021 - 1 Part

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
 Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


A lot of you are asking questions about who is incarnated at the express will of the Father and who is not. I know that to a lot of people this doctrine sounds does not sound reconcilable with the doctrine of reconciliation, but I do believe in the doctrine of reconciliation. I have been a coward, and I have been avoiding talking to you about this matter and other matters because if some of the local churches get hold of it, they are really going to crucify me twice what they are doing now. But God has told to me to tell you, so I am going to just take a few minutes now to try and explain how I am going to say to you that I believe in the doctrine of reconciliation, and still believe that certain men are incarnated outside of the will of the father. It sounds like a contradiction.


I am going to take a few minutes to try to explain it to you. If you do not get it, do not get upset. This is an intense deep spiritual truth. I cannot believe God is letting me bring it forth. I have had the revelation for a while and this sister has also, but now the Lord wants me to tell you, and through this you the whole church. If you understand it now, that is fine, but if you do not, it will go into your spirit and the Lord will work on your understanding, He will work on it in you as you go along. I am going to try and set up this blackboard, I am going to draw you a picture, I cannot draw any better than I sing, but, I will try.


Is there anybody here that does not understand that there are only two men in this world? Fallen adam is a many membered, spiritual man, and Christ is a many membered, spiritual man, so really there are only two men in the world, Christ and fallen adam. Scriptures, for example, where the Lord talks about two men in a bed and one is going to be taken, and one is going to be left, the bed is this physical body that we, and the two spiritual men are in. You cannot be raptured without Christ, because when fallen adam dies, if you do not have Christ within you to take his place, you die with fallen adam. The two men in the bed are Christ and fallen adam. Fallen adam is spiritually weak because he fell, he fell under the authority of sin. Christ within fallen adam is spiritually weak until He is raised up to full stature in us through union with the glorified Jesus Christ, His Father.


Some of us have conceived Christ, maybe all of us. I really do not know whether you have or not. I have conceived Christ, but I am not walking in the power and authority that Jesus of Nazareth walked in because Christ within me has not grown to full stature yet. The two men in the bed are fallen adam and the young Christ. One is going to be taken, and one is going to be left, that is who the two men are. They are the two men of the entire creation. Christ is going to be chosen, and fallen adam is going to be left in his weak condition. There are only two men in the world, and each of us at this stage, are members of both fallen adam of Christ. I am going to try and explain how this thing works.



Father, just bless this, O God, you asked me to tell them, and I am standing here ready to bear the persecution if it gets out from these four walls, and, I pray that you quicken it to everybody here and that you anoint me to explain it. Glory to God.


This is the living soul that died. We all know that the living soul died when righteous Adam fell under the influence of sin, and descended into the realm of death and hell. I will take questions as we go along if you do not understand this. This is the living soul that died, and it is also death. The living soul that died is unseen, the soul is attached to the mind, and the mind is locked inside this body, but the only thing that you see is this body. This is the realm of appearance over here. You can see what is below the line, but you cannot see what is above the line. This is the realm of death, these are the many members, of the living soul that died. Each circle represents a member.


This is the Father, He is up here, and He has all authority, He has full control over the realm of death and the realm of appearance. He says which one of these members is going to come out from fallen adam and appear in the realm of appearance. I do not have every aspect of this, the one thing that God has not told me is.... there are two things that He has not told me. When someone is incarnated by the living soul that died without the authority of the Father, do they come forth with a spirit? He has not told me yet. The second thing that I do not know is when you have a thirty or a sixty-fold salvation and your body dies, does your whole soul goes with you to the Father?


The meaning of salvation is that your soul is joined to Christ who is joined to his Father, the glorified Jesus Christ. Christ in you, is saving your soul, and the way Christ saves your soul is by joining Himself to it. The soul lives by the life of Christ, they become one. Like a woman marries a man and she receives all of his wealth. She could be starving to death in the street, and the man marries her, she is saved, and she goes to live in his mansion. We know that in our condition, our soul is not completely joined to Christ. If it were, we would have the power of the Lord Jesus Christ. What happens if this body dies? I do not know. These are the two things that God has not explained to me yet.


Does the soul go back to the Father with the spirit, which is joined to Christ? If you are not saved and your body dies, your spirit goes back to the Father, and the soul dies, because the soul that sinneth, it shall die. What we do not know is whether people like us, whose soul is partially joined to Christ, what happens when the body dies. I do not know. Did I confuse anybody?


Deliverance is here already. The Father says, "I want this member of fallen adam, I want him to manifest in the realm of appearance, I want him to take on the flesh, I want him to be this sister." The order comes from the Father, it touches this member of the living soul that died, and the member of the living soul that died comes forth into this world through a human woman, and appears in the realm of appearance, a baby is born. That baby has a human spirit and an element of the satanic realm, the darkness that gives us visible form. When that baby grows up and eventually dies, the part that the Father sent forth, goes back to the Father, the life of God that was already in this circle goes back to the Father, and that clay and the dust that the soul and physical body were made out of, go back to the earth. It says back to the dust right? Well where is the dust? It is not the dust outside on Long Island, it is the spiritual dust that the living soul that died was formed from.


See, God has made a lump of clay, He has taken a lump of clay, and He has taken a piece out of the lump of clay, to form a soul and a physical body for this brother and that this sister, and when the soul dies, when the life goes out of the piece of clay, the clay goes back to the lump to be used again. It does not go back to the dust that we know of on the face of the earth. That is not where it goes back to. It goes back to the dust of the living soul that died, it goes back to the lump to be reformed again, you see.


When the Serpent or fallen adam, whoever is in charge here, decides to incarnate, there is no order coming from the Father. Satan says, "I am going to take on the flesh, I will return to my house, I will return to the realm of appearance, I am not waiting for the Lord." The order does not come from the Lord. Satan propels one of the members of the living soul that died down into the realm of appearance. The lust for manifestation arises within the Serpent in the high realms of his world, and Satan gets an impulse to incarnate, and something appears in the realm of appearance, and a human being appears over here. I told you I do not have all the answers.


We know from the parable of the different kinds of soil that Jesus said, that there are certain soils in which the seed of God will not grow, and what does the soil refer to? Our soul. There are certain people in the earth in which the seed of God will not take root. That is the revelation that we are walking in right now. This is a growing changing living ministry. If tomorrow God tells me I have told you something wrong, I am going to come in, and I am going to tell you that I goofed. This is where we are now, this is not the ultimate truth. God teaches us little by little.


Here is a human being on the face of the earth, he looks just like you and me, you are praying for him for forty years, but this guy cannot repent. What is wrong? His soul cannot receive the truth of God. The chances are, and we never know for sure, that he was incarnated at the will of fallen adam. When he dies, he goes back to the dust of the living soul that died, he goes back to the spiritual dust. This man died. He did not produce fruit. Everyone prayed for him for a hundred years, there was no salvation in his life, he was just no good, he did not do one good thing in his entire life. Yes, he was annihilated. He is not in heaven with the Lord, but he went back into the lump to be reformed at some future time.


There are only two men in the earth, so how can I say that all men are going to be saved when this man is going to be annihilated? He is not a man. He is only a part, he is a member of the man named fallen adam. He appeared on the face of the earth without the authority of God, so he lives out his lifetime and returns to the dust. I believe God lets you live out your lifetime, and then you go back into the lump. All men are going to be saved because there are only two men. This living soul that died is going to be saved.


COMMENT: I thought God was in control of Eve and Satan. Does God allow Satan to be a person, his soul, you know to go into the realm of appearance?


PASTOR VITALE: That is an excellent question, brother. God is in control of Satan, but at this moment, Satan has rebelled against Adam's authority and impregnated the Woman with his mortal offspring, which we are. God is permitting this fallen creation to exist until he can safely extract his many membered Son from its grip. Satan is doing all kinds of terrible things, the least of which is incarnating people without the permission of the Father. He is doing terrible things out there.


COMMENT: It is easy to go around saying that is why things are happening because Satan is in charge of it


PASTOR VITALE: Satan is the prince of the power of the air. He is in charge of the realm of appearance except for those who have the Spirit of God. Except in the instance where people have laid hold somewhere of a Bible, they have laid hold, not of a book, but in their hearts they have laid hold of the understanding that there is protection in God. God recognizes whether you are born again or whether you are not born again. If you are living a Godly life, there is protection in that, because you reap what you sow, but outside of that, Satan has all power, as you all know. I am not telling you anything that you do not know. People that live a Godly life, people that are born again and walk in a deep walk with the Lord....people die, there are terrible diseases, terrible things happen in our life, that God is not putting an immediate end to, because to do that would destroy the children of the Holy Seed that the Serpent kidnaped and formed into this mortal creation. God is going to deal with the Serpents rebellion a little bit at a time.


We have to try and get spiritual. I will tell you, when I first heard this revelation, it was like a pain in my heart, because what it is saying to us, it is showing us how unimportant we are. God is looking at the whole cosmic picture. He is saving the whole living soul that died. He is starting maybe in some corner up here, and if you are in the opposite corner, and God forbid a close relative of yours is in deep intense pain, you say, "Where is God, what kind of God is He?" Well, God is not worried about your relative's spiritual condition, because if that relative that you love so much was not incarnated at the will of the Lord, he is going back into the dust.


Well you say, what about my relative's pain? The painful truth, brethren, is that we are all in the condition that we are in because of sin, and every man has the opportunity to repent and cry out to God for mercy. Please don't think that God is heartless, because he is not. Try to consider the plight of the living soul that died from the high spiritual place that is seeking to deliver the whole creation. Surely you must understand brethren, that once a country, or a family, finds themselves in a warfare, sometimes people get hurt and sometimes people die. The very painful, but mature truth, is that our progenitor, righteous Adam, standing and died, and in him, we all sinned and died, and fell down into hell, which is where we, the whole living soul that died, and all the members thereof, will abide until the Lord's plan of deliverance is implemented unto completion.


The hard cold truth is, I am sorry to say, that if you're not incarnated at the express will of the Father, which means you have a part to play in His plan of salvation for mankind, you live your life without making any immortal mark on the creation of God, and then you pass out of this world to be reformed at some time in the future when, perhaps, it will be your turn to be absorbed back into the immortal beloved of God.


If the person was incarnated at the express will of God and she is having this terrible life, when she dies, the spirit is going back to the realm of God, safe with the Father, and the flesh means nothing.


This is a hard saying because we are living here, and we are feeling the pain, and if it is our relative, and if they are sick, we are hurting, and if they are suffering, we are hurting with them. The truth of the matter is that God has full control over the spirit, that everything that happens to us is for the perfecting of our spirit, but not necessarily in this lifetime. God never promised us that we would have a great life, because His purposes for us are beyond this lifetime. His purposes for us are up here in the realm of the spirit with Himself, so "All things work for the good for those who love the Lord and are called according to his purposes." You may love the Lord and not even know it, because if you are of His Spirit, somewhere deep inside of you, you love Him.


If this loved one of yours has the Spirit of God, everything that is happening to them will work our for the good. It may be very hard for us to believe that, and as you all know, I am really going through a rough one with my xxxxx. I mean I believed everything I was taught in the church that I was raised up then, and from xxxxx and all those other deliverance preachers. I knelt down by her bed at night, I prayed for her, I played the Scripturemessages, I thought she was going to get delivered in her sleep, but she did not. God has not made any mistakes. He knows exactly what He is doing. He took her away from me, I have not seen her for almost three years. She is in xxxxx, she is physically sick, and she is emotionally sick. Her life, for all intents and purposes, is a disaster. I just thank God she is not on drugs, and I do not believe she is sexually involved. She is emotionally disturbed, and she is physically sick and in great torment. That does not mean that God is unrighteous. That means that God knows exactly what He is doing, that He loves her more than I love her. He is more concerned with her ending up over here with the Father, than He is with her having comfort in this lifetime. You know we have to get spiritual, people. Sometimes it is hard, but if you ask, He will give you every righteous thing that you ask for.


What I am saying to you in a nut shell is that, yes, all men will be saved because there are only two men. If someone leaves this world system without an apparent salvation experience, all that it means is that their body dies. If they were incarnated at the express will of the living soul that died, it means that they go back into the lump. Paul did say in I Corinthians, he says, "We are all of one lump." Anyone familiar with that Scripture? "We are all of one lump." Who is the lump? The lump is Christ, or the lump that we are is part of Christ.


If you are incarnated at the express will of the living soul that died, you go back to the lump of the living soul that died because this living soul that died is the Bride of Christ. He is going to marry her. God is a Spirit, He has no form or shape. He intends to marry the flesh man so that He can appear in the realm of appearance. But for a season, the flesh man, the soul man, who is going to be the wife of the living God, is experiencing an existence apart from God. This whole living soul that died, that sometimes manifests as one individual or another, and when they die, recalls their spiritual remains into the lump, this is the aspect of the living soul that died that you cannot see. It is the mind that God created, that fell under the influence of sin. It is the soul and the body that is the flesh of the glorified Jesus Christ.


For this short period of time, it may not be short for us, but the Scripture says it is for just a moment, His bride is running wild in the many members of this world system. She is living an existence apart from God that is evil, because she does not have what it takes to be righteous. Her righteousness has not joined Himself to her yet. She cannot be righteous. Natural man cannot be righteous, it is impossible, we do not have what it takes. This brother cannot have a baby, I do not care what he says are does, he can stamp his feet and jump up and down, and tell God he wants to have a baby, but he cannot have a baby, he does not have what it takes to have a baby Sorry brother, you do not have what it takes.


We do not have what it takes to be righteous. The living God, who was manifesting himself to us as Christ Jesus today, is our righteousness, but for this brief moment, we are running wild in the realm of the soul. We are unrighteous, waiting for Christ Jesus to join Himself to us, which will be the completion of God's creation. It will be the marriage of the Father in the form of Christ Jesus overshadowing the entire living soul that died so that we are all one in His Holy nature. By that act, He will add righteousness to us, and by righteousness being added to us, we will be delivered from every pain and torment known to man. The way He is doing it, is one member of the living soul that died at a time.


If somebody is out here, even if they are incarnated at the express will of the Father, and their life is terrible, and their body dies, do not worry about it because their body is not being saved. At this time God is dealing with the spirit and the soul. When the body dies, the spirit goes right back to the bosom of the Father, nothing to worry about. If the person was incarnated at the express will of fallen adam, he is going right back to the lump, and Jesus is marrying the lump. Right? But, for all intents and purposes, this individual is annihilated. But don't forget brethren, God is not mocked, whatsoever fallen adam, or any of his members, shall sow, so shall he reap. All evil deeds not recompensed in a man's lifetime, will be satisfied by that man's descendants.


This personality named John Smith will never rise again. If John Smith was incarnated at the express will of the living soul that died, he will never rise again. The dust that he was made of is going back to the living soul that died and the living soul that died is going to the resurrected, so John Smith is going to rise again, but in another form. You see, the big catch here is that we just have to be humble enough to see how insignificant we, in our present form, are in relation to the Lord's cosmic plan for the salvation of the whole living soul that died. Think of every human being on the face of the earth today as one entity, the whole human race together is the fallen Adam, first man. It is fallen adam in many members, and God is so enormous that, He is going to join Himself to each and everyone of u, s by His Spirit, one at a time. If while we are waiting for this to happen, five million people over here, their bodies die, it does not mean anything. Either their spirit went back up here or their soul went back up here, the only thing that matters is that the Father, in the form of the Lord Jesus Christ, is going to overshadow the whole lump. The lump is going to be saved, brethren, the lump is going to be saved. Questions?


COMMENT: I want to try to put this right, the way I am thinking of it, like you said, you were not sure that the person had a spirit. Well, could it be possible that even though they were not incarnated by the express will of the Father, that they had a spirit, and that the spirit went back to the Father, and you talked about how the sons of God or the spark of light, it appears again, but it is not necessarily the same personality. Well, could it be the same person that was the spirit went to God and the flesh went back because they were not supposed to be incarnated, that later on they were that same spark of life that was in that person before, was incarnated again?


PASTOR VITALE: I understand what you are saying. It is definitely possible, but I do not know the answer. This is how I see the options, this is the reason I do not know the answer. When the living soul that died incarnates without permission from the Father, what I do not know is what comes forth. If one of the members of the spiritual man comes forth....now, we know that each member has a human soul, a human spirit in the satanic realm, which is the unconscious part of the carnal mind, so, if when Satan incarnates illegally, he sends forth a member, that member has a spirit, but I do not know if that is what he does. Maybe he does not send forth a member, maybe he just manifests. Maybe it is not a member, maybe it is not a bonafide member of the living soul that died. Maybe he just takes on the flesh, I do not know, but I do agree with you that if, when the living soul that died manifests illegally, if what he does is send forth a member of fallen adam, then you are absolutely right, because every member of fallen adam has a human spirit, a human soul and a manifestation of the satanic realm, the unconscious part of their carnal mind. You are absolutely right, so if that is what happens, the spirit goes back to the Father, if that is what happens. I do not know.


The personality is not saved. I do not believe in reincarnation, the personality is not saved. It is the spirit that is being saved. These personalities that we are experiencing in this life existence are temporal, they are temporary for the purpose of perfecting the Christ within us. When Jesus of Nazareth was crucified and raised from the dead and appeared as a spiritual man on the earth, His own disciples did not know Him. His personality was not resurrected, the spiritual man was resurrected.


Update To Message # 021
Reconciliation/Salvation – Are They the Same?
(15 Years after the above Paragraph Was Preached)


We now know that our immortal soul is that "member" or seed, that is sown in the earth of the living soul that died, and that the personality is the mortal soul, or human soul, or temporary soul, that is formed around the immortal seed. In the event that the immortal seed, which has the potential to mature into Christ, fails to quicken and bring Christ to term, the Scripture says that the living soul that died has menstruated, and the mortal, or temporary soul, dies, because Christ, the saviour of that soul, did not come to term. This is what Jehovah said to Israel when he indicted him saying, "your righteousness is as filthy rags". Israel, indeed, conceived the Christ, but they did not bring Him to term, and the Holy Seed of Promise that was imparted to Isaac passed out of natural Israel as spiritual menstrual blood, and they died.


So, indeed, it is the soul (personality), which is a manifestation of the living soul that died, that is being saved. As you'll find out in subsequent messages, the spirit, or the spiritual potential, of fallen makind, is being "redeemed" (repurchased by God), and the soul (personality, formed from the dust of the living soul that died) is being "saved".


In response to my own point above, that the resurrected Jesus was not recognized by his own disciples, I say to you that the "saved" soul (personality) is the garment that covers the unified Christ Jesus and glorified Jesus Christ, and, therefore, looks completely different than the very same soul (personality) when it covers fallen adam. In deed, the soul (personality) reflects the spiritual man within her, that she is married to.


As far as I know, well, I do not know what my spiritual man is like, and I do not know what your spiritual man is like. I know you in accordance with your soulish personalities, and Paul said we are to start knowing each other by the spirit, so I am just starting. I know this sister, I know that you are a woman of God, I know certain things that I would trust you with spiritually, but to me you are still this certain sister. I really do not know the spiritual person. I would assume when we advance spiritually, we will be able to look into this sister's heart and say, well, this is this certain sister, but inside of there is a Son of God, and I know that Son of God, you see. I cannot do that now. I could just say, "There is that sister and I know she is a woman of God, but I could not identify her if she was out of her body."


COMMENT: I am trying to reconcile, well, to find the difference between this and reincarnation as far as the human spirit, the human spirit is being perfected and the entire personality is destroyed, but how do you get perfected other than to keep coming back again and again, and is there any remembrance, or what happens you know, what is being perfected?


PASTOR VITALE: This living soul that died is saved through being joined to the Lord Jesus Christ. It is not being saved because of experience. Does that help you? This living soul....there is no salvation for this living soul that died outside of being joined to the Spirit of God, and when it is joined to the Spirit of God, the Father again is going to come forth as the offspring. We have the living soul that died, then we have the Spirit of God on top of it, then we have the birth of the Son, Hallelujah, and that is the whole creation. The humbled Son that was made a man that lost his spiritual power, the Spirit of God, which was the male element, which overshadowed it, and the birth of the Son, the Christ in full stature, eventually is going to cover the whole living soul that died.. That is the three parts of the creation of God.


It has nothing to do with works, you know, it has nothing to do with each individual. Christ is it, we are His flesh, I mean, this is humbling, brethren. We are His flesh, and our big problem right now is that we have been living lives and making our own decisions, so it is hard for us to understand, but when He joins Himself to us, we are not making anymore decisions.


Right now we are in training for this. We should not be making any decisions now. We are supposed to be saying, "Lord Jesus, what do you want me to do?" Once He joins Himself to us, we will not have any choice. Just like our brain, my brain says to my hand, "I will to draw this picture." Okay, my brain says to my hand,"Use green chalk." The day is coming that the Son will be so real in us that we will do only what He says. Man, this is humbling. This is tough, no more decisions, we will do only what He tells us to do. We are His flesh, He is going to become the brain, and we are going to be the body. We are going to do only what He tells us.


I must tell you this, because people panic at this. This is not a zombie movie, this is the living God. He is glorious, He is righteous, He is marvelous, He is infallible, and there is no wicked thing in Him. This might sound horrible to us to be totally controlled, but, brethren, when you are totally controlled by God, it is going to be better than anything you have ever experienced as you own person in the soul realm. Right away we get scared, because all of us, I do not think there is any person around that has not experienced witchcraft against them, people trying to control us. We have been hurt, we have been wounded, we have been betrayed, and now someone stands up here and says you are going to be controlled.


Do not throw eggs at me. I am sorry, Gods' control, that is heaven, but the carnal mind says, "No one is controlling me baby," and he is running off down the street. He does not want to give up, because it is the carnal mind, and the carnal mind is at enmity with God, it is his state of being. For you to be able to sit there and say this is heaven, and if it is God, why not, what that says to me is that you are speaking by the power of the Holy Spirit, because the carnal mind would never say those words. Hallelujah. This brother has a question.


COMMENT: At the end of the world, do you believe that Satan will be saved also and the principalities and powers of the earth?


PASTOR VITALE: I do not think that they are going to be saved, we are playing with words here. I think they are going to be reconciled. Yes, and the reason that they are going to be reconciled is that Satan is a basic part of the creation. Now remember, God wants to be seen in the realm of appearance, and what He is doing is weaving a piece of cloth that He could wrap around Himself. Remember the teaching about the invisible man? Nobody could see him, so he took some limp bandages, there was nothing to it. It was like, you know, a limp thing like this. He wrapped it around his head, and you saw the outline of his nose and his cheek bones. That is what the soul man is to God, and Satan is a part of the woven fabric.


Remember now, this is a fabric over here, this is the garment that God is wearing. God is the woof. This is the Spirit of God and everything that God has created for Himself, but you do not have a garment unless you get something that is going to go this way, and what is going to go this way, is the warp. It is going to give substance to the garment so that when you put something in it, it does not fall through, amen. Because God is such a great....His mind is so much greater than ours, the other purpose that it is showing, you see it is in direct opposition to the Spirit of God, which is this way, right? It is going to show Him in the body, and it is going to show Him in the soul. For this to reveal God, it has to be the exact opposite of Him.


For God to be seen in the flesh it is easy, because you have a body, but how is God going to be seen in the realm of the mind? He has to have someone opposite of Him. He is righteous so there has to be unrighteousness so that you could know that this is righteousness, circle is righteousness and a triangle is unrighteousness. You have to be able to tell the difference. You have to be able to say that this is God, I know this is God. I know that, that is light because out there in the hall it is dark, you see.


In this garment that God is weaving, He has Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and he is the warp that is going this way, but when God joins Himself to the garment, God is not going to just throw it over him. God is going to join Himself to it in every atom and molecule of our mind and our body. When that happens Satan, is going to be totally controlled by the Spirit of God. He will have no power to do anything. He is not going to have any personality, nothing, he is just going to be a part of this garment. For all intents and purposes, he will have disappeared. It is just like if you eat a steak, and it goes into your body, it does not exist anymore, but if you eat enough steak, you are going to get it right here, so it is a part of you. We are His flesh and Satan is going to be a part of that flesh under total control, totally harmless, you will not even know that he is there. God does not even call him by name, God does not mention him.


When we are joined to the Son, I believe that we are still going to be individuals, and I think that we are all going to be different. It is still going to be this sister, and this sister, and that sister, you see, we are not all going to look the same, but the Spirit of God is going to be operating in our mind. We are all going to think the same because our state of being will be righteous, but you are still going to be this certain sister, and you are still going to be this certain brother. What I am saying is the soul man will be visible. There will be personalities, personalities controlled by the Spirit of God, but you will not see Satan. When the Son joins Himself to us, you will see the soul man, but you will not see Satan.


If you want to say he is going to be destroyed, the way that the Scriptures say that he is going to be destroyed....but if you study it in the Greek what it really means is "converted into another form." The form that he is going to be converted to is utterly harmless. He is going to be, he is this way, but the Spirit of God going this way has him bound up really good, he cannot move, cannot even think, he is going to be.... I mean the cow out there in the pasture, he is mooing and he is eating grass, when he becomes your pot belly, he is not mooing and eating grass anymore, but, for all intents and purposes, he has become your flesh.


It is a principle of physics that nothing in this whole creation is destroyed, it just changes form. That is a scientific principle. You can burn it, and it just changes to gas. Satan's form is going to be changed, he will be rendered totally harmless . If you want to interpret that to mean that he is destroyed, I do not think God would mind. However you can understand it, brother. If you want to take that to mean that he is going to be destroyed, that is fine with God. If you can understand this that he is going to live in another form, that is fine too. He will be absolutely powerless, I mean there is no cow living inside of our bellies. Satan as we know him today will be destroyed, he will cease to exist, he will be abolished. Death is being abolished, he is death, he is being abolished, but he is just changing form because nothing is destroyed in this realm of appearance. However you can understand it, you understand it that way. God is not religious.


COMMENT: It is like when you take two atoms, and you put them together and you make a whole different substance, you know.


PASTOR VITALE: Amen, and as a matter of fact, God first started giving me this revelation five or six years ago, and the first way that He showed it to me was by telling me that the original creation was an atom or a molecule. He showed it to me like this, however you make atoms, and He said this was the entire creation, and Satan, let us say this part over here was Satan. "There was a big explosion," God said to me, "and the atom was split." We know it is a big thing in our world today, when you split the atom, you have atomic power. Well, something happened and the atom was split God told me, and this part that was Satan went shooting off, he became separate from the whole, and he took on his own personality, rose up in power, came back and overshadowed the entire creation, but he was locked in.


The example that God gave me...see, I used to be really deep into health foods as some of you know. There was a big to do over a newly discovered vitamin, I cannot remember the name of it, but you found it in peach and apricot pits, and a lot people were saying that it was good in the treatment of cancer. Do you remember that? It was illegal in this country, so people were going to Mexico to get this substance. Basically, you would take the pit of a peach or an apricot and get it open with a hammer or whatever. There was a little kernel inside of it, and they were mashing it and making a substance out of the kernel. There was a vitamin in it that they were claiming would cure cancer, and the opponents of this teaching said, "No you cannot do that, because this is the molecule of that particular A vitamin, this is the molecule, this is what it looks like, and right over here is cyanide. Cyanide is a part of that molecule, and if you eat it, you are going to die from that cyanide poisoning."


The truth of the matter is that in this molecule, because of the way it was joined together, the cyanide was harmless. I think in chemistry, they call it inert, if I am not mistaken. It was harmless, it was a part of the whole molecule named A. Let us say the name of this molecule was A, and here was this circle of cyanide, it was a part of it, it was not cyanide, it was the part of a whole of something that did not even look like cyanide.


It was harmless, and that was Satan. He was cyanide in the creation, but because he was not his own person, he was harmless. There was this big explosion, the Serpent's rebellion split the atom, he went shooting off down here, and he became his own person, and when the Serpent became his own person, he received a personal name, Satan, who became a monster. That is what happened. When God comes back, and is reconciling His creation and drawing Satan back into his place, and when Satan gets back in here, and the Spirit of God marries the living soul that died, Satan as we now know him is going to disappear. There will be no more Satan as we now know him, no more evil thoughts impulsed into our mind, no more necessity of saying, "I identified you, you are sin in my mind, Lord Jesus Christ save me. The deep dark recesses of my mind are trying to compel me to think thoughts or perform behavior that I know is against your law." We will not have to go through that anymore. He will not have the authority to impulse thoughts into our mind. He will cease to exist in the form in which he now is. That will not happen anymore, and this is the peace that God has promised us.


A lot of Christians are running around saying, peace, joy in the Holy Ghost. They do not even know what they are talking about. The peace, brethren, is in your mind. If you have the Lord, you have Christ and you have Satan, and they are fighting over what thoughts are going to prevail in your mind. Depending on what thought prevails in your mind, that is what your body is going to do. That is going to bring forth your behavior, and that is outright warfare, and to many of us, great torment. For Those of us who are trying to be righteous in Christ Jesus, who God has given us the ability to discern an unrighteous thought in our own mind, it is painful to say, "I do not want to do that, I rebuke you, go away." That is tough, but we will receive the promised peace, when Satan's evil thoughts cease to be, Hallelujah.


Jesus Christ, in our minds, is going to swallow up the living soul that died, including Satan and his ability to put thoughts into our mind. This is the peace of God, "And He made peace, the peace of His cross, by making of the twain, one new man," twain meaning two. He brought forth peace by making of the two men in His mind, one man. He nailed Himself to Satan, to the living soul in His mind. He crucified Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind that He received from Mary. Hallelujah.


Remember everything that happens in the natural is the opposite of what happens in the spiritual. In the natural Jesus hung on the cross, and in the spiritual Satan was nailed to Christ. Who was crucified on the cross? Was the Son of God, was it the Father? It was the natural man, Jesus of Nazareth. It was the soul, the unregenerate soul, and in the spirit it was the soul that was crucified, he was nailed to the Spirit of God within, and of the twain was created one new man, the creation of God, Hallelujah.


The soul man totally controlled and ruled over in peace and righteousness and joy and love by the Son of God, the victorious Son of God. I remind you He made one new man, we are all in Him, Hallelujah. That is the reason, when Adam sinned, we all fell. We talked about this last Sunday. We were born in sin and shaped in iniquity. We had no power, we were not born in a position of spiritual strength where we could say, "Satan I am going to fight you off." We are all born in a position of spiritual weakness. Why? Because the one, the spiritual entity of whom we are a part fell, and He fell for all of us.


The Scripture tells us that we are being converted into a new spiritual entity. His name is the Lord Jesus Christ, Hallelujah, and because He is righteous, and because He crucified His own soul, and joined Himself to it, we too shall stand up in spiritual power. We did not do anything the first time, and we are not doing anything the second time. Do you see how nothing we are, brethren? Do you see how unimportant we are? You cannot get this message if you are lifted up in pride. You cannot get it, you really need deliverance to get this message, or you need a special dispensation from the Lord Jesus Christ, that by the power of His Spirit He is going to break through the powers and principalities in your mind. Who is going to believe this message?


COMMENT: That explains why God hates pride.


PASTOR VITALE: Pride is the enemy of God. You know all of these Christians out there singing, "Yea, yea, yea, sexual sin, sexual sin." Not that sexual sin is okay, but sexual sin is not the ultimate enemy of God. Pride is the ultimate enemy of God. You see, because all of this sin is going on out in the world, terrible things, I do not deny it, but God has His mind set on the goal. The goal is, joining His Spirit to each and every one of you. That is His goal, and what you are doing in the meantime, you are doing in the meantime. You know, it is tough, it is a tough word, it is grow up time. If you are hearing this and you are getting it, you do not have to understand the whole thing, you know, if you just understand a little bit God has called you to great things, Hallelujah.


In this hour, He is not calling the masses. Eventually He will call the masses, but He is working according to His plan, and all of you people out there that do not like His plan, I cannot help you, I am sorry, He did not consult me. This is how He is doing it, He is starting with a small group. This is the Word of the Lord as I understand it. He is going to raise them up to full spiritual strength, and I mean full spiritual strength, the power that Jesus Christ of Nazareth walked in. He is sending us into the streets, and a lot of the Pharisees out there are not going to get this, whatever that means. Their bodies are going to die in this life, and their spirit is going to go back to the Father. I do not know, I do not have the whole thing. That is the way He is doing it, I am sorry if you do not like it.


I am going through this right now with someone very close to me, and they do not want to believe that God is doing it the way that He is doing it. Well, He is still doing it the way that He is doing it, and if you do not like it and you choose not to believe it, you have alienated yourself from God. He is not changing for you, brethren. Thank God for it. With our pea brains, we are going to stand up and tell God how to do it? Give me a break.


COMMENT: You say we are insignificant, that means that He is working through us, that to me is not insignificant, do you know what I am saying?


PASTOR VITALE: Well, young lady, you just seem to have a lot of spiritual truth about you. Most people do not think like you do, that is why He is using you. I do not want to be misunderstood, I am not putting people down. I believe people are important, but from the spiritual scheme of things, the only thing that counts is the Lord Jesus Christ. He loves us, you see, He is not tyrannizing us, or abusing us, or taking advantage of us, because He said, "What man hates his own flesh," it is impossible for a man to hate his own flesh. He cares for us, everything that we have is a gift because we are but dust, that is all we are.


COMMENT: I know what you are saying is that God is supposed to have your thoughts and everything that you do, but a lot of people feel that this is passivity, you know.


PASTOR VITALE: You have to ask who you are talking to.


COMMENT: You know, I do not feel that way, but a lot of people have preached messages on it, that this is passivity if you want God to be in total control of your life.


PASTOR VITALE: You have to get your definition of total control straight, so let me say a few words on that. God is bringing us to a place of spiritual authority, not to be robots. What He is doing, He is teaching us, He is not coming into us like a spirit and making us like a zombie. He is renewing our mind, and He is teaching us so that we can think with His mind. We are still going to be individual personalities, but everything that we think and do and say is going to come forth from His mind, but we are going to be doing it. I do not know if you could understand, I had a very hard time understanding this personally, it took me quite a while. We have to do it by the power and the righteousness of God, and what it really means, the only way I could think of explaining it to you, is that we have to lay down the thoughts that come from our fallen soul, Hallelujah. The area in which we are being passive is in the area of our fallen soul, but people do not understand.


You see, in transcendental meditation and areas like that, when you block your mind out, you are passive, but the Lord is moving in, I do not know how to explain it any better. We are going to be vital vibrant human beings walking and talking and living in the power of God, making decisions, but not making decisions based on our knowledge of the soul. We are going to be making decisions and making judgments and utilizing the power of God, based on His mind in us. It is not really passivity, if you can understand it. It is not passivity. It is passivity of the soul, but He is giving us His life, His knowledge, His wisdom, His understanding, His power and His ability to perform His will. Does that make any sense to you? It is not passive at all.


There are a lot of decisions to be made, but you have to proceed to get the point. I mean I hear people running around, "God told me, God told me." God never told them. Win Worley used to say they have the "led disease." "God led me here, God led me there," it is the "led disease." It is a very fine line, you see.


When I first came to the Lord, God brought me to a church that really blessed me, raised me up in God. This preacher was standing in the pulpit and he said something I never forgot. He said he was doing the best he could. "I am doing the best I can, if you find out that I am wrong, I am only a person, I am doing the best I can for you, but I am only a person." He stood up there in the pulpit and he said, "Oh, you think you can read people's thoughts, do you ?" The truth of the matter is that God was moving me on very rapidly, and I could read people's thoughts. Maybe not all the time, but lots of times I knew what people were thinking, and he threw me into a tizzy. I got all upset, now I thought hearing other people's thoughts was demonic, and I went through a very rough time, because God was moving me very quickly, and what the pastor identified as an ungodly experience was an experience that I was truly receiving from the Spirit of God.


Anything that I say to you here, if you really believe in your heart that it does not apply to you, well, I do not have the last word. You know, you get on your face before God, but it depends, you have to evaluate yourself, you know how advanced you are in God, you have to be honest, ask God to show you where you are in the Lord.


The fact that you are physically in Christ for six months does not mean that you are a baby. I have met people and I think I was one of them, that had a lot of spiritual wisdom and knowledge right from the beginning. I needed intense training, I was not ready to go out on my own nine years ago, but I really had a lot of spiritual wisdom and knowledge. I have met people that it seems it is just there, it is just there in them. I do not even know where it came from, it is there even before they have their salvation experience.


If I am saying something to you, you know, like you have the "led disease," you know that people hear from God, well, if it does not apply to you, then it does not apply to you. Do not let me snare you, or do not let me frighten you, but keep in mind that if you are a relatively new Christian, it is a distinct possibility that your carnal mind is very powerful, and that he is calling himself God to you. You have to be aware of the dangers.


I always talk about my check list. If you leave a ministry in anger, it is not God. I am sorry, if you are mad, it is not God. Sometimes God has people throw you out, that was how I got the Word to start this ministry. I was very reluctant to make the commitment, as you all know I work a full time job. I was very reluctant to make this commitment, and I had a problem. I was confronted by the preacher of the church that I was going to, and he told me that I could not pray deliverance for the people. I did not leave mad at him, I met with him, I had a meeting with him, I kissed him goodbye. I am still writing to him, he will not talk to me, I am not mad at him.


Sometimes God will arrange explosive circumstances to push you out, but they are not going to be in you, brethren. If you are upset, if you are frightened, if you feel anything but love for the person, it is not God. That is my checklist. If God works differently in your life, I am not telling you I am infallible, but I do have some experience. I would not be here if I did not have some experience. At the very least, you should listen to what I say and pray about it. That is the size of it. "God told me to do this, God told me to do that, God told me to do this," and with each God told me, you are being kicked further out into left field. Get your guidelines, brethren, because there is an obstacle course, and you can get smashed, Hallelujah. I do not want to beat a dead horse. Any more questions? Did I make my point over here? You were the one that asked me the question, did you understand what I said, brother?


What we are doing tonight is closely related to what we did Sunday morning, so we are in Romans 5. What the Lord told me to do was back up a few verses. We are starting with Verse 6. If you remember Sunday morning, we started with Verse 12, so, we are going to do Verses 6-11. Then I am going to read you the Alternate Translations of Verses 12 through 18. I am going to go right through 21 and add on what we did not do Sunday. We will see if the Lord adds anything else in there. Hallelujah, glory to God.


I will read Romans 5:6-11, "For when we were yet without strength, in due time, Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die, yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die, but God commendeth His love towards us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him. For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son, much more being reconciled, we shall be saved by His life, and not only so but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ by whom we have now received the atonement." Hallelujah, glory to God.


Verse 6, "For when we were yet without strength in due time Christ died for the ungodly." I would like to point out to you that the word describing God is Christ. There is a difference between the Son of God and Christ. Christ is God in the flesh. God is a Spirit. When He appears in the flesh as He did in Jesus of Nazareth, He becomes The Christ. The apostle John tells us that, "He who confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is an anti-Christ." When the Spirit of God is manifesting through you, in that moment, you are Christ. You are the ambassador or the representative of God to whomever God is speaking to through you. Hallelujah.


"For when we were yet without strength....," the Greek word translated "yet" merely means "of time or degree." It means at the time when we were without strength. The Greek words "without strength," it is the only time it is translated without strength. Every other time it is translated "weak," and it means spiritual weakness. We know that is acquainted with lying down or being in a bed.


The Greek word translated "died" is Strong's # 599 and it refers to the death of natural man. We touched last Sunday on the word thanatos, referring to the death of the body with regard to people whose soul was attached to Christ. This is a different Greek word, Strong's #599 if you want to study it. It refers to the particular death of the natural man.


"For when we were yet without strength, in due time, Christ died for the ungodly." "Christ" in the preceding sentence is referring to Jesus of Nazareth, who was The Christ. It is not referring to the indwelling Christ that became available to mankind after Jesus' resurrection. The man, Jesus, the Son of Man, died for the ungodly, Christ Jesus, the spiritual man within Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God, did not die If the living Christ is in a human being and that body dies, God did not die. Christ Jesus, the spiritual man within Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God, was not killed because Jesus' body was crucified. The spiritual life of God did not die when the body of Jesus of Nazareth was crucified. We will touch on it again. John 12:24 says, "Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone, but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit." We know that God appeared in the flesh of the man Jesus of Nazareth, and that body was crucified which was a type of what happened spiritually. What happened spiritually was that in the realm of the spirit, glory to God, the Son of God joined Himself to the living soul that died. He did it!


I used to go into the church, and I am hearing them yelling, "He did it, He did it." What did he do? You know I thought well, "He rose from the dead, Hallelujah. I am really glad He rose from the dead, but I am sick and I am having problems over here, what did He do for me?" I heard the words, but I did not understand it. What He did, brethren, was He joined himself to the living soul that died in the realm of the spirit.


It is happening in each and every one of us, but He did it. It is just a matter of time, it is irreversible. He is now the head of all principality and power, and all power and authority have been given unto Him. One at a time, He is coming to the members of the human race, and He is saying, "I want what is mine. I want your soul, so that I can join myself to you and love you and give you peace." You can beat on Him all you like, you cannot hurt Him. When He says it is your turn you are coming.


The expression of Christ in the earth, Jesus of Nazareth, His body died. The Spirit did not die, but that particular manifestation of The Christ, God in the flesh, died, and because Jesus died, the privilege of having the indwelling Christ grafted to us, is now available to everyone of us. We all have the potential of being raised up to the place where Jesus of Nazareth was in the days of His flesh. The work has already been completed, because the Spirit of God married the manifestation of the dead living soul known as Jesus of Nazareth, the first mortal man to be raised out of the realm of death. Yes, Jesus was born a mortal man, but He was one of the "live young" that we talked about in a previous message. The Holy Spirit was already within Jesus at the time of his birth and, in due season, Jesus, by the power of that indwelling Holy Spirit, brought his mortal soul into submission to that Spirit of Holiness (Rom. 1:4) and became the Son of God, even The Lord's Christ.


When you get into a swimming pool, you put your big toe in first. Your nose knows it is only a matter of time until it gets wet, Amen? It is just a matter of time, He did it, He did it. I can stand up, and I can say, "Hallelujah, He did it," because I know what He did in the realm of the spirit. Jesus of Nazareth overcame his sin nature, and Christ Jesus, the spiritual man within Jesus of Nazareth, married Jesus, a manifestation of the living soul that died, of which I am a member, and it is just a matter of time, until all of the blessings associated with that joining filter into my life.


You see, the Father raised Jesus from the dead. So, if the Father raised Jesus from the dead, how can we say "He," that is, Jesus, "did it". Can you see it? If the Father raised Jesus from the dead, what great thing did Jesus do? He overcame his sin nature, brethren, and was restored to the righteous immortality that Adam lost when he fell under the influence of sin.


I could say, "No matter what comes against me, no matter what the trial is, no matter how my heart is breaking, I can look at that vision and I could say, there is nothing that you could do to destroy me. I am being drawn in by my God, to a place where this joining is going to be a reality to me. It may involve great tribulation in my soul, but you cannot destroy me," because.... "All things work for the good for those who love the Lord." The ultimate spiritual reality of what is happening to me, the result of all this pain and torment is peace with God, and I could laugh at everything that is happening to me. That is where the victory is, brethren, laughing at the soul realm.


When you take it seriously, it has power over you. Let it go. I do not care what your problem is, if you think you do not have enough money, if you think you do not have a husband, if you think you do not have good health, if you think you have lost your daughter, your only child, if you think you are alone for the rest of your life, laugh at it. It only has power over you because you let it have power over you. Throw yourself into the life of Christ that you are being absorbed into, and everything in the soul realm will work itself out.


If you are dying from malnutrition, do not worry about the symptom in your left pinky or the symptom in your back, just go get yourself some good nourishing food and do what you have to do, and your malnutrition is going to clear up. I know this a tough word, I do not mean to be overly simplifying it, but no matter what your problem is, just serve God. The answer to you is to serve God. Throw yourself into the Word, listen tomessages, however you want to do it, but move into the Spirit of God, get out of this soul realm with all of your ability, that is the answer to your problem. When God first told me that, I could not receive it, but I found out that it is true.


The Greek word translated "Christ" means "the anointed one" and it is from a root #5548, which comes from the idea of contact, and it means "to smear or rub with oil." The implication there is that the oil of the Holy Spirit is being smeared upon mankind. There is no joining yet, but we know that when the olive oil gets on us, it is pretty sticky and it gets pretty close to us, but it is still not one with us because we can wash it off. If it became part of our skin, we could not wash it off. Christ in the earth is the oil of God contacting the soul of man. Hallelujah, glory to God.


The Greek word translated "ungodly" means "condemning towards God," and we know that the carnal mind rails against God, shakes his fist at Him, tells Him that He does not know what He is talking about. Hallelujah. That word "ungodly" in the Hebrew means "guilty, liable to punishment." We studied last Sunday that the entire human race has been declared guilty by the law of God, we have broken the law of God. We have failed morally, because the one who sustains our existence, the collective fallen adam, failed, and therefore we failed. We continue to fail, because we are in a fallen condition. Hallelujah, so that is what the ungodly means. God has declared that we deserve punishment.


I have an Alternate Translation on verse 6, "For when we were still spiritually weak, lying down, at the appointed time, God in the flesh, died the death of a natural man, for those of us who were separated from God, with the express intent of rising again in a spiritual body." Glory to God, because in that glorified condition, God, the Father, gave Him the power to begat spiritual children. After Jesus' spiritual body was raised up, and the entire creation was joined within Him , the Spirit of God, soul (personality), and the satanic realm, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, they were fused together under great power, not even known to man, to the extent that the molecules were changed, and Jesus Christ appeared in a new form, as a spiritual man. In that form, after He ascended to the Father, God gave Him the power to pour out His Spirit. He is pouring out of His Spirit upon all flesh. Christ Jesus came back in the form of a spirit, and He is doing the work in each and every one of us that was done in the man Jesus of Nazareth. He is begetting spiritual children.


Hallelujah, so glory to God, I will read it again. "For when we were still spiritually weak, lying down, at the appointed time, God in the flesh, died the death of a natural man...." His spirit did not die, the Son did not die, "for those of us who were separated from God...." He died for those of us who were separated from God, "with the express intent that his natural body would rise again as a spiritual body." Jesus of Nazareth was the first mortal man to be resurrected. He is the first begotten of the dead, and because He lives, every single member of mankind has the potential to share his experience. Paul says, "We do not understand what is happening to us, but we see Jesus," amen. He is our example, and we are going right after Him, Hallelujah, glory to God.


Verse 7, "For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die." There is really no deep spiritual truth in these Greek words so I am just touching on it lightly and trying to put it into words that will help you understand a little better. The word "scarcely" merely means "not likely" and the Greek word translated "righteous" means "innocent, just," and we are made innocent in God's eyes through reconciliation. The reconciliation is by the Spirit of God. When He gives us His Spirit, even in the form of faith, thirty-fold, or speaking in tongues, when God looks upon us we are righteous. We are therefore candidates for the cleansing and the birth of His Son, which will save us.


We are going to see in a minute that there is a difference between being reconciled to God and by being saved, the distinction is made very clearly over here. We are going to go on. The Greek word translated "good" means "useful, suited for something," it means," good ground." This is the word used in the parable of the soils, where Jesus says, "And some ground is good, and it will produce the life of God a hundred-fold." That may not be the parable, I am sorry, but that is the Scripture. It is good ground, talking about a purified soul which is prepared to bring forth the Christ, Hallelujah.


I wanted to take a minute here to expound on this thirty, sixty-fold thing. A lot people think that if you speak in tongues you have the sixty-fold anointing. That is not correct. Moving into the sixty-fold anointing is a process. The baptism of the Holy Spirit and the speaking in tongues is the power to move into the sixty-fold, so it is the very first step. When you have the sixty-fold anointing, you know you have it, because you have been baptized with the Holy Spirit, you will speak in tongues, and you will be anointed to successfully pray healing and deliverance for people. You will pray for people, and they will get healed, and you will pray deliverance and evil spirits will come out. The third stage of having the fullness of the sixty-fold is that you will have power with God to minister.


This is hard to discern because we are not talking about power that comes without repentance. Remember, "the gifts and the calling of God are without repentance." A lot of believers have power to heal and deliver, and their lives are wicked. This is the test. We look at their personal lives, we look at their relationships. If they have power to heal and deliver, and their lives are not right, it is the imputed anointing.


If someone has power to heal and deliver and they have been broken by God, and the love of God is glimmering forth from them, and their relationships appear to be in order, or at least their contributions to the relationships appear to be in line with the word of God, that means that they have achieved the sixty-fold. The healing and deliverance is coming forth from their state of being, it is coming forth from what they are, and what they are is that the love, which is the power of God, is starting to glimmer forth in them. Do you understand what I mean?


You can have two people, they both can have power to heal and deliver. One of them has the imputed anointing, which they could lose, as far as I am concerned they could lose. The other person has moved on to the sixty-fold anointing, which is part of the process that is going to convert their personality into that of Christ. Does everybody understand that? The test, the acid test, is how they relate to people, and it cannot be a phony relating to people. You see, we have to get spiritual discernment. There are people in this world that are shrewd, and they have the ability to say all the right things, and they look like they have it. I tell you this, brethren, you cannot fool God, because when your turn comes for your heart to be exposed by the power of God....and God does not do this because He hates you, He does it so that He can deliver you from your unrighteousness and give you His righteousness.


If you only have the imputed anointing and you think that your power with God is coming forth from your state of being, when your number is up and God touches you, you are going to find yourself manifesting all over the place. You are going to lose all your control, and you are going to run around saying, "What is happening in my life?" God is happening in your life. You cannot say that you are manifesting the love of God when it is a lie because He will expose you. Sometimes it takes years, but He will expose you. There is a difference, everyone here understands that. There is a sixty-fold anointing as someone that ultimately has power to heal and deliver, that is coming forth from their state of being that has been worked upon by God, and is in the process of being converted by God into the mind and life of Christ. Glory to God, it is not a gift and you cannot lose it. You see, you could lose your gift. You cannot lose something that has happened to your heart, your heart has been changed, you cannot lose it, it is a part of you. Glory to God. We have to get beyond the imputed anointing, brethren. Hallelujah.


The word "dare" simply means "to be bold," and I have an Alternate Translation for Verse 7, King James first, "For scarcely a righteous man will one die, yet peradventure for a good man, some would even dare to die." Alternate Translation, "But it is not likely that one would die for one who is already justified with God..." There is no reason for God to die for you if you are already righteous, but maybe someone would dare to die for those who were ready to go on to perfection if it would bring them on to perfection. You might find somebody that would be willing to make a sacrifice for them, but God showed His supernatural love for us in that at a time when we were failing to attain to righteousness in our own strength, utterly failing. We were not righteous in God's eyes, we were not ready for perfection, there was no good thing in us, we were worthless. At that time God in the flesh died the death of a natural man so that His Spirit could be poured out on us, and that the righteousness that was in the man Jesus of Nazareth could be worked into our souls." Hallelujah, glory to God, for when He works it in He kneads the clay and it hurts. Glory to God.


Verse 9, "Much more then, being now justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him." Hallelujah, glory to God. The word "blood" means "kindred" and it refers to relatives. If we are in Christ, if you and I are in Christ, we are relatives after the Spirit of God, we are of one blood, the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. A natural example is your own family, your aunts, your uncles, your grandparents, your relatives, they are your blood. I am sure you have heard of that expression, they are your blood. That is what it means.


Acts 17:26 says, "And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth." Glory to God. All nations of men are going to be made of one blood in that they are being absorbed into Christ. Hallelujah. The entire living soul that died is of one blood. I do not care whether you are Chinese or whether you are green, it is the same blood. Some are a little more tainted than others, but it is one blood, it is all the same thing. We are all the same, we are just counterparts of the one living soul that died, many counterparts. Hallelujah.


This is really interesting, the Greek word translated "wrath" in the Greek is "orgy." Is that not interesting? I found that very interesting, and it means what could be spoken of as an orgy. I guess it was just adopted right into the English word. It refers to intense desire as a reaching forth or excitement of the mind. We have discussed how the living soul that died, when it lusts, vibrates forth from our body, when our mind lusts, that it is not restricted to this flesh, and that it can vibrate forth from us. If it is in an evil personality, or, if it is in a personality that is being controlled by the Spirit of God, the living soul that died can vibrate forth from us and go right up to a person and communicate with them.


There is no time or space in the realm of the spirit, and that is what this means. It is a reaching forth or excitement of the mind. Your mind gets excited which is lust, and it gets all stirred up and your thoughts start going. It is really witchcraft, and the thoughts go forth into the realm of the spirit to bring forth what you desire, whether it be conscious and you are a practicing witch, or whether it be unconscious, it is still witchcraft. We have to get authority over our thoughts. If we are in Christ Jesus, God requires it of us.


If we are thinking something that is in effect witchcraft, if it is a desire even between a husband and wife, and her husband said, "No," and every night before she goes to sleep she says, "diamond ring, diamond ring," it is witchcraft, brethren. Does everyone here understand that? We have to take authority over our thoughts. First we have to attain the ability in Christ to discern what is ungodly and what is Godly, and then as soon as we get to that place, we have to attempt to take authority over them. If we cannot do it, we have to cry out to the Lord and He will help us, but He requires us to confess to Him that we know that we have ungodly thoughts, that they are stronger than we are, and that we cannot stop thinking these things. It is not enough to not say it and not do it.


We have to come to Him and say, "Lord, I know I am thinking these thoughts, and I know it is witchcraft and I cannot stop." I remember going back a few years, I even went before the Lord and said, "I do not want to stop, but I know that it is wrong because your law tells me that it is wrong. You told me that it is wrong, and I am telling you I am on my face before you saying that I not only cannot, I do not want to stop." He did it, He gave me the desire to stop. Hallelujah, He will do it, but He wants us to prove ourselves in that He wants us to desire righteousness. He wants us to desire what is right. Whether or not we have the power to do it is not important. He wants us to desire righteousness. That is our part, amen. Then He gives us the power to do it. Hallelujah.


This word translated "wrath" comes from a root which means "to reach out after, to stretch oneself." That is the vibrating forth of the living soul that died in witchcraft power, "to long for, to covet, to desire." Hallelujah, and it is a different Greek word from the Greek word translated "wrath" which relates to the wrath of God. There are two different Greek words translated wrath. The one that refers to the wrath of God used in Revelation 14:10 and 19, for example, is Strong's #2372 and it means "anger of God." The wrath of the soul man is #3709, and, for all intents and purposes, is witchcraft. Hallelujah.


Alternate Translation, I will read it first in the King James, "Much more then, being now justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him." Alternate Translation, "But even more than that, now that we are made righteous before God because He has given us His Spirit, we shall be made safe from the satanic realm, the unconscious part of our own carnal mind, because of Him." It is not enough to have a cloak of righteousness, we still walk around with this terrible thing in our mind trying to trick us into sinning, and remember what we have said recently, Israel cannot be cursed. (End ofmessage1)




The satanic realm, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, will tempt us to sin and when we sin, the law of God curses us, because we are still under the law. Until our nature is changed to a place where we are incapable of sin, we are still under the law. The law judges sin, so even if we have the Holy Spirit, if we sin, we will be judged, so why stop with the Holy Spirit. Let us move on in God and get to the place where we do not have this warfare in our mind anymore. Who needs it?


I am going to read it again, Verse 9, "But even more than that, now that we are made righteous before God because He has given us the Holy Spirit, we shall nevertheless be made safe from the satanic realm, the unconscious part of our own carnal mind, because His Son shall be birthed in us." Hallelujah.


Verse 10, "For if when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by His life." There are two different things that are happening to us here. All of you people, reading these messages, that think that if you have the Holy Spirit you have it all. You do not have it all. If you have the Holy Spirit you are reconciled unto God, but you still have to be saved. I am sorry if that disappoints you, but do not shake your fist at God, just ask Him for the Son, Hallelujah.


The Greek word translated "enemy" means "to actively oppose God in your mind." We were told in this service, a couple of meetings ago, someone said they had done everything they could to not be rebellious. The answer to them was that God does not require you to do anything, rebellion is a state of mind. It does not matter if you do not act it out, that is the law. You are justified if you do not act it out and if you make a sacrifice. We are moving on to perfection. Self-restraint and sacrifice does not work anymore. Jesus said, "If you hate your brother in your heart you have killed him." He said, "If you lust after a woman, you have committed adultery. " Well, if you are at enmity with God in your mind, you are in rebellion. I do not care if you are doing everything perfectly right, you are still in rebellion, which is as the sin of witchcraft. Hallelujah, God hates it. Repent and He will deliver you. He is not out there to chop you to death, He just wants you to admit it, and He will help you. Glory to God.


The Greek word translated "sinners" means "to be filled with sin" and the word "death" in Verse 10 is "thanatos." That is the word we were talking about Sunday, and it refers to the death of the body of a personality that has been joined to the Spirit of God.


We have Verse 10. "For if when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son, much more being reconciled, we shall be saved by His life." Alternate Translation, "Because if when we were alienated from God in our mind, we were reconciled to God by His Son dying to this natural realm, and being elevated to life in the spiritual realm of God." If that made us reconciled to God, that the body of Jesus of Nazareth died, and His spiritual life went to the Father... This is the word "thanatos." Jesus, the man, the personality, was not destroyed, His body died, and His spiritual life went into the heavenlies. If that happens, if the result of that happening gives us righteousness in the eyes of God, then we shall be made safe from the satanic realm, the unconscious part of our own mind, by His being birthed in us.


We are talking about two complete different processes. The first one is being made righteous in the eyes of God, and the second one is having the satanic realm, the unconscious part of our own carnal mind, obliterated. The Holy Spirit does not destroy the satanic realm, the unconscious part of our own carnal mind, it just does not, brethren. There are two processes that Paul is talking about here. If you are reading this message and you are shaking your fist at God, all I can do is ask you to pray about it. What is being preached today is that you get the Holy Spirit, and you are saved, you die, you go to heaven and you get a mansion. Brethren, the mansion is you and it is for God. He is going to live in you, you are His mansion, and heaven is the joining of the Son of God to your soul (personality) so that you are no longer tormented by Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. Heaven on earth, hell on earth. Who is ruling your life, the living soul that died or the Son of God? Hell or heaven, real simple. It is so easy, brethren, Glory to God.


I would like to point out to you that in Verse 6, Paul talks about being without strength. In Verse 6, we are weak. In verse 8, he calls the human race sinners, so we are filled with sin, and in Verse 10 we are alienated from God in our mind. This is what happens as we descend, we start out by being weak, then we become filled with sin, and then we become alienated from God in our mind. Although this has happened to the entire living soul that died, it can happen in each individual member. For example, someone is weak, he succumbs to a homosexual experience, he is drawn to it, he becomes filled with sin and then in due season, he becomes alienated from God in his mind. It does not have to be anything as blatant as homosexuality. It could be pride. Glory to God.


Webster's definition of the word "alienate" means "to convey or transfer the property, to make unfriendly or indifferent where attachment formerly existed." We have been discussing that we can have an attachment with God through His law even if we do not have a "born again experience." There are people in this world, they read the Bible, and they are attached to God through His written Word. When you become alienated from God, that attachment is severed. Glory to God.


Moving on to Verse 11, "And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ by whom we have received the atonement." The Greek word translated "joy" really means "to glory on account of something" and the word "atonement" used only once in the entire Greek Scripture means "the adjustment of a difference." Glory to God. If something is lacking in us, we are not like God. Because, if something is lacking in us, He is about to adjust us. He is going to fill up the valleys, and He is going to bring down the mountains.


God, over the last year, every once in a while, gives me a vision of a giant body being adjusted by a chiropractor, and He tells me that it is the living soul, and it is laying on this chiropractic table. He is bringing every member, and every joint, and every bone into proper order. If there is something in our minds that does not get along with the Spirit of God, the Spirit of God will attack it. God is not sitting up there sending down lightning bolts, but when you put a piece of paper in the fire, it burns. The fire does not have to have an intelligence that says, "I am going to get that piece of paper." The fire burns and when the Spirit of God is working in your life, and there is something unrighteous in you, the Spirit of God causes it to manifest and attacks it. The Spirit of God attacks sin as an automatic reaction.


God is not sitting up there saying, "I am going to get you," it just happens. When you put your leg forward, when you go left right, left right, you walk. If you open your mouth and you chew, the food gets swallowed. You understand what I am saying? God is not up there bombing you. There are spiritual laws, and one of them is that when our unrighteousness meets the righteousness of God, we manifest. We have a confrontation with God and sometimes, depending on the extent of our rebellion, it is excruciating.


Hallelujah, so the Hebrew word translated "atonement" means "to cover especially with cement or mortar, to be covered over and deleted, obliterated, abolished." When we receive the atonement, we are being covered over, the living soul that died is being covered over by the Son of God. Remember the little diagram I drew you before? The living soul that died is being saved because the Son of God is joining Himself to it. He is not being saved by works. Although fallen adam, who is the humbled Son of God of which we are members, is in the earth experiencing many things as the living soul that died, but what is saving him is union with the glorified Jesus, the last Adam. This "spiritual marriage" of the fallen, first adam to the glorified last Adam, which is a resurrection of Himself, is the only true salvation, and that is why reincarnation, as it is taught in the world today is invalid. There is no salvation through experience. Experience is good, but that is not where your salvation is. Your salvation is in being joined to the life of the Son. Does that help you?


It means to cover over especially with cement. The Son, when He joins Himself to us, it is going to be the equivalent of being covered over with a hard cover that is impregnable. It is our defense, His joining Himself to us, it is our armor, it is our defense, it is our life, it is incorruptibility. Everything that we need to live is in His Spirit. We are just dust. Hallelujah, and we are alive, if you can call itthat, if you do not have Christ, you are existing because He loves His flesh. Even though you are still in a condition of evil because you are incapable of being righteous, He still loves you. God does not have to punish you in hell forever, all He has to do is join Himself to you, so why would He burn you in hell forever, He is much greater than that. Hallelujah.


Ephesians 2:15 says, "Having abolished in His flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances, for to make in Himself one new man, so making peace." The atonement, brethren, is not Jesus Christ up on an altar or the cross pouring out His blood for a bloodthirsty Jehovah, looking down and saying, "Ah, I see blood, and now you are okay." No, no, no, the atonement is the giving of the Son of God to the deficient living soul that died, that she might live. This atonement is given to us. The ransom that Jesus Christ is, is that He is giving Himself to us, to nail Himself to us, to live with us for the life of the ages because we cannot live without Him. He is the ransom, He is the atonement. It is not the physical blood that He poured out on the cross at Calvary. It is his spiritual life being joined to you, that is what is going to make us live. There is no good thing in natural man. God could be crucifying His sons on a cross for all eternity, and it is not going to keep you alive. It is His spiritual blood, His life being joined to you that is going to keep your soul alive. Hallelujah.


II Timothy 1:10 says, "But is now made manifest by the appearing of our savior Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death and hath brought life and incorruptibility to light through the gospel." Death is being abolished, death is the realm of the fallen soul. It is being swallowed up by being joined to the Son, which will result in incorruptibility. If you have to die and go to heaven to get this thing, you are corrupted. Incorruptibility of the soul and the body, you cannot get it if your body dies. You need a live body to be a member of the creation of God, which is three-fold, Spirit of God, living soul, and flesh body. You must have a body, brethren, Hallelujah.


The Greek word translated "appearing" means "manifestation, to become visible." We are in the 11th Verse. I want to read it again, I think I have lost some of you. "And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement." Hallelujah, glory to God, why did I look up the word "appear, " I looked up the word "appear" because it is in II Timothy 1:10, "But is now made manifest by the appearing of our savior Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death and hath brought life and incorruptibility to light through the gospel." These three things are happening at once. When he appears, death will be abolished, we will receive life, and we will receive incorruptibility.


The Holy Spirit is not it. Christ Jesus has to appear, it says nothing about heaven. When He appears in us, when He is visible in us, when people can talk to us and discern that they are speaking to the Spirit of God on a permanent basis, we will have received eternal life and incorruptibility of our soul. The Holy Spirit cannot give us that. There is another step, you have to get the Son, you have to birth the Son, brethren, Hallelujah.


Verse 11, Alternate Translation, "And not only are we made safe by the presence of His life, but we rejoice in God operating through Jesus Christ by whose indwelling presence we shall be filled in, in all of our deficient parts and covered over with incorruption, thus receiving eternal life." In our soul, all of our deficiencies are going to be filled in by the Spirit of God, by the Son. We are going to be covered over with a spiritual cement like substance that will make us incorruptible.


We receive life in our soul by having the life of the Son joined to us, and we receive incorruption in our body, life to our soul and incorruption to our body. Incorruption mean our body will not decay. There are two things that are being saved, our soul and our body.


Verse 12, I am just going on reading you the Alternate Translations and I will comment as the Holy Spirit leads me. "Thus a condition of spiritual weakness replaced the strength and safety of the moral order God had built into Adam, and that resulted in man's separation from God," which is the condition of the whole human race, with the exception of the few that we have discussed, "and that is how this present existing cycle of pain and torment pierced through the protection of the law and has effected every man born into this world system, because we, as members of fallen adam, have all inherited his moral failure to keep the law. Because sin was already present in our spiritual moral order before the law replaced the protection Adam had in being joined to God. But there was no reason for it to be revealed in that sin was harmless because God was present. Nevertheless, the pain and torment associated with the righteousness of God being tread under foot of the satanic realm has ruled in the mind of each and every man from Adam to Moses, even though our failure is much more understandable in that Adam had the spiritual strength associated with being God's correct moral order, and that made him able to resist Satan, but we his descendants are born into this existence, in the weak spiritual condition Adam fell into after he sinned. God's favor to us does not result in us losing anything, like Adam's momentary deviation, the result of which was that it stripped the protection of a right standing with God from us all."


Adam deviated and it cost us, it cost us our right standing with God, but when God gives us a living soul that died , there is nothing for us to pay, we just receive. "But God's favor to us does not result in us losing anything, like Adam's momentary deviation, which stripped the protection of right standing with God from us all, without giving any of us anything to say about it, because through Adam's failure to resist the Serpent's influence when Adam was strong enough to do so, we have all inherited the death that Adam fell into, where Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is stronger than we are." That is death, brethren. When Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is stronger than our will, when Satan's existence of good and evil, pain and pleasure, is ruling in our mind, God says, "You are dead."


"But the loving kindness of God and the restoration to spiritual uprightness and safety from Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, which results from the loving kindness of God, is given to us in the form of the man Jesus Christ." Anyone who is reading this message that has been deceiving themselves into saying, "It is just me and God," I want you to listen to this Scripture. God gave the human race great favor in the form of a man, and He still operates through men. You cannot say, if God sends you ministry in the form of a man, you cannot say "I will not take it, I want it straight from God," because He is going to give it to you the way He decides to give it to you. If you cannot receive it from a man or from that particular man, you have lost it. At least until you repent, you have lost the ministry that God has for you. Glory to God.


"The loving kindness of God and the restoration to spiritual uprightness and safety from Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, , which results from the loving kindness of God, is given to us in the form of the man Jesus Christ, and has overflowed out from Him upon all of us, who are now His descendants by the power of His Spirit, which has adopted us, making us lawful sons and legal heirs to His life." When you receive the Spirit of God, He has adopted you, and you have become a lawful son and a legal heir. Now, the Spirit spoken about in this Scripture is not the Holy Spirit, which is added to you without repentance. The Spirit spoken about is the Spirit of Christ internalized in you, woven together with your soul (personality), which means that you have laid hold of the inheritance. The inheritance is His life being birthed in you in the form of Christ, His Son. To get an inheritance somebody has to die, and what has to die is your fallen soul (personality), which is then raised from the dead in the newness of His life, or, in the image, with the engraved nature of, Christ Jesus. Glory to God.


"Although Adam's failure made us all sinners, and has brought many sins into the world, God's free gift of salvation made available in the form of the man, Christ Jesus, has the power to make many sinners righteous." God ministers through men, brethren, and the only time He ministers directly by His Spirit is when there is not a vessel fit for the job available. "Because even though Adam sinned and made many unrighteous, Jesus Christ's obedience to God has made many sinners righteous." He did not want to have His body crucified, He asked God to let Him out of it, the Lord said, "No," but He went to the cross anyway. Thank God.


Update To Message # 021
Reconciliation/Salvation – Are They the Same?
(15 Years after the above Paragraph Was Preached)


We now know that Jesus was not asking the Father to release Him from crucifixion. He was asking the Father to deliver him from the physical body and the sin nature (that Jesus inherited from Mary), which he had overcome, and was continually treading under the feet of Christ Jesus, the Son of God, within Himself. In other words, Jesus was asking the Father to raise His consciousness to the ascended spiritual place which would prepare Him to survive the crucifixion of His physical body.


For those of you who are ready to receive a shocking (to the church anyway) revelation, we are happy to tell you that whoever ascends to that high spiritual place, has the power to not feel physical pain. When Jesus said that he would "suffer", he was telling the disciples that the nature of the Father was about to be fully engraved upon his soul (personality), through the complete integration of his soul (personality) with the life of Christ Jesus, the son of God, within Himself. The weaving together and full integration of the two men, Jesus' Old Man, the fallen adam, and Jesus' New Man, Christ Jesus, was to be accomplished, "making of the twain, one new Man."


The Greek word translated "suffer", Strong's 3958, is pascho, which means to experience a sensation or impression (usually painful). I suggest to you, most humbly, that the stress that Jesus experienced in the Garden was the mental and emotional stress of piercing through into the higher plane of consciousness from where His spiritual life and his soul (personality) would exit the physical body in which they were imprisoned. And, indeed, the Greek text clearly reveals that Jesus exited His physical body before it died. In other words, Jesus' physical body did not die from the crucifixion. It died because Jesus, the personality, which was now fully integrated with Christ Jesus, the Son of God that was internalized within Jesus, the man, departed from that physical body, and the body that is not inhabited by a spirit or a soul is dead.


Well, since I am sharing such radical and glorious spiritual truths with you, I will take you to the next level: the "blood" that Jesus sweated, that was squeezed out from Him, was the spiritual blood that Jesus gave to save the world. The physical blood that bled from Jesus' crucified physical body, which is an expression of the dead living soul, is not the blood that is saving the world. (For more information on this subject, see the Living Epistles Ministries book entitled, Not without Blood)


Because of Adam's deviation all men became separated from God, but because of Jesus Christ's right standing with God, a life of righteous relationship with God became available to all men. Because even though Adam's disobedience made all of mankind sinners, Jesus Christ's obedience has made all men righteous, when they appropriate this great inheritance. Hallelujah.


"What is more, God gave fallen adam the law, for the express purpose of enticing Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, to rise up and overtake the weakness in fallen adam's flesh, so that Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, would flow out of his hidden place and flow over fallen adam until it is revealed to the many members of fallen adam that Satan is, indeed, the unconscious part of their own carnal mind, but in the very same place where sin overflowed, in the mind of the many members of fallen adam, the forgiveness and love of God has more power than sin to engrave the very same mind where sin appeared with the nature of God ." In the human spirit that is producing all of these demons since the Woman married the Serpent, the Spirit of God is powerful enough to go in there and bring forth Christ, the life of the Son of God.


"So that this age of darkness in which we live, where sin has ruled over men, has caused us all to die, but when the Age of Grace, over which Jesus Christ rules arrives, it shall result in righteousness and eternal life, because our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ shall dwell within us, completing the creation of God which we are." His Spirit is only the beginning of the process, you have to get Christ, the Son. This is the message that the Lord has given to this ministry. It is the new move of God. Whoever is hearing these messages, you need to know that the Holy Spirit is not the end of it, you have to get Christ, the Son. Eternal life and incorruptibility is not in some far away heaven. It is in the earth, and it is by having Christ, the Son of God living in you.


COMMENT: Getting the Son is nothing that we do right? You kept saying you have to get the Son. What if somebody says to you,"Well how do you get the Son?" What do I tell them?


PASTOR VITALE: You have to ask God for him. You see, the way God works is that He usually does not do anything unless you are educated, and He puts it in your heart to pray for it. There are exceptions. I was an exception with the Holy Spirit. When I came to the Lord I was desperate, I was highly demonized, physically ill, I did not know what I was doing wrong. I do not deny that I was a sinner, but I really did not know what I was doing wrong, and I was desperate. I cried out to God for help, and what He did was He told me I had to go to church. I did not know where to go. He told me what church to go to, He just pointed it out to me, it was an Assemblies of God church.


I walked in there, the Holy Spirit was fully manifested, people were standing there with their hands raised, and I got baptized in the Holy Spirit, nobody laid hands on me. I did not know the first thing about it, I was so desperate and He had mercy on me, but that is not typical. Usually, He educates you. You know, when you get saved, you go to a church, you get teaching, you hear about the Holy Spirit, you get the Holy Spirit. You have to hear about...in most instances you have to hear about Christ, the Son, to get the Son, but not in all instances, because I birthed the Son before I heard about the necessity of having Him a did, or grafted, to me. My whole life has been a very unusual supernatural life, and I am not saying I am better than anybody else, it is just the way that God chose to do it.


As we said earlier, He works through a man unless there is no man prepared to bring forth the ministry that He wants to bring forth, and in my case there was nobody to bring it forth. I do not know why. You know, it just happened that way. Once He raises up the firstfruits to bring forth a message, from that point forward, it is usually through a man. He can do anything that He wants. See, now this ministry is standing.


Let us say Jane Smith lives over in Commack, and God says, "It is your turn, I want to birth the Son in you." It is much more likely that He is going to bring her into this ministry or bring a book to her, that she should hear the Word, rather than doing it the way that He did it with me. It is not likely. Of course, He could do it anyway that He wants, but there is a Scripture in Isaiah that says, "He looked for a man to manifest through, and if there is no man He just uses the right arm of His righteousness," which has been my whole walk.


Even to this day, I mean I am still growing, I am not there yet. Most of the time when I have any kind of a problem, there is no one that I could go to, because people just do not understand. Where I am, not that I am great or good, but where I am, where He has brought me to, people just do not understand. It is just like the equivalent of this very well meaning sister saying, "Oh, He is not your enemy, He loves you." I mean, she meant her best for me, but if you have a problem, you have to go to someone that can relate to your problem, and there are very few people that can relate to the things that I am going through, and that is the way God set it up. Praise the Lord, Hallelujah.


COMMENT: How long can it take to birth the Son?


PASTOR VITALE: Everybody is different. Some people...I am going to use the example of the initial salvation experience. Some people have their initial salvation experience, they are baptized with the Holy Spirit, and they have intense deliverance all within the first day. Other people receive a faith for God and they start reading the Bible. I know one person who fifty years later received the baptism with the Holy Spirit. Everything depends on the purposes that God has in your life, and there is really no way you could know that unless He chooses to tell you. Usually He will not tell you, because if you knew about it you would run. If I knew nine years ago what I would be going to be going through today, I do not know what I would have done. You know, it is better that we do not know, because you can take it a hardship at a time. You could take it, but it is better that you do not know because it is rough.


COMMENT: This is something you are talking about in one life time?


PASTOR VITALE: I believe the Scripture that says, "that in a moment we shall be caught up to meet Him in the air." That Greek word translated "air" does not mean the air that we breathe. There are several words translated "air," and it means the realm of the spirit. I believe that this lifetime that we are living in, compared to the life of the ages, is nothing but a moment. It is a moment compared to the life of the ages.


I watched a terrible movie a couple of weeks ago. I go to the library, where it is hard to tell which videos are good and which are not, because they take the descriptive covers off of the videos, and I took this movie out. It was like a grade B movie, but it was not offensive, and something made me continue to watch it. It was about a woman who had a very difficult life, but the point I want to make is she had become very philosophical as a result of this difficult life, and the name of this movie was "In a Moment of Time" or something like that. At the end of the movie, she says to this man, "What is this lifetime, but a moment." You see, the children of darkness are wiser than the children of light. There are philosophers in the world, that are not in God, who know that this lifetime is but a moment in time.


To answer your question, I believe that when God moves upon you, it will be in one lifetime. I believe that if you are called to a ministry like this, you will experience it in this lifetime, if you are really called. Just because you have ministry, and you have five hundred people in the ministry, it does not mean that everybody is called. God brings people in for different purposes. He brings people in to help with the finances. He brings people in to help with the ministry, but if you are called, and only God can tell you if you are called, it will be in this lifetime.


COMMENT: Let us say they hear amessage, and they get saved, they get the Holy Spirit, and they go into the sixty-fold you know, maybe in a day or?


PASTOR VITALE: I believe it is not only possible, but I believe that is it is coming, and I believe that we are going to be a part of it. I believe that we are a firstfruits ministry that is going up the hard way, we are being raised up the hard way. We are sitting here, and we are getting all of this intellectual teaching. We are going through whatever God is putting us through, but when we get to perfection, when we get to the strength that Jesus Christ walked in, we are going out into the streets. We are going to the retarded people, we are going to the feeble minded, we are going to the insane, we are going to everybody. I do not know exactly how it is going to happen, I do not know if we are going to lay hands on them, or if the Son is going to vibrate forth from us. I do not know, but they are going to be touched by us, and their spirit is going to be fertilized, amen. He is going to come forth. Glory to God.


COMMENT: I had a dream of this woman in my neighborhood, she is not saved or anything, but she is seeking God. I had a dream of her, we were at a table and I said, "Would you have my baby," and I think she said, "Yes," and I saw like there was a baby in her, that was the dream, so that would be the fulfillment of what you said, just in one word.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes. Well, you see, we are being bruised, just like Jesus Christ was bruised. This firstfruits company that is going the hard way, we are being bruised. You know there are people, they are not going to get this intellectual teaching. Do you know what God told me? God told me that it is the same thing that happened with salvation and the baptism with the Holy Spirit. The preachers that God sent out preaching thirty-fold and preaching the baptism with the Holy Spirit, they were very knowledgeable in the Scriptures. A lot of people heard them preach, and the faith of the preacher reached out to touch the people listening, and they received the Holy Spirit. I think we have thousands, if not millions, of people in the world that have the Holy Spirit that could not stand up and explain to you about the Holy Spirit. They could not witness to somebody, who He is, what He is, how it happened. They do not know, but they have it.


When this message of the Son goes to the masses, they are going to get it. They are not going to understand it like you understand it, because many of them are not capable of understanding that beautiful diagram over there. They could not understand it if they gave it everything that they had. This is the teaching to raise up the sons, and it is part of the work that the Lord is doing in us that is causing something spiritual to happen inside of you. We are getting the ministry of the Word, which is the teaching, and the ministry of the Spirit, which is the anointing that God pours out when He prophesies over us and ministers to us. We have the ministry of the Word and the Spirit. It is building Christ in us.


When we go forth to these people that cannot help themselves, what are we going to start explaining to them? That the living soul that died is marrying, no, no, no, no. It is going to be a manifestation of the miraculous, supernatural, miracle working power of the Son of God, vibrating forth from you to the feeble minded.


They are going to jump up and start leaping and dancing, and then the mind of Christ will be formed in them. They will understand later on. What did the man by the temple know, what did he know when Peter said, "Rise up and walk," he says, "Gold and silver have I none, but rise up and walk." Peter was the apostle, he had all of this great knowledge and spiritual power, and he just said to the man, "Rise up." What did the man know? He did not know anything. Well, that is how it is going to happen. We are paying the price because we are called to the glorious calling of seeing these people restored without knowledge, but we are going with knowledge. Hallelujah. What is your question?


COMMENT: Do they have to ask for it, or the way of salvation, you have to ask the Lord into your heart or whatever.


PASTOR VITALE: I do not think so. I do not think you have to ask the Lord into your heart for salvation, I think that is a misunderstanding, that is what they preach, you know. That is what is being preached today, but I do not believe it is true. I do not believe we have anything to say about it. I think when God calls you, He puts it in your heart. Maybe you make a confession, "Lord save me." I also know people that have made that confession several times and nothing has been birthed in them.


COMMENT: You said you have to ask for the Son?


PASTOR VITALE: It means that God puts it into your heart to ask for it. God works in different ways. By and large, what He will do is, He will bring you to hear a message. Whether it is the faith of God, it is the love of God, it is the blood of Calvary, it is the baptism of the Holy Spirit, or it is the Son, He will bring the Word to you. Jesus said, "My words are spirit, and my words are life." When you hear a Word like this, if God has prepared your heart, it quickens something inside of you that makes you desire it. You do not have to necessarily make a verbal confession.


It is a spiritual thing that when you hear a message like this, coming forth under the anointing of God, it touches your soul or it touches the spirit that you were born with, which is a part of the living soul that died . It stimulates it, and something comes forth in you. What comes forth in you is a desire for what you have heard. It is a spiritual thing, and this confession could go two ways. Some people are carnal, and it is a blessing to them to be able to go up there and say," Lord Jesus Christ come into my life." I am not against that, but it is really not necessary because if God is going to call you, He is going to do the work in you whether you want it or not.


It is really a spiritual quickening that will manifest through such a confession if it comes forth. If that confession comes forth not as a result of the stimulation of God, it is worthless to you, because salvation is a spiritual work in your soul and you cannot cause it to happen to you by confessing anything, or by asking for it. It is a free gift given by God. You can ask for it, but there is no guarantee you are going to get it, but if He says, "Your number is up," you are going to get it whether you asked for it or not. You see, man wants control, he even wants control over the salvation experience. He wants to rule God.


COMMENT: I met a couple of people that, they understand that God has not called them, and they wish He had. Like this patient I have, he says it is not fair that He has not called me.


PASTOR VITALE: Amen, I had another sister tell me a couple of years ago, that she knows this particular man who has gone from church to church to church. He comes from a background where a lot of people are saved, members of his own family. He goes into a particular church, he sees the anointing, he discerns the anointing, he sees the healing, he sees the manifestations of the Spirit. For years he is crying out to God, nothing, nothing, nothing, you know.


To answer your question, you know sometimes the line is fine, and it gets confusing. I am glad you asked the question, in that, we can ask, we have to ask for it when God quickens us to ask for it, but those of us that are asking for it, and it is not God, are not going to get it. Everything is not the will of God, and sometimes He quickens it in our heart, and it may even be an unconscious asking for it, it just comes forth.


You see, now in my case, I received the Son before I knew anything about it, but I was on my face before God. My life was a disaster, physically, emotionally, spiritually. I knew that I was finished unless God had mercy on me. My state of being was that I was on my face before God saying, "God help me in any way that you can, help me," and what I needed was the Son. He gave me the Son, and He gave me the baptism with the Holy Spirit. I did not know anything about it, but my prayer on a daily basis, I was storming the gates of heaven saying, "I read this book, what are you going to do for me? Help!" He gave me the baptism of the Holy Spirit, He put me in a deliverance church, He brought forth deliverance and healing, and He birthed His Son in me, but I did not say, "Lord this is what I want," I just said, "Lord, help!!!," which is the best way to go.


Do not tell God what to do for you, how do you know what you need? You just know what you think you need. You do not know what you need. You know, I prayed for a husband for years. "Lord, if you do not give me a husband I am not going to make it, if you do not give me a husband, I am going to die for sure." I am still here, I do not have a husband. I have not had a date in about eight years. He does not even let me have a date. I used to pray for a dinner date, and my father would take me out to dinner. The pastor of the church that I went to called me and invited me to have dinner with his wife. He never let me even have someone take me out to dinner. You see, He did not give me everything I asked for, because it was not according to His will.


Now my prayer is, "Father, I want the peace and contentment that you have promised me. I want deliverance from the torment in my soul, I want life and joy however you want to give it to me. I do not want to be tormented anymore. I know it is part of the process, it is part of the tribulation, and I want to get through, I want to make it through, so that the process can be completed so that I could have peace, however you give it to me." That is my prayer because He does not answer your ungodly prayers anyway, and if you keep storming the gates of heaven, it is witchcraft and the judgments are going to fall on you for it.


Did anyone ever hear Bill Britton's testimony? He had gotten a Word from the Lord, something about a ministry, it was not anything ungodly. A lot of people, including myself for a long time do not...and I still fall prey to this. I do not realize that when you get a Word from the Lord that it could be years until it comes to pass. Well, he got a Word from the Lord and he was storming the gates of heaven, he was banging on God's door everyday, "I want it, I want it, I want it, where is the ministry you promised me?" So God sent a missionary to him.


This was years ago, it is tough for a woman in the ministry today, but this was years ago. She was afraid to say that she had a Word for Bill Britton. When he got wind that she had something for him, he said, "Well, come on, just give it to me." She said, "Well, brother Britton, the Lord said to tell you to leave Him alone, you are to stop asking for this thing, He said He is going to give it to you and He will give it to you at the right time, and stop bothering Him," that was the word, "stop bothering Him." Your best bet is to say, "God, I confess every weakness in me, I confess every fault I have, just help me," and you will move like lightning, you will, you know. Praise God, anything else? Just love God, brethren, you cannot go wrong, Hallelujah.



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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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