Health Report For Pastor Sheila


Health Report For Pastor Sheila



Date: November 12, 2019




Many of you have been asking for a health report, so here it is:



I fell down some steps and hit a wall. Xxxxxx tells me that she saw my head go into the wall, but I did not feel it, there was no blood, and not a single mark on my face. My only memory is feeling my body bent backwards to the point that I felt like something was trying to break my spine. I spontaneously cried out "my back," and I was released and my right arm hit instead. The next thing I remember is that a man who told me that he was a doctor was talking to me, asking me questions which I answered correctly. He then asked someone nearby to call for an ambulance. I never saw him again. I don't know his name or anything about him. But the Lord had him there at the exact moment that he was needed.


I am under the care of an orthopedic surgeon, who told me that the recovery period was eight weeks, which is not exactly accurate. It took eight weeks for me to recover from the fall. I think I'm back to normal, but I won't know until I preach another three or four hour messages. I still have significant pain in my right arm, and that is draining my strength somewhat, since I am right-handed. they did not put my arm in a cast. I had a sling which I didn't use very much. The doctor said it was my choice. Actually I fractured my shoulder and that did not require a cast. I thank God that I did not need surgery. As of this past week, I am doing everything for myself except my hair and I cannot dress myself with anything that "goes over the head." It's a bit of a challenge getting my coat on and using the mouse with my left hand, but it's getting easier every day.


I start physical therapy tomorrow. The doctor said about one month but it could take longer than that to get the full use of my arm back. I am hoping and praying to be fully functional within a month.


The attack was a very strange experience because it was out and out black witchcraft. An illusion overshadowed me as I was going down the steps of the conference center and I heard a voice saying something like "I wonder if I jump I could reach the bottom of the steps." I don't know exactly what happened but my perception was that I stopped going a step in the time and just leaped forward. Then I was being bent backward, but nobody that saw the incident perceived that. Then I was on the floor, and the ambulance and in the hospital. Everyone that was with me at Branson was wonderful! I thank God for each and every one of them. I was really taken care of.


I was in pretty bad shape for the first six weeks, but between Xxxxx and Xxxxxx,I got through it. I thank God for providing the two of them to help me. They were both great!


As you know I preached my first scheduled message last Thursday and will preach again this coming Thursday. I will start live Sunday meetings again soon. Possibly this Sunday. I will let you know. I will not be able to start video broadcasts until I'm able to do my own hair and put on makeup, and that will be at the earliest, one month from now, depending on how the physical therapy goes.


Thank you all for your prayers, emails and texts. You are all very much appreciated and I truly love you in Christ Jesus.


God bless you all!


Sheila R. Vitale

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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