End Time Mind Control
Article #91 (02/25/2022)
Led by Pastor Sheila Vitale, Living Epistles Ministries is a teaching organization and publisher of Christian media. Living Epistles Ministries showcases Christian belief by lectures, social commentaries and movie reviews.
Living Epistles Message # 397, End-Time Mind Control, includes the review of an animated television series for a young audience as part of this study on witchcraft, aliens, and hatred in society today. The animated film is an example of the witchcraft. present in both good and bad gargoyles. These are human-like, winged creatures who turn into stone during the day and come alive at night.
For example, there is a scene when an evil female gargoyle encounters a policewoman and tries to harm her, even though she is defenseless. Her friend, a male gargoyle, tells her to stop as it is not moral to harm a person that has no way to defend themselves. In this way, the male gargoyle, although he was evil just like her friend, showcases good moral conduct.
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