The Rising of the Kingdom of God


The Rising of the Kingdom of God


I really thank God for this revelation that came forth in  message (LEM 789 The State of the Soul Part 1 - preached on Thursday 09 June 2016).

It has straightened out things and given a clearer picture as to the end times events. It’s just amazing how things are falling in place and getting clearer and clearer! 


I simply love what you said “The new Age of the Kingdom of God has begun, is within, it is hidden within the shell of this ministry. But it is going to be revealed… it is being revealed. It is going to rise up out of the ashes of the destruction that has already taken place.” Hallelujah!!



Answer from Pastor Vitale:

(Below is the excerpt from Pastor Vitale's message entitled "The State Of The Soul" (Message #789, Part 1))


The final vision* was the destruction of America. The Lord said to me, Sheila, it has already happened. America is destroyed. We are not the America that God raised up. The shell looks the same. The geographical areas are the same. The buildings are the same. But this is not the America that was God’s poster-child, the blue-print for the Kingdom of God that is about to appear in the earth. We completely changed because the soul of the nation has changed. He said, that is the end. Destruction is the end of THIS America that you see today. It will turn to ashes before your eyes, but the Kingdom of God is coming.


Mr Branham had the ability to see to the end of this Age. He was a prophet of this present Age and he saw to the end of this Age. But he did not see the next Age that is being born right out of the dust of this Age.


The Lord says through Hosea, if you had not left us a tenth we would have been completely destroyed. The Lord always leaves a tenth, He left a tenth from the floods. He leaves a tenth from every destruction. He leaves a remnant. The Kingdom of God will rise up out of the ashes. This (America) was an imputed demonstration of the ability of Jehovah to bless a people through the representative that He sends to them, the Lord Jesus Christ.


It was a clay model, a model, and the serpent has corrupted the model. But he will not corrupt the real deal which has already begun to rise. The real deal, the Kingdom of God, the imparted Kingdom of God that will never be destroyed has already begun to arise. It started in secret. Can you tell when a woman is pregnant? When you look at her, you cannot tell.


And it is this message, and it is what he is doing in this ministry… please I am not exalting this ministry… this ministry is the outer shell, it is Him, it is all about Him. The new Age of the Kingdom of God has begun, is within, it is hidden within the shell of this ministry. But it is going to be revealed… it is being revealed. It is going to rise up out of the ashes of the destruction that has already taken place.


We are destroyed as a nation. We are already destroyed. It has happened already.


Mr Branham saw to the end of this Age. This ministry is into the vision of the next Age. That is how the Lord reconciled what he is teaching here to what Mr Branham taught.


* William Branham’s Vision Seven: “The voice bade him look once more. As he turned and beheld, a great explosion rent the entire land, and left the land of America a smouldering, chaotic ruin.”


Culled from: The Voice-William Branham & The Message of The Hour

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Powerful! Thank you.

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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