Three Spiritual Books By Pastor Sheila Vitale


Three Spiritual Books By Pastor Sheila Vitale


 Article #95 (04/23/2022)


Led by Pastor Sheila Vitale, Living Epistles Ministries guides believers around the world through educational resources such as books and video lectures. Here are three books by Pastor Vitale that have been published by Living Epistles Ministries and are available on Amazon:


The End Of The Commandment Is Godliness


Published in November 2019, this book is a study of four chapters of the book of 1 Timothy in the Bible, specifically chapters one, two, three, and six.


Sick Of The Palsy


This 154-page book traces the palsy (spiritual weakness) of the people of Israel back to the unity of their sinful nature with the pride of man. Topics covered include The Forgiveness of Sins, The Spirit of Grace, and Union With Jesus.


Conversations With Nicole


Published in April 2018, this book contains a series of emails between Pastor Vitale and a woman named Nicole who reached out to her requesting guidance on spiritual issues. Some of the topics covered in the book are indicated by chapters such as Is There An Unforgivable Sin, The Reality of Destruction, and The Spiritual Reality Of Communion.

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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