Embrace Corrective Judgment To Rectify Sin


Embrace Corrective Judgment To Rectify Sin


Headquartered in Port Jefferson Station, New York, Living Epistles Ministries is a publisher of Christian materials, many of which are teachings from its founding pastor Sheila Vitale. Recently, Living Epistles Ministries transcribed and published a sermon delivered by Pastor Vitale at the New York Conference of Atlah World Missionary Church. In the sermon, the pastor talked about how the carnal mind leads people to sin and why Christians should embrace corrective judgment.


Christians sin often, because the carnal mind is devious and is always contemplating wickedness. But Jesus will show anyone their sins. They need only to ask. He judges us daily, showing us our sins to give us the opportunity to rectify them. Many Christians sin and say, “Put it under the blood,” but they do not know that to put their sins under the blood. First of all, Jesus must be your Lord and Savior, if you hope to be covered by his blood. Then, you must understand what you have done wrong, regret doing it, find out what the alternative Godly behavior is - and then do it. The blood of Jesus is his nature, so to put sin "under the blood," one must have access to Jesus nature, which is the nature of God that is in his blood. Jesus' blood is spiritual and spiritual things are accessed with the mind. When we learn about Jesus, we understand what God requires of us, and can then choose between continuing on with destructive behavior, or choose to confess it as sin and ask Jesus to grant us repentance.


The Church today is dying from pride and ignorance. Christians sin and “put it under the blood,” but reject the idea of judgment, which means correction. But corrective judgment is wonderful. The Lord judges so that Christians can live. The person who has no faith in Jesus moves from judgment to destruction. The person who has faith in Jesus moves from judgment to correction, to prosperity in all areas of life, if he or she is willing to learn from that correction.


One of the most powerful prayers a Christian can pray is, “Lord, show me everything I am doing wrong, every thought, deed, and emotion.” The Lord will answer and give you an opportunity to make these things right, if you are willing to show regret, apologize and change.

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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