Audio And Video Archives At Living Epistles Ministries


Audio And Video Archives At Living Epistles Ministries



#18 [12/07/2018]


Living Epistles Ministries was established in Port Jefferson Station, New York, more than three decades ago by pastor and teacher Sheila R. Vitale. Living Epistles Ministries contains extensive archives of Sheila Vitale’s teachings in the form of audio and video recordings.

Transcripts of Ms. Vitale’s audio messages have been categorized by subject, with popular areas of interest including Spiritual Foundations (Judeo-Christian), Spiritual Philosophy, Salvation and Faith, and Truth, Judgment, and Understanding. Specific topics range from The Truth about Witchcraft to Jesus in the Jordan, as well as conversations emphasizing specific passages in the Old Testament and other scripture. In the Life and Culture section, Pastor Vitale discusses various aspects of romantic and family relationships, as well as a broad array of topics related to modern Western culture.


Video messages, meanwhile, focus on the rebirth of the soul and Biblical topics, including The Sins of Sodom. Pastor Vitale is joined in her audio messages by the likes of Sandra Aldrich and Anthony Milton. To review these audio and video archives, please visit

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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