Black Lives Matter - Ch 8


Black Lives Matter - Ch 8


        We as a black race need to wake up and take responsibility for our behavior and accept that we are responsible for everything that happened to us. We have come too far to keep returning to the past and blame and accuse. As a black male I was told, “You are acting white.” Why would they say such a thing? I was not one of them. I was reflecting on what was said. I was acting white because I was not speaking as the masses.

I thought about the phrase “acting white.” It can be insulting to a lot of black people. It is common knowledge that a “Redbone female,” light skin black person, will be called a Negro or some would use the “N” word. If you go to college and get a degree, get a good job, have a nice car, work in a managerial position, display any kind of success, depending upon who you are talking to you might be hit with the phrase, “you think you better than us (me).”


As a tear flows within my inner being, I can see the tears in the spirit of those who want to talk but are afraid to. One person can make a difference. They must decide to stand up and speak the truth. If we permit any race to define who we are, we are living on their plantation of lies and beliefs.


If we decide to escape their plantations of lies, beliefs, and stop to think for ourselves, they would do everything possible to get us back on the plantation of beliefs and ideas.


They would whip us with whips of lies and untruth to force us back into their plantation.


Those who do not wish to run back to this self-imposed master will be looked at as not one of us.


They would be attacked with lies, thinking that black lives matter to them and not one’s self.


Do black lives matter when a black male decides to take responsibility for his children?


Do black lives matter when a black mother listens to the truth about a child’s criminal behavior?


Do black lives matter when a black male is a father to his children?


Do black lives matter when a black male looks for a job to provide for his family and quits selling drugs, etc.?


Do black lives matter when a black male looks at himself in the mirror and hates what he has become and changes for the better?


Is acting white being a black male who decides to not let the government be the father to his children?


Is acting white a black male who gets a job?


Is acting white a black male who thinks with his head and not with the one between his legs?


Do black lives matter when so many black males are incarcerated?

Do black lives matter when there are fewer crimes committed by females?


Do black lives matter when a black male points out the truth about his race behavior?


Do black lives matter when a black male stands up for righteousness in the face of persecution?


All lives matter. We have no special right to determine whose life matters.


Black lives matter. Oh really, then why are you quiet in the face of your own race attacking each other.


I have not previously seen nor heard of any black or white activists protesting in the black neighborhood against black on black crime and yet these activists claim they speak for the black race.


I was reminded that I too was one who blamed another race for my problems, etc.  I had this notion I did not want to read a book without any pictures. Then the lights went off in my head. If someone wants to hide something from me, they would put it in a book. I woke up from that belief, read the books and began to believe for myself. I am a runaway slave from the ideas of my slave master of my same race and others who say only black lives matter and they speak to me.


Why, why must we accept the lies in the face of truth? Don’t tell me black lives matter when some blacks riot, steal, set fires and attack the police who are responding to their behavior which is harming black lives.


Black lives matter to those who have a plan to divide and conquer the less informed blacks.


They are using them behind the scenes. If they are arrested, would those same people bond them out of jail? I want put any faith in that they would.


Do you think those blacks who commit crimes against other blacks care about black lives matter when black victims try to protect themselves and are killed by them?


Do you think a black victim thinks about black lives matters when they are protecting themselves in any way from other blacks?


We, as a race of people, need to educate of ourselves about history. We need to refuse to accept what is being said. We must do our own research and be willing to change our minds when the facts of any shooting are revealed. What you do with it is entirely up to you.


Do you believe that black lives matter to a black criminal who commits violence upon other blacks? 



[Taken from Anthony Milton's book, "From the Eyes of a Cop:  Black Lives Matter"]

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Thank you Tony!!!! Thought provoking.

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Very powerful.

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Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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