Black Lives Matter - Ch 4


Black Lives Matter - Ch 4



From the eyes of a police officer, we do not lose our rights when they (the suspect) are in fear for their lives. Those who believe that need to consider if they were confronted by a suspect and are in fear of their life, they too would fire their weapon or use any weapon to protect their own life.


From the eyes of a police officer, do you know how it feels to leave home not knowing if you are going to return home to your wife, husband, family, friends, girlfriend or kids?


From the eyes of a cop, do you know how it feels when a fellow police officer is shot and you live with the thought you might be the next victim?


From the eyes of a cop, we join to serve and protect and for some of us, we believe it to be a God-given calling. It's not about the money.


From the eyes of a cop, do you know how it feels when a bad police officer brings shame to a department and you are cast in the same boat of bad behaviors as he or she sat in?


From the eyes of a cop, for some I don’t expect them to understand because they are being deceived in believing lies that we are going around shooting people for sport.




We all need to examine the facts when a police officer is involved in a shooting. Don’t get caught up in the emotions of the crowd or past injustice. Have you ever wondered why those in the surrounding shooting areas take advantage of the emotions to riot, break into stores and steal televisions, computers, or whatever they have decided to steal?




I have heard this, “we are exercising our rights to protest. The news media hardly ever asked why they are breaking in businesses stealing whatever, and setting the building on fire. Where does is says exercising your rights to protest give anyone the right to damage another person's property, steal, injure or kill all in the name of a suspect that fired his weapon, or did something to injure a police who was in fear for his life.




Are we to accept violent behaviors? Should it be ignored because a police officer shot or killed someone? What happens when the police respond to the calls for help from the same shooting areas? When the officers arrive, they are greeted with rocks and bottles. They arrest the looters, some physical fights occur while arresting the suspects, and from the same neighborhood, the police officers are accused of police abuse.




I mentioned there are some black officers that direct their attention towards the white race and how their injustices rarely are in the news. Also, when they are involved in a police-related shooting of a black or white person, that too rarely is in the news (unless it’s a prominent person).




Some people celebrate when a police officer is killed or injured after a police officer shooting. I have heard it's payback. It is a shame to think that way. What has become of right and wrong, good and evil? We are not supposed to be the judge and jury. Those who behave as such will reap what they had done to others. God is the ultimate judge. It's not my opinion. There is a spiritual law that requires recompense. Believe this, it won't be about race.



Be honest and ask yourself these questions. Where were those politicians, community organizers, the NAACP and those that say they speak for the American people when some black males were knocking people out in what they call a knockout game? I follow the stories closely and never heard any of these individuals on the television nor radio telling those black males to stop. They remained silent in the midst of pain, injuries and death. Police officers are not shooting black males for no reason.


We need to face the truth that some black males are violent and they would shoot a police officer or another black person in a heartbeat. Some leaders say they speak for the black race and yet they remain silent when it comes to black on black crime in the black neighborhood.


From the eyes of a police officer, I have been told that I am a sellout to the black race because I arrest black males. When I heard that, I thought, "Am I supposed to look the other way and only arrest white people?” Of course not. I would be a racist.


From the eyes of a police officer, my experience and from some police-related shootings, there are some blacks that would tell what they saw to the police and the grand jury. Their testimonies are ignored, never mentioned by those who have a hidden agenda to use a police officer shooting for financial gain, power, control or whatever their evil mind manifests.




From the eyes of a cop, do you know how it feels when I approach a vehicle not knowing if I’ll be shot by the driver who may have done something illegal? It has happened to other officers.


From the eyes of a police officer, when I fight with a suspect who attempts to take my weapon and if he did, you can be sure he would not be aiming for my hands, arms or legs. They would shoot to kill or injure me.


From the eyes of five-0, how do you think I feel hearing lies that are being said that white cops are killing black for no reason?


From the eyes of a police officer, how do you think I feel that nothing is mentioned about black officers firing their weapons at a black  person that threaten their lives? Where are the protests?


From the eyes of a police officer, why are some people dividing the police officers? Are we to fear each other?


From the eyes of a police officer, why do the black youth’s riot, steal, burn down a building, set cars on fire and disrupt the same neighbor where the shooting occurs?


From the eyes of a police officer, why do some black leaders who say they speak for the black race rarely say "stop the violence?"


From the eyes of a cop, am I to stand in front of a pointed weapon and hesitate to shoot my weapon because of how the shooting might be perceived? Should I not defend myself if my life is in danger?


From the eyes of a police officer, am I to leave my weapon home and patrol the streets without it.


From the eyes of a police officer, how am I going to defend you if a suspect is pointing a weapon at you or have any threatening weapon to kill or injured you?


From the eyes of a police officer, if someone is threatening your life or child's life and you have the opportunity to shoot them, what would you do?


[Taken from Anthony Milton's book, "From the Eyes of a Cop:  Black Lives Matter"]

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Very thought provoking!

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Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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