065 - 1 Part

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
 Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


The Book of John starting in Verse 24. I am not sure how far I will go, probably through Verse 38. Glory to God." Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my Word, and believeth on Him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life."

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live.

For as the Father hath life in Himself; so hath He given to the Son to have life in Himself;

And hath given Him authority to execute judgment also, because He is the Son of man.

Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the grave shall hear His voice,

And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.

I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father, which hath sent me.

If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true.

There is another that beareth witness of me; and I know that the witness which He witnesseth of me is true.

Ye sent unto John, and he bear witness unto the truth.

But I receive not testimony from man: but these things I say, that ye might be saved.

He, John, was a burning and a shining light: and ye were willing for a season to rejoice in his light.

But I have greater witness than that of John: for the works which the Father hath given me to finish, the same works that I do, bear witness of me, that the Father hath sent me.

And the Father Himself, which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me. Ye have neither heard His voice at any time, nor seen his shape.

And ye have not His word abiding in you: for whom He hath sent Him ye believe not."

Glory to God. Now what we see here is an account of Jesus rebuking the Pharisees. Going to have to ask you to excuse me, I am having an allergy attack this morning. If you hear brief silences in the message, please bear with me. Glory to God.

We have an account of Jesus rebuking the Pharisees and the main crime of the Pharisees. Does anyone know what the main crime of the Pharisees was and is? Does anybody know? It is pride, it is pride, but how did that pride manifest? What was their great error? Does anybody recall? What their great error was, amen, they stumbled over Jesus' flesh. They could not perceive God in the form of a man.

We are starting with Verse 24, Jesus speaking. "Verily, verily, I say unto you Pharisees. He that heareth my word and believeth on Him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life."

"Verily, Verily, I say unto you, the one that heareth my Word and believeth on Him that sent me." Now the problem that we have in the church today is we have a lot of people saying that they believe, but they do not know what they believe. Maybe they believe a couple of things in the Scripture, maybe they believe that Jesus was crucified. Usually they believe Jesus was crucified, that He rose from the dead, and that because He lives we too shall live.

They believe that, but I declare to you, brethren, to enter into everlasting life, to be delivered out from condemnation, we must believe the whole truth of the Word, His Word.

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my Word," not the first part. Now what is His word? His word is the whole Bible. You cannot just believe one part of it, or one sentence of it. The promise of everlasting life is to those that, "heareth my Word," and I remind you that the word "heareth" includes the understanding of the Word. He does not just mean those who just sit there in a meeting like this, or those who turn on a message like this and have the Word fall on their ear.

To hear it, you have to understand it. He says, "He that heareth my Word and believeth on Him that sent me, hath everlasting life." You have to believe on the whole word, and the problem that we are having with the church today is that the church world is resisting the whole word, by and large. Those of us that are not resisting and are pressing on in this long journey threw the wilderness, we may not know the whole Word.

We may think that we are enlightened in this ministry, but everything is relative, brethren. We may be enlightened compared to other ministries. Only Jesus Christ can make a judgment as to weather or not we believe His word.

In the church that I was raised up in, the first deep revelation that came down was deliverance. A Christian can have a demon, half the church left. They did not want to be associated with a ministry that suggested they could have a demon. If you ask them, they would tell you, "We believe in the word of God, and we are going to have everlasting life." You have to believe the whole Word of God.

Then we continued on and this preacher preached that Christmas and Easter are pagan festivals, and half the church left. Does anyone know that God multiplies by division?

There are Christians all over the church world that says, "We have everlasting life. We believe on the only begotten Son of God, but we do not believe Christmas and Easter is a pagan festival."

Brethren, mixture is anti-Christ. Mixture is anti-Christ. Our mind is being restored to a condition the Scripture describes as virginal. Now I declare to you, either you are a virgin or you are not a virgin. Either your are pregnant or not pregnant.

Either you are a mother or you are not a mother. Either you believe the whole word or you do not believe it at all. We are told that for those who are under the law, "He who offends in one point of the law is condemned." You could keep the law down to the nth degree, and one day you will mess up, you will carry something on the Sabbath, you do one little thing wrong, and the condemnation of the whole law is upon you, and that condemnation is death.

Brethren we have to believe the whole Word of God. Those who are in the church world that might be hearing this message. I declare to you, harden not your hearts as they did in the temptation. Open your heart and ask God to quicken His truth to you. Those of us who are in a ministry like this, I admonish you. Raise up your hearts, not in pride lest the next revelation that the Lord brings to your ears, you might stumble upon. Glory to God.

Watch that pride, brethren, it is going to kill you. It is going to kill you as sure as a knife in your heart. Today you stand up in say, "I received every doctrine God has poured out so far, and I am better that you," watch out, brethren, because the next one that comes down you are not going to believe it.

Glory to God, Hallelujah. "Verily, verily I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on Him that sent me," and, brethren, you cannot believe on the Father unless you believe on the Son. I think we will hear that a little further on. Maybe it is not in these few verses, but I know it is somewhere in the Scripture.

You cannot believe on the Father unless you believe on the Son, Why? Because the Scriptures say, "If you do not believe on Him that you can see, how could you believe on Him that is invisible?" Well what does that mean? I know all kinds of people that say they believe in God and they believe in Jehovah, and they believe in the Father, "but I do not believe in you. Who are you that say you are a Son of God, who are you that say you have a right to prophesy, and who are you that say you get words of knowledge? Who are you? I believe in God but I do not believe in you."

If you cannot discern Christ in a man, how do you think you are going to believe in the Father?

The problem with most people is they think they believe in the Father, and they have their own carnal understanding of what the Father is like. You have all heard it, "God is Love, God would not do that to somebody, God would not rain judgment on somebody, God would not turn Lot's wife to a pillar of salt. God would not kill anybody." How did that little baby die? They have their own image of God, and they tell you that they believe in Him, and they do, but it is another God.

The Scripture says that if you want to believe in the only true and living God you have to believe on the one that He sent. If you are having a problem deciding which one He sent and which one He did not, you have to get on your face before God and ask for help. Glory to God.

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my Word, and believeth on Him that sent me," now remember you are not going to believe on the one that sent Him till you believe His Word. Do you see the connection? Do you see the connection?

You have to understand His Word before you have any chance of believing on the one who sent Him, and if you think that you are believing on the one who sent Him, and you have not heard His Word or understood His Word, the chances are really good, brethren, that the Father God you are believing on is a figment of your carnal mind. Glory to God.

We see it everyday, it is in the Scripture. I have seen it in my personal life, and I am sure most of you have. As the Lord reveals Himself to people, they flee from Him. Jesus said unto the many of them, hundreds of them, "You must drink my blood and eat my flesh." The Scripture clearly says that they left Him. They could not deal with what He said to them.

Here is the point. If you want to know the only true living God, you must believe and understand. Not only believe on, you have to understand His Word, and if you do not understand His Word, you probably are believing on another God.

"He that heareth my Word, and believeth on Him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life." Hath everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life, Brethren we do not have eternal life until we understand the whole Word of God, and the result of that is we shall believe on the Father who sent the Word of God, and then we shall receive everlasting life.

If you have received the promise of this great situation that I just described to you, which is His Holy Spirit, and you dance and sing, if you dance and sing and speak in tongues that is a wonderful gift you have received, but, brethren, if you think that you are going to dance and sing and pray in tongues until you die and pass into everlasting life, you have received a lie, and you do not understand the Word of God, nor do you believe on the one who sent Him, nor do you have everlasting life.

You have the potential for it. You have the seed for it, but you do not have it. Just like a pregnant woman who is two weeks pregnant. She has every potential to produce that child. There is no child in her arms. There is no child lying on her breast, and there is no one to care for, no one to wake up at night to answer to; it is still a potential. Glory to God.

"Hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life." This word condemnation means "judgment." If you have everlasting life, you shall not come into judgment. Glory to God.

The judgment, brethren, there is a judgment of the just, and there is a judgment of the wicked. The judgment is the process that proves the stuff that you are made out of. When the just goes through the fire, he overcomes because his state is Christ. What does overcoming mean? It means he does not sin. When Jesus Christ of Nazareth was crucified, He said, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." He never sinned against anybody, and the result of that was? Anybody? The Father raised Him from the dead. The Father raised Him from the dead. Jesus Christ of Nazareth had everlasting life dwelling within Him. He was also a natural man. He was the Son of God and the son of man. He was a natural man, and He was a spiritual man. He was double-souled just like we are. The only difference between Him and us is He had brought His fallen adamic soul into submission to the spirit of Holiness or into the spiritual man that dwelt within Him.

Everyone else I know of, including me, is more often, or very frequently their spiritual man is brought into subjection to the natural man, and it is at the very least a wicked battle. Back and forth. Back and forth. Jesus Christ had subdued His fallen adamic soul and put him under His feet, and His fallen adamic soul never got out from underneath Him. His whole life was ruled by the spiritual man that He was. Glory to God.

He did not come into condemnation. He had everlasting life dwelling within Him, and when He was tried, brethren, He was not condemned. He was raised from the dead. He was not judged. He did not have to be. The trials came to an end, because it was proven to the satisfaction of the Father that He was worthy of what? Of having the God that was living inside of Him nailed to the fallen adamic soul, joined to Him, and made one with Him so that there was no more possibility of that fallen adamic soul coming out from underfoot and destroying Him.

That is the resurrection from the dead, brethren. It is a cessation from labor, it is a cessation from the spiritual labor of...if you are in our condition, we are at war every day of our life to put Satan under our feet, to not let him over take us, to not let him destroy us, to not let him convince us that his wicked whisper is the word of Almighty God so that we shall obey it.

Most of us are not knowingly obeying Satan. He is a liar. He tricks us. He deceives us. I do not think anybody here would say, "Satan, come here and I will worship you," because if you do what he says you are worshiping him. He puts on another face. He tells us he is Jesus. That is how he gets us to sin, we are involved in a warfare to keep him from causing us to sin, and when we get him underfoot we are involved in what the Scripture calls "a spiritual labor" to keep him underfoot.

The resurrection from the dead, brethren, is the joining of the spiritual man in you to the natural man in you, the slaying of the fallen adamic man, because when he is joined to Christ he is slain, and "forever we shall be with the Lord," resting from the labor of knowledge that if we are not vigilant, and we do not pray and watch that this wicked one can come up from underneath our feet and destroy us.

That is what the resurrection of the dead is, the joining together, the permanent joining together of the fallen adamic man and the Son of God within your mind.

Your body will respond to that event. Hallelujah. "He that hears the Word of God, and believeth on Him that sent the Word, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life."

What have we got here? If you understand the Word, you are going to believe on the Father that sent the Word. If you believe on the Father that sent the Word, you are going to have everlasting life. Your soul is going to be joined to the soul of Christ, you shall stop dying, and you shall not come into condemnation. All trials and tribulations are going to come to an end after that joining, and you shall have passed from the death of this life or the death of this existence unto the life of being joined to or being married to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Most of the church world knows that there is a marriage coming, but they think Jesus is falling out of the sky and He's going to somehow marry them. I do not know how whether they think He is going to stand up in front of a preacher and marry you and have rice thrown. I do not know what they think. Brethren, this is what is happening. Christ is appearing. He is not dropping out of the sky, He is not coming in a space ship, He is not coming from another planet, and He is not going to appear in Israel.

He is going to appear in your soul. Why? Because the Holy Spirit has quickened your human spirit, and He is now coming forth in your very own soul when He stands up in full stature in you. The marriage is the joining of the fully mature Christ in your mind to your fallen adamic soul. That is the marriage, brethren, and He has to appear in you before that marriage can take place. That appearing is indeed the judgment of your very own soul.

The Scripture tells us that if you believe the Word of God you will believe on the one who sent the Word of God, you shall have everlasting life, you shall overcome the need for judgment in your life, and you shall pass from the death of this existence to the life of the ages.

Verse 25, "Verily, verily I say unto you, the hour is coming and now is when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God. And they that hear shall live." Hallelujah. First we have to establish who the dead are, brethren. The Scriptural definition of death is the carnal mind. If you are thinking the thoughts of a natural man you are abiding in death. If you are a Christian, if you have the Holy spirit, if you read your Bible everyday, if you are involved in all kinds of ministry but you respond to your carnal mind, you are in the same category that does not even know the Lord.

You must be engaged in a warfare between the manifestation of Christ in your mind and your carnal mind. You must be at least struggling to be moving into the next category.

You cannot be exercising all of the signs of Sonship and utterly yielding to your carnal mind, because the Lord views you as a heathen. Your work will get you no where. We are saved by the life of the Son of God and if that life is dwelling in you, and you are treading Him underfoot, and obeying the commandments of your carnal mind, in the mind of God you are a heathen.

Works are not valid. I do not care if you are healing the sick, casting out demons, going to the prisons, I do not care what you are doing, and this thing is spiritual. There is a spiritual transfer occurring in your soul. Your works will get you no where, brethren, and you cannot fool God.

"Verily, verily I say unto you the hour is coming and now is when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God." When those who are responding to their carnal mind, when those who live their life motivated by their carnal mind, they shall hear the voice of the Son of God.

Brethren, where is the voice of the Son of God coming from? Is He dropping out of the sky? Are you going to hear it in the middle of you dreams? Is He going to come in a vision? Brethren, the voice of the Son of God is spoken through men. Now you know me, I do not deny there are preachers who do not speak by the by the voice of the Son of God. You have to pray for the ability to hear His voice, and when you hear His voice coming out of man you will know it, and I have news for you. It does not have to be a preacher.

If you cannot hear the voice of the Son of God, brethren, pray for that ability. Your life depends upon it. Why? Because the Scripture says, "And they that hear the voice of the Son of God shall live." If you cannot hear the voice of the Son of God, you are dead. Why? Because if you can hear it, it is the spirit of God that is in you that is quickening a knowledge to you that the Lord is speaking through someone else.

If you cannot hear the voice of the Son of God, that means you are living out of your carnal mind. If you are living out of your carnal mind, according to the Scriptures, you are dead while you yet liveth.

There is a Scripture where Paul is talking about widows I believe, and he says, "She that seeks after the pleasure is dead in her sins while she yet liveth." Well, brethren, everyone that dwells on the soul realm is a woman. If you are not joined to God in your mind, you are a widow, and if you are pursuing after your own pleasure, most of the church world thinks that Scripture means sexual pleasure, which it does but there is a much deeper revelation involved there.

You are carnal if you are female, because you are not joined to Christ in your mind. If you are seeking after your own pleasure, whatever that pleasure might be, when it interferes with God's call on your life, you are dead while ye yet liveth.

"Verily, verily I say unto you the hour is coming and now is when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and they that hear shall live." Hallelujah. What does this mean the hour is coming and now is? It means that for you and for me if you are hearing this message most likely the hour now is.

For the people down the street that would not have anything to do with a meeting or teaching like this, the hour is coming. The living soul is in many members, brethren, and if you can hear, the hour is now, and if you cannot hear, the hour is coming. Glory to God.

Verse 26, "For as the Father hath life in Himself so has He given to the Son to have life in Himself." What do you mean, "The Father has life in Himself?" That means that the Father has the ability to generate and perpetuate life. Brethren, we have no power to give life. Now if you think that you have the power to give life because you have produced a child, you are mistaken. You have produced a dead child. If your child was born without his mind being joined to the mind of Christ, you are dead and you have produced a dead child.

I am sorry if that shocks you; it is the truth. This is the realm of death. We exist here, we have no life outside of Christ. I am going to put it on this message, people do not like to hear it, but it is the truth. Even if you are in a meeting like this I am including myself in this, we are not alive. We are in the process of being resurrected. We have life growing within us. It is as if we swallowed a balloon. In that balloon is a substance that will give us eternal life, but the balloon has to break so that the substance can touch every cell of our body.

He is inside of us and He is growing. When He reaches full stature, He is going to give us life to our mind and to the fullness of our members. Right now, He is just the seed growing inside of us. He is blessing us, and our life is improving. Brethren, if you got hit by a car, tomorrow you could die. If you had life within yourself, if you got hit by a car, you would just stand right up and walk away.

We are not alive, brethren. We are in the process of being resurrected, and either you are resurrected or not. Either you are alive or you are not. Either you are dead or you are not. Either you are pregnant or you are not. Either you are a virgin or you are not. Wake up church, wake up.

For as the Father has life in Himself, He cannot be killed. Why can He not be killed? Because there is a power source in Him that continues to generate life no matter what happens, no matter what passes by Him. No matter what interacts with Him, He is life. He not only cannot be killed, but He can give you life to that which is coming against Him and trying to take it from Him.

He is a power source, a dynamo, and our carnal minds can only liken Him to an atomic generator. He has life within Himself, and He has given to the Son life to have within Himself. Brethren, mankind when he becomes a Son of God, any member of mankind, Jesus Christ is the only one that we know of that had His fallen adamic soul joined to the life of the Father within Him. He has life within Himself. Of course, we know Jesus Christ had that life within Himself even before the joining. Why? Because He brought His fallen adamic soul into submission to the spirit, of Holiness within Himself.

Life comes in two stages, brethren. The first stage is when the fallen adamic soul is placed underfoot permanently. We all have him underfoot for a minute here and five minutes there. Maybe you have had him underfoot for an hour, for a day, for a week. Jesus Christ of Nazareth put him underfoot permanently and, therefore, received life within Himself. He was ruling by the power of God.

The second stage of life is when Jesus Christ of Nazareth's spiritual man was joined to His soul man, and there was no chance whatsoever of him getting out from underfoot. Glory to God.

Verse 27, "And have given Him, the Father have given Jesus, authority to execute judgment also because He is the Son of man." Now I remind you, I just said, "Jesus." The Scripture does not say "Jesus." The Son, the Son, brethren, is Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and His offspring, the 42nd generation is in the process of appearing in this hour. Glory to God."

"And the Father hath given the Son authority to execute judgment also because He is the Son of man." And the Father has given Him authority to execute judgment. Now the "judgment," that is the same word translated "condemnation" down in Verse 24.

We mentioned this on the last message, that we preach there are two kinds of judgments in the earth. There is the reaping and sowing judgment that is executed by Satan, because God is just and be assured, God is not mocked. You shall reap what you sow, but Satan only has the power to punish you and perhaps to stop you from getting more and more evil as your owns sins return back upon your head. Satan does not have the power to raise you back up to a vision of righteousness.

The judgment that is being rendered by the Son, brethren, shall destroy sin in you and raise you back up to a condition of moral righteousness in your mind, whereby you shall stop dying.

The judgment of the Son is glorious. It is not to be feared. It is to be reverenced, it is a mighty work of mercy from Jesus Christ to mankind. Hate not the chastening of the Lord, for it shall bring the peaceable fruit of righteousness in your soul.

Now, I ask you to pay attention to the play of words. "The Father had given the authority to the Son to execute judgment." He has given it to the Son, brethren, He has given it to the Son of God. He has not given it to the natural man. Now for us in the church in this hour, we are both the Son of God and the natural man.

Now, this gets confusing, and it is upsetting for some people. I do not know anybody in the earth today that is in full statue, but I do know God is sending people out under a cloak of righteousness, under a cloak of Sonship. We are not standing in full statue, but in accordance with the strictest admonition and instruction of the Lord. Those that He has found qualified in this hour, He will stand them up under a cloak of righteousness and anoint them to execute judgment.

I have been preaching this for two years. If you cannot tell for sure that Christ is doing this in you, stay home and shut your mouth. Because if you execute a judgment, and you have made a mistake, and it is your own pride that has risen up to condemn your brother, brethren, you shall be condemned. On the other hand, if God has brought you to a place and He has calling you to use you like this, be not afraid but trust God. For if the Lord sends you, and you go not, you are in the condition of Jonah.

What am I saying to you? Seek not your own will, We are going to find this down in the next verse. This is a good self-test. We must learn to discern our own motives. What is your motive for executing the judgment? Is it vengeance? Is it envy? Is it hate? Is it pride? Do you want to be a big man? Do you want to feel important? Brethren, if that is your motive throw yourself down on your face and beg God to have mercy on you, because if you let that thing manifest through you, you are in trouble.

If your motive is that you are serving God, that you want to restore your brother, that you believe with everything in your being that this rebuke is of God and that it is for his good, that there is something that he has to hear whether he hates hearing it or not, then there is a good chance it is God. You still check it out, you still check it out.

Verse 27, "And the Father has given authority to the Son to execute judgment because He is the Son of man." I would like to remind you what the Son of man is. Glory to God. I have never heard this preached anywhere in the church. Throughout this gospel of John, Jesus frequently says He is the Son of man. He is the Son of God. He is the Son of man. He is the Son of God. Jesus is not double-minded, brethren. He is not double-minded. It is not that He cannot make up is mind, He is the Son of man or He is the Son of God,

What Jesus is saying is that He is a new creature. He is the promised creation of God. He is spiritually now, in His mind, the offspring of the living soul, the human spirit to be specific, and the Father, the Holy Spirit.

To be specific, He is the product that has resulted from the joining of the Holy Spirit and the human spirit. He is the Son of God in man. He is different from the natural man. He is different from the Father God, who is the purest spirit. He is the new creature that resulted from the joining of the spirit of Jesus Christ in the form of the Holy Spirit, to the human spirit of the living spirit.

They have produced an offspring. He is called Christ and if you are hearing this message, the chances are He has been conceived in you. Even after He is conceived in you, He must grow up into full stature and place the fallen adamic soul under His feet.

When it happens in you, you shall be the Son of man and the Son of God. Right now you are both your fallen adamic man and the Christ, and they are at war. For what? For your mind and your body. The use of your body. Hallelujah.

Verse 28, "Marvel not at this for the hour is coming in the which that all are in the graves shall hear His voice." Now, in Verse 25 it says, "The dead shall hear His voice and they shall..."... we found out the dead are the carnal mind. Death is the carnal mind. Now in Verse 28 it says, "All that are in the graves shall hear His voice."

Brethren, graves is a Greek word that means "sepulcher," a grave that exists above the ground, not buried in a hole in the ground, a grave that exists above the ground, and I declare to you, we are all sepulchers. We are walking on the surface of the earth of this planet; nevertheless, the spirit, our human spirit which is directly out of God is buried underneath the earth of our souls, and I have a whole teaching on that.

I did not get the message number ready for you today, but if anyone would like that message I would be glad to give it to you. I know we did a whole teaching on that, "Those that are in the graves shall hear His voice." Glory to God, hallelujah

Verse 29, "And they shall come forth they that have done good onto the resurrection of life. And they that have done evil onto the resurrection of damnation." They shall come forth. What does it mean? They shall manifest. What does that mean? Their spirit shall hear the word of the Lord, and He is going to get their attention and they are going to become visible. There going to become manifest whether they are good or good or evil, and those who have done good shall come forth unto the resurrection of life.

Brethren, do not be deceived. No one is good but God. No, not one. This is saying we are double-souled, it is saying the Christ in you is going to come forth to the resurrection of life. The human spirit in you shall produce Christ and shall be resurrected from the dead, the human spirit that came out of God which is part of the Son of God who is joined to the earth.

We recently started a study on the beast, Revelation 1:13. We did that on Friday, and we found out that the sands of the sea are the many granules that the Son of God was ground into when the rock was propelled into the earth and gave it life so that we could be formed. You have a grain of sand in you, brethren. That is a part of the Rock, the Lord Jesus Christ, and that is what is being resurrected from the dead, your true spiritual substance, that which is in you which is of Christ. Glory to God.

"And they that have done evil onto the resurrection of the damnation." Who has done evil brethren? Your soul, the man of the earth that is part of you, has done evil. God is dissecting us. We are in pieces, brethren. We are soul and spirit, and our spirit is being resurrected and restored back onto God.

Our soul, the one that has done evil, is being resurrected unto damnation. That is the same word as judgment and condemnation in Verse 24. He, being the evil one, your soul, which is ruled by Satan, is being resurrected unto judgment. What is judgment going to prove? That there is no good thing in him and he must come into subjection to the Son of God. He shall be placed, and what is the result of the judgment? We studied this on many messages.

The "judgment," if you look up that word and you follow it back in the Greek, it means he is going to be pressed down under, pressed down under what? The feet of the Christ in you, brethren. See, you can only have the judgment of sowing and reaping before Christ appears in you. Because until Christ appears in you, there is nothing to put Satan under the feet of. Satan is the one that is doing the judging, and you will reap all of your wickedness back upon your head.

When Christ appears in you, He is the judge of Satan, and He shall force Satan down under His feet into a place where he can do no more damage, where he will serve the spiritual man.

What are we saying? The resurrection of the good is not the resurrection of the good man. The Lord is not saying that brother Joe is good and sister Jane is bad. I hear this all through the church world. You are wheat and I am a tare. No, no, no, no, no, brethren, we all have good within us or the potential within us. That is that which is of Christ from the beginning. We all have that potential for great wickedness within us that is from the intelligence that is in the earth, and was in the earth from the beginning. The whole question is, who is going to rule the creation, the intelligence in the earth or the Son of God, who is going to rule in your mind?

The resurrection of the good is the resurrection of your human spirit who has been married to Satan, who is utterly fallen. She is being restored unto God. How? Anybody remember? Through child bearing, and the name of the child is Christ. Amen.

The resurrection unto damnation is the evil in the resurrection of the living soul, the earth part of the soul, and how shall he receive life? He shall...well, he's resurrected unto judgment. The judgment shall even give life to the evil. He is coming under full discipline and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, and he shall be a part of the creation, which is known as life. He does not have life of his own.

You see, we are told in Verse 26 that the Father hath life in Himself and He has given to the Son to have life in Himself. The living soul that died, fallen adam, is ruled by Satan. He has no life within himself. He will receive life when he comes under judgment and is brought into submission to Christ within the creation. Hallelujah

Verse 30, "I can of mine own self do nothing..." Jesus speaking. ... "As I hear, I judge and my judgment is just, because I seek not mine own will but the will of the Father, which has sent me." We talked about this a little further back. Jesus is saying that Jesus Christ of Nazareth who has brought His soul into submission to the holiness in Him in His own being, glory to God, He is saying, "I can of mine own self do nothing."

We have been preaching this for a long time brethren. If you have a man out there, you know a man out there that says he can cast any demon out of you that he wants to, I would really pray about going to that man, brethren. Jesus Christ of Nazareth said, "I can of my own self do nothing."

I know when Pat Robinson was running for president, he was running for the nomination. He was interviewed by men who tried to snare him. They kept calling him a faith healer. On one interview they kept calling him a faith healer, and he was very cool every time they called him a faith healer. He said, "I am not a faith healer. I cannot heal anybody." He said, "I pray for people and sometimes God heals them." Watch out for ministers that tell you they have all power. That is what I hear the gypsies saying, "Come and I will read your cards. Bring me something for your home, and I will break the curse on you."

Same spirit. One is a gypsy, and one calls himself a minister in Jesus Christ. Beware, brethren, there is one healer. There is one deliverer. There is one capable of rendering mercy upon the earth. His name is Christ. Seek God, brethren, seek God.

Verse 30, "I can of mine own self do nothing. As I hear..." meaning, ..."as I understand..." meaning, He understands what? As He understands your heart, as He looks upon your heart and He understands what is manifesting there, He judges. What does He judge? He judges whether it is good or whether it is evil. He judges whether it is Christ appearing in your heart and manifesting or whether it is some fallen adamic work motivated by Satan in your heart.

When He draws that conclusion, when He makes the judgment, He says, "And my judgment is just." He says that He makes a correct judgment as to what? As to whether it is Christ in your heart or whether it is something motivated by Satan. He is judging your motives, brethren. He is judging what spirit is motivating you, Christ or Satan? He says, "I do not make a mistake." He says, "My judgment is just." I am not going to wind up condemning my brother and reaping judgment because I have sown judgment. He says, "I do not make mistakes, and this is why I do not make mistakes, I do not seek mine own will."

There is nothing in it for me if the judgment falls on you. I am not going to make money off of you. I am not going to get my spiritual rocks off of you.

I want to tell you something real controversial. I have never put this on a message. I have said it to a couple of people. I have not said it publicly in a meeting, but I am going to tell you something really rough. It is true about our spiritual world and our spiritual life.

Now you know that everything in the natural is a type of something in the spiritual. Most of the world out there is looking for sex. They want that orgasm. Yes, I said it on a message. That is what they want. Well, I have a flash for you. That is a type of something that is going on in the realm of spirit. If you have a spirit that is bugging you that wants to get somebody that has to, whatever it is trying to do, whatever that spirit is, it is not going to rest till it has its orgasm. I cannot believe I am putting this on a message.

God is leading me, and I am going to do it. It is not going to stop till it is satisfied. If you have a spirit that makes you lie, it is going to be pressing you into circumstances that are going to be tempting you and tempting you until it gets its satisfaction. How does it get its satisfaction? When you lie. When you take that drug. When you manipulate that person. When you defeat that person. When you bring them into submission to you.

Come on, we are a sophisticated group here. Do you not know men like to bring other men into submission to them? When you scare them, when you see fear manifesting in their minds because you know you have power over them. Do you hear what I am saying to you? This is spiritual sex. Does the Scripture not say that you fornicate with these evil spirits? That is not just a light analogy, it is spiritual sex. I do not know where that came from, but I put it on the message.

"Of mine own self I could do nothing. As I hear I judge, as I discern your heart. I judge your motive and my judgment is true." Why? "Because I seek not my own will. I am not going to have a spiritual orgasm because I made you afraid of me. I am not going to have a spiritual orgasm because I made you do what I wanted you to do, because I brought dominion over you." That is why His judgment is true, because His only motive is to do the work that the Lord has given Him. That is what? To bring forth righteousness in the hearts of people.

"My motive is to minister Christ to you. I have gained nothing for what I have discerned your heart."

I saw a movie once, it was a terrible movie. It was about a man who was a manipulator. He made his living by going into social circles and looking for the weaknesses in people. This is a perfect example. He would go into social gatherings of the wealthy, and he was very bright in the ways of man. He would look on the hearts of the people and judge, and he would see their weaknesses. He would lay hold of them. He went after women mostly. There was a woman, her weakness was gambling, and she was submissive to her husband. He warned her and watched her. He was as good as a husband could be.

This guy seduced her, and he started her gambling. He took her to a hidden gambling club, he got her credit, and when she got in over her head...I hope you all know that no one wins at gambling. You may have one good day or two good days, but everyone loses. When she saw the tab, that there was no way she could pay the bill, it was in the thousands of dollars, she became a prostitute for this man, because she could not face her husband. She was too afraid to face her husband and tell him what she had done.

Now, it was bad enough that this woman had a problem, but this man victimized her based on her problem. You understand what I am saying? Then he set her up as a society-type call girl. She was a rich woman, not that rich that her husband could give her thousands and thousands of dollars. They were in an upper class circle, and he turned her into a call girl.

Then there was another woman, these all were married women, her husband was a professional, very busy, traveling a lot, not home a lot. She felt unloved, she felt neglected. , He told her that he loved her, and he got her into bed. She committed adultery, and then he black mailed her, and he turned her into a high-class call girl. Do you hear what I am saying?

When Jesus judges your heart, His motive is not to use you. His motive is not to get a spiritual orgasm, nor is it to bring you into submission to Him for ungodly purposes. Nor is it to eat your flesh for Him to be glorified. His motive is to bring forth righteousness in your soul.

Were still on Verse 30. "I cannot of mine own self do nothing. As I hear I judge and my judgment is true, because I seek not mine own will but the will of the Father which has sent me." To do what? To bring forth Christ in you. The judgment of the Son is to bring Christ forth in you.

Verse 31, "If I bare witness to myself, my witness is not true." Any man claiming to be the Son, he comes to you and says, "I am the Son of God," that is not a good enough witness. That is the witness of man.

Verse 32, "There is another that beareth witness of me, and I know the witness that He witness of me is true."

Verse 33, Well, I will just tell you here because it does not state it here, but the second witness that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, does anybody know? Who is the second witness that Jesus Christ is the Son of God? It is the Father, it is the Father. Not the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the promise that comes and fertilizes the human spirit and Christ comes forth. Christ is one with the Father.

When you have Christ, you have the Father. The two witnesses are the Word of God and the Spirit of God, which is the Father. Hallelujah Glory to God.

Verse 32, "There is another that beareth witness of me, and I know the witness he witness of me is true." There is another that bare witness of me, and I know the witness of me is true. Well, it is clear in the Scripture what he is saying, but He says in another Scripture that the Father, the second witness to the Word of God, is the spiritual ministry of the Father.

Verse 33, "Ye sent unto John, and he bare witness to the truth." Now John was still a natural man. Up until John...we have the law in the Prophets. Starting with Jesus Christ, we enter into the spiritual ministry of God. John was still a natural man. "Ye sent unto John, and he bears witness to the truth which is a witness of a prophet but still a natural man."

Verse 34, "But I received not testimony from man." He is calling John a man. "But I receive not the testimony of man. These things I say that ye might be saved." These things I say that ye might be saved. He John was a burning and a shining light. Well, let me back up what was he saying? "I receive not the testimony from man. These things I say to you that ye might be saved." What Jesus is saying here is that you are so carnal, brethren, that if I did not give you the witness of a carnal man, you would never believe it.

Jesus Christ of Nazareth is saying here, "I am the Word, and my spiritual authority comes from the Father," and those are the two witnesses. "You are so carnal, your mind is so dark that you would never believe it. I shall permit John the Baptist whom you respect as a prophet to stand up and say, behold the Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the world." He says, "If you have ears to hear, I take not a witness from the natural man. My witness is the Father that is within me." Hallelujah Glory to God

It goes on to continue to talk about John. "He was a burning and shining light. Ye were willing for a season to rejoice in his light." They were rejoicing in the fact that they did receive the imputed anointing upon John. It was a burning and a shining light that recognized God upon him, and then they rejoiced in his light.

Verse 35, "Ye are willing for a season to rejoice in His light."

Verse 36, "But I have a greater witness than that of John for which the works which the Father has given me to finish. The same works that I do bare witness of me that the Father has sent me." Now listen to this, "But I have a greater witness to that of a prophet that says behold the Lamb of God." That is nice, that is nice, it is a witness but for a season. "For the works that the Father has given me to finish, the same works I do bare witness of me that the Father has sent me." The witness is the works that the Father has sent Him to finish.

Do you think it was healing the sick? Do you think it was casting out demons? Do you think it was raising up that young man who was his mother's only son? Brethren, I declare to you that the work the Father sent Jesus Christ to do is the impression of His spirit upon your soul. The work of the Lord Jesus Christ is that Christ should appear in you.

Brethren, when you hear the word of God and you submit yourself to a spiritual ministry, Christ starts burning in your heart, and you know you have been in the presence of a prophet, even the Lord Jesus Christ. I do not mean a prophet with the imputed anointing. Jesus Christ was a prophet too, if you did not know that.

When Christ starts rising in your heart, when the day dawns on the darkness of your soul, when you are quickened, when you receive understanding, when you start receiving a measure of life, you shall know you have had a union, an interaction, an encounter with even the Son of God, Hallelujah.

Verse 37, "And the Father Himself which has sent me hath borne witness of me. Ye had heard his voice and it was true." Now, what is He saying? He is saying...let me read it for you again. "The Father Himself which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me." How has the Father borne witness to the fact that He is Christ? If Christ is conceived in you, that is the witness.

The nation of Israel had the imputed anointing. They have the Word of God. They have the law of God, but the Scripture says that they produced wind. They produced another spirit. They just produced more death. They produced more men ruled by the spirit of Satan. Why? Because the spirit of adoption had not yet been poured out. Jesus Christ had to be crucified, He had to be crucified to his soul.

The spirit, the Holy Spirit that is in the earth today is the same imputed anointing that was on Israel. That is what I am trying to say, OK? I am sorry if I said it the wrong way there.

The imputed anointing that was on Israel is not the imputed anointing that is in the Church today. The imputed anointing that is in the Church today is the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was crucified, He arose from the dead, and He ascended to the right hand of His Father. In this hour, the Lord Jesus Christ in spirit form is pouring Himself on all flesh upon the earth. His spirit is the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ. The spirit that was on Israel was not the spirit of God joined to man. Does anyone not understand that it was the spirit of God, it was not the resurrected Christ? Anyone not understand that?

Do you have a question? Okay, let me get over there.

COMMENT: I am not sure I understand what you are saying. Are you saying that in the Old Testament, it was the spirit of the Father? What is the difference?

PASTOR VITALE: The spirit that was upon Israel was the spirit of the Father. The spirit that is upon the church today is the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ. The spirit that was upon Israel was the pure spirit of the Father. The spirit that is upon the Church today is the creation of God, the spirit of God joined to the spirit of man that produced the fruit of the living Christ, what the spirit of the Son is or the spirit of Christ, the Holy Spirit that we know that is upon the church today.

Now this is a very fine point, I am going to try to explain it to you. Our Father God is an all-consuming fire; no man has seen God and lived. That is what we are told. If God the Father is to be...if we were to have a personal contact with any human being, they would burn up. Moses on the mount, He told him to tell the people to stand back because they could be destroyed if they come to close to me. Well, why wasn't Moses destroyed when he went up to see God? Because God the Father imputed righteousness to Moses. The only way we can get close to God is when He imputes righteousness to us for a season, for a measure.

We know Abraham received an imputed righteousness, and God imputed righteousness to the whole nation of Israel when He imparted the law to them, and they agreed to observe the law. The whole nation of Israel made a covenant with Almighty God. Approximately 550 years later, after the law was imparted to Israel, He imputed righteousness to them. This nation produced a man in whom the Father God, the spirit that was upon Israel, fertilized this man's human spirit, producing Christ.

Now I do not know why it took the Lord 500 years of Imputing righteousness to this nation to do that.

I remind you it started way back before then. The Lord started with Abraham's line. It came out of Abraham's loins, then came Isaac and Jacob and the twelve tribes and 430 years in bondage in Egypt. Five Hundred and Fifty years after God imputed righteousness, by His law, to the nation of Israel, the Lord chose a man named Jesus Christ whose human spirit the Father God fertilized, producing the creation of God, the Christ. Now the whole point I am trying to make to you is that the spirit of God which was upon natural Israel had the power and authority to fertilize the human spirit of every member of natural Israel.

Why did He not do it? This is why He did not do it. In order for the Father God to have intimate enough contract to fertilize a human spirit, that person had to be sanctified, that person had to be righteous, or that person would be destroyed. I just described to you how long it took for God to be imputing righteousness to a nation. It was all the way back to Abraham, I do not know how long it was, 1500 years? For Him to bring one member, and let us say the hour that Jesus Christ was ready to have His human spirit fertilized, it would not have been okay for every human spirit to be fertilized in Israel.

Remember, it was God's intention to appear in every person on the face of the earth. If in the hour that Jesus Christ appeared, the Father God had fertilized every human spirit, every member of Israel, then how would this blessing have gone to the rest of the world? There would have been nothing left for the Lord to do but to do the same thing He says to Israel all over again. "Go to another nation or to a series of nations and impute, give them His law, impute righteousness to them by His Law.

The Lord decided not to do it this way. Our Father God decided not to do it this way. He decided to bring forth Christ in one man. Out of everyone in the nation, all the descendants of Abraham, He brought forth one spiritual seed. His name was Christ. He appeared in the man Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He permitted that man to be crucified, He raised Him from the dead, He glorified His body, converted Him into pure spirit form and caught Him up to heaven.

In this hour, the Spirit of the Son is pouring Himself upon all of the flesh. Doing what? Imputing righteousness to all man, each man in His own order, and I declare to you that, well let me see how I could put this. Okay, there are several points here. First of all, God had to go through the whole process again of giving His Law to all the nations in the earth today. I think it is going to be much longer than the plan He is using now. Glory to God.

Even more than that, there is even a more important point than that. We know how reprobate the mind of man is. We see the human beings out there refusing God, denying God, they want nothing to do with him. Now when Israel accepted God, they had just come out of 430 years of slavery in Egypt. They were lost in the wilderness, they were frightened, and I declare to you these are the circumstances or similar circumstances that have to be surrounding somebody's life for them to receive the Almighty God.

We run from Him. We are a rebellious, stiff-necked people. God tells us that over and over again. When things are good, we want nothing to do with God. I declare to you that the Lord, rather than bringing a nation one at a time into this condition, go through this process all over again, He conceived the plan of raising up Messiah, of glorifying Messiah and pouring His spirit upon all the flesh. That spirit does sanctify or imputing righteousness to natural man without the burden of keeping the law and without the necessity of going 1000 or 1500 years.

We know someone who has been the worst sinner can have an experience with Jesus Christ in this hour, and that righteousness is imputed to them. They do not have to wait for their descendants to get that righteousness 1500 years down the line. The major point that I am trying to make is that I have not really seen it in this hour except for a few cases that you do not hear much about.

You hear all of the church world preaching all over the place that God is a gentleman, and He would never take any man against his will. I declare to you the hour is coming that the Lord Jesus Christ is going to take every man that will not come, against his will. What am I saying? That under the nation of Israel, these people made a covenant with the Lord to keep His law. Yes, I know they broke that covenant.

I know they broke that covenant, but Jesus Christ of Nazareth came out of a family that kept the covenant of God. They were a priestly family, they were Levites, and they were devout. They came from descendants, not descendant's ancestors that kept the law of God. They were revered to the best of their human ability. Glory to God.

I am saying, in this hour God is no longer wasting time, and the hour is rapidly approaching and even now is, that the Lord Jesus by His spirit is reaching out for man, whether they change or whether they refuse. He is coming upon them with His spirit, by His spirit, and He is going to enter into their hearts. It is going to be a hostile move. when God makes a hostile move it is legal, it is for their good. He is going to apprehend them, He is going to separate them from Satan, join them to Himself and marry them.

This would be impossible if it would be the Spirit of the Father. Why? Because they would be unsanctified. There would be no righteousness imputed to them, and they would burn up and be destroyed, because the very spirit of Jesus Christ imputes righteousness to what ever it touches. He is the first fruit of the lump, and if the first fruits is Holy the whole lump is Holy. The minute Jesus Christ enters your heart you become a part of that lump, and you become sanctified. Righteousness is imputed to you.

Do you hear what I am saying? I am basically saying there are two reasons why God did not fertilize every spirit. He could if He wanted to, but then there would not have been any plan that made any sense at all for taking it to the rest of the world. He took one man out of all of Israel, He sacrificed all of those members of Israel that served Him faithfully. He sacrificed them. He did not fertilize their human spirit.

Indeed, He caused them to reject Messiah. Why? He had a plan, a vehicle, a vessel by which He could take the imputed righteousness to the entire world with their consent or without their consent. fertilize their human spirit and bring forth Christ, even His very own image in the heart of every member of the rebellious living soul. Glory to God.

What are we saying in Verse 36? We are saying that the witness greater than John, the witness in Jesus Christ of Nazareth is that He is the Son, is that He is the ability to reproduce Christ in you, to bring forth Christ in you, and that is the witness, brethren. It is not a word of knowledge, it is not revelation, it is not deliverance, it is not healing, it is not any manifestation of the spirit that we see in Pentecost.

It is the quickening of your spirit, it is the formation of Christ in you that is a witness that this is a messenger of God, that this is indeed the Son. Hallelujah.

Verse 37, "The Father Himself which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me, ye had never heard His voice at anytime nor seen His shape." What would we say is the witness? This is Jesus Christ at the beginning of His ministry. The witness must be the power He placed on the apostles. He gave them authority, we are told. He gave them authority.

I do not have the power to give you authority, brethren. I have never had the power to give anybody authority. To the best of my knowledge, God has anointed me to heal. God has anointed me to deliver. God has anointed me to preach. God has never given me any authority that I can pass on to you. Well, that is not exactly true. I have prayed for a couple of people, and they have received the Holy Spirit.

We did a message in this ministry called Signs of Apostleship, and we found out something that even surprised me, that every believer does not have the ability to pray for someone and cause them to receive. Only God can cause us to receive the Holy Spirit. Not every believer has the ability to pray for everyone and see them receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit. We found out that one of the signs of an apostle and of the Son is that God will use you to cause someone to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. I always thought any believer could do that. I was surprised to find that out.

To receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, that is the only thing I could think of. It is the only area where I could think authority would be passed from me to you. I have no power to give you the Holy Spirit. I am just the vessel God uses.

If you prayed for somebody and they received the Holy Spirit, you have reason to believe that Christ has been conceived in you. Now do not let your pride get you. That is just one sign. That is just one manifestation of passing authority on to another believer. What are we talking about? Where talking about impregnating the whole human race with the life of Christ. That is what we are talking about. The witness, the sign, that Christ is in you, that the Son is in you is that you pass authority on to people.

Brethren, it is not me. This is such a fine line, please hear what I am saying. I do not have the authority to give the baptism with the Holy Spirit to anybody. I have at least prayed for one person that I thought was going to be baptized. They were not. It is the Christ within me. He is not fully joined to my soul, and when He does it you will receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit. The witness that someone is the Son, or at least moving in a realm of Sonship, is that they can cause Christ to be conceived in you. Oh God, this is just a fine line. I know someone is going to misunderstand me.

Even receiving the Holy Spirit is not receiving Christ. If someone has passed the Holy Spirit on to you, you have just received the vehicle, the Holy Spirit, that could fertilize your human spirit. I believe that everybody that gets the Holy Spirit does not get their human spirit fertilized. If you are under a ministry or you have an encounter with somebody, the result is that your human spirit is fertilized, and you know you had an encounter with someone who is moving in the realm of Sonship.

I repeat, I do not know anyone in this hour who is in full statue. Glory to God.

I know this gets confusing. Lord, I do not know how else to preach it. We are just in an in part realm. Glory to God.

"And the Father, Himself sent me, bore witness of me, neither heard His voice at anytime nor seen His shape." He's saying to the Pharisees. "You have never heard His voice neither have you seen His shape. Well, who is the shape of the Father? Who is the shape of the Father? Jesus. Amen. Jesus is the shape of the Father. If Christ is in you, you are the shape of the Father, and I am the shape of the Father. In this hour, we are all in part. We are all in part.

Please do not get carried away, your pride will destroy you. This is really hard to preach.

I am trying to preach something to you that is going to encourage you, that is going to strengthen you, to bring forth Christ in you. If you have a little element of carnality in you, you are going to jump up and run down the street saying that you are Christ. You are not Christ. He is coming forth in you, it is in process. In process. Hold on, hold back, try every spirit. Watch that pride, because the next thing you know, your pride rises up and treads Christ underfoot. You are not even Christ some of the times.

Do you hear what I am saying? Hear it and be joyous, rejoice. Beware of, always keep a vigilant watch against your own soul.

Jesus is saying to the Pharisees. Who are the Pharisees? They are the ones lifted up in pride. He is saying, "You never heard the voice of your Father." Well, whose voice were they hearing? They were hearing the voice of their own conscious mind, Satan. "Neither have you seen His shape." He is saying, "If you really heard the voice of the Father, you would be able to discern His shape." That is what He is saying.

Verse 38, "And ye have not His word abiding in you. For whom He has sent ye believe not." And ye have not His word abiding in you. First, He said you have not heard His voice, you have not seen His shape. There is no way you can have His word abiding, brethren, there is no way you can have His word abiding in you if you have not discerned His shape, if you have not seen His voice.

"And he who believth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is an anti-Christ." He who believeth not that Jesus Christ, in this hour, is appearing in men, even though it is in part, there are moments, brethren, Jesus Christ of Nazareth is appearing in the earth. He is speaking, He is walking, He is looking, He is talking, and people that are not in full stature... This is rough, but He is here, and He is here now. If you are denying it, you are an anti-Christ.

What does this mean? Am I calling you a name? No, I am not calling you a name. I am telling you the carnal mind is ruling your thinking. I am not calling you a name. I am not against you, I am for you. You have never heard His voice, and you have not seen His shape, and you have not His word abiding in you. You have to hear His voice to see His shape.

You have to hear His voice. Saying what? "That is my Son over there," and then your eyes see His shape and then what happens? You receive the word, and His word abides in you. You get fertilized if you hear the voice of the Father pointing to His Son. You interact with that Son, and Christ shall be conceived in you. Christ is not going to be conceived in you if you have not seen His shape, and if you have not heard the word of the Father, if you do not believe Christ is appearing in this hour, you do not have His word in you.

The first thing you have to do is hear the voice of the Father. You have to pray to hear the voice of the Father, you have to pray to recognize His Son. You have to pray that His word abide in us and it continue to grow in us. I am fully firmly convinced that everything that happens to a natural pregnant woman can happen in Christ. You can have an abortion. You can have a miscarriage. You can bring forth a still birth. Without Christ in you, you shall not enter into life. Seek God, do not be afraid, seek God. Okay, let me get over there.

COMMENT: Is it possible for someone to have the Holy Spirit and not hear the voice of the Father or discern Christ?

PASTOR VITALE: In my opinion, yes. The Holy Spirit, if your pride... The only thing that is going to stop this is pride. The Pharisees had an imputed anointing. They should have been able to hear His voice. They had an imputed anointing, and they had the Scriptures. The only reason they did not hear His voice was because of their pride. They thought they were great. In my opinion, the answer to your question is "yes."

You can have the Holy Spirit and, for whatever reason, you get all caught up in thinking that you are it. Jesus said to the Pharisees, "I have come to make the blind see." You say you are not blind? What can I do for you? If you get a hold of a Christian that thinks because they have the Holy Spirit, that is it, many Christians today do not believe Christ is appearing in the flesh. They reject the word of God and everything surrounding this message of Sonship. They are dead set against it, and they are not open.

They are not hearing from the Father. Who are they hearing from? They are believing the lie, they are hearing from Satan. We have been talking about that in this ministry lately. Pride is the most subtle of all the beasts in the field. The way he is going to destroy you, he is not going to, well he might put you out in front of a car but, in my personal opinion, he does not go after killing your physical body so long as he can deceive you. That is a manifestation of mature warfare. If you are in a place where Satan is putting you in an automobile accident, or you are threatened from a life-threatening disease, I do not believe Satan does that to you.

The first thing, in the beginning, the first thing he tries to do is deceive you. How does he deceive you? He tells you, you are wonderful. That is what he did to Adam and Eve. That is what he did to Noah. As soon as God manifests, you get the Holy Spirit, you stand up and prophesy. Did you ever see someone who just started to prophesy? Oh my God. Did you ever know someone that is new in the Lord, and they just started to prophesy?

Brethren, you are nothing. That was the Lord speaking through our vocal cords. You are nothing but Mickey Mouse. I am sorry, I do not mean to hurts anyone's feelings. I am trying to say it in a way that I can get through to you. You are Mickey Mouse, that is all you are. Did you think the thought that you spoke the first day you cast that demon out? Do you not think you are wonderful? What did you do? What did you do? You have got to know who you are. Serve God, worship God, humble yourself before Him, and you will make it through.

If there is anything that is going to destroy you, it is this pride. If he can get you by telling you, you are some great one, he has got you. He does not have to kill you. He does not have to put you in an automobile accident. All he has to do is to get you believing that you are "it." If you think you have it made, and you do not have to confess your sins, and that you do not have to repent, you are all bound up in jail, you are saved, you are not hurting anybody, you are not a threat to him, there is no way Christ is coming forth in you so the answer to your question, in my opinion is "yes."

Then you can get to a place in Christ when you can discern Satan and you are waging war against Satan. I am not talking a demon in your mind. Lots of people need deliverance to get to this point. The warfare is between Christ in you and Satan. You better start walking circumspectly with your God, because the only way he can get you in an automobile accident, or an illness, well the Lord will raise you up. No matter what happens to you, the Lord will deliver you. The only way He can get you is through open doors.

Now some open doors, we have the ability to close. If we know we are in outright sin, and we can struggle against it. Then there are some of us, like me, I have done every thing I could for years and the Lord has not removed the mark from my soul that makes me vulnerable to all this infirmity. He has not taken it off yet, and that is a very heavy word. You think that I have known people like that.

There was a woman when this ministry was first raised up, my heart broke, I could not convince her, because God did not deliver her in six months, that there was something invalid with this ministry. She was a, well she was a physically mature woman, she was in her forties. She said to me, "I told God I needed deliverance in six, six months..." I think it was more like three months. ..."and He has not delivered me, you must have told me a lie. I did not tell you a lie. He did not deliver you in three months or six months."

I am waiting years to get this mark off my soul. He saved my life, He stopped me from dying. I am not even a normal person in a health comparison. I am sick all the time. Why? I do not know. You tell me. It could be a number of reasons. There is a thorn in my flesh, and He is trying to keep me humble. Maybe if I were not sick all the time, I would not have the power to overcome Satan in my mind because He has given me this glorious, glorious ministry. Glorious, glorious.

I had better not start thinking it is me. You better believe it, I am out the door.

COMMENT: I felt that it was the Holy Spirit inside that helped put pride underfoot. Is it through the Holy Spirit?

PASTOR VITALE: We do have some power in the Holy Spirit. The basic function of the Holy Spirit is to fertilize your human spirit and bring forth Christ in you, because Christ is the warrior. All power, strength, and authority is in Christ. We do have some power in the Holy Spirit, but it more of a power of mercy. A power of mercy. His primary job is to cause your human spirit to conceive, because the power is in Christ.

Now, I think there could be exceptions. This is just my opinion, I am not saying this is God. You all know me well enough that I am not putting God in a box. I completely forgot what I was going to say. What was I going to say Lord? Yes, the Holy Spirit is most likely used to cast a demon out of you. Now, pride is much more than a demon. The putting of pride underfoot is already a manifestation of the warfare between Christ and the living soul that died.

Now, there is such a thing as a demon of pride. Pride can have children and he births a demon of pride. He joins himself to it, and it makes him stronger and stronger so you can get deliverance from pride. You can get a demon cast out here, a demon cast out there. Even after you get the demons of pride out, you are going to find you still have a problem with pride, because pride is the very core of natural man. To put pride underfoot, that is a function of Christ. Do you understand the difference?

COMMENT: I am not thinking about a demon right now, I was thinking, I thought it was the Holy Spirit that rises up inside of me and says to me, "Well, say this and do not say that. Do not answer that because they are trying to get you, and they are testing your pride." I thought that was the Holy Spirit. Is that Christ?

PASTOR VITALE: It could be either one. I personally do not know if you have birthed Christ. I believe if we have not birthed Christ, the Holy Spirit will do that. He is only so strong and can only go so far, and it has been also my experience that this is nothing personal towards you. This is just a point of information. I am not talking about you. That the more needier a person is, the more quickly they are going to birth Christ. I mentioned this in a meeting.

God is not a man, you see. He does not come to someone and say, "Well, you have been serving me for five years, here you birth Christ." God gives us what we need. I have given this testimony, but I do not know if I gave it to you here, I have given it over the years.

When I came to the Lord, I was one of the most desperate human beings you could see. I was desperate on every level. I was physically dying, my finances were being destroyed, my family was being destroyed, my soul was being destroyed, and I was being overcome by all kinds of spiritual powers. I had been overtaken by occultist powers, I was caught up by automatic handwriting. They were flying in my house. I was utterly overtaken.



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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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