Purchased v Ransomed


Purchased v Ransomed

         It is a misnomer to say that we were purchased from Satan. Ransomed is a more understandable word, because both the captive that is being ransomed and the criminal who is demanding the ransom, benefit from the exchange. 


        Jesus delivers his spiritual Blood to humanity, including Satan, the unconscious part of humanity’s Carnal Mind.


        Jesus’ Blood regenerates Righteous Adam, and restores mortal humanity to immortal Mankind.


        Humanity, which is now Mankind, lives forever through their new blood (the Blood of Jesus), which is an inexhaustible source of spiritual food for them.


        Satan, the warp threads of the visible image of the Creation of God, also lives forever as a part of the Whole Adam, when she stops feeding on the energy of humanity, which kills them, and starts feeding on the Blood of Jesus within Mankind, a new, inexhaustible source of spiritual food.


        There is no harm to Mankind when Satan feeds on his immortal blood. 


Jesus’ Blood price is paid in exchange for the blood of the flesh man. Blood for blood, spiritual food for spiritual food. Jesus’ Blood imparts immortality to the flesh man and satisfaction to Satan, who now feeds on the inexhaustible energy of Jesus’ blood -- no one dies.


        Satan has the legal authority, because of the sins of humanity, to drink their spiritual blood (energy), which eventually kills them. When Jesus’ Blood (which is engraved with his sinless nature), replaces their fallen blood (fallen nature) they become incapable of sin. So when Satan feeds on them, they do not die. Jesus’ Blood sustains both sides of Adam, his living soul and the bestial nature that is attached to it.


        Jesus gave up his human life (which could have lived forever in the flesh) to become a spiritual man capable of spiritual reproduction. 


        Jesus’ Blood produces Christ, the female seed out of which humanity’s spiritual manhood emerges in the form of the man child (Rev 12:5).  Satan no longer has to feed on the life force of the material body, which eventually dies and leaves her homeless. Satan, the spiritual lion, can now live in peace in the same material body that the Lamb of God occupies, because they both feed there on Jesus’ inexhaustible energy, through his Blood. There is no longer any need for Satan to consume the energy of the flesh which results in the death of the person. There is no longer any reason for the lion to kill the Lamb for food.


Rev 12:5

     5 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.   KJV


Also See, The Scapegoat, CCK Message #574.


Comments (3)

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Very interesting and very powerful post.<br />Thank you S.

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Oh this is so good. This spiritual food is very nourishing to my spirit. Thank you for this!!

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WOW, this is a very deep teaching.

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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