Trojan Horse


Trojan Horse


Destroying America From Within
By Anthony Milton


On the morning of 11/13/2020, I laid in bed thinking and praying about the election dispute and what both candidates want to do.


They both have a vision for America. One wants what is best, and the other wants the worst. A Trojan horse entered my mind. Then I knew that I need to follow my thoughts, write it out, and share an interesting, but a genuine message that is and has been taking place since the beginning of America Independence.


I perceive the Lord wants this message spoken and read into the spirit to counteract our enemy plans. When I had completed this book. I read a message on Twitter, a user said this, Trojan horse Biden.” That was my second witness that the Lord wanted me to write this book. I am his eyes and ears, I am presenting the evidence to the Lord as a lawyer before a judge or jury and they would pronounce a righteous verdict.


The Trojan horse is a story of the Trojan War. The Greek uses it to enter the independent city of Troy and win the war. The United States of America announced its independence from Britain in 1776.


American enemies are not using a Trojan horse to enter this country to destroy it. America’s enemy is within, of course, there are some on the outside. Who are American enemies? They are foreign and domestic, American citizens, activists, local governments, race, the defund the police crowd, the executive branch, legislative branch, judicial branch, congressional representative, judges, and even the office of the president of the United States.


History has shown us they are individuals who dislike America’s independence. They want to destroy America from its very foundation from which it was formed and create their form of government i.e. new world government.


Some of these people are openly declaring their dislike and hatred for this nation. They would use force vaccinations, the Green new deal, slave labor, communism and socialism, food rationing, surveillance smart cards, mass indoctrination, welfare dependent, GMO/codex smart city, prison and destruction of the family, to control or destroy some citizen.


For instance, those who are in authority would use mail-in ballots to their advantage, commit fraud, add illegal ballots to increase their chance of winning, they would seek legal judgment, whereas a signature is not required, nor an identification, you can vote after the election date, dead people ballots are counted, they oppose those who want to follow the law. That behavior would be unacceptable for some voters, and others would welcome them.


I mentioned a few of America’s enemies, and of course, the president of the United States may have caught your attention more than the other enemies. You may say, the president of United States, Yes! History has shown us from past presidential elections that the office was used for the sole intention of changing directly, indirectly, and seductively the foundation to whatever form to destroy America.


A former president said we (him) are five days away from fundamentally changing the county. Those of you who are married tell your spouse, you are fundamentally five days from changing your marriage. What do you think they would say, would it be a divorce or separation? Would they rejoice or be angry that they want to change your lifestyle to benefit them?


American enemies would go along with the plan to destroy America from within. They attack the people that lack education about how this country was founded. Some individuals would not have to be dragged into the destroying America from within. They taking part in it.


They are two types of judges, one who follows the constitutional laws and the other follow their emotions, needs want, what they believe and they write  laws that supersede or in conflict with the Constitution, and the rights of the citizens.


Some law enforcement officers, and district attorney disregards the law, and some state and cities are not prosecuting cases and ignoring other judge orders.


They are Trojan horse individuals doing whatever because they are a part of the system, and they are enemies of the country.


There are so many evil tentacles that are strangling America slowly causing America to mentally pass out, when others individuals see what is going on, they would do their best to give a breath of truth into America. They are attacking verbally, financially, emotionally, mentally, and sometimes physically for trying to revile those who want to breathe in the truth.


You may think does America have safeguards yes! When the news media does not fact check any candidate, or support one and destroy the other they have become American enemies.


There is another fact check that is rarely being used, and that is a church. When was the last time you heard a thus saith the Lord's message from the mega-church preachers?


When the majority of church preachers refuses to teach, to preach, to educate their congregation, some individuals are doing what is right in their own eyes because of their lack of truth. The ministers refuse to preach and to educate his congregation about the functionality of the government, laws, and history.


You may be thinking America cannot be taken over because we are have been taught in our schools, colleges about our enemies. I would slightly agree; however, when I attend school and now in colleges I have never her any subjects about America enemy within. I have the opposite America the enemy towards others.


Furthermore some social media sites, big tech are suppressing the truth. They want us to accept what they say or allow on the channel as the truth, and at the same time wanting us to believe that any truth is a conspiracy. In addition some movie stars, singers, celebrities, sportscaster, and rich people are America enemies what they had said and how they behave and live reveal the truth.


Then we have the average citizen who said my vote does not matter, the politicians would do whatever they wanted to, and you have some illegals who will vote for their self-interests, not for the country. We should vote for the best interests of the country, not because of race and gender.


I have friends and family members who dislike how the government operates, of course, they are right. They have a hatred and dislike for various categories of government.


Their vote is not for what is best for the country. They are enemies of this country. How you may wonder, when they are self-serving, seeking their interests, stealing, looting, damaging and setting fire to property, they have shown that they don’t care about the laws of this country.


Some activists say that we want to tear down the very Constitution or the foundation from which this country was founded to make it something better. You can be sure it would not be better. It would be oppressive, and controlling.


Race is being used as an enemy against some individuals. Race should not define individuals it is the character that defines you. Do not allow Trojan horse individuals to define you, and seduce you into becoming an enemy of this county.


What are America enemies’ within and outside our borders are saying, is that we don’t want to be ruled by God laws, we want our laws and rights? We want the same thing that we see that is happening in other countries. We are not satisfied with limited rights. We want to do as we please. Whenever and wherever and we don’t want any law to be forced on us to limit our ability to do whatever.


Where have I heard something like this, in the Bible? The children of Israel wanted a king as other nation, they were not satisfied with God being King. The prophet told them what the King would harm them, and he still wanted their own King. God told his prophet they have not rejected you, but they have rejected God as their king.


Are the people who are calling out for another God that will oppress them get that God? Everything comes from God. Will God give them an oppressive king? The oppressive king will say do as I say not as I do, wear your mask, stay at home, do not go to work, listen to us, listen to the scientists, we are in it together, shut up, social distance, close your business, I do not care if you have no money to pay your bills, the abortion clinic, alcohol stores, and big box stores can remain open. And non-essentials business needs to close, and who decides what non essentials for others.


In addition it is okay for the rioters and looters to disobey social distancing, because it is peaceful, but for the average peaceful protesters, that protest without violence is not peaceful.


These Trojan horse individuals would seek to force the citizens to accept the vaccine. They would make it hard for them to travel, buy things, and work because they cannot prove that were vaccinated.


There is nothing new under the sun. Individuals are rejecting God’s laws. They refuse to listen to God spoke person. God uses individuals that others may feel is not qualified to be in a political position for him to work through to be a blessing to the people.


He or she will be opposed by America’s enemies. They would do whatever to steal, kill, or destroy God’s messenger.


I wonder, would God allow America’s enemy to destroy America to create another form of government. There is only one God.


There is an ongoing election dispute involving a stolen election, of course, those who are American enemies would not see what they had been done right before their eyes. They would not believe that their opinion, and choices makes them God’s enemy.


Why, because they hate the president remember God put men and women in power and authority. Are we to believe that we can go against his authority and do not experience the consequences from our actions?


This presidential election has revealed God’s enemy in the average citizen and government, etc. Are we to think we humans can defeat and all-knowing, all-powerful, and everywhere God.


It appears that our enemies are winning, but there are not we are in the fight God fighting through us. We must resist fear and be not discourage. We must know how enemy operates and the resources that they are using against us.


 How can we be an effective warrior without educating ourselves, and be trained for God spiritual battle? The battle for the country is not about one man it is about the country. Believe God’s word, not the Trojan horse Baal worshipers that telling us otherwise. They want us to accept their lives and refuse the truth.


There will come a time where you must choose would you choice reveal who side are you on. We must trust in God. He has reveal our enemies and their plans. We must ask him to intervene for his namesake’s not ours.


In conclusion, the United States of America has corporate and financial enemies that seek to implement regulations to oppress and increase their riches. They will assign former staff members from previous President, and governmental staff to positions. They too would be America enemies, foreign and domestic enemy will treat America as their candy jar. You can be sure they would fight among themselves to get what they believe the better piece of America. They would slowly strip America and its citizen of their God given right. This country was founded on judo principles. Our laws come from God not the laws or regulations that are in oppositions to his laws.


There would seek to implement their desires.  Defund the police limiting the police presence and response to calls at the same time the Trojan horse defund individuals have their own arm body guards to protect them.  Some who are in the government do not know how to handle power, they are doing things that requires laws, rules, without the public consent, and regulation.


When those who are affect by the defunding request for funding they are told they don’t know what they need, the governing authority knows what is best for the community. If you did not think it could be any worst what about the lock downs using emotional and fear to control.  Everything is direct towards the individuals are from those Trojan foolish individuals in their decision making to solve the problem they think they thought what is best.


Some of our enemies want us to believe that they can regulate a virus that is in the air. There is nothing physically can be used to stop any virus because it travels in the air. No matter what we do, we all must breathe in air, without it we would die. There are no legislation that governs the air


The climate and environmental regulations would be force upon the American citizens that seek to ruin the livelihood of the citizens.


And they would slander those who opposed them in all phases. Some individuals would be reluctant to fight back. They will go along to get along. It has been alleged that America’s enemies would have a revenge list. They would seek to hurt those who have opposed them in the past. They would feel that they are above the law and anyone who opposes them either shut up or experience their wrath.


They perceive they are above the law. There would be no need for legal fight accept what they say. They don’t want the legal process to run its course. They don’t want people to find out the truth, but they freely exercise the same legal process for their advantage, and denied it to others.


The American people must understand that America has enemies within that seek an oppressive king. If, and I mean if, would God destroy humanity and start all over. I perceive he is allowing what is being reveal to those who are looking beyond the strangulation of truth, revealing America’s enemies, and replaced it with his righteous government for the people. Where he would rule. The people and the Church must repent, confess their sins, and seek the Lord in prayer.


The Lord is in control of everything you could be sure he would deal with every form of the Trojan horse thinking. Every wilds horse refuse to be tame, they would buck, kick and do whatever to stop the rider from inserting the bit in its mouth.


The Trojan horse individuals would do the same, he or she would not remove their blinders, they would not look to the right or left, it is always what is before them, when a rider of truth approach them they would verbally and sometime physically buck away the truth. They must accept the bit of truth when they do the rider would be able to guide their movements, if they resist they would eventually feel the rider spur of judgment.


The Trojan horse individuals have clearly said what they want to do in American they want capture us, get rid of some of us and make others their personal slaves. By any and all mean, any opposition and even those who help them in their quest would be control or eliminated.


Are you an undercover Trojan horse enemy? Seeking to destroy America.  Thus saith, the Lord to the Trojan horse individuals you are not above the law. I am the Lord thy God my will would be done from a positon of righteousness.


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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