Deliverance From Hell: Christ Vs The Carnal Mind


Deliverance From Hell: Christ Vs The Carnal Mind


 Article #98 (05/31/2022)


A teaching ministry that was founded in 1987, Living Epistles Ministries provides many valuable resources and books about the doctrine of Christ. Through Pastor Sheila Vitale, Living Epistles Ministries educates people on spiritual topics and subjects such as Deliverance from Hell.

Deliverance from Hell is a spiritual teaching that was inspired by the ninth chapter of Ezekiel. According to Pastor Vitale's teaching, a human being that has a relationship with Jesus Christ has a Christ mind and a carnal mind that stand in opposition to each other. The goal of a person who serves God is to kill their carnal mind so that Christ can rule and reign through them and truly become a son of God.


By killing their carnal mind, a person will only think with their Christ mind which is only good and righteous. The carnal mind is both good and evil and cannot be trusted to make decisions acceptable to God because it is not righteous. The carnal mind is the source of evil motives which result in unGodly behavior that does not please God.


The carnal mind dies when it is ignored in favor of the thoughts of the Christ Mind.

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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