Vote For God's Policies


Vote For God's Policies

Voting for the Prime Minister in England - Labour Party or Conservative Party? 




Pastor Sheila,


We are going to the polls on Thursday to choose our prime minister in England.


I was not sure who to vote for so l started to ask the Lord about who to vote for.


There are 2 main candidates, one is the Labour Party Jeremy and the other is Theresa the current prime minister the conservative.


I have always voted Labour. 


But l feel the Lord is saying l should vote conservative because the Labour candidate is against Donald Trump and he does not believe that we should build up the military.  However Labour has a better deal for the people.


My husband says he will vote Labour because of the good deals for the people. I agree that the conservatives do not have a good deal.


I want to vote for the conservatives, is this kind of thinking spiritually okay?  Thanks






Pastor's Response




Your thinking is correct. We are to vote for God’s policies. Voting for our pocketbook moves us out from under God’s protection in many areas because doing so puts that person’s personal needs before God’s righteousness.


Thank you for asking. May the Lord help you and your husband in all your choices.


Sheila R. Vitale,
Pastor, Teacher & Founder
Living Epistles Ministries
Christ-Centered Kabbalah





Amen, thank you Pastor.





Pastor Sheila


Just to give you an update, l voted for the conservatives but my husband decided not to vote.


The conservatives won but they do not have a majority.  So the prime minister wants to join to another party called DUP.

The DUP are a party in Ireland they are anti abortion and anti gay, which is good for us however she is facing a lot of opposition from the people who love abortion and the gay rights people.


The negotiation is on, our prime minister is broken by the losing of the majority and by the press who keep bringing up her mistakes.


I am praying for our prime minister for the Lord to strengthen her and to let His will override these evil people.


Love, D


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Very interesting topic for any Anglophile.

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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