Suspicious Vaccines


Suspicious Vaccines

Good morning Pastor Sheila,


I just received the attached video about the pending vaccine being developed in relation to the current pandemic. As usual, we’re told, the video may be removed anytime. I'm eager to hear your views on this. You might have seen the video or something similar.


There have been too many agitations across the internet media to the extent that you cannot simply dismiss this theory of invasive vaccines in the name of covid-19 prevention. And since vaccines already contain metals, the possibility to make vaccines in conjunction with 5G technology should not be disregarded as simply fiction or wild imagination.  


So the challenge is, how do we know the truth? As fear become so intense in the world today, and the contrary attitudes, suspicions and conspiracy theories persist, confusion has become the order of the day. There’s a wide gulf between accepting to take this 'hybrid’ vaccine, risking DNA alteration, loss of your privacy, unknown biological side effects; And on the contrary, objection to receive the vaccine thus becoming exposed to the virus without any defense.


For God’s people, it is important to ask God for the truth and direction, as you have counselled recently. If you don’t take the vaccine, you must hold fast to Christ and with God’s mercy and grace, the blood of Jesus will avail against the virus. 


We must remember to pray for each other diligently at this hour. 


Thank you Pastor.



Pastor’s Comments


Hello D.


I am sorry that it has taken me so long to respond to your email. It seems that it got past me on the date it arrived.


Unfortunately, I cannot give my opinion on a video that requires me to listen to it. If you pose a question I will do my best to respond.


I can respond to what you say in the subsequent paragraphs.


I believe that it is true that 5G poisoning has the same symptoms as COVID-19.


I do not intend to take any vaccine.


We know the truth by the Spirit of Truth, which is in Christ Jesus, so it is very important to keep our mind in Christ-Centered Kabbalah.


The Spirit of Truth says to all who have fear, "What about the priests of Judah?"


Keep your mind focused on the Lord's version of the future, which is his revelation to the world through the priest of Judah, revival and miracle working power to cure all disease, and the breaking of the curse of death.


God bless you.


Sheila R. Vitale
Pastor, Teacher, Founder


Brethren’s Reply


Dear Pastor Sheila,


I truly appreciate your response, despite your very busy life and schedule.


Thank you for your counsel. The last paragraph was particularly powerful and a fundamental doctrine. Please remember me in your prayers, as God leads.


In Christ,


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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