Educational LEM Audio Message Transcripts
Living Epistles Ministries is a Port Jefferson, New York-based teaching ministry that distributes free educational resources to lending libraries around the world. Established and guided by Sheila R. Vitale, an experienced pastor and teacher, the Living Epistles Ministries (LEM) website maintains an archive of audio message transcripts.
Audio message transcripts represent a key component of LEM Bible studies, including whole chapter Bible studies. Whole chapter studies emphasize individual chapters found within the Scripture, allowing for more thorough, in depth analyses, opposed to cursory, surface-level summaries. Whole chapter studies are typically presented as either exhortations or alternate, amplified translations.
Exhortations primarily function as emphatic spiritual commentaries on select passages from the Bible. Amplified translations, meanwhile, focus on reevaluating the meaning of the Hebrew language and how different translations influence the underlying spiritual themes of a particular passage.
Transcripts of whole chapter Bible studies, available at, are only a small portion of educational materials available through LEM. Individuals interested in alternate, amplified translations, for example, might be interested in the ministry’s alternate translations of both the Old Testament and New Testament, which can be ordered from LEM or Amazon.