A Brief History Of Living Epistles Ministries


A Brief History Of Living Epistles Ministries



#21 [01/28/2019]


Having founded lending libraries in Europe, Africa, the U.S., and other regions around the world, Living Epistles Ministries provides free Christian resources, from free tapes and books that can be checked out to free writings that can be printed online. Living Epistles Ministries traces its roots to 1987, when Pastor Sheila R. Vitale received the word of the Lord Jesus Christ, which said she would educate His people. Pastor Vitale had been training as a pastor since 1978 and asked the Lord where she would acquire mature teaching. In response, the Lord said, "Will you do it?" Pastor Vitale had battled chronic illness since age 12 and was sometimes working six days out of the week. Nevertheless, Pastor Vitale soon accepted the Lord's vision, when He approached her a second time in fall 1987.

The church's first meeting took place in January 1988, and the second happened on March 12, 1988. Pastor Vitale began to offer weekly teachings, and these eventually increased to several meetings a week. Today, Living Epistles Ministries is headquartered in Selden, New York. Each year, it donates 15 percent of its total revenues to ministries dedicated to the underserved in the form of free-will offerings and tithes.

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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