President Trump


President Trump

I have been rebuking and executing judgment on his behalf, but there has been no discernable effect so far.


Then, I had a thought today that the pressure would increase upon President Trump until the Lord responded by breaking forth upon him with his Holy Spirit so powerfully that President Trump would be caught up to the stature (or a similar stature) as the apostle Peter or Paul.


I then questioned that thought, thinking that he does not appear to have any depth of Scripture or Scriptural knowledge. Then another thought answered me saying that it would be a Holy Ghost call and anointing, that is, without requiring repentance (or previous knowledge).


I thought this was so interesting because a similar experience is prophesied for the antichrist – that the evil power would fall on a man after he was elected on the platform of peace.


Now, I have been saying for a long time that the little horn of Daniel 7 is Messiah, the one who wages war against the saints to purify them from sin.


Well, here we have this man being completely demonized because he is trying to save the country.




I am suggesting that he might have an experience that might be a prequel in the natural to the great event that we are all waiting and hoping for.


The truth of the matter is that the Church prophesies that a man will be elected in the midst of world turmoil and become the antichrist, but we see the prophesied world circumstances but the elected man being crucified.


There has to be a climax, and I think that Jesus will be a part of it.


There is no way that the Lord would put this man in office and then not sustain him.


We pray for you, President Trump. May the Lord have his way with you, with this country and with the World. Come quickly, Lord Jesus! Maranatha!


Sheila R. Vitale,
Pastor, Teacher & Founder
Living Epistles Ministries
Christ-Centered Kabbalah


P.O. Box 562
Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776-0562
Phone: 631-331-1493
Fax: 631-536-2089


Comments (6)

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Hello Pastor, Thank you for this very interesting email. I also have been very upset about the recent events and persecution to President Trump. My own family is okay with pulling him apart as well . I will be praying about what you are suggesting, that the Holy Spirit may come upon him. It does sound like it makes sense, since Trump doesn't have a doctrinal background. The Lord sees his heart, and like you, I also feel that the Lord would not have brought him to the river and not let him drink. There were so many things that needed to be fix, and I think taking them all on at once really stirred up the evil. <br /> <br />It's painful to look at Drudge and see what is going on, but I do believe and am standing in faith, that Trump is God's man. There is no doubt about his heart for this country. If anything, these storms will be bringing him to his knees. How could it not?

  Rose Herczeg
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(continued) His whole world has been turned upside down. His wife is not in the White House with him, neither is his 10 year old son. His daughter is with him, that's good, but what a huge task before him with the evil coming at him from all angles. I just hope the Holy Spirit comes upon him soon, I'm not sure how much stress and spiritual battering a human being can take. <br /> <br />I stand with you in prayer and faith! Waiting to see what the next day will bring. I am amazed at your own ability to look at all the sin in the world and still be preaching 2 x a week. I can barely face some days. But of course, I know it's not you, it's the Lord doing it, sustaining you every minute of every hour of every day. God bless you so much! God come quickly! Love, Rose

  Rose Herczeg
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Pastor,<br />Excellent Blog post and how it went with Sundays Feb. 12th message, Amen.<br />I am Believing with you.<br />Love, S

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Amen to this word. I believe you are speaking Truth today. May that truth resonate forth that the eyes and ears of God's people would be opened and hear. Thank you Pastor Sheila!!

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Howdy! Sokeone inn my Facebook group shard this sife wuth uus sso I <br />came too tqke a look. I'm definitely oving the information. I'm bookmardking <br />andd wiol be tweeeting tthis too myy followers! Supertb boog andd outstandijg design andd style.<br />Heey therre woould youu ind lettring mme know whichh hosying <br />company you’re workingg with? I’ve loaded your blokg <br />in 3 different bbrowsers and I must say tthis blolg loadss a lott fastewr then most.<br /><br />Cann yoou suggst a gookd innternet hosting pfovider att <br />a fair price? Kudos, I appreciate it! I’ll immeiately seixe yoiur rsss ferd ass I can’t fiind your e-mail subsccription hyperlink oor <br />e-newsletter service. Do yoou havce any? Plezse permit mme know soo that I could subscribe.<br />Thanks.

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A very interesting view.

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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