The Shekinah In The Old & New Testaments


The Shekinah In The Old & New Testaments

The Shekinah


     The Shekinah, the heavenly source of the Divine Influence in the earth, is called the Spirit of Grace in the New Testament:


Heb 10:29

29 Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?   KJV


     The definition of grace, Strong’s #5485, is, the divine influence upon the heart. The spirit of grace is different than the Holy Spirit, which is the Spirit of promise.


 Eph 1:13

13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,   KJV


     Shekinah, Strong’s #8467 (techinnah – tek-in-naw), is translated supplication twenty-four times, and grace, one time, in the Old Testament, where it always is used as a request for favor from God.


     In the New Testament, the word, favor is associated with wisdom R-1 peace R-2 and the Blood of Jesus. R-3

R-1 1 Cor 1:30

R-2 Eph 2:14

R-3 Heb 12:24


     Grace is the promised seed, R- the imputed Christ, who is wisdom and peace to us, as well as the sprinkling of Blood on the doorposts of our carnal mind.R-2 that saves us from the destroying angel.

R-1 Gen 3:15

R-2 Ex 12:13


     The Shekinah is the female aspect of Jehovah, his inner dimension. She is called the Supernal Mother, because she is the source of the promised seed:


     ‘The eighth precept is to love the proselyte who comes to be circumcised and to be brought under the wings of the “Divine Presence” (Shekinah), which takes under its wings those who separate themselves from the impure “unholy region” and come near unto her, as it is written: Let the earth bring forth a living soul according to its kind. (Soncino Zohar, Bereshith, Section 1, Page 13a.)


     The Shekinah that is in the earth is not the Holy Spirit or the Spirit of Christ. The Shekinah, the Divine Influence in the earth, is El Shaddai, the Breasted One, the Name of God translated, the Almighty, in Ezekiel 10:5. Shaddai is the plural of the Hebrew word for breasts. El Shaddai is the name that Jehovah takes when he is revealing Himself through the Shekinah, his female, inner dimension. In the context of this study, Jehovah is revealing Himself as the Shekinah, his inner, female dimension, to raise up the young sons of God from the seeds, initially, sown by the Shekinah, his female aspect.


Ezek 10:5

5 And the sound of the cherubims' wings was heard even to the outer court, as the voice of the Almighty God when he speaketh.  KJV


     The Supernal Mother is the female, inner dimension of Jehovah, the Name of God associated with the third of ten degrees of power, by which the worlds are being created. Jehovah is the static energy, the male authority, and the Shekinah is the female, active energy that performs His Will.


 1 Cor 11:23

      Now, I passed on to you what I received from [Christ], the Lord [within me]: That the Supernal Mother seized [Christ], the Lord within Jesus,R-1 and delivered up the fallen soul [of the First Adam that Jesus was born with to destruction], according to the Scripture,R-2 and (ATB)

R-1 Matt 24:40

R-2 2 Pet 3:10. 12


     Now, I passed on to you what I received from Christ, the Lord within me... We have to distinguish between Christ in me, Christ in you, Christ Jesus, and the Lord Jesus Christ.


     Now, I passed on to you what I received from Christ, the Lord within me: That the Supernal Mother... that is the Hebrew word, Imma, the Supernal Mother, the Shekinah, who is the third-degree of power ...seized [Christ], the Lord within Jesus, and delivered up the fallen soul [of the First Adam that Jesus was born with to destruction], according to the Scripture. I explain this in Footnote 20 of the Annotated Version of 1st Corinthians, Chapter 11, Alternate Translation (Including the Truth about Communion)


Footnote 20Adam received spiritual reproductive ability on the third day of Creation, as indicated by the phrase, “whose seed was within itself” (Gen 1:12).


     The Supernal Mother, the Shekinah, seized [Christ], the Lord within Jesus, and delivered up the fallen soul [of the First Adam that Jesus was born with to destruction],... on the third day. Jesus overcame His fallen nature and received the ability to reproduce the spiritual life that was within Himself. You all are the proof that I am experiencing the third day of creation, that I have seed within myself. That is what Paul meant when he said to the Galatians, You are the proof of my apostleship.


1 Cor 9:2

2 If I be not an apostle unto others, yet doubtless I am to you: for the seal of mine apostleship are ye in the Lord.  KJV


     The Church says that you are an apostle if you start several churches, but that is incorrect. You become an apostle when the living Christ is revealed from the inside of you. I have a living Christ inside of me, but I cannot take any credit for it. He has taken up residence in me, and therefore, I have seed. I can take credit for the labor, the study and the preaching that I do, but I could not do anything if it were not for Him. The seed that comes out of my mouthR is His seed.

R Jn 6:63


     I passed on to you what I received from Christ, the Lord within me... Paul was saying that he was instructed by the Christ within himself, and that the Corinthians could have the same experience. But they would have to be willing to give up the Holy Ghost, because Christ is a degree of spiritual maturity that grows up out of the Holy Ghost. The two stages of spiritual maturity cannot exist at the same time any more than a child can be five and six years old at the same time.


     Now, I passed on to you what I received from Christ, the Lord within me that the Supernal Mother seized [Christ], the Lord within Jesus, and delivered up the fallen soul [of the First Adam that Jesus was born with to destruction], according to the Scripture.


     Christ within Jesus was joined to the Spirit of life  when the Supernal Mother seized Him, and Adam, the living soul, came into existence for the second time.


     The Christ that the Shekinah raised from the dead within Jesus is the Second Adam, the Lord from heaven. The First Adam, the soul that Jesus was born with, that the Supernal mother delivered up to destruction, is the residue of the earthen Adam that died in the previous age, when his female, inner dimension, committed adultery with the Snake.


     Adam, the Son of God, joined to the Shekinah, the female, inner dimension of Jehovah, is called, Elohim.


     The unity of the Mother and the Son is called, Elohim, God. This is the God, of the phrase, Lord God, or Jehovah, Elohim. So, we see that the Name, Jehovah Elohim conceals a great mystery, that the Name, Jehovah Elohim, is actually the Father and the Son, who is joined to the female, inner dimension of Jehovah. The Shekinah, who has no authority of her own.


     The doctrine of the Trinity is false, because only the Father and the Son have spiritual authority. The Shekinah, the Spirit of Life, is the inner, female dimension of the Father (Jehovah) above, and the Spirit of Grace is her counterpart in the earth. The Spirit of Christ is the inner, female dimension of the glorified Jesus Christ above, and the Holy Spirit is her counterpart in the earth. None of these Spirits have any authority of their own, but exercise the authority of the male that they are a part of.


     So, the Shekinah exchanged the dead First Adam within Jesus for the living Second Adam BEFORE Jesus’ material body was crucified, and that living soul, Jesus’ other self, survived the crucifixion by leaving Jesus’ material body before it died. After that, The Second Adam, Jesus’ other self, separated the soul of Jesus’ material body from the marrow of his bones, and that material body turned to dust.


     The soul of Jesus’ material body, Jesus’ personality, would have died with Jesus’ material body, if the Shekinah, the Spirit of Life, had not seized Christ within Jesus, which, effectively, breathed the breath of life into him and brought the Second Adam into existence.


     Jesus’ resurrection would not have taken place if Christ Jesus, the Second Adam, was not already present within Jesus when his body was crucified, and the Second Adam could not have been present if Christ was not there for the Shekinah to seize.


     Christ is the name of the holy soul that was imparted to Mary’s womb before she was married to Joseph, which holy soul waited patiently until Mary’s marriage to Joseph was consummated and the embryo that was to become Jesus’ was formed.


     Christ, Jesus’ new, inner man, prevailed over Jesus of Nazareth’s fallen nature, which Jesus inherited from his parents,* Mary and Joseph. The result of Christ’s spiritual victory over death is that Jesus of Nazareth was glorified and became capable of spiritual reproduction.


Comments (3)

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Sheila,<br />This is an amazing revelation that came through after such a hellish experience!!! And that witchcraft!!!! <br />I LOVE this!! I was touched back when you started preaching about the Shekinah and the divine influence - grace, so this extension was very interesting to me. And to think I literally woke up this morning and prayed - WHAT SHOULD I READ THIS MORNING, and almost immediately opened your email - which I don't normally do first thing in the morning!! <br />When you said that the Holy Spirit is the counter part of the Spirit of Christ, I don't know as I remembered you preaching it that way before, interesting: "The doctrine of the Trinity is false, because only the Father and the Son have spiritual authority. The Shekinah, the Spirit of Life, is the inner, female dimension of the Father (Jehovah) above, and the Spirit of Grace is her counterpart in the earth. The Spirit of Christ is the inner, female dimension of the glorified Jesus Christ above, and the Holy Spirit is her counterpart in the earth. None of these Spirits have any authority of their own, but exercise the authority of the male that they are a part of."<br />But what is interesting is that we were doing CCK meeting on Sunday which was very difficult- Emergence of the Holy Spirit I think it was called and it talked about the brighter light that basically OUTSHINES the one with lesser light. So I am wondering if this would translate to mean that the Holy Spirit comes out as a light then when the Spirit of Christ comes it is a brighter light so it becomes predominant, you can no longer see the light of the HS because the Spirit of Christ is shining so brightly.<br />PASTOR VITALE: THIS IS TRUE

  Sandra Aldrich
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Would this be along the same lines of teaching that the HS is the counterpart of the Spirit of Christ? I hope I am not placing applications where they don’t belong- that is the down side of listening to two different meetings in one day =) <br />PASTOR VITALE: THIS IS TRUE. THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST IS IN CHRIST, SO WHEN CHRIST APPEARS, YOU NO LONGER “SEE” OR “EXPERIENCE” THE HOLY SPIRIT.<br />Thank you for sharing this, perfect timing, delicious food this morning!! I am warring with you against this witchcraft and praying!! <br />PASTOR VITALE: THANK YOU.<br />Love, Sandra

  Sandra Aldrich
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I'm not sure how I missed this blog post, but the Lord led me to it this morning and I am just so edified. I have been reading past messages and could not get a complete (current) understanding of the difference between the Holy Spirit, Spirit of Christ, and Shekinah in the earth. Thank you so much, this is a grand revelation!

  Rose Herczeg
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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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