Black Lives Matter - Ch 9


Black Lives Matter - Ch 9

More Facts To Consider

          Do not say that black lives matters when 93% of blacks killed were by other blacks. (The numbers come from a 2007 U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics report which stated that blacks were victims of 7,999 homicides in 2005 and said that 93 percent were killed by people who shared their race. July 17, 2013.)


Black lives matter, "In the 513 days between Trayvon dying, and today’s verdict, 11,106 African-Americans have been murdered by other African-Americans."


Activists and the average citizen are quick to run to the street to protest about blacks killed by the police and refuse to discuss or protest that from 1980 through 2008, 84 percent of white victims were killed by whites and 93 percent of black victims were killed by blacks.


Do you think those blacks who commit crimes against other blacks care about black lives matter when their victim tries to protect themselves and are killed by them?


Do you think a black victim thinks about black lives matters when they are protecting themselves in any way from other black?


Do you believe that black lives matter to a black criminal who commits violence upon other blacks?




Here is a list of black people murdered in Chicago being ignored by activists and protesters: Rayvon Little, twenty years old. Chicago. Dead. Andre Johnson, Jr., black, 29 years old, Chicago, dead. Andrew Brown, 46, South Shore, Chicago, dead. Doug Chambliss, black, 33, Chicago, dead. Darrell Tolbert, 36, black, shot to death. Gregory McKinney, black, shot to death. Joseph Lewis, Chicago, black, shot to death. Deon Gilbert, Jr., black, South Deering, Chicago, shot to death. By the way, he was 15. Donnell Coakley, black, assault. Donnell was three. Kyle Robertson, 23, black, Chicago, shot to death. Lydell Lynch, black, 22, Grand Crossing, Chicago, shot to death. Johnathan Cartwright, black, 18, shot to death. Aaron Stalling, black, near west side Chicago, shot to death. Remember, black lives matter. Anthony Jackson, 22, Chicago, black, shot to death. Zoraida Feliciano, black, Humbolt Park, Chicago, 33, shot to death. Da’Lon Mobley, black, West Chicago, 30, shot to death. Kendall Warren, black, 24, Chicago, shot to death. Nacurvie Smith, 27 years old, Old Town Chicago, black, shot to death. Larry Thomas, 31, Englewood, Chicago, black shot to death. Robert Leverett, black, Englewood, Chicago, shot to death. Derick Coopwood, black, 21, shot to death. Krystal Jackson, 25, black, shot to death. Tyris Ferguson, black, 23, shot to death. David Kennedy, 24, Chicago Hyde Park, black, shot to death. Jeffrey Daniels, black, 24, shot to death. Ladarius Edwards, 23, black, Chicago, shot to death. Jahakel Clark, 16, black, Marquette Park, Chicago, shot to death.


There is no respect for black life in America anymore.


Is that there is not an epidemic of white people killing black people. 448 — this is 2011 according to the FBI, 448 whites were killed by blacks. Approximate 193 blacks were killed by whites. That is 2.3 times more whites killed by blacks than the other way around despite the fact that there’s six times as many whites in this country.


How many blacks killed blacks? 193 blacks were killed by whites. 2,447 blacks were killed by blacks. 2,447 to 193.


Twenty-two, black, Chicago. Shot to death. Edward Davis, 23, black, Chicago, shot to death. Martell Robinson, 20, shot to death. In case you’re keeping track at home. This is a whole new group of people. Shaquille Holmes, 19 years old, black shot to death. Decari Spivey, black, shot to death at 21. 54-year-old. He made it to 54. Malcolm Warnsby, 54. Terry cook, 32 black shot to death. Michael Wright, black 21, shot to death. Michael Bloodson, 17, black, Chicago, shot to death. Charles Labon, 28, black shot to death. Tamica Riley, 37, black. Suffocation. Christopher McGee, black, shot to death. Kawantis Montgomery 19, black shot to death. Devonshay Lofton, 17, black shot to death. Kamaal Burton. 18, black, shot to death. Dimitre Beck, 21, black stabbed to death. Leon Austin, black stabbed to death. Markise M. Darling, 19, shot to death. Cortez River, black 16, shot to death. Davontae Harrison, 21. Black shot to death. Mondele Heard. 20 shot to death. Arthur Hearn, 88, died from assault. Chicago. Deandre Ellis black shot to death. Malachi Baldwin, 27, black shot to death. Leroyce Noel, 20 shot to death. Stanley Macon Jr., 25, shot to death. Camerion Blair, 16, shot to death. Shandel Adams, 25, black shot to death. Demureya Macon, 13, Chicago, shot to death. That was September.




Did you protest against blacks killing other blacks — the names of the people — black lives matter, the names of the people killed on the streets of Chicago, just in the last couple of months. James Watson, 61 years old, black, shot. It amazes me how many people were shot in a town where guns are illegal. Raymond Murray, 25, black, shot, South Shore, Chicago. STU: Devin Pope, age 23, race: black, South Shore of Chicago. August. GLENN: Tony MacIntosh, 20, black, shot, Chicago. PAT: Denero Appleton, thirty-one, black shot, South Deering, Chicago. Donald Williams, seventeen, black, shot, Austin neighborhood of Chicago. GLENN: Hezekiah Harper-Bey, 20, black, shot, West Garfield Park, Chicago. STU: Brian Davis, age 33, black, shooting, West Garfield Park, Chicago. Jerome Harris, 17 years, black, shot, Morgan Park, Chicago. GLENN: Unknown 21-year-old, black, shot, Gage Park, Chicago. PAT: Erik Kall, 27, black, shot, Chicago lawn. Darrien Jordan, 21 years old, black, shot. North Lawndale, Chicago. GLENN: Remember, black lives matter. JEFFY: Lafayette Walton, 16 years old, West Humboldt, Chicago. Dakari Pargo, 19 years old, shot, West Englewood. GLENN: Black lives matter. STU: Martrell Ross, thirty-two years old, black, shot, River North. Gabriel Stevens, 39 years old, black, shot, Auburn Gresham. GLENN: Torrente G. Pickens, black, 37, shot, Chicago. PAT: Ronald Holliman, 18 years old, black, shot, South Austin, Chicago. Derrick Bowens, 27 years old, black, shot, Englewood, Chicago. GLENN: Jackie Roberson. 22. Black. Shot. Chicago. Billy Washington. 37. Black, shot, Chicago. Larry Lee, 52, black, shot, Chicago. Damani Chenier, 23, black, stabbed to death, Chicago. Do black lives matter? Al Sharpton, do black lives matter? Mr. President, do black lives matter? Why are we marching in the streets? Black lives matter. Right? Raddy Comer, 20, black, shot, Chicago. Eddie Taylor, 22, black, shot, Chicago. STU: Vincente Obregon, twenty-one years, black, shot, Marquette Park. Darryl Allison, twenty-six, black, shot, Chicago. Kashif Tillis, 29, black, shot, Chicago. PAT: Alante Vallejo, 18 years old, black, shot, Rogers Park, Chicago. Carnesha Fort, 22 years old, black, Chicago. Brian Weekly, 18 years old, black, shot, Washington Park, Chicago. Kennyone Pendleton, black, shot, Chicago. GLENN: Black lives matter. Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the media, anarchists, communists, Mr. President, black lives matter. JEFFY: Jimero Starling, 19 years old, shot, Humboldt. ShAmbreyh Barfield, 21 years old, black, shot, West Garfield Park. STU: Jeremiah Shaw, 19, black, shot, Chicago. Jabari Scurlock, 16 years, black, shot, Chicago. Arnold Dearies is 26. Black, shot, Chicago. GLENN: Alexander Smith, 25, black, shot, Chicago. Rodney Wilson, 30, black, stabbed to death, Chicago. Genorel Martin, black, shot to death, Chicago. Travis Wright, 21, black, shot, Chicago. PAT: Laquisha Hickman, 35, black, shot, Ashburn, Chicago. Nykole Loving, 23 years old, black, Ashburn, Chicago. Paris Brown, 21, black, shot, Grand Crossing, Chicago. STU: Devonte Carthan, 17 years old, black, shot, Chicago. Julio Perkins, 30 years old, black, shot, Chicago. LaDarryl Walters, 23 years old, black, shot, Chicago. GLENN: By the way, these are a four-month period. I am only about halfway through my list. Reginald Boston, forty-four, black, stabbed to death. Stanley Bobo, 18, shot, Chicago. Tepete Davis, black, 42, shot to death, Chicago. Charles Wright, 39, shot to death, black, back of the yards, Chicago. Denzell Franklin, 23, black, shot to death, Chicago.


JEFFY: Corey Hudson, 34 years old, black shot, West Englewood. Robert Cotton, 35 years old, black, shot, West Englewood. PAT: Brett Ewing, 26 years old, shooting, black. Damian Williams, 22 years old, black, died of a shooting in Austin, part of Chicago. Dewey Knox, 27, black, shot to death, Chicago. Brandon Peterson, 17, died of shooting, black, East Garfield Park, Chicago. GLENN: David Morgan, 36, black, part of Chicago, shot to death. Marc Williams, 17, black, shot to death, South Chicago. Bobby Moore, 25, black, South Chicago. Darryl Owens Jr., black, 34, shot to death, Chatham. STU: Walter Neely, shot, 25 years old, black, Chicago. Shaquise Butler, 16 years old, black, shot, Chicago. Amy Holmes-Sterling, 29 years old, black, shot, Chicago. Karveon Glover, 16 years old, black, shot, Chicago. PAT: Louis Winn, age 22, black, died of a stabbing in Washington Heights, Chicago. Daniel Jones, 26 years old, black, shot, West Garfield Park, Chicago. Damarcus Boswell, 18, black, Marquette Park, Chicago. JEFFY: Shaquille Ross, 18 years old, black, shot, West Englewood, Chicago. Donald Ray, 21 years old, black, shot, South Austin, Chicago. Kezon Lamb, 20 years old, Chicago, shot. GLENN: Oduro Yeboah, 22, black, shot, Uptown. Owen Spears, 22, black, Humboldt Park, Chicago, shot to death. Pierre Peters, 41, black, shot to death, South Austin, Chicago. STU: Joel Wade, black, 20 years old, shot, Chicago. Seadl Commings, 27 years old, black, shot, Chicago. Dorval Jenkins, 19 years old, black, shot, Chicago. PAT: 15-year-old Dekarlos Scott, black, Rosslyn Park, Chicago.


“Why aren’t people protesting in the streets of Chicago and turning over cars — not police cars, because this is mainly black-on-black crime in Chicago. No cops involved here. These are just kids killing kids with illegal guns. You want to talk about oppression, you want to talk about slavery, and slavery exists. It exists in the inner city where you are a slave to crime. You cannot get your kids out because of the crime. You worry about your kids as they go out. Do not get shot in the front lawn. You do not even have to be doing anything wrong. Three years old, shot to death, front lawn. 14-year-old shot from inside the house even though the fighting was happening outside the house.”


Where is the justice? Where is the peace? Where are the marches? Where are the civil rights activists?



[Taken from Anthony Milton's book, "From the Eyes of a Cop:  Black Lives Matter"]


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Amazing how you don't hear that much about black on black crimes. Thank you for this article.

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Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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