The Reasons for Pastor Vitale’s Alternate Translation Bible


The Reasons for Pastor Vitale’s Alternate Translation Bible


 Article #120 (11/27/2022)


Pastor Sheila R. Vitale founded Living Epistles Ministries as a teaching ministry and publisher of Christian materials, such as books. Two books Living Epistles Ministries has made available are The Alternate Translations of the Old Testament and Alternate Translation of the New Testament. People interested in the two can buy them on Amazon.

Pastor Vitale’s alternate translation of the Bible does not replace King James and other Bible translations. Instead, it provides spiritual meaning to the Scripture by removing the influences of the carnal mind.


The people who translated the original Scripture into the King James version were scholars, not spiritual men. They used varied English words every time they encountered the same Hebrew word used multiple times in one Chapter. However, the Hebrew and Greek words appearing in the original Scripture’s text can have many translations. Therefore, the English words used by the translators represented their knowledge of God’s Word, their degree of Spiritual Revelation, and the general understanding of God’s Word back then.


In creating The Alternate Translation Bible, Pastor Vitale and her team used three Hebrew-English dictionaries, interlinear text, and multiple Bible dictionaries. They searched the meaning of every Hebrew and Greek word in the original Scripture and sought God’s guidance to discover the spiritual message in the words. Unveiling the spiritual meaning of the Scripture reveals the esoteric message of God’s Word to His people.


The scholars who translated the King James Scripture saw God as unforgiving and punishing. However, as The Alternate Translation Bible shows, God is a loving God whose aim is to save mankind from destruction and death.

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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