The Modern Church And The Perfect Church


The Modern Church And The Perfect Church


 Article #106 (08/04/2022)


Based in Port Jefferson Station, New York, Living Epistles Ministries has functioned as a teaching ministry since it was founded by pastor and teacher Sheila R. Vitale in 1988. The Living Epistles Ministries website,, provides a number of resources, including articles about the “perfected Church of Jesus Christ” to come.

The modern Church can be viewed as a prototype of the perfected Church of Jesus Christ. Sheila Vitale explains that due to Christ Jesus’ place above all of nature, it is impossible for followers to fully understand the Scriptural Word of God. In the same way that an industrial prototype serves as a test model that can alert creators to potential design flaws, the modern Church functions as a stepping stone to a future Church that perfectly represents the Scripture as Jesus Christ intended.


Pastor Vitale observes that Jesus Christ himself is the embodiment of the perfection of the Church. But until he has rebuilt the Church, the current model will continue to suffer failures in its attempts to remain faithful to God and Jesus. That said, there is no telling whether the next iteration of “The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ” will be perfect or another prototype on its journey towards perfection.

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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