You May Be Manifesting Fear


You May Be Manifesting Fear

Good morning, Pastor,


The meetings have been very long and exhausting, and I barely am able to keep up. Last Sunday's meeting was a turning point for me, I found that I was so lost when you were teaching about hell. I listened to the message a second time and I just couldn't receive it.


It's not that I'm not doing the work, it's just that I really have a hard time remembering much of it, and I still have a lot of the mainstream Christianity teachings in my head. I am praying the Lord helps me to understand more of these very deep teachings you are bringing forth, and hope He gives me more light soon.


God bless you and thank you for taking time to read this message!


Love, R



Pastor Vitale’s Comments:




What do you mean that you could not receive the teaching? You cannot believe it, or you do not understand it? Try to ask me some questions.

The Ministry is under a severe attack, so please take that into consideration and resist discouragement.


There was a lot of stress and warfare at the meeting Sunday. I am sure that affected you. Hold on, the Lord will continue to help you.






Brethren’s Comment:


Good morning, Pastor,


Thank you for your kind words.  


Regarding the meeting on Sunday, I will try to formulate some questions about the topic of hell that I am not receiving/understanding. Many years ago, I studied the Reconciliation of All Things, and still have books about it in my collection. When I first came to LEM and read your teachings, many of your early messages seemed to confirm what I read/felt about hell. I still have trouble with people who preach that if you don't receive Jesus, you're going to hell. I have many friends that believe that and I think it's an elitist doctrine meant to scare people into Christianity.


I always believed that hell meant separation from God, and that hell was right here, right now. We are all imprisoned, in some degree, in our minds, our thoughts, our circumstances and family line curses. You've preached that there are many levels of hell, it depends on what curses we've inherited, what lies we believe, etc. 


I will watch the video again and see if there is anything in particular that stood out to me that could use more clarification. It could be that I'm just not understanding it correctly. Whatever illness came upon me in June of last year has not really left, so there are days I am more exhausted and unable to think correctly. The fact that the ministry has also been under attack means there's a good possibility it affected me too. I will get back to you shortly with questions.


My thought is that God is love and judgment. If we judge ourselves, we should not be judged. But there are people in the world who have no idea that the purpose they were put on this earth for was to birth the manchild. It seems, and I say SEEMS because I am not God, it is just my perception - that He has a purpose for every single human being on the face of the earth. We all inherited Adam's sin, and I do believe we are all responsible/accountable for our every action and deserve whatever punishment for those actions, but an eternal hell does not appear to be a fitting punishment for finite beings.


All this was said off the top of my head, so I will take some more time very soon and formulate some intelligent questions. :)


Praying that all is going well with your book, and thank you for all you do for us, for ME. :)


Love, R



Pastor Vitale’s Comments:




I agree with everything you say about hell and that is what I preach. if you think i said otherwise this past Sunday, you are mistaken.


What I did say was that I now understand an additional dimension of hell for spiritual people who actively pursue witchcraft to the point that they birth Lucifer, and for spiritual people who pursue spiritual maturity with God, but will not deal with their sin nature.


Such people are in danger of birthing Lucifer rather than the Christ child. The Scripture for this is:

Gen 38:27-30
27 And it came to pass in the time of her travail, that, behold, twins were in her womb.
28 And it came to pass, when she travailed, that the one put out his hand: and the midwife took and bound upon his hand a scarlet thread, saying, This came out first,
29 And it came to pass, as he drew back his hand, that, behold, his brother came out: and she said, How hast thou broken forth? this breach be upon thee: therefore his name was called Pharez.
30 And afterward came out his brother, that had the scarlet thread upon his hand: and his name was called Zarah.   KJV

I also said that hell will come to an end for those who birth Lucifer when Jesus destroys that other kingdom.

So, what is it that you do not believe or do not understand?

I think you may be manifesting fear. I understand that you asked others who I was talking about. Why don't you ask me?


Sheila R. Vitale



Brethren’s Comment:


Hi Pastor,


I listened to the whole message again, and truly, I'm not sure why I was manifesting! I think my brain blocked out those exact things that you just clarified below! I do not know why I didn't hear the words the first time, especially the part where you said that hell will come to an end when the Lord destroys the other kingdom. I was listening pretty closely while you were preaching, so I'm not sure how I missed that! Seriously, that really made all the difference. 


Fear, that's all it was, and I repent of that fear, in Jesus' name.


The words "additional dimension of hell" really helped, and the scripture as well.


I think I've got it now. Will listen one more time through to makes sure I understand about the root/branch. I get that mixed up a lot.


Thank you so much for your reply. It's like you read my mind!


God bless your evening,


Love, R



Pastor Vitale’s Comments:


The Lord read your mind :)


Sheila R. Vitale



Brethren’s Comment:


Amen! :) God bless and good night! 


Love, R

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Thank you for posting this! It's a good reminder during challenging times!

  Rose Herczeg
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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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