Black Lives Matter - Ch 5


Black Lives Matter - Ch 5


From the eyes of a police officer, am I supposed to patrol the street without a gun as Andy Griffith portrays in a television show called, “The Andy Griffith Show?” The reruns are still shown on various television channels.


From the eyes of a police officer, in today’s emotional climate some people would want the police officer to carry a gun without any bullets and one in their left breast pocket if they had it their way.


You might think I am joking, but consider this. On “The Andy Griffith Show” there was a character named Barry Fife, the deputy sheriff. Sheriff Andy would take Barney’s bullets from his gun, give him one to put in his left breast pocket because he would not trust Barney with a loaded gun in fear of accidentally shooting himself or an innocent bystander. Barney never carried a loaded gun. Also, Andy Taylor was a sheriff without a gun. When you have the time, watch the show to see Andy without a gun and Barney is wearing an unloaded weapon.


From the eyes of a police officer, should I be an Andy or a Barney? At least Barney has a gun with a bullet. Do you think he would have a chance with a weapon pointed at him? No! He would be dead or injured before he could load the gun. From the eyes of police offer, why would Barney reach for an unload gun, is it to give the suspect the impression that he is going to be shot or hope that the suspect shoots at his legs, arms, or hand? Give me a break. I would be dead or injured.




Here is something to consider for those of us who live miles away from a police-related shooting. If we agree with the emotions or things we hear from the television or radio without waiting on the facts, we too have spiritually made a soul tie to the spirit or rioting, lies, looting, shooting and any violence that occur.


Your unbelief does not change spiritual laws and justice will fall upon you, your children, or their children eventually. When bad things happen to us, we need to consider what did we agree with that was later revealed to be untrue. Our physical location does not hide us from the spiritual laws of God. God knows our intentions and motives behind our choices.


From the eyes of a police officer, those of you who refuse to accept the truth have told the one and only lawgiver that gave us the laws that they know who is at fault. So they are going to kill, injure, steal, break into the businesses and burn them down to the ground because they are exercising their right to protest.




Some of them may have never heard that the lawgiver knows their intention and motive concerning their behavior. For that reason alone, they would reap what they had sown regardless of they avoid being arrested. Also, this applies to those who use a police officer shooting or anything that involves the police to directly or indirectly incite riots, etc. Being a black person does not give us special permission or rights to do as we please. To use race to put fear in another race or their own race to get your way, regardless of the damage caused is wrong in the eyes of the spiritual lawgiver.




When I was a police officer, I had read the Miranda Warning, to those who I had arrested. For those of you who do not know what is, The Miranda Warning is a police warning which is given to criminal suspects who are in the custody of law enforcement in the United States before they can ask questions regarding what took place during the crime:


• You have the right to remain silent when questioned.


• Anything you say or do may be used against you in a court of law.


• You have the right to consult an attorney before speaking to the police and to have an attorney present during questioning now or in the future.


• If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you before any questioning, if you wish.


• If you decide to answer any questions now, without an attorney present, you will still have the right to stop answering at any time until you talk to an attorney.


• Knowing and understanding your rights as I have explained them to you, are you willing to answer my questions without an attorney present?




• You have the right to know the cause of your problems.


• If you refuse to listen, then you will be subject to correction.


• Anything you say will always be used against you.


• You must confess and repent of your sinful behaviors.


• Your attorney is the spirit of truth.


• If you refuse to do anything, you would be arrested.


• You will reap what you have sown.


• And you will remain in your sins.


• Do you understand what I have told you?




• You have the right to know the cause of your problems.


• If you refuse to listen you will be subject to correction.


• Anything that you say will always be used against you.


• You must agree that you have sinned.


• You must confess and repent of all your sinful behaviors.


• Your attorney is the spirit of truth.


• If you refuse to do anything, then you are under judgment.


• Do you understand what I have said?




• You do not have a right to remain in your sins.


• Anything that you refuse to examine about yourself. You will reap what you have sown.


• You are entitled to have spiritual representation. And the truth is available at any time you want.


• Your sins have arrested you and you need to be set free.


• You cannot afford to remain in your sins,


• If you refuse to believe that you always sin, you have judged and sentence yourself to pain, suffering, spiritual, and physical death.


• Do you understand your spiritual rights?


• Knowing and understanding your spiritual rights as I have explained them to you, are you willing to agree that you sin.


• Are you ready for your spiritual representation to set you free?


[Taken from Anthony Milton's book, "From the Eyes of a Cop:  Black Lives Matter"]

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Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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