The 4 Kinds Of Kabbalah Outlined By Living Epistles Ministries


The 4 Kinds Of Kabbalah Outlined By Living Epistles Ministries



#22 [01/28/2019]


Living Epistles Ministries serves as a teaching ministry and provides free Christian literature, including books and MP3s. Among its teachings, Living Epistles Ministries outlines four kinds of Kabbalah.


1. Philosophical kabbalah: This type of Kabbalah is attained by examining the letter of the word, such as Greek and Hebrew word usage and comparing scripture to scripture.


2. Meditative Kabbalah and revelation knowledge: This is the revelation in the knowledge and spirit of the wisdom of the God of our Lord Jesus Christ. This Kabbalah again relates to deeply studying Greek and Hebrew texts.


3. Prophetic Kabbalah and prophetic knowledge: Centered on receiving prophecy, this Kabbalah involves examining Hebrew letters and/or Christ-focused scripture after first developing faith in the knowledge of the written word.


4. Practical Kabbalah: Jesus of Nazareth demonstrated Practical Kabbalah in several ways, such as raising the dead and supernaturally providing food.


To learn more about the teachings of Kabbalah, visit

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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