Salvation and Faith

Transcribed Messages

 By Pastor Sheila Vitale


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021  -  Reconciliation/Salvation - Are They The Same?

022  -  Sanctification

023  -  Adoption

061  -  The Faith Of Thessalonia

065  -  He That Hath Life

113  -  The Truth About Baptism

656  -  To Test God, Or Not To Test

657  -  The Reality Of Faith (5 Parts) 

659  -  Why Repentance?

668  -  Facing Down Death

800  -  Parable Of The Sower [Video]

818  -  Let This Mind Be In You, Spiritual Truth [Video]

820  -  Let This Mind Be In You, Christians [Video]

821  -  Let This Mind Be In You, Christ Doesn't Do That [Video]

823  -  Let This Mind Be In You, Christ Jesus Man's New Mind [Video]

827  -  A Testimony About Healing & Incarnation [Video]

828  -  Why Do Bad Things Happen To Us? [Video]

853  -  The Book Of Colossians, Alternate Translation (3 Parts)

855  -  The Book Of Ephesians, Chapter 1 - Alternate Translation [Video]

858  -  The Book Of Ephesians, Chapter 2 - Alternate Translation (3 Parts)

859  -  About Benny Hinn [Video]

864  -  Colossians, Exhortation On The Alternate Translation (3 Parts)

865  -  The Lord Is Coming Soon [Video]

868  -  God: His Name, His Image & His Shape (2 Parts)

878  -  The Book Of Ephesians, Chapter 4 - Alternate Translation [Video]

879  -  The Book Of Ephesians, Chapter 5 - Alternate Translation [Video]

883  -  The Lie That Swallowed Up The Truth - Until Now! [Video]

911  -  Gino Jennings [Video]

917  -  The Book Of Ephesians, Chapter 6 - Alternate Translation (4 Parts)

948  -  The Root Of The Tree & Other Thoughts [Video]

950  -  A Muslim Wanted To Know [Video]

952  -  Politics & The End Times [Video]

954  -  Things Good & Evil [Video]

955  -  Overview Of The Doctrine Of God [Video]

967  -  1 Peter, Chapter 1 - Exhortation [Video]

973  -  As In The Days Of Noah (3 Parts)

975  -  The Clash Of The Titans & Olympians

984  -  A Message From Pastor Vitale - 10/01/19 [Video]

1000 - Melchizedek In The Holy Of Holies [Video]

1004 - The Catching Up [Video]

1009 - The Beginning Of Miracles [Video]

1012 - Why Jesus Failed [Video]

1013 - Don't Be Depressed [Video]

1022 - Understanding The "Woke" Generation [Video]

1023 - Jesus' Response to the Satanists: 2020 [Video]

1031 - Wisdom For The Spiritual Life [Video]

1039 - The Genesis Of The 5th Day Creation [Video]

1040 - Present Truth [Video] 

1044 - The Elect (1 Peter) [Video]

1047 - Adam's Internal Conflict [Video]                   

1048 - Review, Movie: The End of Eden [Video]

1049 - Seduction And The Snake (2 Parts)

1054 - Innocent Blood [Video]

1057 - Why Depopulation? (2 Parts)

1058 - The Tyranny Of The Soul (2 Parts)

1062 - Review, Movie: Lost Horizon [Video] 

1065 - Review, Movie: Anna Karenina [Video]

1066 - Man of God #5 - Smart green Cities [Video]

1067 - Review, Movie: Tender Is The Night [Video]

1071 - Review, Movie: A Death In Canaan [Video]

1079 - Provoked To Sin [Video]

1080 - The Ramblings Of Sheila Vitale [Video]

1086 - Good Giants [Video]

1087 - Giants & Jack And The Beanstalk [Video]

1088 - Jehovah, Jesus, Tetragrammaton [Video]

1092 - Spiritual Ascension & Duality In The Church [Video]

1111 - Ministry Beyond The Gifts [Video]  


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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