Two Ways To Support Living Epistles Ministries


Two Ways To Support Living Epistles Ministries



#50 [05/20/20]


Pastor teaches from Living Epistles Ministries in New York twice a week, on Sunday and Thursday. Her lectures average four hours each.


-Purchase the ministry’s books. Authored by Pastor Vitale, the books cover various Judeo-Christian topics and are designed to give readers a deeper understanding of the Mysteries of the Scripture. In so doing, the author hopes to bring people closer to God. The ministry’s books come in soft cover and E-books are also available. The titles include “Introducing Adam Kadmon: Primordial Human,” “The Seduction of Eve,” “The Latter End,” and “The Truth about Witchcraft.” These and others are available on Amazon.


-Donate to the ministry. Donors can send a check or money order directly to the ministry or wire transfer funds to its account. They can also send a donation through PayPal. Additional details are available by contacting the ministry.


In 2019, the ministry donated over 14.85 percent of its income to charity, including organizations helping those in need. These include Feed The Children, Joyce Meyer Ministries, The Lighthouse (Long Island), and World Vision.

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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