Satan Swallowed Up By Sheila R. Vitale


Satan Swallowed Up By Sheila R. Vitale



#17 [12/07/2018]


Headquartered in Port Jefferson Station, New York, Living Epistles Ministries has served as the home-base of Sheila R. Vitale for more than three decades. Over the course of her time as a pastor, teacher, and leader of Living Epistles Ministries, Sheila R. Vitale has published a number of essays and books, including Satan Swallowed Up.

Satan Swallowed Up provides readers with invaluable insight into differentiating between men who have and have not been born at the express will of the Father. The book is broken up into pedagogic chapters such as The First Adam, which contains sections including A Great Wonder in Heaven and Christ in Us Our Daily Sacrifice, and Satan’s Kingdom Is Ending, which emphasizes topics such as The Carnal Mind Underneath the Christ Mind and Deception and Seduction. The latter sections in Satan Swallowed Up help readers understand The Law of Moses and Human Nature, among other subjects that can be drawn on while making everyday life choices.


Satan Swallowed Up can be purchased as an ebook at no cost on Other titles by the author include Two Resurrections and And the Smoke Covered the Air, as well as numerous alternative translations of scripture.

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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