Sheila R. Vitale Explores The "Doctrine Assigned To Each Age"


Sheila R. Vitale Explores The "Doctrine Assigned To Each Age"


 Article #87 (01/11/2022)


Pastor Sheila R. Vitale leads Living Epistles Ministries as an author, translator, and scholar. She speaks regularly on topics concerning the Bible and Jewish esoteric traditions contained within scriptural teachings. In her exhortation “One Intercessor, Two Functions” (on the Living Epistles Ministries YouTube channel called Christ-Centered Kabbalah), Pastor Vitale explores John 5:3-12 in the New Testament.

Pastor Vitale begins her talk with a prepared message that focuses on her perception that “a measure of doctrine is assigned to each age.” As she sees it, this points to the age to come and may be presented in an unlimited number of ways.


Even within a multiplicity of voices and interpretations, there is a core doctrine and message that Pastor Vitale has been able to transmit from God and adequately express to her brethren. As she puts it, “he’s wrapping up loose ends” in ways that work to clarify misunderstandings. One question is whether this process will lead to another layer of doctrine in the future, the answer to which remains unknown.


However, as Pastor Vitale views it, the Word is currently manifesting in people’s lives, even as they wait for the manifestation of the Priests of Judah in full stature. Aspects of this waiting process include healing, maturing, expanding vision, and becoming better people, even if this does not yet manifest in outward signs of immortality.

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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