LEM Movie Review Connects The Matrix And Scripture


LEM Movie Review Connects The Matrix And Scripture



#27 [04/01/2019]


A teaching ministry dedicated to the dissemination of free Christian literature, Living Epistles Ministries (LEM) was established by Pastor Sheila R. Vitale in 1988. Since the organization began through small, casual meetings held once per week, Living Epistles Ministries has expanded significantly, and now makes a variety of teaching resources available on its website.

One of the resources offered by LEM is a collection of movie reviews meant to help followers distinguish between movies which promote Christian themes and those which promote themes traditionally at odds with religion, such as witchcraft. One of the movies in which Pastor Vitale identified Scripture-based themes is the 1999 film The Matrix.


The pastor notes that the concept of the titular Matrix itself (a world of illusion run by machines) is symbolic of the present condition of humanity. The story also includes a man who “ascended above mind” and thus was not deceived by the Matrix, which allowed him to be free from its power - this man knows the truth. The man with a knowledge of the truth is opposed by “agents of evil,” who are committed to destroy him because of what he knows.


The pastor suggests that the main character, Neo, the one destined to save the human race, is emblematic of Jesus, while a woman named Trinity symbolizes the mother and the son. Other characters also have experiences which parallel the story of Samson and Delilah. Ultimately, The Matrix is a film which explores Scriptural subjects like truth, turning away from sin, vulnerability, and old order versus new order deliverance. To read the full review of The Matrix from Pastor Vitale and LEM, visit http://www.livingepistles.org/index.php/featured/620-518-matrix-high-points-of-the-movie.

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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