From Behind The Badge


From Behind The Badge



Hello, brethren,


To those who do not know this. I am a former police officer, jail and prison correctional officer. I began my police career in the '80s, had other jobs, went back into police work, and finally resigned in 2017 because I did not have the desire I once had. I know what an officer experiences on the streets.


Now I perceive a difference in public attitudes towards the police. My sister called me yesterday because she wanted to know my opinion about the police officers’ behaviors concerning Mr. Floyd’s death. I told her that I did not agree with the officers’ behavior. I had seen other videos where a police officer strikes a handcuffed suspect that is not resisting. There is a rule, once the suspect is handcuffed there should not be any physical attacks. 


To give you an idea of what I had experienced, these are a few stories from behind the badge, see what I saw.


Some blacks did not welcome me with lots of fanfare. Once a black male shot at me. I had responded to a domestic call at night. I was in my patrol car. The black male was arrested. He told me he fired his weapon because he thought I was white. Jokingly I said the only thing that was white that night was my teeth and the patrol car. Secondly, a female used a knife that scraped my finger; she used it to prevent me from handcuffing her. Thirdly, a black male raised his hands in a dark area. I felt that I should fire my weapon into the ground. The suspect was arrested for a stolen car. “Where is the gun?” I asked. “I do not have one, and I raised my hands to cause you to think that I had one.”


Along with other pent up frustration concerning past police behaviors, Mr. Floyd’s death has spilled onto the streets. I do not agree with the looting, and there is no justification or it. I have spoken to a few people that see it differently. They did not agree with my opinion. When I mentioned there are two sides to a discussion. We should listen to both parties because we can learn from them. I was told, “no.” I realized there was no need to say anything else. I choose to listen and agree with the truth, not to the emotionalism that white people and the police deserve to be harm.


Mr. Floyd’s death, along with other information, reminded me of this, the Lord had revealed to me before I had heard of LEM/CCK and being a member. Being a police officer would be different, and he would use my training for something else. What is the something else? I do not know, or maybe it has to do with investigating the information that I have sent to you?


I see the hate for the police, authority in all forms, and only the Lord knows what is going to happen next. What the Lord had shared with me about the police and the public is occurring in the streets.


I recommend you be careful if you need to go outside. Also, who you discuss your opinion with, especially to friends, strangers, and families.


There are a few who are not going to let this crisis go to waste. Something must happen to restore the decline from God in this county.


Be prayerful as the Lord leads. We are experiencing a spiritual battle that is being played out onto the streets.


In Christ,


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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