the way it is, OK.


Whoever claims to be the breadwinner, if your -- if you cannot give your family what their peers have, your self-esteem suffers, and it is a much more serious situation for a man than for a woman. Somehow, in this culture, it is acceptable for a woman raising a child alone to not be as f- -- particularly financially successful, but it is a -- it is definitely a self-esteem issue for a man, and that is h- -- again, in my opinion, that is healthy because God wants -- he wants his men to be manly, you see.


So, anyway, Christopher, he just wants to be a man. He wants to be a made man, so there is something inside of him that needs to be acknowledged as a man. That is what I am -- I guess I did not get out my point. The -- this diagnosis or this description of this particular culture is so incredible for those who can see it, that there is this macho-ism on the outside to the point of -- to the degree of murder, and yet they are fragile -- they are emotionally fragile on the inside. I mentioned this through Tony’s sister, Janet, who commented on that. She called them an -- and I -- she may not have said emotional cripples. I may have the word wrong, but that was what she accused them of being. This is all an outer shell, OK, this macho-ism. And in the world, they really are that tough, hard blood -- hard-nosed killers, but, when it comes to the emotional life or the emotional side of society, they are all being -- they are all having trouble with their women, OK, and they did not show any of the children there, but they are all struggling to remain their -- to maintain their manhood in their relationship with a woman, OK.


So here is Christopher. He has a girlfriend, and he is not married, but she is crazy about him. They are living together, and he is so broken inside that he winds up becoming a heroin addict, you know. So with all of his macho-ism, there is something -- there is some weakness inside of him that he is feeding with drugs, and this is the young man that was so offended when he heard his uncle was see a psychiatrist that he walked out of the room. So one is seeing a psychiatrist; the other is shooting up heroin. And in his mind, it is -- he is still macho shooting up heroin, but he is -- his uncle is not macho seeing a psychiatrist, all of these rules of society that make no sense at all and keep many that are -- that want to live within that bubble in bondage.


So this is what happens to Christopher. He has this girlfriend. They are living together. He is a heroin addict. He is an aggressive young guy. He is a murderer himself, violent. He is a violent guy, and he is a very frustrated man, you know, because his uncle will not bounce him up on the line of authority. Well, he finds something soft inside of himself that he c- -- he would like to be a writer. He would like to be a screenwriter. Now he cannot tell anybody in that community because they would -- that is not macho. Anything intellectual or emotional is not macho, so he keeps it a secret.


But the bottom line is -- for us here today, is that he pursues that career, and, in that caree- -- in that pursuit, he wr- -- he actually creates a screenplay and submits it to his cousin. He finds his cousin is in the business, so he has an in. He asks his cousin to look at the screenplay, and, through this interaction, he meets a sophisticated, young female vice president of the company. She was, in my opinion, typical of a lot of women today, very strong, very smart, very sophisticated, educated, holding a high position, and I think a woman like that is a challenge for a lot of men, OK.


Well, here comes this kid from this macho culture where he is a big shot. He has a gun. He has no problem beating somebody up. He is not afraid of anybody. It -- actually, it shows you when he meets his cousin with this woman, OK -- it is -- this woman is his cousin’s girlfriend, but they are -- they also work together. They are in a bar situation where someone’s a- -- p- -- accidentally [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- everybody is drunk, you know. The guy is just, like, bumping into the woman, and the woman is really pretty, really pretty, gorgeous figure, and you could see Christopher is taken with her.


So the guy -- this guy behind them keeps bumping into her, and Christopher gets up, and he goes over to the guy. We do not know -- we never found out -- we never find out what he whispered in the guy’s ear, OK, and the guy just got up and left. In other words, he scared him, you know. I came up against something like that once. I will not tell you who it was, but it was somebody that I knew, you know. And whenever -- and I found out what he whispered in the guy’s ear, and what he whispered in the guys ear was, “If you do that again, I am going to cut your ears off.” And the guy, who was, like, a normal man, is going to walk away from that, right? So the guy walked away. I mean, that happened. I have seen that happened, OK. So I do not know what Christopher said to that guy, but he must have really threatened him, and the guy left, stopped bumping into the woman.


So he impre- -- that is how Christopher impressed the woman, and you could see how she was fascinated with his tendency towards violence. She was excited by his willingness to be violent, you see. And the bottom line is that they wind up in bed together, Christopher with his cousin’s girlfriend, and he, Christopher, really falls for her. But we see a reverse situation there that used to be in the world, anyway, with men of substance taking advantage of average women. Well, it was the other way around. He was just a plaything for her, you see. In his culture, he was this big, macho big shot, in his bubble, but he went outside of his bubble, and she was fascinated with his preponderance towards violence, but, in her world, there was no way she would have been any way linked as a boyfriend with this unsophisticated guy, compared to her, unsophisticated guy.


So it gets -- she has her fun with him. He thinks they are now in a relationship. He is ready to give up his girlfriend, who is in love with him, OK, and he thinks they are going to have to tell his cousin, who was the woman’s boyfriend, and she stops taking his call. So we see this scene where he comes to the business, and he says, [?Joan?], what happened? Why are not you taking my call? And the bottom line is that she calls -- he does not want to leave, so she c- -- so she says some unkind things to him, calls him some jerky names, whatever she called him, and you see him looking up at her. She is at the top of the steps, and he is looking up at her and saying I really liked you, you know, you see, but she just used him.


But the truth of the matter is that he used her too. The truth of the matter is that he was willing to throw his girlfriend away for this woman who he did not even know. It -- well, he just liked the package. He liked what she looked like. He liked -- he l- -- he did not know anything about her character, but he liked what she was. She was a particular type of woman that exists in our world today, very sophisticated, very beautiful, very educated, big job, very smart, you know, and he was attracted to that. And she looked down on him, and she used him. Never in a million years did he stand a chance of actually replacing his girlfriend with this woman, but that was what he thought.


So we see, again, an example of the emotional frailty of the men who live in this kind of culture. They are powerful within their culture, but, as soon as you remove them from their culture, they are like a fish out of water because not only was he not powerful outside of that culture, he did not even recognize when he was being used. He was vulnerable outside of that culture. Being outside of that culture was dangerous for him. His gun did not do him any good. His propensity for violence did not do him any good. He was powerless. She walked away from him. She laughed at him. She called him a name. She as much as told him he was a fool, and there was nothing he could do about it except kill her, and I guess he decided not to do that, you see. Emotional -- the emotional frailty, the other side of this fascinating -- this power that is so fascinating to other people, very interesting, brethren, very interesting.


And, brethren, God has to help me with my memory. Some well-known author wrote a book on a similar principle, and you -- if I can remember the name of the book, you would know it, you know, OK, a very well-known author. And in this principle, a psychiatrist falls in love with his patient, and the patient is very -- I probably mentioned this to you over the years -- very unstable and weak and dependent. And the psychiatrist’s best friend, who is also his psychiatrist, tells him do not do this, OK. You -- do not do this. It is a disaster. This is similar to what I said about the students and the teachers. Well, he marries her, and the role completely reverses, brethren. She gets strong, and the psychiatrist becomes a weak alcoholic. His whole life is des- -- you know, there are different degrees of alcoholism. He was a nonfunct- -- he was -- he became a drunk. He could not be a psychiatrist anymore, nonfunctioning. They completely reversed roles, and then she despised him.


Now what does that mean? What am I saying to you through this whole thing? I am telling you that people, human being, man- -- human beings, mankind, we have spiritual and emotional weaknesses that sometimes we are not aware of because of the way we grow up. We think that we are strong, and we are not, and, when somebody comes -- well, we may be strong in that environment, but, when somebody seeks to destroy us, they come with a spirit of divination, and they x-ray you. They spiritually x-ray you, and they find your weakness. This is what messengers of Satan do. They come to you. They evaluate you with a spirit of divination. They find your weakness, and everybody has a weakness. If you do not think you have one, you are in trouble. They find your weakness, and they attach themselves to that weakness. They feed that weakness, and then they destroy you.


Everybody who is a person of God, you need to know that Satan is sending someone like that to you, and, if you survive, they will send somebody else, and, if you survive that, they will send somebody else. If your weakness is gambling, they will tempt you to gamble. If your weakness is sex, they will tempt you to have sex. If you are lonely, they will be your best friend. They will fill your s- -- greatest unmet need, going all the way back to childhood. They will find the unmet need in you, and they will meet that need, and then they will use that to control you, you see.


So what happened to the psychiatrist and his patient was they had an ungodly soul tie. He became a savior to her, and she was this weak little child, but it was really a weakness in him that was attaching to her weakness, similar to the other movie that I told you about, about the scholar and the waitress, that you -- when you looked at them together, you would say, what are these two doing together? But they both had a wound. They had been wounded in the same way. You cannot tell by looking at the outside of a person, and they got together because they had a wound in common. And in that movie, they blessed each other, and then they died in a car accident, but they blessed each other.


But in this movie, with the psychiatrist and his patient, they did not bless each other; they reversed roles. So the one who looked so weak and helpless that she just needed help, she was really a serpent that destroyed the psychiatrist. Did she do it knowingly? Probably not, but there were spiritual forces at work there, you see. He had a need to be her savior. We are talking about codependency here. He had a need to be a savior of a weak person. That weak person connected to him in his emotions and destroyed him. She took all of his strength. How? It did not really show it in the movie. If it did, I do not recall.


But relating this back to the Sopranos, look at his mother. Look at Tony’s mother, weak. She was -- I mean, she was on in years. How strong can you be in your 80s? I do not mean to put anyone down by their age, but how strong can you be in your 80s? She could not live along anymore. She did not work. She just stayed home, and she gained her strength by weakening other people, by wounding those that were coming to her for strength by -- instead of giving them strength, by wounding them, she took their strength. And here this alcoholic patient destroyed the psychiatrist through a soul tie that should have never taken place.


Brethren, you attach yourselves to a weak person in an ungodly way, and you are flirting with the destruction of your spiritual life, which is -- ultimately, is the end of your life. And if you think that you can control that person and you are going to be OK, you are mistaken. And if you can control that person, Satan is sending somebody else that you cannot control, and you just think you can control them. And by the time you find out you cannot control them, you are in over your head, and the serpent has its teeth right in your spiritual neck.


So Christopher, the tough guy, you know, was made a complete fool out of by a woman who was outside of his circle, OK. Now I am up to the episode where she is coming back into his life. I think she got a job as a Texas -- a t- -- not Texas, a tennis instructor. It is the same woman, so I do not know. Apparently, they are going to have to see each other eventually, and we will see how he deals with it. Now the woman that made a fool out of him, I do not know how she became a tennis instructor, but sometimes I just watch with half an ear when I am -- while I am doing other things, so maybe I missed something. I do not know how she became a tennis instructor, but she is now in their circle, the woman who was a vice president of a company that can either make you or break you or if you were a writer. For some reason, she is now a tennis instructor, unless it is a different person. I thought it was her, a tennis instructor and teaching. She is in the circles of this macho community, so now she is on his turf, you know, and we will see how that theme plays out.


Then the last thing that I would tell you about -- I will tell you about this, and, unless there is something else, we will close for today, is Uncle Junior. And this was just -- Uncle Junior was in- -- sexually involved with a woman for 16 years; 16 years they were going together. According to the episode, there was quite a bit of infe- -- affection, not infection, affection. The woman told him how much she loved him, and he seemed to care for her, 16 years, and he asked her to keep something between them that was between them, to keep it a secret because, if it got out in his community, hi- -- it would diminish his macho reputation.


And she talked to her nail technician, and her nail technician talked to somebody, and it got out, and Uncle Junior’s pride was so important to him. He was so upset that this private information between them got out that he broke the rel- -- she is screaming, “I love you,” and he broke the relationship with her. And it is not coming out very much as I am telling it to you, but I am trying to convey the degree of the reputation -- of the importance of the reputation of these men, that he gave up a love relationship of 16 years as she is screaming how much she loves him, because she gave out this personal secret about him.


So I never expected to be talking to you about Tony Soprano today, but it is a fascinating, fascinating study of this kind of personality. Does anybody have anything to add on this subject or any questions on this subject, anybody? Nobody. Well, it is a little early, if anybody has -- anybody have anything? We will see if the Lord has anything else for us, otherwise we will just end early. Jesus. Anything else, Lord?


Just in case you are wondering, there is no answer to the problem. I do not see any answer to the problem of Tony Soprano. The man who has a degree of morality, and he feels, and he appreciates loyalty, and he feels bad about betrayal, and he has a commitment to his family and his friends and not just his immediate family, his mother and his sister, and yet he is a coldblooded murderer. What will the end of him be? I -- we will see what the writers of the TV show make the end of him. So far they have been pretty authentic, you know. What is the end of a man like this, you know? And I -- there is no answer to it.


The only answer is that he c- -- becomes born again, you see, and then -- and so wha- -- how would being born again affect a man like that? How would being born again affect a man like Tony Soprano? You cannot continue to be a murderer, and you cannot continue to be a gangster. So how do you earn your living? I do not know what the answer is. That is what I am telling you, that there is no easy answer to a man with his plight. I do not know what the answer is, you know. No answer for him, an answer possibly for the family, that you -- and this is what I think is happening to a large degree, is that the children coming up -- you do not introduce your children to that. You use the money you have to either put your kids in business or educate them and get them a legitimate source of income, and then the family, sort of, works its way out of it. But for that partic- -- for the particular man, I do not see any solution for that particular man, in his lifetime, OK. That is my evaluation.


So we see that God heals. He heals our soul from generation to generation. V- -- it is very, very common that people can -- I mean, they may be helped a little bit. They have a little less pain in their life, but, basically, even with -- after a born-again experience, if you have a severe condition in your life, if you have a severe emotional condition in your life, the Holy Spirit really does not heal you. You may have a reprieve. You may have the Holy Spirit. You can pray. You can go to church. You can feel better, but the problem is still there. It does not change you, you see. And the Kabbalists would tell you that you have to die. People who believe in reincarnation would tell you that you have to die and be born again because you go as far as you can go in this lifetime, and then you die, and then the soul is born again, hopefully into a situation where it could attain to a higher degree of liberty than it has con- -- than it has attained to you in the situation described.


But in Christ Jesus that all changes. In Christ Jesus, you can change; you can change your leopard spots. He can change your personality, and you can go into the next level without physically dying because he is your new life. He is all of your righteousness. He is your ability to switch over. He is your ability to give you a new career by which you can support your wife and your family. He is your ability to make all things right. As you are willing to give up what you come from, he gives you a whole new life, you see, in Christ Jesus. But most people can only attain to the best that they are capable of in their present situation, and then the personality dies, and the soul reincarnates into a higher place.


Well, that is all I have to say to you today. I do not like lending ear- -- ending early. I feel like I am cheating you, so let us just sit here for a couple of minutes and see if something else comes up. I will take any questions, comments, dreams, anything that might contribute to a conversation for another half an hour, in Jesus’ name.


Sheila, can you hear me?


Yes, Sondra.


I was just looking up on the Internet because I had -- I heard a story on “The 700 Club” some years ago of a mafia guy who actually got saved.




And I think I may have found it. I think it is Tom [?Papiana?] or Papania, but it was -- I mean, some of these stories of these mobsters coming out, getting saved and changing their ways, it is like a whole other world because you are dealing with getting deliverance [?at the?] [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- getting deliverance from all the sin, but think about the -- you still have to take the judgment for the crimes [CROSSTALK]


Yes, that is true.


You know, so it is just this whole complex thing, and I know, when you were talking about what would happen if Tony ever became born again, it reminded me of him, and so I am going to look it up, and I will send it over to you if it is something that I think it might contribute to further, you know -- a real-life story of somebody who actually did that, and this guy was heavy in the mafia, and he turned his life over to God, so --


And how did he earn his living? What kind of a job did God give him? Do you know?


I do not know. That is why I am -- wanted to look up because it is been -- it is a 2008 story, so it is been quite a many years since I heard it, and I think I found it, like I said, on YouTube. I just Googled it. [?Because?] it looks like there is a part one and two. It is a [?short thing?]. It looks like 17 minutes, but --




-- it will be interesting to see what --




-- [?how he did it?]. But there is several stories, the Gambino family.




Ex-mobsters of the Gambino family. So they -- I think what he ended up doing, he may -- if I remember right, it was either this story or another one. They started -- they became a FBI representative to give intel on mobsters.


OK. I could see that.


[CROSSTALK] mobster, whatever you want to call it, protocol.


Yes. Probably --


And --


-- one of them was working --




Probably one of the s- -- one of them was hired by HBO to be a consultant on "The Sopranos" series, yes.


Could be.


Yes. Because you have to use what you know, you see. You have to news wha- -- use what you know.




In my case, not that I was in the mafia, but I have had a complete change. I received a completely new career in God as a teacher, in God. So these people that are saved by the Holy Ghost, they are convicted. As far as I understand it, they are convicted of their current sins, and they go into a life associated with what they were doing on the other side.


Most -- you know, if you look into the psychology of it, you will be told that there is something called cops and robbers. They are saying that police officers frequently have similar spiritual and emotional problems to the criminals. It is just that one goes on the side of the law, and the other goes on the c- -- in the criminal way, but they are very similar in their spiritual profiles. So they -- he flipped to the other side, but you have to understand that, even though they flipped to the other side, I am sure that there were temptations that came along for them to go back to the old way. I do- -- I believe that you have to have Christ Jesus to have a full conversion that there is no chance of slipping from. But I am -- I have no problem believing that there were mafia guys that did have a born-again experience.


But the Lord reminded me of another scene that I wanted to tell you about, and that is this, that Tony and Carmela and the family, they bought this gorgeous house in this upscale neighborhood where there were normal -- according to the charac- -- to their neighbors, normal -- they were people -- the neighbors were normal, that only the Sopranos were not normal, being in the mafia. So they were normal, very rich people living in this neighborhood, and in one episode, they decide to befriend them, the neighbors.


The straight neighbors who are stockbrokers decide to befriend the Sopranos, so they invite them over to a barbecue, and you see Tony there with, again, all of these sophisticated, polished Ivy league college graduates who are on -- working for the stock market, and they are fascinated with Tony Soprano. They are -- all of -- and these very, you know -- so these guys are financially successful. They are professionally successful. They have nice families. They have everything that you would hope in life, you know, and they are fascinated with Tony. All that they want to talk about on their Sunday afternoon is, is it really true? Did you ever kill anybody? Did you do this? Is it true that they cut their finger off? Is -- and that was all that they wanted to ask him, and he was -- and his response to it in this episode was, I think, again very authentic. He was -- he is a very smart guy. He is a smart guy.


You know, brethren, going to college does not make you smart, you know. I talk about college a lot. That does not make you smart, OK. Going to college lays hold of what you are and develops it in particular areas. You know, if you are smart, you are smart. Tony was very smart, bril- -- a brilliant boss leader, OK, and he knew people. He was -- he knew people, which made him great in psychology from that point of view and -- from that point of view.


And he knew exactly what was going on, and it was offensive to him that he -- they invited -- he did not even want to go, but Carmela wanted it, so he went, and they told him that he had to join their country club and play golf with them. Well, the bottom line is that the country club refused to take him in, and he realized what these other guys were doing, and he w- -- he did not like it. He also realized that they had nothing to talk about because they wanted to talk about their stock market, the stock brokerage situation. He did not know anything about it, and then, on the other hand, they were fascinated with him and asking him questions that were really inappropriate.


So he wound up giving a little parable to whoever he was talking to. He said, when he was a young man and he was a part of the guys hanging out on the street corner, there was someone in the neighborhood that had some kind of affliction. I do not recall what it was. Let us just say he did not speak well. I do not recall what it was. Who -- everybody always wanted to be in on the in crowd, so they would invite him, these guys that hang -- used to hang out on the street corner, in the candy store kind of thing. They would invite this guy over, really, to just play with him. They would invite him over and say, well, now sing for us or do something for us, and he thought that he was one of the guys, and he would sing for them and do whatever they wanted.


And then when they got tired of him, they stopped inviting him because he -- they were really playing with him, but he did not know it. And Tony said he -- it was not until years later that he found out that that guy cried himself to sleep every night not understanding why his friends did not want him anymore, except that they were never his friends, you see. And so Tony was saying that was what he felt like. He felt like that guy that had a speech impediment that the guys on the corner were saying come on over and hang out with us. Let us hear you sing, you know. That is what they were saying to him. Well, come on over. You can be friends with us. We are neighbors, and -- but tell us about your fascinating lifestyle. Is it really true? Do you really have all these women? Do you -- is all of this true, you know?


So they did not want Tony for Tony’s sake; they wanted him for this atmosphere that is about him, which we find out is -- it is real, and it is not real because it was real. He really was that tough guy. He really was very brilliant in all of the illegal games that he played and jobs that he did, but he was weak when it came to the women in his life and his children and his family, and he was having panic attacks.


So nobody -- what is the message? I am going to end with this. What is the message? The message is that no matter how strong you think you are, you are not. Only Jesus Christ, only God through Jesus to us can give us that kind of strength, you see. And here is an important part of the lesson, is that if you happen to perceive weaknesses in yourselves, whether you are recognizing it consciously or not, if you are looking for a strong person to shore you up other than Jesus Christ, you are in danger of that strong person finding you and capturing you, you see. Jesus Christ makes us s- -- he -- makes us strong, you see. If you have a weakness, he is your strength. He will make you strong in that area so that you can be independent. God wants you to be independent.


Now sometimes you need to be dependent on somebody, but you are on- -- you are not in danger if God sends that person. Listen, brethren, if you are 100 years old -- or I heard of two women in this past week; one lived to 101. It was the strangest experience that I had. You have to hear this. The phone -- my phone rang, and I looked at the caller ID, and it said Erma with a name that I did not recognize. Now Erma is the woman who used to do our flowers over here, but I did not think that was her last name, but it said Erma, so I picked up the phone, and it was the weirdest thing, brethren.


The woman -- I spoke to her, and she -- I told her she was not the Erma that I thought she was, and apparently she had been making chain phone calls telling everybody about this woman in her church who had just died a couple of days before she turned to 102. And for some reason, I took the phone call, and I -- like, she did not know who I was, but she had this whole list of names that she was calling, so she thought I was on the list of names in their Catholic church, and she is telling me about this woman who died two s- -- two days before she turned 102. And I said to her was she independent? Was -- did she have a right mind? Could she walk? And she said, “Well, she walked with a walker, but she was in church.” She said, “Up until the last six months, she was extremely active, and her mind was as sharp as a tack.”


And then I think I read something -- either I heard it on the news or I read somewhere about someone that just lived to 103, and it was this strange thing. So I had this whole conversation with her. I said thank you for calling, and she said, “You are welcome,” and I hung up the phone, very interesting.


So that is the message of this today. The Lord wants you to be strong. Now if you are body gets weak because of age or something like that, that the Lord determines that you really cannot help yourself, well, even then you should be as independent as you could be to the -- if there is an end, to the very end. We are talking about a mental -- I am talking about a mental state right now. If you are hearing my voice -- it may be 20 years from now someone is going to hear this message. If you are weak in an area and you are looking for another man to shore you up, you are only going to get hurt. The Scripture says, if you lean on Egypt, leaning on Egypt or leaning on another man is like putting your hand down on a thorn to stabilize yourself. It is just going to pierce your hand, and your hand typifies your mind, and nothing good is going to come out of it. Do not depend on other people.


Now you have to be able to discern between an ungodly dependency and a need to have some company. Everybody needs to have some company, so you have a fellowship out with somebody, or you want to talk somebody, so you call them up. That is not what I am talking about. I am talking about looking for another person to meet an emotional need. Jesus wants to meet all of your needs, and he meets your needs in, basically, two major categories. He meets your needs through service, by giving you service to other people or to the church that you belong to and through a knowledge and a study of his word. Now not everybody is ready to spend long periods of time studying his word; you have to build up to that.


But then he meets your needs, your emotional needs, through service to other people. In other words, you are feeling weak, and you are looking for someone to give to you to strengthen you. You are just going to go into bondage. Jesus’ answer is in -- from out of your weakness, to give out of your weakness, and you will become strong, you see. Do not become dependent on other people; turn to Jesus for every need, and you are going to be OK.


Brethren, it is all about strength. We are not going to fly into longevity. You are not going to fly from weakness into longevity. If there is anybody here that still believes this, I do not know, and I do not know where this message is going, but it does not work like that. You have to get stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, and then you stand up in longevity. You are not going from utter weakness to longevity. Longevity is the fruit of your newly acquired strength that you have acquired from Christ Jesus. Longevity is the result of all of your overcoming your weaknesses and becoming strong. You need to get that, brethren.


Your whole life is about to change. Your world is changing. Glenn Beck tells everybody the world is changing. I have not listened to him in quite a while. I have been all caught up with these books, but that is what he tells you. The world is changing. It is going to be very different. The world that I grew up in is already gone. It is changing, and, if you can hear my voice today, you are invited to be amongst the people that will be helping others adjust, but you have to get strong, and you get strong by leaning on Jesus and giving him all of your needs. Do not look to another man to strengthen you. You can look for a night’s company, for -- do not look for another man to hold you up because you are going to fall down. If you look for someone to hold you up, you are going to fall down; it will not work.


Jesus put it this way. He said to the Pharisees, he said, “You are blind guides.” He said, “You and the people you think you are leading, you are both going to fall into the ditch.” There is nobody -- and I want to tell you, if you are on a path that you are following because Jesus is calling you and it is a path that is painful and difficult because you are being called to spiritual maturity and emotional and intellectual maturity -- brethren, the thought that I was going to say went right out of my mind. What was I going to say, Lord? If you are on that path to spiritual and emotional maturity -- was stolen from me. What was I going to say?




I d- -- [?what?] -- it was taken right out of my mind. If you are on -- if you are called to the path for spiritual or emotional maturity -- it was stolen from me. I will give it j- -- I will give it another 60 seconds, and then I am just going to end the meeting. Lord, what was I saying? What did you want me to say?


You were talking about overcoming weakness and strength in Christ Jesus --


I know. I do not know what I wanted to say.


[CROSSTALK] longevity. He just wants you independent.


Well, that is true. He wants us independent, but I do not know what I wanted to say. If you are on that path -- I do not recall, brethren. Well, we have been -- we have had an interesting meeting today. We have had a chat. It is been nice sharing with you. The Lord always comes through, so we are going to end this file, and then we will just have our comments message.


Yeah, you know what happens to me, if not all of the time, a lot of the time, is that when I preach like this sometimes it is Christ Jesus preaching through me, sometimes it is me, sometimes it is Christ Jesus, sometimes it is the Lord Jesus and Christ Jesus; and so, sometimes the thought comes down, and it is not coming from me. It is either coming from the Lord Jesus or Christ Jesus. And I d- -- I think I caught it, and then I lose it. It comes down from wisdom. It comes down from the Father, and then the understanding in you has to catch it.


And then -- So it comes down from the Lord Jesus, and it comes to Christ Jesus in me who has to understand it because wisdom is not understandable. Wisdom needs to be interpreted, OK. So wisdom falls from a high spiritual plane, then someone in my spiritual universe catches it and understands it, and then it has to come to me, the personality, to come out of my mouth, and it just short-circuits it. I hear the beginning of it, and then the communication is cut off, and I did not get the end of it. So, in case you are interested, that is what happens, sometimes.


OK, so who will -- please, everybody, let us have your comments on the message. Do not make me call on you, please.


I will start, I guess. I have watched the series “Sopranos,” and it is fascinating how you can just cut right through and bring up -- because I unders- -- I saw everything you said, but I do not think I could have conveyed it like you did. You just kind of cut right through. Thank God, I suppose. And it was very interesting. I really enjoyed -- because everything you were saying was bringing back the series. I saw it a long time ago, and, you know, I just -- I thank the Lord for it. I mean, it is just -- it was very good, very interesting.


I am glad you enjoyed it.


I have never seen it, but I enjoy [UNINTELLIGIBLE] all of you.


My analysis, OK.


I have had a lot of involvement with the mafia people. Not a lot, you know, but scattered things, you know, and the one was whe- -- my father used to work for the -- for a pa- -- he was a parking attendant for the racetrack people, and they would come, and you would see all kinds of mafia at the -- coming to get their cars, you know, and they were parking a lot.


And we used to run out and shine their cars, you know, and then look around and see if they were coming to the car. You know, and then, look they are coming to the car. They are coming to this car. And I am shining away like, you know, oh, it is going to make this car nicer, this guy. And he comes and he looks at me and he says, “Get out of here. I will spit in your nose.” Oh, we got so scared.




And then also my brother used to live in the area -- in Howard Beach, you know, where one of the mafia lived, and he says he was so great to all the neighbors. He was so great. A great guy, but he was --


He was a murderer.


[CROSSTALK] I mean, really, [CROSSTALK]


That is the contradiction. He was a great guy, but he was a murderer.


They paid for the funeral of the guy. So I really was fascinated with this whole thing, you know, --




-- because you see people. You actually see people [CROSSTALK]


Yeah, and they are big shots, and they are generous, and they are helping you and --




Yeah. OK. Sandra [SP], do you have anything to say?


Yeah, I just -- my spirit has been just stirred when you asked the question about the difference between the evil in the mother and the son, you know, and I think the root of -- maybe the root of the question that rises in my mind is, what part of them is salvageable and usable by God? You know, like is there -- and it seems like the answer would be that the evil in this woman, in the mother, is just so corrupted that there is nothing left to be salvaged from her. She is just fully used by the death of the earth or whatever. She is being energized by just the death of the earth, and there is something left, that piece or that seed or the essence or whatever you want to call it, this other man, that would be salvageable or usable, that whether his generation, or somebody in his generation, would be able to latch onto it and overcome this generation of corruptness or maybe even in -- you know, within himself. So I just -- that is kind of where that led me to think.


Yeah, I think that Tony would have liked to have gotten out, but he could not imagine how he could support his family and he just could not -- I think if there was a way of escape that he could have recognized, he would have gotten out, you know. And then there was the guy, Richie, who was the sadist, who he enjoy- -- actually enjoyed being violent, you know. He was a very -- I thought that Tony was a very sad character because I thought he was trapped in that lifestyle, you know, very sad character, and -- [?no?]. And it was- --


If you have to face -- and if you come in with a -- [?but?wait,?] if you come out of that, then, I mean, you really have to face what you have done, and that part of it is hard. I mean, there is a -- there is always -- it is so complex to me because you are dealing with, yeah, coming out of it and physically how are you going to survive, how are you going to support your family? You would have to completely change your lifestyle if you had to take a lower job or whatever career, and then, on top of all of that, you have to deal with, how am I going to face dealing with a conscience now because that is -- because you are feeding into, now, this other lifestyle that would have to deal with that. So it is just so complex.


Right, that is what the psychiatrist was telling him. That is what she was really suggesting to him, that she was trying to get him to face the horror of what he was really doing, which in his mind was just to support his family. He was not really facing what he was doing.


And to get back to your original question -- I did not answer it -- with regard to the mother, I think that what was present in Tony we might -- in terms of the terminology that we have been using, we might say that his human spirit was active, that that breath of Jehovah, a potential to recognize righteousness, had an active role in his life, but that breath of life, it works with Cain and Satan. It is all mixed in there together, and that is what he had, that kind of mixture.


With the mother, I would say that his human spirit and whatever was left of the human spirit is the righteousness in the human spirit. Abel is not the righteousness. Abel is the seed of spiritual intelligence. The righteousness comes from Jehovah's breath. Th- -- I would say it was so swallowed up by Satan that there was, like, virtually nothing left of it because what Paul tells us, we have to separate the joints from the marrow, but I have told you that that is a wrong translation. We have to separate the soul from the marrow and the joints from the spirit. The joints is talking about the military aspect of the soul that is attached to the -- to our human spirit. So our human spirit is attached to Satan, and I would say in the case of his mother, there would -- that human spirit was so overtaken that there was next to nothing -- with regard to its potential for righteousness, there was next to nothing or very little left of it.


In Tony's case, there was still a lot of it that was present, but the bottom line is all of us -- we are all mixtures, you know, and it is just a question of are we more on the evil side or more on the good side. And I think tha- -- now, how would you evaluate Tony? Was he more on the good side or more on the evil side? And I think -- I had not really thought about that until this minute, but I think that if I had to give an opinion on this man, I would have to say he was more on the evil side because of the deeds that he did. If I was judge sitting in a court room, I would say -- I would have to come down on the evil side, but I would be willing to give him clemency in the form of an opportunity to make it right because of what I saw in him. With his mother, there was nothing there to save. She was just an evil old witch, and she was just as evil to her own children as she was to strangers[?, you know?]. So that is a terrible condition to be in.


But look, and, you know, look at the whole family. Look at the family. At one point, when his sister was leaving town after she murdered her fiancé, you know -- and she murdered him in cold blood. She shot him right in the chest, and I think she emptied out the gun. She just -- he smacked her as she -- that is nice. He smacked her in the face, so she finally murdered him with every bullet in the gun, and then when he is putting her on the bus to go -- to leave town, she is going -- she wants to know where he was buried and how much she loved him and you can see the utter frustration on Tony's face. She says to him, “Where was he buried?” And he says to her, “Well, we buried him on a hill overlooking a river,” and then he finally says, “What are you talking about where is he buried?” And so he puts her -- oh, of course they cut him up in pieces. That is what they did. They went to the butcher's shop and cut him up in pieces to get rid of the body. So -- and you can see the utter frustration on his face.


Look at his family, OK. This is his sister, this is his mother, and then he has another sister who did not play a very big role, but she seemed to just be, like, blind, you know. She had run for her life, and at one point she was going to take the mother in, and he told her, “Do not do it, she will destroy you.” She was like an innocent, you know. She will utterly destroy you, your life and your marriage. So look at that family that he comes out of, the culture that he is in, and look at the corruption in his ow- -- he was the hero of that family, you know. Although, we do not know what his -- well, his father was violent and we do not know much more about him than that.


And you can utterly see the confusion on Tony's face because he really had a lot of decency in him, but h- -- I think Sandra [SP] put her finger on it. We have to pay for what we do in this life. You cannot be a murderer like that and not have consequences in your life, and you are wanting -- your willingness to take care of your family and do good things does not negate being a murderer, see. So you have to experience the consequences of what you do. So I cannot imagine what life would be like for a converted mu- -- a mafia murderer like that, you know.


OK, so God gives you a job being a police informant -- not informant, but a police advisor, an FBI advisor, you know, but how do you deal with the sewing and reaping on all the people that you murdered? I do not know how that would play out, you see. That is why the cobbler said, “Well, it is, like, impossible in this life.” So you -- the personality has to die. You murdered all of those people and the personality has to die, and then the soul gets another personality and takes it from there.


And maybe that is the truth because if a person -- if a mafia person is saved b- -- through the Holy Ghost, which is the beginning of salvation, it is the salvation of your spirit. What we get from the Holy Ghost is the salvation of your spirit, OK, then maybe God just makes a way to let them live out the rest of this life with some reasonable peace and then they die, but their personality is not saved. A personality that is a murderer to that degree has to die. So either the personality dies after physical death or, if Christ Jesus is present in that person's life, that evil personality has to die by being swallowed up by Christ Jesus, but it has to die. Either it dies while you are still in the flesh or it dies after your flesh dies, but that evil personality that is capable of all those murders has to die. It has to die[?, see?], and that is the answer.


OK, brethren. Nice talking to you. Nice visiting with you. Have a wonderful day and, Lord willing, I will see you Sunday. Please keep me and this whole issue of the books in prayer, that I should be able to hear from God as to when to stop putting all of my energies into it. I have other things to do, and this really cannot continue because it just cannot. So just pray -- please, pray that I hear from God as to how to manage my time and how to manage the ministry and which direction he wants me to go. Just play for counsel and wisdom for me -- not play, pray for counsel and wisdom for me, and if you think of it, break curses because there is so much flying around here.


And also, with regard to all of this talk going on, OK, that God’s -- that the people that are asking honest questions, that they should hear the voice of the Lord and not another voice -- maybe we will pray before we shut everything off -- and that his will should be done because I do not know what the next step is. I am thinking that I should be asked to preach at a local church, but what do I know? God may never be going that way. He may be going just to the individual pastors. Maybe I am not going to be asked to preach. It does not make any difference to me, brethren. I just want to do what God wants me to do, you know. I do not have any particular desire to go preach in these churches. I would much rather just people buy the books, but I will do whatever you -- he wa- -- why do I not want to go? Because what do you say to these people? I would have to -- who knows what he would say through me, you know? I am not against preaching, I am just trying to tell you that I do not have an overwhelming desire to go preach. If he wants me to preach, I will go do it.


Right now my whole mind in immersed. I am still -- for 25 years, 26 years I am trying to get this ministry on its feet, you know, and we are still not on our feet. You can ask Susan. We are not on our feet. We are still organizing. We are still setting up systems. There is so much going on here. So preaching outside of the ministry, that is really important to the average preachers, but I am not an average preacher. We are building something here that is taking all of our energy and our mind and our time.


So whatever God -- what would hurt me, if it was taken away from me, was my closeness with God or my ability to hear from him about the Word. That is deep in my heart. That would, like, kill me if that was ripped out of me. I do not -- see, this is difference between being in Pentecost and being in Christ. See, in Pentecost there is more outside of you than is inside of you. So you have that need and that drive to go preach or minister to people, but when Christ Jesus develops in you, there is so much going on on the inside of you that going outside to other people, it just is not that important. If God sends me, I will go, but it is not that important. Does anyone not kn- -- do you not know what I am talking about? It is a whole different life. It is an inner world. It is an inner world and an inner life that is very satisfying, see. So whatever he wants is fine with me. So somebody has something to say over there?


Debbie [SP] said, “I also enjoyed your review. I intend to look for it and watch it. Thank you.” And Rose said, “I love when you critique movies and series. They help me become more aware of spiritual aspects in secular stories,” and [?Paige [SP]?] said, “I found it interesting. Thank you.”


Oh, thank you for -- thank you, brethren, on the Internet for contributing to the way we end here. So let us just say a prayer for whatever is going on here.


Father, in the name of Jesus, we thank you, Lord. We understand that this word is for your people. We thank you for this word, Lord. We thank you for everything that you are doing. We thank you for the skills that you have given everyone working for the m- -- I thank you for everybody working for the ministry, Lord. The volunteers, those that are paid, you are all doing it unto the Lord. I thank God for all of you.


And we thank you for the privilege of working in your vineyard, Lord, and we pray that your vineyard and the fruit that is coming forth from it should be prospered in accordan- -- should prosper in accordance with your intentions, your purposes, your timetable. We just ask you that you help us to understand you to do our part, Lord, because it becomes overwhelming. Lord, it becomes just overwhelming t- -- when this kind of an anointing pours out, it is an infinite outpouring. No one could possibly contain what is pouring out here, Lord. So help us to understand you as to what our part is.


And bless everybody, Lord. Bless your whole church, bless your church, those that I know, those that I do not know, those here on Long Island that have known me and spoken against me in the past. I forgive everybody. Let us -- just let your perfect will be done, Lord, and help us to be obedient to you. And we pray for the salvation of the Israel of God, Lord. We pray for your mercy upon the natural Jew, Lord, and we pray for your mercy on the world. And we look forward to establishment of the Kingdom of God, not only in the heart of the individual, but as an environment for the whole world, Lord, and we thank you for letting us be a party to this, oh God. And we trust you, Lord, to take care of us and to help us and to meet our human needs as we serve you.


And I particularly bless those pastors, Lord, that have received these DVDs, that main pastor, that you all know who I am talking about, and the others that who received the DVD. And then there was someone else in the Spirit today that I did not send the DVD to, but I attended his church for about six months and he -- the last time I saw him, he was still hating me and not believing that this ministry was of God, and he came up in the Spirit today. So they are all talking to each other, Lord.


Be glorified, Lord. Be magnified. Have your way with your own teachers and your own leaders. Teach them, Lord, that the doctrine of the rapture is false. Help them to understand and help them to respect your spokesperson so that they can receive from me what you have for them. Father, in Jesus' name, Amen.


Transcribed by Verbal Fusion 02/28/16

03/02/16 1st Edit rh


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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