Prophecy (From LEM Message #7 - Judah, The Church Today)


Prophecy (From LEM Message #7 - Judah, The Church Today)


April 17, 1988


LEM Message #7


Thus saith the Lord, unto the powers and principalities that rule across this land today, Your time is short, saith the Lord. Be not lifted up in pride, and be not exalted, for I say unto you this day, that you have received the freedom that you have received, for I have permitted it for my purposes, saith God. Get not carried away with thy pride, thinking truly thou hast taken this land, for I say unto thee, Indeed I, the Holy One of Israel, have ordained and am proclaiming, that I shall deliver this nation. Yea, you shall not swallow her up, and she shall not go any deeper into captivity than she is, for this is My land, saith God, where I am bringing forth this glorious gospel, and you shall not prevail.



Look not upon the circumstances, but hear the word of the Lord, for I have indeed ordained in My Word, that through the Church the powers and principalities shall receive a revealed knowledge of Me, and I speak to you today through My servant, Be thou cast down, you foul wickedness that preys upon the children of the land: child molestation, pornography, drugs and alcoholism, and every wickedness across the face of the earth! I curse you right where you are, and may the rulers, that the Lord God has ordained to place over this land, come forth! May you indeed be manifested in the natural realm, in every elected and appointed official.



Yea, saith God, I have tolerated all that I shall tolerate. Yea, this wickedness, it is indeed a stench in My nose, saith the living God, and I have already defeated you, and My judgments shall come forth in the natural realm, in the form of men and women submitted to My Spirit, whether they know it or not, saith God. I shall not tolerate this wickedness any longer. May the children be set free, saith the Lord. Hallelujah! Glory to God.


Thank you


Sheila R. Vitale
Pastor, Teacher, Founder

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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