Witches Threaten President


Witches Threaten President

A call has gone out to all witches to pray mass witchcraft attack against President Trump, starting midnight this Friday, and every night of the waning moon. I will be praying the Psalms against this attack. 


We confess the sins of this nation, and of Christians who cannot recognize that President Trump is God’s man, and of all United States Citizens who are tearing down our Constitution by trying to take out our duly-elected President and all that pertains to him.

We break all of these curses in Jesus’ Name and return them to the heads of the senders millions of times over.


We pray that wherever it is possible that the returned curses should produce conviction, repentance and salvation.


Secondarily, we pray that the power of these curses should drive all of President Trump’s enemies, known and unknown, out of his administration.


We apply the Blood of Jesus and faith in our God and his Son, Jesus Christ, to sustain President Trump, his wife and family, and all loyal supporters.


Most of all we give our God and his Son, Jesus Christ, all the glory for the victory.


We acknowledge that President Trump, as the chief executive officer of the United States of America, has returned the responsibility of keeping his great nation safe into the hands of Jehovah, the God of the Bible, and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.


Accordingly, we ask the Lord to save our President and all that pertains to him, for His own Name’s sake, that the enemies of God should not have any reason to gloat over the destruction of His people or their President, or the faithful of this country who are in the process of restoring the United States of America to the Lord’s Constitutional model.



Give our duly-elected President and his cabinet and all that pertains to him the victory, Lord. Let the country and the world see your power.



May the power of these wicked people be broken and turn to dust. May they all fall to their knees in repentance and be shamefaced over what they are trying to do.


Let the world see your power, oh God. Save the United States and our righteous leaders so that we might serve you and the world in righteousness.


Come quickly, Lord Jesus. Maranatha.


God bless you all.


Sheila R. Vitale,

Pastor, Teacher & Founder

Living Epistles Ministries

Christ-Centered Kabbalah

P.O. Box 562

Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776-0562

Phone: 631-331-1493

Fax: 631-536-2089

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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