"World Without End" Explores Migration And Transmission Of Immortality


"World Without End" Explores Migration And Transmission Of Immortality


 Article #86 (01/11/2022)


Focused on spiritual Christianity as revealed through Jewish esoteric literature, pastor Sheila R. Vitale is an author and translator who guides Living Epistles Ministries. Pastor Vitale explores the topic “World Without End” in a talk accessible on Living Epistles Ministries’ “Christ-Centered Kabbalah” YouTube channel.

Her study is based on Jeremiah 30 in the Bible, in which Jeremiah is told by God to write on a scroll his plans to return his people from captivity to the Holy Lands of Judah and Israel, where they would follow a wise and just leader such as King David.


As Ms. Vitale describes it, the original descendants of Judah were divided into two groups: the obedient and the disobedient. The obedient were able to make a return from Babylon to “the land that was given to their fathers” (Israel), while those who had married Babylonian women and had offspring, refused to give them up and ultimately migrated to Europe and the Khazarian empire. The Khazarians, like the Babylonians, were Baal worshipers.


This further migration transmitted the Holy Seed, given by Jehovah to Abraham, beyond Israel to a diverse group of people who presently call themselves Jews and study the Talmud. Ms. Vitale notes that “The land that was given to their fathers” is not necessarily referring geographically to Israel in the Middle East, but is instead intended to be taken metaphorically. God is in fact referring to the immortal bodies that were given to the Judeans’ fathers, or the “higher soul” that is incarnate as Judah and Israel today.

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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