Doctrine Is Not Judged By Doctrine, But By Spirit
Pastor Nelson seems to be a well-meaning traditional Christian with sound doctrine on that level. However, the only one who can judge a spiritual movement is someone who has the same OR A HIGHER ANOINTING. It is not likely that Pastor Nelson is a Spirit-filled Christian since he does not seem to understand that Jesus is alive, which makes it possible "to be a personal witness to the risen Christ," and to be specifically designated as an apostle by Jesus "by the anointing." The apostolic anointing has two phases, writing doctrine and miraculous signs.
In addition, he is judging doctrine by his own doctrine, such as using his own belief that Heaven is in some faraway place, while the doctrine he judges says that it is in the earth, to discredit a whole movement. DOCTRINE IS NOT JUDGED BY DOCTRINE, BUT BY THE SPIRIT.
There is so much false information on every level today. It is truly upsetting. THE ONLY TRUTH IS IN CHRIST JESUS IN THE HEART OF A PERSON WHO TRULY DESIRES TRUTH. It is interesting that I just preached this. The person who truly desires truth will be led to a TEACHER WHO IS SENT BY GOD, and RECEIVE A WITNESS IN THEIR OWN HEART to what the teacher they are led to is teaching. You should accept nothing less!
As for my opinion of the movement, I listened to a message by Robert Morris and he was talking about sin. I thought the message was sound. However, I went into his Church website and apparently he authorized someone to include the teaching of the Talmud in his message. The bottom line is that nothing is perfect and there is a lot of error "out there" on every level. But it is the job of this ministry to answer ERROR by teaching THE TRUTH. The ERROR in Pastor Nelson's message is that he is judging a whole movement that has SOME TRUTH, by HIS OWN OPINION that is based on his limited knowledge of Scripture. HE SAYS NOTHING ABOUT THE SPIRIT, the SCRIPTURAL JUDGE. whose witness is MIRACLES. The point is not that the movement he judges may not have miracles. The point is that HE DOES NOT HAVE MIRACLES, and therefore has no right to be judging THEIR DOCTRINE.
Do you have miracles, Pastor Sheila? I do. I, personally, have the miracle of a changed nature, and disciples who will witness to a changed nature and spiritual growth that is the result of the wisdom and anointing that comes forth from MY DOCTRINE.
ERROR is to be answered by TRUTH, not criticism. Pastor Nelson offers no alternative Stay in your own lane, in the ministry the Lord has given you. Pastor Nelson appears to be a good-intentioned servant of God. I pray that he should attain to all that the Lord has for him, in Jesus' Name. Amen!