Pastor Sheila R. Vitale's Work On Doctrinal Error
#26 [03/04/2019]
Based in Port Jefferson Station, New York, Living Epistles Ministries was established by pastor and teacher Sheila Vitale in 1988. Living Epistles Ministries (LEM) is home to a depth of Pastor Vitale’s writings and video messages, many of which have allowed her to correct unscriptural Bible teaching, also known as doctrinal error.
Doctrinal error is not the same as false teachings. False teachings are extra-biblical. They have no basis in Scripture. The teachings of Hinduism or Theosophy, for example, are false, because, upon examination they reverse the roles of Jesus and the Serpent. On the other hand, doctrinal error is a misunderstanding, or misinterpretation of authentic Scriptural principles. For example, the Scripture says that women should be silent in the Church. Some Christians believe this to mean that physical women should not speak in Church. But the Scripture teaches that there is no difference between men and women when it comes to spiritual issues. Paul was actually speaking about the female mind of the natural man (or woman). He meant that the natural mind is spiritually female in relation to the spiritually male Mind of Christ, and should, therefore, always be in submission to it. The female mind should never speak in Church, whether that mind is speaking through a natural man or a natural woman.
LEM writings on the subject of doctrinal error include an e-book series on the spiritual impact of Communion and The Gold Dust Page, a mixed-media initiative. Visit for a more thorough look at doctrinal error and spiritual seduction in the church.