Ancient Egypt, The Seed Of Jehovah, And The Exodus


Ancient Egypt, The Seed Of Jehovah, And The Exodus



Guided by author, translator, and pastor Sheila R. Vitale, Living Epistles Ministries publishes audio, video, and written Christian materials that it provides to followers at no cost through two websites and four YouTube channels. Accessible on the Living Epistles Ministries website, a short clip by Pastor Vitale addresses the topic “What Happened to the Power of Ancient Egypt.”


As Pastor Vitale describes it, the gods dwelling within Egyptian civilization had captured the spiritual potential of the Hebrew children and were satisfying them instead of Jehovah, the God of Israel. They were experiencing the Stockholm Syndrome, a condition in which captives come to identify with their captors. The Exodus occurred after Jehovah heard the cries of "the seed that Jehovah gave to Abraham, that was inside of the Hebrew children.” This conscious living entity made an internal plea to Jehovah to rescue them, that rose above their everyday, spiritually contented lives. Jehovah ultimately had to break the power of the Egyptian gods, who would not let the Hebrew children go, to liberate them. Separating a god from its human source of expression breaks its power over that person. But it was not possible to distinguish the Hebrew children from the Egyptians, so Jehovah broke the power of the Egyptian gods over the entire nation. The Egyptian people lost the wisdom and power of their gods that day, and Egypt ceased to be a supernatural nation.


Pastor Vitale’s two websites: and Search “Sheila Vitale” on YouTube for her four channels.

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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