Pastor Vitale On The Judgment Of Christ Vs Sowing & Reaping


Pastor Vitale On The Judgment Of Christ Vs Sowing & Reaping



#28 [04/01/2019]


Based in Port Jefferson Station, New York, Living Epistles Ministries (LEM) is a teaching organization focused on leading followers to a deeper understanding of Christian principles. To provide followers with resources, Living Epistles Ministries maintains a website which educates through a number of online mediums, including a blog.


The LEM blog, authored by Pastor Sheila R. Vitale, covers a range of subjects, including alternate translations of well-known Bible verses. In September 2018, Pastor Vitale published a blog about the translation of Ephesians 6:5, using this verse to outline the difference between the Judgment Seat of Christ and Jehovah's Righteous Sowing & Reaping Judgment, which is enforced by Satan.


In her blog, she noted that Satan, acting as the unconscious part of the First Adam’s carnal mind, is responsible for the enforcement of the Sowing & Reaping Judgment of Jehovah. Conversely, Christ’s judgment is a corrective judgment. In her translation, the pastor also notes that it is important to submit oneself to authority figures with a legitimate claim to rule, and that failure to do so can result in separation from Christ in the heart.


A real-life example of these two judgment principles can be read in the pastor’s blog post at

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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