Three Things You May Not Know About The Alternate Translation Bible


Three Things You May Not Know About The Alternate Translation Bible



#31 [05/13/2019]


Living Epistles Ministries was founded in 1987 by Pastor Sheila Vitale. Based in Port Jefferson Station, New York, Living Epistles Ministries also publishes Christian materials such as the Alternate Translation Bible.


Here are three interesting facts about the Alternate Translation Bible:


-It started out as alternate translations for individual scriptures. Pastor Sheila Vitale began making alternate translations of individual scriptures back in 1988. She did not at first put them together into one complete work. It was only after students of the scriptures asked for the translations in one book that she began collecting the individual translations and made the Alternate Translation Bible.


-It is an original translation of Hebrew and Greek scripture. Words in Hebrew and Greek have multiple translations, just as they do in most any other language. While other translations such as the King James Version use different English terms for Hebrew and Greek words that appear often in the scriptures, The Alternate Translation Bible paraphrases Hebrew and Greek scripture, revealing the true intent of its authors and the messages they wanted to convey.


-It is a spiritual translation. Because The Alternate Translation Bible stays true to the original authors' intent, it may sound radically different than other translations. This is because it needs to be discerned spiritually. The Alternate Translation Bible is not intended to replace traditional translations. Christians in search of truth must first seek God and He will direct their paths (Prov 3:6).


The Alternate Translation Bible is available on Amazon at

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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