The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.
The message for today is called "Lust." Webster's definition of this word is "to have an intense or personal desire or need which may or may not be sexual, to be adverse to morality or virtue, directed towards a wrong end or purpose, turned aside from what it good and morally right, undisciplined, inhumane, malicious, evil, perverted." That is Webster's definition of lust. Most of the time it is not related to a sexual experience. It is related to the desires of the soul man that can never be satisfied.
Ask any drug addict, any alcoholic, any compulsive fornicator, any compulsive eater, they are never satisfied. They fulfill the lust that is manifesting through them. They do what they are being compelled to do, and they crave it again. There is no end to it, you are a slave for your lifetime. There is no satisfaction, there is no sense of fulfillment, and there is no sense of end. You are a slave to something that has this kind of power over you and you will do it.
The Scripture says, "unto your destruction." You will lust unto the destruction of your soul and your body. That is the end of lust. It is not trying to keep you alive, it is a spiritual entity that desires to manifest in the realm of appearance, and to use your body and your fallen soul to do things that the law of God says are wrong. The result of it, is that your body and fallen soul will die. Nevertheless, the Lord God has made a provision, His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. If you will throw your will in line with the Lord God and desire the things of His Spirit, you will receive eternal life. Brethren, there is no easy way. As you move on in God it is a sacrificial walk, and it requires you to deny the lusts of your fallen soul. If you desire to deny them and you cannot, you need deliverance. Either you have evil spirits, you have a damaged soul, or you have curses on your soul. There is no way that you can fulfill the lusts of your flesh and enter into eternal life. Brethren, it does not work that way. You have to deny the lusts. You have to implement the power of God and say unto them, "I know that behavior is destructive unto me, and by the power of God, I am not going to do it. I am going to do what will give me eternal life."
If you can receive what I am saying and you desire this, but you cannot do it, you need the ministry of the Spirit and the power of God. You have to cry out to Him for it. Sometimes it takes years. Brethren, I do not want to discourage you but I am telling you the truth. I had someone tell me that they asked for deliverance, but when four months later, they did not get it, and they gave up. I know people crying out for deliverance for years. God wants to prove you, brethren. He is not here to make you weak, He is here to make you strong. There is no easy way. It is rough and tough, and it is likened in the Scripture to being in the military. I have never seen a boot camp yet where they baby you. It is rough and tough. It is not easy, and you have to fight, and you have to resist, and you have to implement the power of God. You have to cry out to Him, and if you cannot do it, you need deliverance, glory to God.
There are six Greek words and five Hebrew words that are translated lust. The first Greek word that we are going to touch upon is Strong's #1939. It is pronounced, "epithumia." This refers to the whole world of active lust. For example, Romans 1:24 says, "the lusts of their own hearts," Ephesians 2:23 says, "the lusts of our flesh," general. I Timothy 6:9 says, "and to many foolish hurtful lusts." Yielding to our lusts can bring nothing but destruction into your life. If you are without Christ you have absolutely no power to resist them. They will destroy you, if not you, your future generations. It is a downward spiral. If there is no intervention of the Spirit of God, destruction will come upon you or your family line.
The second word that we are dealing with is #3715. It is pronounced "oraksis." This refers to the excitement of the mind, it refers to a longing after, or an appetite. The Scripture teaches that there are appetites of the soul, just like you desire food for your body and you desire things that taste good. There is a spiritual element within us. It is called the living soul that died, and it has appetites, and it does everything that it can to satisfy those appetites through your physical body and your carnal mind. When those appetites oppose the law of God and we are in Christ, we are required to stand against them. "Resist the devil, submit yourself to God and he shall flee from you." Sometimes you have to stand for a long time. Brethren, God knows what He is doing, He is faithful. I cried out to God for twenty-eight years before I even had a salvation experience, before I even received the promise. Let us face reality here, reality is hard, but if I give you the truth you can deal with it. If I lie to you, what good is it going to do you. Glory to God.
This word "oraksis" means "excitement of the mind, longing after, and appetite." It is from a root that means "to stretch oneself out, to reach out after in order to touch or grasp something for the purpose of drawing something unto oneself and making it what is one's own." When we lust for something, or let me say when we lust for somebody, I think a lot of us have no idea how destructive that can be. If you are lusting for a person and they do not want you, let us say it is a romantic type thing, do you know that if your lust is intense enough that you can literally turn this person's will. This is done all of the time, you can literally turn this person's will.
We are spiritual beings. We have been taught in this ministry that spiritual things are not inhibited by the flesh. Our desire reaches out beyond the flesh. Here is another person over here and they are not interested in you, they do not love you, but you are longing for them, and you are reaching out for them. If they are strong spiritually or they are without spiritual knowledge, you can literally take what they have. This is their life substance, and you can capture it, and you can make it your own.
Did you ever hear of a love potion, that is what it is. You see, you do not have to go to a witch and have them cast a spell to get this man. People do it all the time, and they do not know they are doing it. They desire, and they desire, and they desire, and if the person is spiritually weak, their desire effects you. Depending on how much spiritual power somebody has, you can really do great harm to people. You can make them sick, you can cause financial disaster in their life, you can cause them to get divorced. If you are lusting for a married woman, and you lust and lust and lust, and she is spiritually vulnerable to you, you could break up her marriage.
These are spiritual realities. Brethren, we all better get Christ in this world. I am not here to scare you, this is the truth, and whether I tell it to you or not, it is still the truth. You see, it is still happening out there. Marriages are breaking up, husbands are being stolen, children are being hurt because people are lusting for married people. If I hide my head in the sand, that does not mean it is not happening. It is happening. It has been happening for centuries, only without Christ there is no defense against it. Some people take it on their own to hire someone to cast a spell, but we know that is really dangerous, and illegal. In Christ, we have power for all things.
There is somebody I heard about recently, who wants to go to a particular ministry, but there are people who are in his life that do not want him to go, and they have actually captured his spiritual substance and prevented him from doing what he wants to do. He thinks that the answer to his problem is to leave town. Brethren, the answer is not to leave town, because there is no time or space in the realm of the spirit. This spiritual possessiveness will follow you wherever you go by manifesting in a series of different people. You see, the power has to be broken.
Let us say this is not a love affair. Let us say that this is the man, who wants to go to this church, for example, and he likes it there. But some people do not want him to go there, they want him in this church over here. They are lusting for him to go to their church. They are praying for him, hoping for him, wanting him, and reaching out with their mind. These people may not know it, but their carnal mind is reaching out to capture his spiritual substance, and they can literally capture his mind, and cause him to turn around and say, "I am not going to go to this church anymore, I am going to go to this other church. "If you are really spiritually susceptible, you will think that you have chosen to go to this other church. But, if you have any spiritual defenses at all, you will know that you are going against your will, but you will not be able to resist, because the compulsion is stronger than you.
When I talk about being strong or weak, brethren, I am not condemning anybody, if you are weak you are weak, you need to be strengthened. If you are weak, you are spiritually immature, I am not knocking you. Do not defend yourself and say, "She called me weak!" Get strong, get strong, recognize your condition, and if you are weak, get strong. Why do you think God has made such a big issue in the Scriptures of not involving yourself in witchcraft, astrology, card reading or the occult or anything like that? He knows that there is no defense for you. If you start playing these spiritual games, there is no defense for you, and great destruction will fall on you from God. It is a spiritual reality. You do not have to be a witch. You may not be intending to harm anybody and think that you are not harming them because you are not acting out your lust. If you are desiring this person to marry you, to come to your church, if your child has moved out of the state and you want her to come back, if you are desiring, and it is not really their will, and your desire is so strong that you bring them back, you are guilty of witchcraft, brethren. The judgments of God are going to fall on you. You cannot do this.
This man that I am talking about right now, he is going to the church he does not want to go to, when he wants to go to another church. This witchcraft is so strong on him that all he can think about is leaving town. Leaving town is not the answer, brethren. This witchcraft that is being worked against you has to be broken under the power of the living God. Glory to God. We are talking about lust being excitement of the mind, a longing after, something that reaches out for something to grasp for the purpose of drawing it unto oneself and making it one's own.. Some people want to possess the mind and soul of other people, although they probably do not understand what they are doing.
Romans 1:27, "And likewise all the men leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another, men with men, working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet." The word "recompense" is from two Greek words which mean "instead of." One word means "instead of," and the second one means "to pay for services or wages."
The word "error" means "fraudulent, a straying from Orthodoxy or Piety." It is the feminine of a word that means "imposter or misleading." This is very interesting because Strong's says that the word "error" means "fraudulent, a straying from Orthodoxy or Piety." It is not a noun, it is the feminine of the word that means imposter, or misleading. Why do they switch it from the masculine to the feminine, why did they change it, why did they make it a female imposter, or a female misleader? Why did they change the word to fraudulent or deceit? Because they could not deal with the translation of this Scripture, which I am going to give you right now. "And likewise all the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another, men with men, working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves instead of something that will benefit them, such as the fruit of the spirit, an imposter spirit which will lead them astray."
Everything that we do, every person that we have a relationship with, every interaction that we have with a human being produces fruit, it produces fruit, it is called spiritual copulation, brethren. When a woman has sex with a man, in most instances the woman would get pregnant. We are not talking about spiritual birth control here, you are wide open to get pregnant. When you relate to another human being, you are having copulation of the mind. Your minds...there is an exchange of mind. Depending on what your motive is, if you love this person, and you love them unto a blessing for them, you have produced fruit in both souls, and that fruit is love. If you do not like this person, and you are trying to deceive them into doing something that you want them to do, and you are lusting to have something that they have, and you are trying to deceive them, you have raped them, brethren. You have produced the spiritual fruit of lies.
Our souls are filled with spiritual fruit, and there is no birth control in the realm of the spirit. Every interaction that our mind has, either with another human being or with God or with an ungodly spirit, produces fruit. Everybody is fertile. What this particular Scripture says in Romans is that this was a homosexual spirit, and he had physical sex with this homosexual spirit, and there is always fruit from a sexual encounter. There is always spiritual fruit, and the result was a demon that would torment them. "And receiving in themselves instead of something that will benefit them, such as the fruit of the spirit, an imposter spirit, a demon, which will lead them astray and lead them to continue to engage in this ungodly behavior." Something is always birthed out of fornication or copulation of the mind. Out of every interaction that you have with another human being, something is produced.
If your friends and you go out to dinner, and you spend an evening together, and your are a blessing to one another, what has been birthed in your heart is an increase to the positive aspect of your relationship. You tend to have more faith in one another, more confidence in each another, you know each other better, more compassion for each other, more respect for each other, more honor for each other, more hope for each other. If you go out with someone to dinner, and you really do not like them, and your motive is wrong, whatever it might be, you are going to come home with hatred for that person, lack of respect for that person. There is always fruit produced from every conversation that you have with somebody. Either your relationship is strengthened or your relationship is torn down, or you decide you do not like them and you hate them. Our soul is bulging over with fruit. We are very fertile, brethren, but we do not always produce good fruit. Glory to God.
The Lord asked me to take a few minutes here to say something about sexual intercourse in marriage. A lot of people do not understand that you can take your worldly spirits into marriage with you and inflict them on your wife or inflict them on your husband. We are talking about spiritual fruit, and we have a husband and wife here. We know that sex is legal in marriage, but we have a big question here, what is your motive? What is causing you to desire your wife? Do you desire her because you love her? Do you desire her because your body craves sex? Do you desire her because it makes you feel like a man to take dominion over her? The Scripture says that when you make love to a woman, you humble her. It is in the Word of God.
Why do you desire your wife, and women why do you desire your husband? Are you trying to control them? Why do you desire your husbands, ladies? Are you trying to control them? Are you trying to humiliate them? Are you trying to strengthen them? Are you trying to make them feel like a man? Are you trying to show your love for them and your support? Well whatever your motive is, that is the fruit that you produce. You think it is so simple, you go to bed at night and you make love, it is legal, you are married. Well, it is not simple, brethren, it is not simple. What is your motive? Why do you want you wife?
I am going to tell you this right now, gentlemen, because it is very common. If you are a man and you desire to make love to your wife because your body is screaming for relief, the fruit that you are going to produce in this woman is rejection. I am telling you right now, if you make love to your wife because you love her, you are going to produce the fruit of love. Then she is going to desire you. If you want to prove that you are a big man, if you want to humble her, if you want to control her, if you want to demand your conjugal rights, you are going to produce hatred, along with the rejection. You are going to produce hatred, rejection, resentment, and in extreme cases, if you persist beyond her endurance, you can produce frigidity.
We are no longer living solely in the realm of appearance, brethren, we are spiritual people. Even though the understanding of our motives did not come into our conscious mind, they are still a valid reality. You cannot hide from them because you cannot understand them. Do you have a problem in your marriage?
Wife, why do you desire your husband, do you want to humiliate him? Do you want to tell him that you are not happy with him? If so, you are going to produce weakness in your husband. Why do you desire him or not desire him? Are you trying to show him that he does not have any control over you? You are going to produce frustration in him and resentment. It is the reality, brethren, that is it, that is it. We are very complicated people, Brethren, we are very complicated people.
If you desire your wife because you love her with the phileo love or the friendship in your marriage, you are going to produce phileo love. Do you desire your wife, brethren, because you appreciate her, and you thank God for her that you have her as a companion, someone to go through life with? You think that she is a wonderful mother, and you appreciate her ministry to you, you are loving her, but very possibly, it may not be with the love of God. If you desire her for these two reasons, then it is okay, and you are going to produce the love of God. But if you desire her because your body wants sex, you are going to produce the eros love. Brethren, if you only desire her because your body wants sex, the spiritual truth is (now put your shoulders back and be strong), it would not matter which woman you were with, it is just that this woman, your wife, is bought and paid for. That is a tough word. Examine your motives, brethren, glory to God.
I heard a preacher preach a couple of times that if you desire anybody except your wife, it is demonic. I just want to modify that a little bit. It does not mean that you have a demon if you desire somebody other than your wife or your husband, but what it does mean is that desiring that woman is an appetite of your physical body. Paul said, "I keep my body under." You have, every human being has the option to deny the lusts and the urges of his body towards sexual intercourse if it is not coupled with, at the very least, the phileo love. You cannot expect the love of God from everybody, but if it is not coupled with at least the phileo love, that you like her, that you desire her, that you appreciate her, that you want to draw closer to her, if that is not your motive, if it is just your body, you are in trouble! You are in trouble. I just wanted to modify what that preacher said. You do not have a demon if you see a sexy woman walking down the street and she looks good, but you do not have to act on it. If you act on it, and it is not your wife, it is not a demon, but what is happened to you is that you have yielded to the lust of your body, which is an animal.
We are body, soul, and spirit, we are living inside an animal body, and you have been ordained by God to rule this body by the spirit that is within you. We are not to listen to the lusts of our body, we are to rule it. They are to be kept under, and only let out when it is acceptable to God, and it is acceptable to God in marriage if you admire your wife. If you hate your wife, brethren, and you think that you have a right to her body with hatred, you are mistaken. You do not have a right to her body with hatred. You will bear fruit that will destroy your sex life. She will resent you, she will deny you, and however else it manifests. You do not have a demon because you desire somebody who is not your wife. What is happening to you is that your body is rising up in power, and the Lord God requires us by His spirit to say, "Get down animal, get down, I will use my body to the glory of God, I will join this urge to the admiration and the appreciation that I have for my wife, or I will not use it at all." This is grow up time, brethren.
I told you earlier, I am not here to make you feel good, and the Bible is not here to make you feel good. The Bible is here to convert you into the spiritual man in the image of the Lord Jesus Christ, and you have to do it by denying the lusts of the flesh! Glory to God. Hallelujah.
The third Greek word that we are going to deal with is Strong's #3806, and it is "pathos." Some of you might have heard of the English word "pathology," it generally means "abnormal." This word is translated "suffering passion, especially concupiscence [which is fiery hot feeling], zealousness, the exertion of intense spiritual force and often violent and wasteful diffusion of emotion." It also means "inordinate affection, which is unregulated, disorderly, exceeding reasonable limits, excessiveness of the feeling aspect of our being, of the feeling aspect of our consciousness." It is referring to ungovernable emotions. If your emotions are so strong, brethren, if you desire whatever you desire, whether it be food, whether it be a thing, whether it be an experience, if it is so strong that you cannot resist doing it, when the Lord God has told you that it is wrong, you are suffering from the form of lust called "pathos." It is a sickness in your soul. It torments you, and it rises up in you, and it vibrates out from you and reaches out for that thing whatever it is that it wants, and if it is so powerful that you, by your own spirit, cannot say, "That is going to hurt me, I am not going to do it," it is a disease in your soul, and you need the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ.
It is very powerful, lust is very powerful, and in most instances, we are born...if we are suffering from this, we are born with it. It is curses on the family line, it is weaknesses that have come down on the family line. I really believe that depending on your family line, you are born with more or less spiritual authority over your fallen soul. We know that in families where the Law of God has been observed for generations, knowingly or unknowingly, they may not have a relationship with the Lord, but if they are living a moral life, you are going to be born spiritually strong. You are going to be able to say "No" to a lot of things that somebody else who did not have a similar upbringing will be able to say "No" to. There is no condemnation here. We are examining the problem, and we are hopefully going to get some help from the Lord.
"Pathos" lust is a diseased desire, it is a diseased desire. By the way, desire is Godly, lust is ungodly. You can want something strongly, you can covet the things of God, and it is not illegal. You can desire the things of God with great passionate desire, and God does not call it illegal. It is when you desire strongly, things that are going to destroy you or the things of the flesh, that is when God calls it lust. This is a pathological or a diseased manifestation of emotion, it is used once in the Scripture. I Thessalonians 4:3-5, "For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication, that every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honor. Not in the lust of concupiscence, even as the Gentiles which know not God."
"Sanctification" is "a state of purity and holiness, and honor is value and esteem." Pathological lust is spiritual as well as sexual. It can relate to money or power, but always results in the person being lowered into greater depths of spiritual depravity, and can be counteracted only by the power of God. It is never acceptable to God. It is characterized by a driving force that is never satisfied, even though, for all intents and purposes, your need has been met. The Hebrew equivalent of this word is used in Psalms 42:2. This is interesting, it says, "My soul thirsteth for God, (for the living God)." To lust with almost a pathological lust, if you are lusting for God, it is okay. If you want the things of God, I had it up on the board earlier, it is okay. No matter how intense it is, if it is the things of God it is okay.
The problem with man today, including me, is that we want the things that are going to make us feel good. We want the things of God, but which do we want more? The things of God or that shot, what do we want? Do we want that man? Want that marriage even though God says he is going to tear your ministry down? Why do you want more? You see, what God is saying to us is that, it is not enough to say that I want the things of God. Everything is relative. What is it that you want most? God is challenging us to desire Him to the point that our soul thirsteth for Him. If we can hear this revelation and hold on to the resisting the lusts of the flesh, while we go after the things of God, the day does come, now this is really important, brethren, the day will come that we will be satisfied, you see.
An intense craving for God is called "desire," but an intense craving for the things of this world is called "lust." The end result of lust is, unequivocally, destruction. There is nothing good that could come out of it, because you are never satisfied. The fallen soul is the bottomless pit. You keep pouring things into it, and pouring things into it, and pouring things into it. You will never be satisfied, never, because you see, whether people have it in their conscious awareness or not, what they are seeking for is peace and rest in their soul. We do not want to be uncomfortable, we do not want to be needy, we do not want to feel bad. What we really want is to feel good. We have it in our heads that, that husband is going to make us feel good, that baby is going to make us feel good, that computer is going to make us feel good, having sex with that woman is going to make us feel good, that drink is going to make us feel good, we have it in our head. Well it does, for five minutes, brethren, five minutes, and then you want another shot.
There is no peace, there is no rest, there is no satisfaction, there is no being filled up if you try to the end of your lifetime, your lusts will never be satisfied. That is the Word of God. The Lord tells us that if you desire the things of God, it may be painful getting there, but you are going to come to a place, praise God, where you are going to be satisfied. That is His promise to us, you are going to be satisfied, "no more pain," He said, "no more tears," He said, "no more curse." Is that not the promise in the book of Revelation? No tears, no pain, no curse.
You are up and down, and every peak is a torment, every peak in your life is a torment. You could fill it up and be satisfied, but it raises up again. Every moment of need in your life is a torment. If you pursue this satisfaction of your lusts, you will never be satisfied until the destruction and death of your body and soul. If you pursue the things of God, no matter how painful and how hard they are, you will reach this place of evenness. Jesus said, "The mountains are going to be made low," He said, "The valleys are going to be filled up, and everything is going to be straight across." No more valleys, and no more mountains, no more high, low, high, low. They used to call it manic depressive.
The psychiatric community changed the name. It is not called manic depressive anymore, today it is called bi-polar. Either you are all the way on the top, or you are all the way down in the valley. Either you are morbid and depressed in the valley, or you are on a high, and you are just running, running, running to your destruction. Well, God has promised us that in Christ Jesus, there are going to be no more mountains, and there is going to be no more valleys, we are going to be even. This is a spiritual truth, brethren. The Buddhists call it Nirvana. It is a spiritual truth that goes across all religions. The Buddhists call it Nirvana, evenness, peace, no up and down, satisfaction, no pain, no torment, no curse, no tears, peace in your soul, being without need, this is the promise.
He never said it was easy, but if you throw your energies into the things of this world, there is nothing but death for you. He tells us in His Word that if you throw your energies into God..., and He never said it would be fast, it could be years. I pray aggressively, aggressively I pray for this, I say, "Lord you said it I want it, I want peace in my soul. I am not asking you, I am not telling you what I need that is going to give me peace. I am not asking you for a husband, I am not asking you for a house, I am not asking you for a job that is going to satisfy me, all I am asking you for is the peace that you have promised me. I am not telling you how to give it to me. I am not telling you that if I could have steak every night that I could have peace, or if I could have a relationship renewed with so and so, I could have peace. I am not telling you how to do it, I am acknowledging you as God, but I want what you have promised me."
I want peace, and I pray aggressively for it, and I am still waiting, I am not lying to you, it is not easy and it is not fast, but it is sure, the promise is sure! It cannot fail! Where are you going to align yourself, brethren? It is hard, it is painful and it is time consuming. Which way are you going, brethren? God wants to know which way you are going. He is going to try you and put you in the fire so that the true motives of your heart are revealed to Him. He wants to know which way you are going. Glory to God. Hallelujah.
The fourth Greek word translated "lust" is Strong's #2237, and it is called "hidoni." It means "sensual delight," and this is specifically desires for pleasure. Now we know that some of the other words could relate to money or power or some other things. This is specifically referring "hidoni" to sensual pleasure and it looks very much like the English word "hedonism." I do not know if you are familiar with that or not, but the English word means that your God is the satisfaction of your own needs, that you put all morality aside and you do anything that will make you feel good. Usually people that are hedonists are involved in orgies and multiple sex partners. They just want to feel good, and they will do anything to make themselves feel good.
Luke 8:14, this word "hidoni" is used two times in the Scriptures, and it is not necessarily sexual, but it means sensual delight. Luke 8:14, "And that which fell among thorns are they which when they have heard, go forth, and are choked with the cares and riches and pleasures of this life, and bring no fruit to perfection." Now this word "life" means "this present existence." It is neither "kosmos" nor "aoni," and it means this present existence, glory to God. What we are talking about is the pleasures, the things in this present existence that make us feel good. That little knickknack that you bought for five dollars that you really do not need. I am not saying that is wrong, I do it myself, that little thing that you bought, and you put it on the shelf, and you never look at it again, I am not saying it is wrong, but that is this kind of lust. Glory to God. Did you hear me? I am not saying it is wrong, okay, that is what this "hidoni" lust is.
II Peter 2:12-13, "But these natural brute beasts count it a pleasure to riot in the day time." The Greek word "riot" means to "enfeeble, to break up, effeminacy, to make weak, to make effeminate, and to break up the spiritual manhood that God is building into you, to tear down." Of course, day time would refer to the time of Christ because without Christ everything is darkness. Alternate translation, II Peter 2:12-13, "It is a pleasurable experience for natural men to tear down the spiritual manhood that Christ is building in us, thus, reducing us to the powerless effeminacy of the soul realm." Glory to God. Hallelujah.
The fifth Greek word translated "lust" is Strong's #1937, and it is pronounced "epifemao." It means "to covet, to have desires opposed to something else, to long for over and over again, very strong desire." It is sometimes good, and it is sometimes bad. It is from two Greek words. The first one means "over or upon," and the second one means "passion, fierceness, indignation, wrath," which is from a root which means "to breathe hard," and it is used to express slaughter and murder. We are finding out that lust can be destructive to other human beings. We can actually make people sick and under certain circumstances kill them, if we lust strong enough, if it is built into us spiritually to lust strong enough. If you know somebody that is a reformed alcoholic, and you are an active alcoholic, and you are covetous of them that they have made it, and they are standing and not drinking, do you know that if you are envious enough that you could trigger them to start drinking again? Do you know that? You can, you can do it, brethren, you can do it.
This word is translated "lust" in the New Testament five times. Matthew 5:28, "Whosoever looks after a woman to lust after her..." This is sexual lust. We have touched on this before. You could be a married man or a married woman, and there could be a man or woman that you have eyes for and they could say, "No, adultery is wrong." If you lust after them with enough of the strength expressed by this Greek word, you can cause them to compromise what they know to be right or wrong. It happens all the time. Glory to God. If they are not protected by Jesus Christ, or if they do not have the spiritual protection of Jesus Christ, if they are living in a society where it is no longer "in" to be protected by your parents, where it is no longer "in" for eighteen and nineteen and twenty year old girls to be living at home where they cannot go out with a married man because their father will beat them over the head, if that is not acceptable anymore, you are vulnerable, brethren. Either your protection is spiritual in Christ, or it is in the natural.
What has happened in our society today is that this natural protection is being torn to shreds. Fourteen year old girls out there fornicating because their parents think they have no right to tell them not to, or because their parents are not home and cannot supervise them, or because it is not "in" to have the boys come up before they take the girl out. I had a young man come to take my daughter out, she was mortified because of me. He was three years older than she was, she was only fourteen. Maybe I should not have let her go, I do not know, but I insisted that he come up into the house. I looked him right in the eye and I said, "Do you know how old she is?" He could not look me in the eye, he said, "Yes." I said to him three times, "Do you know how old she is?" He said, "Yeah." I said, "Do you know what I am saying to you?" He said, "Yeah."
Oh, she was mad at me, but let me tell you something, brethren, three weeks later he dumped her. She was all upset, but word got back to me that he was saying, "Where has she been, does she not know anything?" I protected my daughter, she might have hated me, but I protected her. It is not "in" to protect your children today, brethren. It is "in" to throw them to the wolves. There is spiritual protection, and there is natural protection, and the natural protection of this world is just going the way of all flesh. May God have mercy on our souls and our children in this generation.
This is the second time the word lust is used in the Scriptures, I Corinthians 10:6, "We should not lust after evil things." "Evil things," could mean many things. Revelation 18:14, "And the fruits which thy soul lusted for are departed from thee." That is the Lord speaking to Babylon in the book of Revelation, and it is referring to spiritual things. The fourth time it is used, it is in Revelation 5:16:17, "Walk in the spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh, for the flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh, and these are contrary the one to the other so that you cannot do the things that ye would do."
The flesh and the spirit are contrary, we have already touched on this today, the flesh and the spirit are contrary one to the other. This is not easy, this is a warfare, we are going to find out about this in more depth in a few minutes. This is a warfare in your soul, brethren. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and Christ are making war against one another. This is an outright warfare as to whether you are going to fulfill the lusts of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, or you are going to desire the things of God more than you desire the things of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. Do not tell me, "I do desire the things of God," what do you desire more? I know you desire the things of God, but what do you desire more? If you truly desire the things of Christ more, God will join himself to you in power, and you will indeed overcome Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, but this is a warfare.
There is a home ministry that I was associated with for a while that says there is no warfare, there is no Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and there are no demons. What is there, brethren? Glory to God. "For the flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh, and these are contrary the one to the other, so that you cannot do the things that you would." This particular Greek word, I have a Hebrew equivalent of, it is Strong's #183 and in the Hebrew, Strong's #2530. In the Hebrew more than in the Greek, sometimes it is positive. All of these words can be positive or negative depending on the context of the Scripture. Okay, in the Hebrew, I just wanted to make this point. I think I have already said it. When it is positive, it is called desire, and when it is negative it is called lust.
Now this particular word in the Hebrew also means "to dwell or lodge," and it implies that the desire is so strong that it results in a joining. In other words, if you have somebody over here and they are desiring either another person or they are desiring money, and it is so strong....let us say they are desiring money, let us get away from people, they are desiring money, they want great wealth. This Scripture is saying that this lust is so powerful that it can actually achieve it, that if that lust manifests in you long enough and hard enough, you are going to get what you want. You might do it at the cost of your soul. You might do it at the cost of your relationship with God, but this lust has power. This is the whole point of this message, brethren, lust has power!
It has power to get you ungodly things. Money is not necessarily ungodly unless you are doing it in a manner that is opposing God. There is nothing wrong with you if you are a young person growing up and you want to go to school and get an education and actively strive to get a good job, there is nothing wrong with that. That would be a positive aspect of it. If you are lying and stealing and cheating, and ignoring your family, and your wife is crying her eyes out telling you that she is lonely and you are saying, "tough," without mercy or compassion on her, is not Godly, brethren. Lust has power, it has the power to attain what it desires, whether it be another human being, money, position, or anything else that you might want. Lust described by this word has the power to get it.
We are going to find out that there is a word translated lust that does not have the power to obtain, but does have the power to turn on the person that is lusting and torment him unto destruction. Lust has power, brethren. It needs to be dealt with by the power of God or it is going to destroy you, glory to God, if it is being directed in negative areas.
I am going to wind down here with a study in James. James 4, if you would like you might want to turn there with me. I am going to be there for a while, James 4:1-5, I will read it before we start it. James 4:1-5, "From whence come wars and fightings among you, come they not hence even of you lusts that war in your members? Ye lust and have not, ye kill and desire to have, and cannot obtain, ye fight and war, yet ye have not because ye ask not, ye ask and receive not, because you ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lust. Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? Whoso therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. Do ye think the Scripture sayeth in vain, the spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy?"
There are three different Greek words translated "lust" in these five verses, and we are going to do a brief study on it. Verse 1, "From whence come wars and fightings among you? Come they not hence even of your lusts that war in your members?" Now, this is the word "lust," Strong's #2237. We have already studied that and it means "pleasure." The word "wars" refers to warfare, and it could mean a single battle or a series of battles. Webster's says that war is a state of open and declared armed hostile conflict between states or nations, a struggle between opposing forces or for a particular end, struggle between competing entities. The word "fightings" means "a battle, a controversy, a striving," and Webster's says that a battle is a fight, a general encounter between armies, ships of war, or airplanes, a combat between two persons. What we are saying here is that war is between nations, and battles are between individuals or armies, so what we are saying is that the war is the greater one and that the battle exists within the war. Is that clear to everybody? The war is the whole of what is happening, and it is happening between two nations.
The two nations are Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and Christ. Do you know that Christ is a nation? Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is a nation. This is the war and the battle is between Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and Christ. It has been going on for thousands of years, but we could have one battle, boom.
I was knocked down last week, brethren, I lost the battle, but God raised me up. There are going to many more, and I know that the end of the result is that in my life Christ is going to win the war. I lost a battle, but Christ in me in going to win the war. The Scripture says that we could be knocked down many times, but we will never be destroyed. That is the Word of the Lord unto you, "You will never be destroyed, you can be knocked down, but you will never be destroyed." There is a war going on, it is between Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and Christ. There are many battles, battles every day of our life, sometimes we have several battles in one day. Sometimes we have a battle from minute to minute. Glory to God.
Another reference book that I use is called Trench, and he says that war refers to foreign strife, and battle refers to civil insurrection. What that suggests to me, brethren, is this. We have talked about this in other meetings. The living soul that died has had dominion in this realm of appearance for a very long time. He exists here, but there is an entity coming at him. His name is Christ. Satan, the unconscious part of the mind, is the ruling spirit in the living soul that died and Christ is actively waging war against the living soul that died, and has every intention of utterly absorbing it. Christ has every intention of taking it over and making it His. The warfare is between Christ and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. They are two totally different entities, two totally different nations. There are many battles within, and the battles within are the local battles. The battles within my mind are the local battles. You see, there is a warfare, Christ is coming to get me. He wants my soul, He is coming to get my soul. He is coming to take it away from Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.
There is also the battle that is within me. Who am I throwing myself in line with? There is my personal battle between me, and my personal Satan, the unconscious part of my own carnal mind, which is going on within me. Then there is the greater battle, that is the battle between Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and Christ in me. Then there is the warfare of the whole Body of Christ coming against the whole living soul that died, all of us together. Did I make that clear? Okay, Hallelujah.
"Members," the Greek word translated "members" means "limbs." It is used both spiritually and naturally. It is used spiritually in I Corinthians 6:15, "the members of a harlot's body." I Corinthians 12:25, and Ephesians 5:30 talk about the mystical body of Christ. "Member," could mean "a limb or an arm," but it could also mean that you are a member of a spiritual body. The word "among" can be translated "brethren" and the word "hence" can mean the origin or the source from whence something comes. Now, brethren, I had a problem when I studied this. I had a problem, and the problem is that the Alternate Translation that God gave me for this Scripture is to use this word "lust" positively. I could not find one Scripture in the New Testament that used this word positively, but I knew in my heart that God had given me a translation using it positively.
We are talking about the word "lust," that is #2237, and it is translated "pleasure," so this is what the Lord had me to do. I took the word "pleasure," and I looked it up in Webster's. Webster's said that pleasure meant "to gratify, to be a source of pleasure or satisfaction, to satisfy [we were talking about that earlier], and to appease one's desires or longing to the fullest. Then I looked in the Scriptures under these other words and I found the word "content," do you understand what I am saying? I could not find this word "lust" used in any positive way.
I looked in the Scripture under the word "content" based on the definition in Webster. I found out that Webster's said "to be content" means, "gratification to the point where one is not disturbed or disquieted even though every wish is not fully realized." You are not disquieted even though every wish is not fully realized. Now this is what we are hoping for. We are hoping to come to this place where we are no longer up and down and we have peace. That is the promise of the Scripture to us. Jesus said, "My peace I give unto you." The word "content" means that even though we are still like this, which is valleys and mountains, we still have peace. Now how could that be? Because the peace is coming from the outside source of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is saying, "Peace unto you, I shall indeed complete the work." That is contentment, it is a partial peace.
This word "lust" is used in the Scripture in accordance with the above definition of "content." We just talked about that. The only word that I could find in the Scripture which means full satisfaction of desire, seems to be "salvation," that is the word, full satisfaction of desire appears to be "salvation." I did find "satisfaction" in the Old Testament, I did find something in the Old Testament, in Psalms 90:14 that says [in other words, now I am looking for this word to be used in a positive sense], "pleasure," meaning "satisfy." Are you all with me? Old Testament, Ps.90:14, "Satisfy us early with they mercy." The Lord God has promised to satisfy us. Psalms 91:16, "With long life will I satisfy him." Psalms 132:15, "I will satisfy her poor with bread." I have found Scriptures in the Old Testament which claim that "[God] will give you pleasure," because Webster's says that pleasure is a synonym of satisfaction. "I will give you pleasure by My Spirit", and the pleasure that God is going to give us is this, peace, pleasure, satisfaction, every need met.
Based on that, I have an Alternate Translation for you of James 4:1, "From whence come wars and fightings among you, come they not hence even of lusts that war in your members?" Alternate Translation, "Where does this state of open hostile warfare between two opposing forces, Christ and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and an internal condition of insurrection between yourself and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, originate from?" Now every time I ever read this Scripture, I always thought it meant between the different members of the body of Christ. God is showing us, I believe, that the conflict is within us. We do not have any problem with our brethren, brother. It is just that we manifest. It does not matter what anybody does to us. They crucified Jesus, and He blessed them. You do not have any conflict with anyone, but with your carnal mind. She is your only problem. Even if people pray psychic prayers, and they pray they want to close this ministry down, they cannot do anything to us unless we have a weakness in our soul that opens us to destruction. Our problem is us, glory to God.
This word "war," the second word war, "From whence come wars and fightings among you, come they not hence even of your lusts that war in your members?" This word "war" is a different Greek word "war," Strong's 4754, and it means is "the office of apostle." They translated it "war" because they did not know what to make out of it. That word "war," it means "the office of apostle." What it is talking about is Christ in you. Christ is an apostle, amen? Christ is coming forth in you. Hebrews 3:1 says, "Consider the apostle and high priest of our profession, Christ Jesus."
Now remember, we talked about this, Jesus of Nazareth was the natural man. Christ Jesus refers to the entire body of Christ. As the Christ emerges forth in you, an apostle of God is coming forth in your mind, and it is His fullest intention to swallow up the Satanic realm, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and when he does, you will be an apostle in Christ. There is an apostle in your mind, and the Greek word "apostle" means "an ambassador of the gospel, an official commissioner of Christ with miraculous powers." If you have birthed the Christ within, your soul is an ambassador of the gospel, an official commissioner of Christ with miraculous powers. He is within you, and He is warring with your carnal mind. That is the battle within you, and that is separate from the overall battle between Christ and Satan, the unconscious part of the collective carnal mind, that is going on between the whole body of Christ to the whole body of fallen adam.
I want to read it again. "Where does this state of open hostile warfare between two opposing forces and an internal condition of insurrection within yourself come from." You know this is interesting, I wanted to point this out to you, the Scripture really says, between "yourselves," plural. Do you know that there are two of you? The Scripture teaches that there are two of you. In James 4:8, he says, "Draw nigh to God and he will draw nigh to you, cleanse your hands ye sinners, purify your hearts, ye double-minded." James tells us that the double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. What that means is "double souled." If you have Christ you are double souled, there are two of you in there. He said that there is a condition of insurrection between yourselves, and where does it originate from?
Every time I ever read that I thought it meant between two different people, but he is not talking about different people. He is talking about the two beings inside of you. Where does the conflict originate from? Is it not a source of your own desire for satisfaction? That is, the lust of your own carnal mind, which has resulted in a military campaign within your own fallen soul, between your desire to experience Christ coming forth in you and fulfilling the office of apostle [which Christ is], and the desire of your soul man for sensual pleasure. The battle in your own mind is between the emerging Christ in you, which, when He comes to full stature, will make you an apostle, and your soul man ruled by Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, who is desiring sensual pleasure. These two parts of you are at war with one another. Glory to God.
Verse 2, "Ye lust and ye have not, ye kill and desire to have, and cannot obtain. Ye fight and war, yet ye have not because ye ask not." Now this word "lust" is #1937.We have already discussed, that it means "to desire strongly to the point that your capture what you desire." This word "kill" means "to be a murderer, a criminal by nature, which affects the whole nation." It means that you are a gangster in your mind. It does not mean that you have killed someone. We know the Old Testament talks about a manslayer, about killing someone without a pre-meditative motive. This word, "to kill," describes a gangster, and it says that you are a criminal that is affecting the whole nation. Paul says that if the thumb hurts, so does the toe. If you have sin in your heart, every member of the body of Christ is affected by it. He says that when you desire to the point that you do not care whether you get it legally or illegally, you are a gangster and you are destroying the whole nation of Christ. The word "desire" means "to covet earnestly."
Ephesians 5:5 says, "No covetous man who is an idolater has any inheritance in the kingdom of God." Covetousness is idolatry, brethren. One of the worse things that you could do in God's eyes.
Now this word "war" in Verse 2 is different again then the word translated "war" in Verse 1, and it really means "war" as we defined it earlier. I have an alternate translation of Verse 2, "Ye lust and have not, ye kill and desire to have and cannot obtain, ye fight and war, yet ye have not because ye ask not." Alternate Translation, "You long to satisfy the cravings of your soul without giving up for one second, you will not stop for one second, you just want it, you even set your will against the Lord Himself when He says you cannot have it, and you still do not have, you set your will to obtain this thing, even in opposition to the Lord God, but you have not obtained it."
You try to get it illegally, being a public bandit, a gangster, and you crave from deep within your soul without even trying to restrain yourself, knowing full well that such a lack of resistance on your part is opposing the emergence of Christ cometh forth within you, and you still cannot get what you want. You still do not get it. You try and, you have taken out every weapon that your soul man has, and you still have not gotten it. You fight the Lord God Himself, and the emerging Christ within you, but you still do not have it, because it is impossible for the natural man to satisfy the cravings of his own soul. It is impossible, brethren. Only God can satisfy you. You have to humble yourself, this is what you have to do. But you have actually become a gangster to get yourself satisfied. You do not have to become a gangster. This is what you have to do, you have to humble yourself before God, admit He is stronger than you are and that you need Him. Tell Him what you want, and if He does not give it to you, brethren, you do not have it.
Verse 3, "Ye ask and receive not, because you ask amiss that ye may consume it upon your own lusts." We were just told how to get it, ask God, you have to stop trying to do it yourself and ask God. Now he says, you ask, you finally come to the place where you ask, and you still do not get it. Why not? Because you ask amiss that you may consume it upon your own lusts. This is the Greek word "lust," #2237. It means "to please." The word "amiss" means "badly diseased, evil, grievously," and it is from a root that means "depraved or sick." If your request, brethren, if your motive, if what you desire emanates forth from your diseased soul, God will not give it to you. You do not get everything you want, you get everything you ask for only when you ask in the will of God.
The word "consume" means "to waste." Verse 3, "Ye ask and receive not because you ask amiss that ye may consume it upon your own lust." Alternate Translation, "You finally give up and ask God, but you still do not receive peace because your sick soul man motivates you to ask for carnal things that will satisfy you temporarily, leaving you in the same spiritually needy condition, instead of asking for spiritual things that will impart eternal life to you." Glory to God.
God does not honor the requests that will satisfy the lusts of your flesh, because He is killing your flesh, and if He satisfies it, He is working against His own purpose in your life. Glory to God. I guess we are up to Verse 4, "Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God." The word "friendship" is "philos," and it is from #5384, philos. We are talking about soul love, brethren. Strong's #5368, phileo, soul love, the love of friendship. The word "world" here is "cosmos." We know that cosmos means orderly arrangement, and we live in a whole world that is an orderly arrangement. Each one of us is a cosmos, within each individual, we are a cosmos, the whole body of Christ is a cosmos, the whole natural world that we know is a cosmos. There are many cosmoses. When you are in the arrangement that God has ordained for you to be in, you are a cosmos, an "orderly arrangement."
Verse 4, "Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship with the world is at enmity with God, whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. You adulterous spirits and adulterous souls that are fornicating with the Satanic realm, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, do not you know that your failure to resist union with the fallen soul realm prevents you from entering into the kingdom of God. Everyone who does not align himself in warfare with Christ against Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, to overthrow his union with the soul realm has declared himself openly to have rejected the kingdom of God. You adulterous spirits and adulterous souls, do not you know that your failure to resist your union with the soul realm prevents you from entering into the kingdom of God. So everyone who does not align himself in warfare with Christ to overthrow his union with the soul realm, has declared himself openly to reject the kingdom of God."
He is not going to fight for you if you are not there with him. If you are joined to Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and loving it, or are content with your condition, He is not going to fight to set you free, but if you cannot throw your will in line with Him, brethren, all is not lost. You have to cry out to God, you need deliverance. There is something that is making your will so weak that you cannot even cry out for deliverance. God is the answer to every problem you have. Glory to God, Hallelujah.
I am going to read you Verses 7-8. This is what you do, brethren, if you cannot align yourself with Christ. Verse 7, "You submit yourself therefore to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands ye sinners, and purify your hearts [you need deliverance] ye double-minded, be afflicted and mourn and weep, let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness, humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord and He shall lift you up." You are not going to get this with a spirit of pride, brethren, and it is painful and it is not easy. You are going to feel uncomfortable, and you are going to have to resist falling asleep in these meetings.
Verse 5, "Do not think that the Scripture sayeth in vain, the spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy." Well, before I go on with that, I have the sixth Greek word that is translated "lust." It is Strong's #1971, and it is "epipophao." It means "to yearn, to long for." It is from two Greek words, #3715, and #3806, which mean that your yearning results in obtaining what you lust for either legally, or illegally, and, the thing desired, is destructive. This word #1971 is not obtaining and therefore destructive to the person themselves. This is the one Greek word translated "lust" where you do not obtain the desired object. You cannot get it.
Did you ever hear in the Scripture of the boy that was pining away? He was pining away, he was wanting something so badly he was pining away. We have that in modern psychology. It is very common with children that were raised in orphanages. These children pine away, they die. They die for no particular physical reason. They die from lack of love and handling and physical contact. When this was discovered, they started the foster care program, because children in orphanages and big wards, where they do not have nurses touching them and talking to them everyday, were dying. It is not enough to change diapers and feed babies that will die if they are not handled and spoken to. This is an established scientific psychological fact.
This one Greek word translated lust "epipophao," is the type of lust that is impotent. It moans and groans and vibrates forth and it pines and it is in pain, and it utterly fails to obtain the prized possession. There is a wall up there, you cannot get past it, you cannot get it. What this type of lust does is it turns back on the person, and brings destruction into their life. We have said that lust can bring destruction to the other person, if you take them against their will, you have destroyed them. This lust brings destruction upon the person lusting. It brings self condemnation, self hatred, and unbearable pain and torment. It brings disease. This is an established scientific fact, it brings disease, and very often it brings death. Glory to God.
Webster's says that "to yearn" means "painful longing without success, unsatisfied appetite or desire, a languishing or fruitless desire for the impossible, an insistent unsatisfied craving that torments." You see this in a lot of women. They think they want a husband, they want a man. What you want ladies, is Christ, you want Christ, you want the salvation of God. You think you want a man, but you want Christ. That does not mean you cannot have a man, glory to God. The word "envy" means "ill will," and it is from a root that means "to shrivel, ruin and destroy." Envy will destroy. If you envy what your sister has, we have talked about this earlier, if you envy her husband, you can destroy that marriage. If you permit that lust to reign unrestrained, you can do that.
Now this is very interesting, the word "dwelleth." Let me read this Scripture again, Verse 5, "Do ye think that the Scriptures sayeth in vain, the spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy." This word "dwelleth" means "to burn incense." I have an Alternate Translation, "Do you think that the Scripture sayeth in vain, the spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy." Alternate Translation, "Do you not know that the Scripture means what it says, when it tells you that your human spirit is trying to satisfy the lusts of your fallen soul by worshiping Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, as God, and will do so without success until it destroys itself." If you are out there trying to do it yourself, do you know that, that means that you are worshiping Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind? If God is going to give it to you, brethren, He is going to give it to you. If you are going out there trying to obtain it yourself, the Scripture says you are worshiping Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. Glory to God.
Do you not know that the Scripture means what it says when it tells you that your human spirit is trying to satisfy the lusts of your own fallen soul by worshiping Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, as god, and it will do so without success, it will pine away until it destroys itself? There is no satisfying your fallen soul, brethren, Satan, the unconscious part of the canal mind, cannot satisfy you, he does not have the power to give you peace. For those of you who do not know, Revelation 8:3 tells us that the burning of incense is associated with prayers to God. That is Revelation 8:3. The burning of incense is associated with prayers to God, so that is what this means.
Just to wind it down, I am going to read you Verses 6:10, "But he giveth and more grace, wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. Submit yourselves therefore to God, resist the devil, and he will flee from you, draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands ye sinners and purify your hearts ye double minded. Be afflicted and mourn and weep, let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to heaviness. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord and He shall lift you up." Glory to God. Any questions?