406 - Part 2

  • Introducing
    Author, Teacher, Lecturer, Social Commentator, Reviewer, Critic, Illustrator
    Founder of Living Epistles Ministries (1988)
  • s2_bg_image2
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    Bible teacher of the Doctrine of Christ, Basic Principles, Doctrinal Analysis, Atlah,
    Gold Dust, The Matrix Page, Dream Interpretation, Answering the hard questions about Jesus
  • s2_bg_image4
    Teaching the four grades of Scripture in London since 1997: Literal, Moral, Hints
    & the Mysteries
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    An esoteric interpretation of Select Scriptures. The Alternate Translation
    Bible is not intended to replace the traditional Scripture.
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L.406.2.1A 1C.M.ISAAC.conv




The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For 
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By 
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Praise the Lord everybody. I had a little interference putting these notes together, it seems that every message I preach, I say this must be a very powerful message, because we get opposed on every message that we preach. So I've done, normally under these circumstances I would start the message off with a review of verses, let me see what verses, I think we started, we were in Gen.22, and we started with Verse 1, so normally I would have started with the review, but my notes got all messed up on the computer.


So what I think I'm going to do just to bring you into the thought flow is read the alternate translation from the back starting on Page 4, and I'm not, I'm just going to read it through, I'm not going to be making, I'm not even going to read the comments, I'm just going to read it through to bring you into the thought flow, and then we're going to pick up on Verse 12.


We ended off with Verse 11 in Part 1, and we will do from Verse 12 through verse.... actually, it's through Verse 16, and if you're looking at that alternate translation, you could see that I've interspersed it. Most of the time I give you the verse in the numerical order and then I intersperse it, but, as I told you, my notes got all messed up today.


So this is what I'm going to do. I'm going to read through Verse 1-16 without the comments, and then we will go back to Page one, and start with Verse 12. We're starting on Page 4, the top of Page 4, "And it came to pass after these matters that Elohim intending to test Abraham said, See if you can recognize me. And Michael said to Abraham, it's time to marry your lover, Abel, my only begotten son and proceed with Isaac into Adam, the mind that sees with Jehovah's sight, and ascend into the united mountain that I have told you is above the firmament."


Verse 5 in the middle of page 4, "And Michael spoke to Abraham and said to Abel in Abraham and Isaac, the young men, I will continue to dominate Leviathan until she is prostrated so that Adam can return to the world within and dwell on this side of Leviathan. And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father saying, Michael my spiritual father said that we would see his son, and he continued I see Satan the fire, and Leviathan the wood, but where is Adam the lamb who will ascend above the firmament? And Elohim said to Isaac through Abraham, you will see that my son Adam is the sinless lamb that is the staircase to the world above the firmament. And as the two of them continued on together, Michael arose in Abraham, married the two young spiritual men who were near to him, and shouldered the burden of ruling Leviathan. And Abel ascended up the staircase and proceeded to the place that Elohim had told Abraham belonged to them.


And as Abraham ascended spiritually he looked and saw Adam behind the woman, and the spirit of Adam's mind was interwoven with Satan, and Leviathan was overlaying him, but Abraham proceeded to marry Adam and ascend up the staircase. And Adam, the lad, burst through the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and Abraham captured Satan and Leviathan, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and Adam, the stairway to the world above the firmament, seized and covered over Isaac, his son. And they came to the place that Elohim had told them about, and Abraham repaired the altar there, which is the upper part of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and directed Isaac to it, by binding Leviathan in him and putting Satan and Leviathan, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, in the correct moral order. And Adam took hold of Satan and Leviathan and cast them both in to the lake of fire together, and Abraham and Isaac died to their mortal lifestyle.


Then Satan was carried away and Abraham's eyes saw the golden timeline, and Abraham exchanged Satan and Leviathan for Adam, Elohim's son. And Michael, the angel of the Lord, called out of heaven unto Abraham who is in the second timeline, and Michael said, the Serpent has withheld...." Well I did fix that I guess. "And Michael said, the Serpent has withheld my only begotten son from me, but now that she perceives your submission to Elohim, she has sent Leviathan after Adam's spirit and Satan to restore her, Satan's moral order. And Adam shot forth in Abraham and took hold of his other self," that's Leviathan in Abraham and Isaac, "..and Adam in Isaac sacrificed Leviathan in Isaac and the Scripture says, the daughter, the Serpent's daughter, "And Adam shot forth in Abraham and took hold of his other and sacrificed the Serpent's daughter. And Michael called to Adam," that's himself, "out of heaven, saying "Abraham," and Abraham said, "I can see you." And Michael said, "I have completed you as Jehovah declared or as Jehovah has commanded because the Serpent withheld my only begotten son. And Abraham called the name of that place The Revelation of Jehovah, because Abraham willed himself towards Michael, Jehovah's personality, and Adam the foundation of spiritual Israel's timeline."


And I do have a witness, well I guess I'm not teaching right now, we're just reading that to get you in the flow of the thought. This is a very exciting passage on several levels. Well, first of all it has the whole account of salvation, it has at least the first two stages of resurrection. I guess it doesn't have the third, it has a lot of detail about the first two stages of resurrection, and it has the first two phases of the first stage of resurrection, and it's just very exciting, and of course it should be exciting to anyone who is spiritual in Christ or mature in Christ to find out that Jehovah never ordained a human sacrifice, never required it of Abraham, and that the whole translation of that Hebrew account was a gross carnal misunderstanding by the very well-meaning King James translators.


What I'd like to do now, it's a little late but if you would stay with me for a while I would like to do something. I just wouldn't like Satan to say she got away with wrecking this meeting this morning. I'd like to go to Page 1 of your notes and start translating from Verse 12-16, and if we don't get to it this morning we'll finish it tonight. I would like to go through that alternate translation again, and I'd like to read you my comments and point out the specific phrases that are referring to the specific aspects of the resurrection.


Once again if you look at your notes, the words that you see in brackets, they're words that I have amplified, that I have added in, because with these deep revelations, frequently words are missing, and if you don't understand what the Scripture is talking about, you'll never be able to get the revelation.


Okay, starting with Verse 12 of Gen.22, the King James says, "And he said, lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou anything unto him for now I know that thou fearest God seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me." I have to tell you that before I did this study, the thought never occurred to me how this statement could not be true, it could not be true of Jehovah that he tested Abraham by seeing if he would kill his son.


This whole concept is a complete contradistinction to the whole principle of the Scripture and to everything that Jehovah is. And it is as much of an abomination as saying that Jesus, the physical shed blood of Jesus Christ, satisfied Jehovah's blood lust and that is how mankind is pardoned. This is all the Serpent's translation of the Hebrew Scripture.


And once again, as I told you on Part 1, we sort of did a quicky job on this account, and I haven't any Strong's numbers for you. If you want, you'll have to look them up yourself, but what I have done is just put the word that appears in the King James. Now when I told you just a few minutes ago that the words in brackets are amplified words, I'm talking about the alternate translation. When we work up the translation, the words in brackets are the words of the King James, the words of the King James, right here in Verse 12 of Page 1, right at the beginning....well I see that I've done a confusing thing, actually I see that I've used the brackets both ways here. And Michael said, now those brackets, I have added Michael in.


Why would I do that? Because from the prior verses, it was indicated that we were talking about Michael, and, of course, the name Michael doesn't appear anywhere in this account. The name that appears is Elohim. I do not have any full explanation for you at this time as to why the name Michael does not appear more often, but the name Elohim appears, and when I look at the whole context of the whole verse, and of the whole chapter, it occurs to me that it is indeed Elohim doing this, but through his personality. Elohim's personality, or Elohim's seed is Michael.


Now why it's such a mystery, I don't know. I only know that at the very end, I must have just read it to you, at the very last verse, we get something in the King James, yes in Verse 14, it's the last verse in our alternate translation, it talks about Michael, Jehovah's personality.


So the Alternate Translation is Jehovah's personality, we know that it's Michael. Now why Michael's such a mystery, I still don't know. Does anyone not understand what I just said, that the Scripture says Elohim but Elohim has many manifestations. Elohim appears as Michael, Elohim appears as Abel, Elohim appears as Adam, it's all Michael reproducing himself. Everybody okay with that?


Okay, why Michael is such a mystery, there has to be a reason for it, and the only answer that I have at this time is that Michael is a part of the deep mystery of this whole doctrine of Christ, and he is a secret that is only for the ears of those who are going on. Now there is a certain degree of this message that the Lord does allow to get out in other circles, not only in the church but in the new age movement. There are a lot of people who read the Bible, but there are certain factors of the end time plan of Jesus Christ that is not for the ears of anybody except those who are in complete submission to Jesus Christ and going through.


"And Michael said, the Serpent has withheld you from Adam my only begotten son, but now that she perceives," and that word perceive is a translation of the word "know," now that she perceives your submission to Elohim she has sent Leviathan, that's a translation of the word "hand." One of the translations of the word hand is phallus. And we know that a spiritual phallus is a mind, and we know that the carnal mind is Leviathan. So now that the Serpent knows that you're submitting to Elohim she has sent Leviathan after Adam's spirit and Satan to restore or "put," and that's a translation of put, "her moral order." You see, I've talked to you about this before, it's really an awesome, our spiritual situation is an awesome situation. No matter how passive you may be or maybe think you are, the whole world is engaged in a warfare, and there are many people who are completely victimized by the Serpent because, well, for whatever reason, they're being punished by her.


Well, in this timeline it's Satan and Leviathan, and there are many who are being blessed by Satan because there's no resistance whatsoever to her domination. Boy this is a tough morning, my thought just went right out of my mind. Let me try and get it back. And Adam's spirit, okay I know what I was talking about, but in the people who are at war with Leviathan and Satan and trying to live out of Abel and, hopefully, eventually Adam in this hour, there's a continuous war from second to second. Christ is sacrificing Leviathan, and Leviathan is trying to sacrifice Christ, and whoever is sacrificed at the moment, it's the victor's, the whole person comes into the victor's moral order.


In other words, if in a human being, whatever the conflict is, if Christ fails, if Leviathan succeeds in sacrificing Christ, the mind, the mentality of the whole individual, comes into the Serpent's moral order. What does that mean? It means that the Serpent's your head, it means that you're under, you're thinking with the mind of the Serpent in you and, therefore, will do the deeds that you think. And then Christ comes along and sacrifices Leviathan and brings your mind into the right moral order. How does he bring you into the right moral order? He has circumcised Leviathan, your carnal mind, covered her over with your Christ mind, and the head of the Christ mind is the Lord Jesus Christ, so you're in the right moral order, you see.


And for people who are in the war like us, this goes on from second to second, from minute to minute, from day to day, from crises to crises, from moment to moment. One minute you're thinking with your carnal mind, and you really think that you're right, but by the grace of God if, in fact, you are wrong, the Lord Jesus Christ will correct you, and when you receive his correction he reestablishes his moral order in your mind, you see.


Now that's what we just had here tonight, a correction was brought forth, the sister told me honestly that she could not see what I was, it was an honest statement that she could not see what I was talking about, and she thought I was wrong, and she came over to me inside and said the Lord had convicted her and gave her understanding in her heart that what I said was correct. Now you see, it's not enough to just say I'm going to do what you tell me. Jesus wants more than that. In this hour, he wants every one of us to understand his righteousness, see. Because if you're just going to do what I tell you, then you're under the law. There are blessings for the law you see, but you're just under the law, you see. So our goal in this ministry and my goal as your leader is to talk to you and pray with you every time there's a conflict, believing that Jesus Christ, the ultimate judge, will speak, and if our ears and our mind are open to him, whoever was out of his moral order, who? Jesus' moral order. If you hear him talking and you're willing to confess it and repent, he reestablishes his moral order in your life.


And the more you're willing to do this and the more this happens, the more your whole life is going to change around, because if everyday he builds his moral order in you, you're going to have his moral order until Satan or til Leviathan overthrows you again, and if he brings it to your attention, either through me or somebody else, and you have the same opportunity every time Leviathan overthrows Jesus Christ's moral order in your mind, that means Leviathan covers over your mind of Christ, if by the grace of God there is somebody there present, to point it out to you and you're willing to if you don't believe it, if you're willing to pray and receive the correction, Christ will be reestablished as your head, which will bring great benefits for as long as he stays up there.


And the challenge to all of us is to keep him up there as the head to fullest degree that it's possible.


So if you haven't already done so, if you're reading this message for the first time, make your fleece with the Lord, that you would like to have it pointed out to you every time you're thinking with your carnal mind, and he'll do it, and the end of this process is a permanent full stature. That's the end of the process. If you defeat Leviathan every time, the end of the process is an enduring condition of full stature.


See, you're not going to wake up one morning and be in full stature. You walk into full stature by overcoming every thought of the carnal mind and replacing it with the Christ thought, and that's what the judgment seat of Christ is all about. We don't have the law here, it's not good enough to just do what someone tells you. The Lord wants you convicted in your own heart of righteousness, and then when you're convicted of that righteousness, that righteousness becomes a part of you and now you can pass it on to others, that we should all come into a righteous submission to Jesus Christ wherever he's appearing. That's what full stature is, it's built in you a brick at a time, a correction at a time.


The Scripture says that in the last day the son of God will speak, and those who hear will live. Well I don't know about you, but I never used to wonder about what he was going to say. Well, I used to think that what he was going to say was the doctrine of Christ, and there's a truth in that, but I'm believing more and more that the Scripture that says, and those who hear will live, that it's more than the doctrine of Christ. Those who hear his voice and obey will live, will receive life. It's not just the doctrine, Cain has to go in too.


Okay, we're starting Verse 12 again, if you heard me talk about Verse 12 previously.... somehow my notes were not corrected properly. So any discrepancy between what you heard over the last ten minutes and now, please choose what I'm going to give you now. Verse 12, "And Michael said," you see the King James just says "and he said," but Verse 11 is talking about the angel of the Lord, and we know that the angel of the Lord is Michael. "And Michael said, lay not thine hand upon the lad," and the word "not" we're translating "Serpent," and the word "lay" we're translating "send forth," and "thy hand" is a, well one of the translations of the word "hand" is "phallus," and the spiritual phallus is the mind, and we're translating that Leviathan and Satan, the carnal mind.


The word "upon," we're translating "after," and "the lad," neither do thou anything, and that phrase "anything," we're translating, one of the legitimate translations in the concordances is "speck" or "point," well we're translating that "breath of life," and the breath of life is the human spirit.


I have a little study for you following here on the word "anything." That's the King James word "anything." It's Strong's #3972, and one of the legitimate translations, as you follow it down you could see, is a speck or a point, something negative or nothing.


Now if it's negative we know that the negative is the Serpent, so I'm going to take, we know that many Hebrew words, there's both a positive translation and a negative translation, and I'm suggesting to you that, in view of the context of Verse 12, this word "anything" should be translated "the human spirit." So I'm choosing a speck or a point as the translation, and if you follow down you'll see Strong's #3971 can also mean"to stain," "to blemish, morally or physically." And I think the conflict here, and you might be saying, well how can you be translating a word "human spirit" or "the breath of life" that has these tarnished connotations to it, but in fact, brethren, the human spirit is tarnished, you see.


The human spirit is that speck of life that originated with the Godhead, but it's tarnished now. It's in a perverse relationship with Cain and the earth. And this is how I draw my conclusion and how I translate that word, human spirit. Verse 12, "And Michael said, the Serpent is sending her carnal mind after Abel to put his breath of life in her, Satan's moral order, because she knows that you reverence Elohim, and Satan has withheld my only begotten son from you." I amplified that.


Verse 12, this is the way it appears in the alternate translation. "And Michael said," I'm on top of Page 2, the second appearance of Verse 12, this is the Amplified Translation, "And Michael said, the Serpent has withheld you from Adam my only begotten son, and now that she perceives your submission to Elohim, she has sent Leviathan after Abel's spirit and Satan to restore her moral order."


You see, brethren, it's essential that we understand about this warfare, and the whole kingdom church is preaching "no warfare." You have got to understand, and I have got to understand that every time Jesus Christ takes a victory in your mind and what is, there is only one victory that is a true victory, that his mind has prevailed over the Serpent's mind in an individual, that's the only victory. Maybe you need a job and he got you a job, and there's all kinds of things out there, but the only true foundational root victory is that the mind that Jesus Christ is raising up in you has covered over Leviathan and defeated Satan's power to do otherwise, and when you get that victory and when we learn to hold on to that victory, everything else in our life will fall into place.


You have to deal with the roots you see, and we need to know, and you know you may have heard it, we're all a bunch of seasoned warriors here, I know I heard it in the church a long time ago, as soon as Jesus gives you a victory, watch out, because while you're gloating, well gloating is a bad word, while you're joyful and jumping up and down and praising God, Satan is already coming in the back door looking to grenade you. Does anybody here not know that? You keep forgetting it, you know. It's the truth, you see.


But I never heard it in this context that the Lord is bringing forth now, you've got to know that our salvation is in the reality of the mind of Christ dominating and crushing the Serpent's mind and staying in that position. And you've got to know that one of our biggest weaknesses, I've got to know too, one of our biggest weaknesses is that when we're rejoicing over the victory, we take our eyes off the enemy. And we also have to be very careful to keep our emotions and our pride out of it, and I know that.


I was preaching in Florida, I had an opportunity to preach in Florida a few months ago, and there was a tremendous victory, a tremendous spiritual victory that came forth. The message was, the Lord brought forth the doctrine of Christ, the crowd there received it, there was no opposition at all, and as I was driving home I was flying, and the Lord spoke to me clearly in a loud audible voice which he does not do very often, and he said to me, "Sheila, get a hold of yourself, this is your pride, and the fullest degree to which you let your pride raise you up, that is the strength with which you fall when Leviathan rejects you from the very same people."


And I recognized immediately the truth of it, and it was just last week that I had a similar situation and didn't hear an audible voice. I had internalized the lesson and that means, see in that car in Florida, it was Jesus Christ who spoke to me in that loud voice, but last week when this happened to me, it was Christ in me who had internalized the lesson, that part of me which was Christ knew that I, and I rebuked it, I said you had a good moment Sheila, you had a good breakthrough, just cool it. I had to deal with my emotions which remained stable, not only with negative emotions but with positive emotions.


So this is the principle here that Satan is coming after you to restore her moral order, and actually it should be the Serpent's moral order. As soon as you got the victory, she's coming after you, you've got to know it.


"And Michael said, the Serpent has withheld you with Adam my only begotten son." That's not right. And the Serpent, and Michael said, "the Serpent has withheld Adam my only begotten son from me, the Serpent has withheld Adam my only begotten son from me. But now that she recognizes your submission to Elohim...." You see, she knows what that means.


Brethren, every time you or I submit to Jesus, on no matter how small an issue or a point that it is, Satan knows what the end of this, in her mind, act of rebellion could be. The end of this whole thing could be her utter destruction.


"And Michael said, the Serpent has withheld Adam my only begotten son from me, but now that she perceives your submission to Elohim she has sent Leviathan, her carnal mind, after Abel's spirit and Satan to restore the Serpent's moral order."


Going on with Verse 13, "And Abraham lifted up his eyes and looked and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns and Abraham went and took the ram and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son." Now brethren you may recall from our study in Dan.8, that the ram is a symbol for Adam, the ram is a symbol for Adam. And I saw a ram standing there, it's the very beginning of Dan.8, the ram symbolizes Adam, male sheep.


"And Abraham lifted up his eyes..," and lifted, now I'm giving you the sequence of the words according to the Interlinear Text, "and lifted up Abraham his mind," now the translation for the word "eyes" is the Strong's, Brown Driver's Briggs lexicon, is that it could easily be translated mental and spiritual faculties and since we're doing a spiritual translation, and we're talking about seeing in the spirit, I suggest to you that Abraham lifted, was lifted up in his mind, he was lifted up in his mind, and he started seeing the things of God. Because when you're not lifted up, when you're down in your mind, that means Leviathan's covering you over, and you can't see anything.


Brethren, this is our whole problem. Leviathan's laying on our eyes, and she's laying on our ears, and she's laying on our understanding, that's our whole problem. The Scripture is very clear that as soon as we're set free from this witchcraft which binds our faculties of comprehension, we will choose Jesus Christ. Everyone in their right mind will choose Jesus Christ, but the whole world is insane. We're blinded by the God of this world, spiritually blinded.


"And lifted up Abraham his mind," "And he looked and he saw," now this phrase "and he looked and he saw," this is something that we see all the time in the prophets, they looked and they saw, and what it's talking about is they looked with their natural eyes, with their physical eyes, somehow the Lord got their attention, and then they looked into the spirit and they saw.


So we see that there's two stages to seeing in the spirit. First the Lord has to get your attention, and then he shows you the vision in the spirit. "And lifted up Abraham his mind and looked in the physical and saw in the spirit a ram, see it wasn't even a natural ram." He saw Adam, brethren, he saw Adam. "And behold behind him a ram caught," and this word "caught in a thicket," well I did have some explanation on this word "behind" but it looks like it's gone, the word "behind," brethren, it's referring to spiritual things, it's referring to your unconscious mind, that's what's "behind," okay.


And let me give you the King James here, "And behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket," and I guess the word "caught" just means "caught," cause I don't see that I did anything else with it, but this word "thicket" is Strong's #5442, and it's from a root #5440. Well, #5442 means a Garden, it means a Garden, and we know that our soul and our mind is considered a Garden. The Scripture calls it a Garden, and it's from the root #5440 which means to be interwoven, and we know that, that's a major principle of this whole creation.


We're all a Garden and we're all interwoven, we're a woven work, and overlaid, a ram caught in a thicket and overlaid, you know. Brethren, I'm sorry I didn't make my notes clear, but it looks like that word overlaid, oh there it is right there, I did, I'm having a tough time this morning, I'm sorry, that word "caught" we're translating it "overlaid." So in the King James, we see "caught in a thicket," and we're using we're translating those two words "interwoven" and "overlaid."


Now as soon as I hear those two words, first I'm thinking interwoven, well the Serpent is interwoven with the breath of life, the breath of life is interwoven through this whole perverse creation, and the first thing I think of when I hear overlaid, is that Leviathan is overlaying Christ.


And this is how I come up with an amplification, you see. These deep truths, these Scriptures, you'll never understand them, you'll never see them in the Scripture unless you have some kind of knowledge of the Doctrine of Christ because you just get a one word clue, and if you don't know what he's talking about, if you don't know what he's talking about, you wind up with this.... you know I keep telling you, anyone reading this message, I'm not against the King James Translation translators, but some of these translations are an abomination you know, that the Serpent just rose up in these men.


This is an abomination imputing human sacrifice to Jehovah, that's a disgusting abomination, and then thinking or declaring that Jehovah would test his faithful servant with the life of his own son, it's a double abomination, disgusting, and I myself never challenged it, and never addressed, I never thought about it, I never addressed it. "..caught by his horns," the Hebrew word translated "horns" is prefixed by the letter kaf, and this letter kaf, it means wing, and I had a lot of trouble with this verse. I spent a lot of time on it, and finally I went into the English dictionary to look up the word "wing," cause I just couldn't make any sense out of it, and one of the definitions of the English word "wing" is pinnacle.


Now as soon as I hear pinnacle, it went bong, a bell went off in my head, bong, bong, bong, does anybody know where we hear that word pinnacle? Yeah, it's in the New Testament. It has to do with the temptation, you know, and we've translated some of the Scriptures with regard to that temptation. We found out that the pinnacle is the high place, it's the spirit of your mind, it's the spirit of your mind, the high place is the spirit of your mind. I'm suggesting to you that this statement in the King James that says that there was a ram caught in a thicket by his horns, that it's saying that Adam's spirit was interwoven with the Serpent and was overlaid by Leviathan, his spirit was caught.


"And I lifted up my eyes and I saw Adam," and he was in a mess. The Serpent was possessing his spirit and had intertwined it with her whole person, and Leviathan was lying over him. Now I really wouldn't want anyone to stumble here. I have told you and I believe that Adam is dead, you see, but when Jehovah looks at that breath of life he sees Adam, he sees the whole man, you see. Adam is the foundation, the basic building block, of which God's son is erected, you see. That's why when Jesus looks at you and when he looks at me, he looks at our spirit, and he sees his son, and the angel of death passes over us.


You see, brethren, the blood on the doorpost in Egypt, it typifies Christ in you. See, when the angel of death comes, and he looks at you spiritually, he looks at your human spirit because that's all God looks at is your spirit. He's not looking at your pretty blue eyes, and he's not looking at your hour glass figure, and he's not looking at Mr. America muscles, he's looking at your spirit, and I want to tell you that when he looks at your spirit, if he doesn't see Christ there, what he sees is a stained, morally impure spirit, and he pronounces death upon it, but if he sees the blood, brethren, if he sees Christ there, the angel of death is passing over you.


I just had an interesting thought in my mind, any of the ladies here if you've ever had, unfortunately had, a spontaneous abortion, if you've been pregnant and had a spontaneous abortion, does it not come out as a plug of blood, does anybody here know that? It comes out as a plug of blood. When I see the blood I shall pass over you. Brethren, you've got to have Christ conceived in you if you want to go on. If you want to have any hope of living at all, the Holy Spirit will not cut it. You have to have the son, you have to have the blood for the angel of death to pass over you. Hallelujah.


And the doorposts that the blood is on is your mind, the doorpost of your mind. Oh I like that, got all excited at that one, praise the Lord. "And lifted up Abraham, his mind, and looked and saw Adam behind, and he saw Adam in the back of his mind, he saw him in the spirit, and Adam was interwoven and overlaid in his spirit of his horns." Let me get you the English here, and he was caught in the thicket by his horns. Now horns, that's a symbol you know that we've dealt with a lot, it means power, it means strength, and it means mind, what we're talking about here is the spirit of the mind. See we have the word "horns," and it's prefixed by the letter kaf, which means spirit. Horns means strength or mind, we're talking about the spirit of the mind.


"And Abraham proceeded to seize Adam." Brethren you have got to lay hold of the son of God and not let go, that's the only way you're going to enter in. He will make himself available to you, but you have no hope of entering in unless you are motivated enough to pursue him and lay hold of him. Something like that happened with Jacob. I think he wrestled with the angel all night, I know we did a message on that years ago. I don't remember what the alternate translation is, but it's hitting me right now that, that's what happened with Jacob. You've got to pursue him and lay hold of him, you have to run after him. Jesus.


"And Abraham proceeded to seize Adam, and when he seized him he ascended." That's a translation of the word "offered," the staircase, that's a translation of "burnt offering," and the English words "instead" we are translating "the under part."


"And Abraham proceeded to seize Adam and ascend up the staircase which is the under part of the son." I'm on page 2, you'll see down below the comment okay, "And Abraham proceeded to seize Adam and ascend up the staircase which Adam is, which is the underpart of the son." Now this is very, well the underpart of the son, what does that mean? The son, brethren, is one man. Half of him, or maybe more than half of him, or the major part of him is up above the firmament, where he's joined to Elohim and Jehovah, immovably joined to Elohim and Jehovah, and then he has an under part which is down beneath the firmament, and that under part of the son is Adam, and the two are one son, see.


And what's very interesting is that this, the Hebrew word translated "instead," another potential translation is, I just could not prove it from the Greek, but that's what I think, it was his marriage, he was at the marriage in Cana, but I have a lot of unanswered questions. I did not find the answers in the Greek, you know about how they ran out of wine, it has to have some spiritual significance, but I don't know what it is yet.


Okay, back to Drawing #3. We're comparing justification which is our present condition, the mind of God is conceived and maturing in us, but we're living underneath the water. Our sin nature still has authority over us, a lot of authority over us, unfortunately, but we are ascending. As I was saying, depending on how low down or how close to the ocean floor that we were, we are ascending to the surface of the sea, and strange as it may sound, the lower down we are when we start out, usually the faster we move up, because desperation is the mother of invention, right? You do anything that you have to do to get up, and then once you get up off the bottom, you seem to keep on going.


In full stature, we're on the top of the sea, our sin nature is no longer a problem, but now we're facing the giants, the fallen immortals, the foot, the foot. So we see that Adam is Michael's foot, and those of you who have studied with Bill Britton or gone through sonship teachings you would know that Bill Britton has a revelation that there is a foot company, and that, we the sons of God in the flesh, that we are the feet of the glorious Godhead above, okay, but I don't recall ever being taught that we are the feet because and only if, Michael's foot, Adam is manifesting in us, if you can hear it, praise the Lord.


"And lifted up Abraham his mind, or he was lifted up in his mind, and he looked and he saw Adam behind the woman." Okay that word "behind" I'm amplifying it, brethren, and as I put this verse together, I remembered our alternate or it was quickened to me our alternate translation of Amos 5, Verse 19b, which says "But Cain yielded to the Serpent's suggestion to rebel against Abel." So the Serpent was able to weave herself and here's that word "weave" in this verse also, to weave herself through the bestial background threads of the living beast, and this is how Leviathan the Serpent's completed mind was born, and Adam disappeared behind the woman, disappeared behind the woman. How did Adam disappear behind the woman? The very basic, the most basic building block of Adam was Elohim's breath, and everything else of Adam was destroyed, just the breath was left and the breath was woven into the Serpent, and the Serpent is the woman.


So that's how Adam disappeared behind the woman, see. He was remade, he was rebuilt. As I continue on with these translations, they really do get easier and easier because I see the same pattern, I see the same pattern in many translations and, by the grace of God, I remembered these witnesses to these other alternate translations. There is a definite pattern and method to the word of God, if you can hear it, it's very exciting to me. I've, therefore, amplified that word "behind" by adding in the word, "the woman." You see, after I do something like that, I have to, after I put the whole verse together, it has to fit in with the whole verse. There have been occasions where I have amplified, and when I looked at the whole verse, it doesn't make any sense, I have to go back and take it out, even though the principle might be true. "Behind the woman" may be a principle, that's true, but if it doesn't fit in with the whole verse, I have to take it out, but, in this case, it fits and it fits very well. And this is what I'm going to read you off the words now that I had to deal with in order to make up an alternate translation.


Interwoven and overlaid the spirit of his strength, and Abraham proceeded to seize Adam, and ascend the staircase under part the son. That's what I have to work with, and this is what the Lord has given. "And as Abraham ascended spiritually, he looked and saw Adam behind the woman," and, you see, he didn't just see the Serpent, he didn't just see the Serpent, he saw the whole plan of God that judgment would fall upon the Serpent and that basic building block, that basic thread of DNA, would be rebuilt in Adam after the Serpent was broken in pieces, you see. And that's how Jesus looks at us, you see. It doesn't matter what we've done or who we are with regard to his end time plan, you see. When he looks at us, he sees that spiritual thread or that thread of spiritual DNA, and he knows that he can rebuild it into Adam.


Now the judgments that fall upon us in order to separate us from that thread of spiritual DNA, are the reaping and sowing for all of the filth in our life, and the more filth we have in our life the harder the judgments. But, you see, God is not a respecter of persons so if you say to yourself, well how come that person has such a harder life than I do? Well you might say, if one of your children are asking you this, you might say to them, "Well that person did much more evil deeds and he's reaping what he sows, you know.


Well that's true, but there's a better truth, there's a better truth and that is, that Jesus Christ will do whatever necessary to rescue his son, and rebuild that son in the very person that's done the wicked deed, and he said, "because I live, you too shall live." You see, brethren I'm telling you the truth, Jesus has no use whatsoever for our flesh, I'm telling you.


You know, a Scripture is coming to my mind now, and I just saw it recently on a study that I did, I didn't preach it, I just did a study, and it was about the war between Israel and Judah, and Edom went to war against the Moabites and the kings of Israel, Judah, and Edom went to Elisha, I believe it was Elisha, to ask him if the Lord would bless their efforts. And Elisha said to the king of Israel, "I wouldn't even talk to if it wasn't for the king of Judah. You have no favor with the Lord at all. The only reason I'm having anything whatsoever to do with you, is that you have made a league with someone who is in favor with Jehovah."


Well, I want to tell you brethren, I'm telling you the truth, the Lord has no use for our personalities at all. We are filthy, he has no use for our personalities, forget about our bodies, he doesn't even want to know about, he has no use for our personalities at all.


Now don't, someone is going to lay hold of those words and twist them, he will heal your body, but the only reason that he's doing it is because his son is in you, you've got to know this. There's nothing about us that's worth anything except that strand of spiritual DNA and because the Lord Jesus, who is sent by Jehovah, has a commission to raise that strand of spiritual DNA from the dead, we too shall live, but there's nothing about us that's worth saving at all, nothing, absolutely nothing. Now we have to be careful and not go into condemnation, but we have to know the truth, and we have to focus on the opportunity to be raised from the dead, to be raised into a Godly mind, to enter into eternal life, because that thread of spiritual DNA is in us, and that's what you have to concentrate on.


Keep your eyes positive. There is something good about you, and it's that thread of spiritual DNA, and the Lord tears down and he builds up, but the more your mind is possessed by Leviathan and Satan, the harder the knocks. It hurts, but the end of it, the end of it is worth it. Why do you have a messed up mind? I don't know, you were born that way. Why do I have a messed up mind? I was born that way, family heredity. You can't focus on it, you have to go on, you have to look at it, you confess the sins of your ancestors, you have to say that it's true, and thank God for the opportunity to be rebuilt, and rebuke self pity at all costs, and thank God for the opportunity to be great in him, because that's what our opportunity is, to be great in him.


I don't know where I was so I'll start at the top of Verse 13, "And as Abraham ascended spiritually, he looked and saw Adam behind the woman, and the spirit of Adam's mind was interwoven with Satan, and Leviathan was overlaying him, but Abraham proceeded to marry Adam and the staircase," and that should be "and ascended up the staircase." "But Abraham proceeded to marry Adam, and Abraham ascended up the staircase and exchanged Satan and Leviathan, that's his carnal mind, for Adam, Elohim's son," and that's the mind of Christ.


Okay, we're on to Verse 14 now, "And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah Jirah, as it is said to this day, in the mount of the Lord it shall be seen." "And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah Jirah," it means "the sight of Jehovah." So Jehovah sees, and I have taken translators license because I believe that it's pretty obvious that it fits in here, that this is talking about not Jehovah's ability to see, but Jehovah's ability to be seen, and I'm translating it, "the revelation of Jehovah."


Brethren, that's what this whole creation is about. Jehovah desires to be revealed, and he's an invisible God, he desires to be revealed so he has arranged to be revealed through the personalities of spiritual men that will be in his likeness and his image.


Now, let me read that to you, I read it already okay. The Hebrew "mountain," again we have a significant prefix, kaf, and that means spirit, did I have the wrong prefix over here? I did, I'm sorry I don't know what happened with these notes, this is another correction that I made that's not on the notes. Okay we're on Verse 14, now. The Hebrew word "mountain" is prefixed by the letter kaf, which means spirit, that word means spirit and we translated that same prefix "spirit" with regard to the horns of the ram. Okay, and this is the same prefix kaf, it means spirit, and it appears before the Hebrew word translated "mountain." So we're going to translate that word mountain, "spiritual mountain," and I suggest to you that the spiritual mountain is spiritual Israel.


A mountain typifies a nation, and this is a coded way of speaking about spiritual Israel. Now, also in the same verse the Hebrew word translated "day" is prefixed by the Hebrew letter HeY, and this prefix is talking about a window or a diffraction grating in the past, and I suggest to you that it's talking about the window which is a part of the firmament, and that the firmament is the foundation of the world above, the firmament is the foundation of the world above, and everything that's beneath the firmament, the earth and the Garden of Eden, that's all in the basement, that's the basement that's beneath. I don't know if the basement would be beneath the foundation, well it's a sub-foundation, that's how the Lord just showed it to me, I never heard of anything like that in this world, that there's a room beneath the foundation, but that's how he just gave it to me anyway, it's a sub-foundation, it's a world, it's hell that's what it is, the world beneath the firmament is hell.


Now remember, the personality chooses the mind that she will marry, and or serve and her choice empowers that mind. You see, we are.... now I'm talking about those of us who are in Christ now, and I'll tell you all the time you're Christ and the rest is sin that dwelleth in you. Right now, I'm talking about what we were when we first came to the Lord, and we still are our personality, we are our personality, and by the grace of God, if Christ is being formed in you, it is our personality that has a right to choose who she will marry.


This revelation has been coming forth here since that teaching on Baalam. If Christ is in you, you have two minds, and you are a three-part person, you are a personality with two minds, and the mind that you agree with, the mind that you choose to marry is what you will be. What does that mean? It means that you choose how you will think.


We were talking about this off the message earlier. It's essential that we get a revelation of what's right in every circumstance, it's called judging righteous judgment. The Lord wants to teach us what is right in every circumstance, in how we relate not only to him, but to each other and to the different people in our life, and then once we get a revelation of what is right according to Jesus' law, we can make a choice to not do what we've been doing all of our life anymore. And if that choice is a righteous choice, Jesus Christ is there with all of his power to help us to force Leviathan in us to change, or to force our personality to change or to suppress Leviathan so that we have the power to change and live out of the mind of Christ, let's put it that way.


But you can't do it, unless you're first instructed in righteousness. So we see that the prefix HeY is speaking about the foundation, and that the personality chooses the mind. So let's see what I'm talking about, Verse 14 says, "And Abraham called the name of that place the revelation of Jehovah, because Abraham willed himself," and that is "willed himself towards." A legitimate translation of it is, "Abraham, by an activity of his mind, willed himself towards, or chose to be intertwined with the mind of Christ and to reject his carnal mind."


You see, you can only be loyal to one mind. It may look like you could be loyal to both minds but you can't, you can't, you must choose. "And Abraham called the name of that place the revelation of Jehovah because Abraham willed himself towards Michael, Jehovah's personality." That's a translation of "shall be seen." And Adam, "the foundation," that's a translation of the prefix HeY, "of spiritual Israel," that's a translation of "mountain," "timeline, that is a translation of the word "day." And I suggest to you that Jehovah's personality, Michael, and the spiritual foundation, Adam, together are the last and the first Adam.


And Abraham called that place the revelation of Jehovah, because Abraham willed himself towards Michael, Jehovah's personality and Adam, the foundation of spiritual Israel's time line. He willed himself towards the last and the first Adam, and that automatically says that he rejected Leviathan and Satan.


Verse 15, "And the angel of the Lord called to Abraham out of heaven the second time." Well I looked at this in the Interlinear brethren and I really, not only did I not see it that way, but this is very interesting, because when I put the, when I interspersed the alternate translation, I found out that the verse that says, "the second time" really goes before the verse that says, "Michael called to Abraham out of heaven." And I'll go into that in more detail this evening when we go over the alternate translation, and I show you all of the nuances. I'll show you the different stages of resurrection, and I'll point all of these things out to you when we review the interspersion tonight.


And this is my translation of Verse 15, "And Michael, the angel of the Lord, called out of heaven unto Abraham, the second timeline." And here's another correction that I made that is not on here, this should be, "And Michael the angel of the Lord called out of heaven unto Abraham, who was in the second time line." The second timeline brethren is the Serpent's timeline. You see, the reason Michael had to call out to Abraham from heaven is that Abraham was not in heaven, and heaven is a timeline, heaven is an age, and Abraham wasn't there. He was in the second timeline, he was in the other timeline, he was in the Serpent's timeline.


"And Michael, the angel of the Lord, called out of heaven unto Abraham who was in the second or the Serpent's timeline," I'll have to pray about that, I'll have to see about that, how we'll finally wind up with that. And Verse 16, "And said, now Michael called out and said, by myself have I sworn saith the Lord, for because thou hast done this thing and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son." You see, this translation which says the Lord could call upon a man to physically kill his own child is a perversion of the truth that we have been preaching here that, from the time that your children are no longer dependent upon you, that the Lord can call you away from your family at anytime that he chooses to do so.


He could send you to another city, another state, another country, he can do that, and it's righteous, it's righteous. I personally have never heard of a case of the Lord calling someone away from a dependent person, even to the extent of providing someone else to care, I've never heard of such a thing, if it's happened I've never heard of it. The Lord always makes a provision for you to care for your children, or to care for your elderly parents. I've never seen him transfer that responsibility onto someone else.


Jesus is very much into responsibility, you have to do what you have to do, brethren, and with him you could do it, you could do all that you have to do too.


And the translation of "by myself," believe it or not, is "time." See, a lot of these translations the King James just changed them because they couldn't make any sense out of them. And said, "timeline," that's a translation of "by myself," and the word "sworn," a translation of the word "sworn" is "sevened," to "seven," and we've had several translations where I established, I hope to you, I certainly established to myself, that, that word can be translated "full stature," because seven means "to complete."


"Declared Jehovah, because you have done this thing," and the phrase "and not" we're translating "the Serpent." The King James says "and not withheld your son," but I declare unto you Jesus Christ says, "because the Serpent has withheld my only begotten son." Not that you have not withheld my son, but that the Serpent has withheld my only begotten son. "And Michael said, I have completed you as Jehovah declared because the Serpent has withheld my only begotten son." You see Jesus doesn't do anything without a reason.


Brethren, this is exactly what I just said to you about fifteen minutes back on this message. The only thing of value in us that the Lord wants is his thread of spiritual DNA, which is his son.


Here it is right here, "And Michael said, I have completed you, I've overturned Satan and Leviathan, I've reestablished the Christ mind and I've not just taken that thread of spiritual DNA, I've taken all of you, I have completed you, as Jehovah has told me to do, as Jehovah declared, because, the Serpent has withheld my only begotten son." Brethren, the only reason he's having anything to do with us whatsoever is because we are inextricably intertwined with his son. The only reason he's saving us is because we are woven together with his son, and I repeat for anyone reading this message and for everyone here, I rebuke Leviathan in you, I rebuke your pride, I rebuke condemnation.


The carnal mind looks at what I just said and says, I'm just a worthless rag, no good worth living, but the Christ mind looks at what I just said, and says with deep gratitude, glory to the living God, who has chosen to give me life instead of death because I am the flesh of his only begotten son.


Now take authority over your mind and think with the mind of Christ. Just one more thing before we break for dinner. If you go to the last page of your notes, I would like to show you another translation with the same principle that we are being completed, we are being completed because of the son. It's the very last thing on Page 6, and I see that I didn't give you the book, I just told you Chapter 2:7. It's Song Of Solomon, which says, "Your eyes are opening, you good but not righteous spiritual women of Abel's city, because you are triumphing over the Serpent, but she is trying to curve you into a black hole again."


Now that principle we saw also in this study. I exhorted you on it for about fifteen minutes, remember every victory the Serpent's trying to overturn you, that's what I said, that's what this says here, "Your eyes are opening you good but not righteous spiritual women of Abel's city, because you are triumphing over the Serpent, but she is trying to curve you into a black hole again, because her lust to continue her incestuous sexual relationship with you." So for this reason you can't make it on your own, I will defend you by raising you up to full stature.


Now please notice these are spiritual women of Abel's city, his son is in them, and there's no way that they could stand against the Serpent, so Jehovah's defending them by giving them full stature, and it's not as clear in this verse, but that's the reality of the Scripture. The only reason, the only thing that makes you eligible for this great gift, is that Jehovah's son is in you.


He's taking his son back one way or the other. That means either your personality will convert, and reflect the image of Jehovah through the destruction of Satan and Leviathan and your personality will continue, or your personality will cease to exist, you will die, and he will take his son back. It's as simple as that. And once again I'm going to close this message with an exhortation one more time to know that you are greatly beloved because you are the flesh of his son. But get it straight in your head and ask the Lord to help you to think with your Christ mind. Your only value is his son, and you are very valuable because his son has chosen to marry you.


Praise the Lord this is our evening service, we're continuing on the same message, and we're going on with the same message. This is Genesis 22:1-16, we're going to go over the alternate translation and I'm going to exhort you on the spiritual principles in the exhortation. This whole concept of Abraham's experience with Isaac and the angel is a story of the salvation process, that's what it is. What we have upon the board is the three stages of resurrection and the three phases of each stage. I'm going to go over these stages and phases with you, and then as we go through the alternate translation, I'm going to hope to direct specific principles in the translation to one of these stages or phases of resurrection that's on the board.


So we have three stages of resurrection, each stage having three phases, the first stage full stature, phase one, reconciliation, which is the Holy Spirit's marriage to the human spirit. Now with regard to our study tonight, in the Old Testament the Holy Spirit, the term Holy Spirit is not used in this concept, but it is Michael, it is Michael who is or I should say in the new covenant, the Holy Spirit is functioning as Michael, and reconciliation is the marriage or the union of the Holy Spirit or Michael to the human spirit, and the second phase of full stature is justification. This is the conception of the manchild, manchild conceived in human spirit producing the embryo of the son. Third phase of full stature, sanctification, the manchild dominates the carnal mind unto holiness, unto the point that you are sinless. Holiness is sinlessness, and at this point the embryo increases to a fetus, an unborn child, a fetus is an unborn child. Second stage of resurrection, spiritual circumcision.


The second stage of resurrection is dealing specifically with Adam in you, and well Adam, Michael, let me put this on this message. The mind of God appears in a man in two stages. First he's Abel raised from the dead, and then he becomes Adam. It's the same mind of God, but the conditions surrounding that mind determine whether we're calling him Adam or Abel. The mind of God is called Adam before he dominates the carnal mind of the man that he's appearing in to the point of sinlessness. You can have the mind of God, we have the mind of God, everyone here has the mind of God, and I really don't know how to measure whether or not Abel is fully raised from the dead, I don't know how to tell, but if you're understanding this message and you're hanging in here with me, which is no easy ride, I'm sure I would venture to say that Abel is raised from the dead in you, and he only becomes Adam when Abel dominates your carnal nature to the point that you are without sin, okay.


So the second stage of resurrection is spiritual circumcision and the first stage of it is Adam's spiritual marriage to Michael. So what am I saying? I'm saying to enter into the second stage of resurrection, Abel must be raised from the dead in you, and have dominated your carnal mind unto sinlessness. This whole scenario has to be completed before you begin the second stage of resurrection, which is called spiritual circumcision, the cutting away of Leviathan from Adam. The first phase of spiritual resurrection, Adam marries Michael from above. Now remember I have no room or I'd put it on this board for you, that Michael is above the firmament. Even when Michael comes down beneath the firmament, he never disconnects from the eternal world which the world above the firmament is connected to. Michael is connected to Elohim and Jehovah, and it is impossible for him to be severed from them. And when Michael comes down beneath the firmament, he comes down into this world beneath the firmament, he comes into the mind of God that is in a man, and he connects with the mind of God that is in that man, and the mind of God in a man is Abel or Adam, depending on where he is.


And I mentioned to you earlier on this message, as I preached to you this morning that Adam can be called Michael's foot, because, you see, there is only one son of God, and his head is above the firmament, and his feet are down here in the earth of mankind.


So Adam can be called Michael's foot, but Adam and Michael together are the last, or I should say, Michael and Adam together are the last and first Adam, and together they are one son of God, and they have a marriage, they have a spiritual marriage. So after Adam is raised from the dead in us, now we've had a relationship with Michael all along because in this covenant, Michael is appearing to us in the form of the Lord Jesus Christ. So we have had a relationship with Michael all along, we've had a relationship with Michael in the form of Jesus when we were reconciled to him, and everybody here has been reconciled, when we were justified, when we conceived the manchild, I can't imagine you being in this ministry or having anything to do with it if you have not conceived the manchild.


All this is the result of a relationship with Michael, okay, but it's, and there are three stages of marriage. Let me put it this way, there are three stages of marriage. The first stage of marriage is Michael coming as the Holy Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, and he's marrying our human spirit, and the second stage of marriage is Adam, the resurrected Adam, marrying Michael from above, and the third stage of marriage is the personality of the mortal man, that's the third thread being woven together with Adam and Michael you see.


So spiritual circumcision, first phase, Adam marries Michael forming a new foundation, a new foundation in the individual, and the second stage is the harvesting or the separation.... well I have written down on this board from the Serpent the false vine, but I guess I really should have put down the false foundation, you know, the lying foundation. We have to have a new foundation established in us before we destroy the existing foundation. We have to have a place to run to and hide and survive; otherwise, we'll die if we destroy our foundation. And the third phase of spiritual circumcision is Satan's death which is the emancipation of Cain.


Satan, I remind you, is the spiritual sea that Cain is mixed in, Cain is the waters of the seas. I used to see that expression in the prophets years ago, talking about the waters of the seas, it used to really confuse me, what are you talking about the waters of the sea? Well the waters of the seas are that part of the seas which is Cain, you see. So Cain has to be separated from the seas, Cain must be separated from Satan. It's like saying I'm going to separate that water out of that glass of water, you know, but it's a spiritual reality that it can be and is going to be done. The way it's going to be done is by boiling Satan, which and, of course, when Cain is separated from Satan, it's the death of Satan. She dies because Satan cannot exist without the part of her that's water. So she will cease to exist, the death of Satan emancipates Cain.


And the third stage of resurrection is glorification. The first phase is marriage of the individual personality to the whole son, that's Michael above and Adam beneath, who are now connected, and they're two threads, and the third thread is the personality of the individual.


The second phase of glorification is the magnificent man. Now where did that come from? The personality that is interwoven with Michael and Adam is now a magnificent man. So the second phase of glorification is the separation of the magnificent man from the physical body, and the third stage of glorification is the ascension of the magnificent man above the firmament. And that ascension above the firmament is the birth of the manchild, and he has been born into his father's country above the firmament.


Brethren, for all intents and purposes, we are in utero, everyone of us the whole human race, we're in utero, we're in a world that is in a sac, and we're about to be born into another world that's radically different than this world. A human embryo in a woman's womb is living in a water medium, he's living in a sea, and when he's born he's born into an air environment or a spiritual environment. So to be born into our new birth, brethren, our second birth is into the world above the firmament. Our first birth is into the world beneath the firmament under the sea, and our second birth we're to be born again, is to be born into the spiritual world above the firmament which is radically different than this world.


We're going from being a fish to being a bird. That's why we need all of this instruction, because I don't know whether it's possible, I don't really think that it's possible to ascend without, my understanding right now is that we're walking into the kingdom with all this instruction, but let's just say for argument's sake.... there's this fantasy program the Highlander on the TV and, according to that program, people just all, they.... one day, you know, somebody dies, and it's their time to become immortal, so they just open their eyes and they're alive. And according to this program, the Highlander, the people who that happens to, if they're lucky, a seasoned immortal who is moral will find them and disciple them. According to many of the episodes of the Highlander, some of these beings who just wake up and find themselves immortal, are victimized by immoral immortals who enslave them, and others yet choose to receive no training or reject training and become victims of the more powerful immortals, you see.


So if it were possible, which I don't think it's possible for human beings to wake up one day and find themselves immortal in Christ, okay, you wouldn't last very long without this training. You're going from a world as radically different as living on the bottom of the sea to living in the sky. How are you going to survive? Now, I really at this point, which really doesn't mean anything, there's so much I don't know, but I don't think it's possible for a believer to find themselves one morning in full stature, but it may be a possibility in the Serpent. There are two resurrections, you know, and there is a resurrection of the damned.


There is a resurrection of the damned, and some people are going to find themselves in a full stature of goodness, and some will find themselves in a full stature of evil. We know that there are many people that have psychic heredity, they have done nothing, and their minds and their spiritual powers are very strong. Maybe it will happen in the Serpent, that they'll wake up one day and find themselves immortal, and in that case these people will be victimized by other immoral serpentine immortals. But I cannot see it happening with the sons of God. We have an intense training, so that when we stand up, so that we can stand up, and so that when we do stand up, we can survive.


See, brethren, when the first fruits stand up, and I'm hoping that we're going to be amongst them, that's my hope you know, one of the major things that we're going to be doing is teaching, we're going to be teaching the church, we're going to be training them, and I just rebuke everybody's mind that's saying I can't even believe that I'm ever going to get to that point. I'm reading your minds right? I rebuke your mind, because you could do all things in Christ, and that's what you're called to do. Brethren, we're called to be the saviors of the world, see. It's very nice that we're going to be saved, and it's very nice that, Lord willing, we'll be able to help our families, but we're called to be, and I can't even promise you that, we're just hoping for it right? We're the saviors of the world, you see, and salvation is only in this procedure that the Lord is giving us. How is anybody going to get there if they're not taught?


That's in the book of Romans, and how are they going to be taught if they can't hear it? And how are they going to hear it if they don't have a teacher?


So we will be waging warfare with the unGodly immortals in the world, but we will also be training and protecting the church who will have come into submission by our spiritual authority, you see. Right now in this hour, we cannot force anybody in to this training, I cannot even force myself on you here, you can only get from me what you're willing to take, I have no authority to execute any kind of judgment or forcible judgment on any of you, but when we're in full stature, and we are truly blameless, we were talking about that off the message, when we are truly blameless, and sinless, and truly holy, we will be able, and there will be no physical persecution at all, it will all be an activity of the mind. As we are led by our head, we will be going to people and stinging their carnal minds, and dropping the seed of Christ in them. It's going to be done with many people without their knowing it, and they're going, exactly how it's going to happen I don't know, but they will be submitting themselves to the process, and we know that it already happened in the book of Acts. That's what was going on.


Now the King James translators tell you that everybody was going to Peter to drop their money off, but it's not true. They were going to Peter so that his glorious mind, that was his holy mind, that was in full stature, could join with them. And we also see in the book of Acts that there was, now I don't see anything in the book of Acts about the warfare to be honest with you, but I see that they set up schools, they set up schools, and just for your information, it has nothing to do with this message, but I feel led to put it on this message. That account in the book of Acts of the apostles appointing men such as Stephen to serve tables, to wait on tables, because the apostles were suppose to be studying is ludicrous.


Stephen was a righteous man of God, you know, and he was not appointed to wait on tables. What was going on was that the carnal members of the church, and this is really funny but I have no problem believing it. The carnal members of the church were going around, or there were some carnal members of the church passing judgment on the other members as to whether or not they had received Christ, and they were causing an uproar because there was pride involved. Who even knows if they had received Christ, those who were doing it, but they were condemning those who hadn't conceived and those who had conceived were running around lifted up with pride, and there was chaos in the ranks of the church.


So the apostles appointed righteous men, read the book of Acts, do you need to be righteous to wait on tables? They appointed righteous men with wisdom to sit in judgment as to who had conceived Christ or not and to instruct the people as to the Godly response if you have received it to help them with humility, and if they hadn't conceived Christ, to help them to understand that, for whatever reason, some people it takes a little longer than others.


He appointed Godly men to stabilize this potential holocaust that could have destroyed a lot of the believers who were carrying the manchild because of mortal immaturity. That's what that was all about, and to that extent it's going to happen again. I don't know how it's going to be set up, I don't know, but we have to teach, you see, and if you're in full stature you'll be able to teach, you'll do it, cause he'll do it through you. Don't think of your own shortcomings, because you're going to be him, he's going to be you.


You know I had a strange experience once a couple of years ago, and I feel led to share this with you. For those of you who don't know me who are reading the message, I have a history of physical illness, I'm not the strongest person in the world, I'm doing a lot better now, but I'm not the strongest person in the world, or the healthiest, although I'm getting healthier every day, but I'm certainly no athlete.


That's what I'm trying to say, I'm certainly no athlete, and the Lord put me in a position a couple of years ago where somebody was just really after me, they just wanted me to play basketball, play basketball, play basketball, and it really was a very subtle pressure, and one night for whatever reason I decided to do it, and I don't think I every told anybody here this experience at all, and the anointing came on me, and I was playing like a pro, every basket, every time I threw the ball, it went into the basket from whatever position I was in, it went into the basket. I was sort of trotting around the court, I wasn't tired, I felt as strong as I could be, and at one point there were two other people there, and at one point I looked at the other person, and, of course, the two of them were watching me with their mouths open.


They couldn't believe what was going on, and at one point I looked at the other person and I said, you think this is something huh? You should see me ride a horse. And after, I had no idea why I said it, I have absolutely no idea why I said it, and on at least two other occasions after that, I went to the basketball court, and I couldn't even make one basket, so it was some kind of a supernatural experience where Jesus was telling the other person off. I don't even understand it, and I don't know when the Lord spoke through me and said, you should see me ride a horse. I don't know whether he meant a spiritual horse or someday I'll be horseback riding I don't know, I don't know. Every time I threw that ball from any position, close, far away, it went right in the basket, maybe I missed once.


And the person the person who, and I'm not saying anything bad about the person, I don't really think they were doing anything wrong, sometimes people you know, they don't understand that you've been sick for all these years, and you just don't even want to try, you know people don't understand, people that haven't had trouble with their health, you know, and so when all this was going on and I was making all these baskets, the person who was asking me and asking me and asking me, just sat down and put his head in his hands. He was embarrassed because I was playing better then him, and he couldn't believe it, but he never asked me again.


So maybe that was the Lord's way of getting him to leave, I don't know, but it was a crazy experience, I tell you that, it was a wild experience. So you could do anything in Christ, there is not anything that you cannot do. When he rises up in you, and he takes control of your body and you become his body, you will do anything, anything physically and mentally, and intellectually, you will do anything that he does. Haven't you ever heard of someone preaching a whole message in another language that they don't even know of? You must have heard a testimony like that.


You'll do anything he's doing through you, so try to stay positive because it works against you to think thoughts like that, like I can't imagine myself doing it, it really works against you to think thoughts like that.


Okay, we're going to start through this alternate translation, and I'm going to, I hope to point out to you several aspects, either stages or phases of resurrection. Now you will note that in some verses there will be phases, if not stages, missing, that, that verse will jump from one stage to another, you know, and I will point that out to you when it happens. Why? Because it's a mystery. If you don't know what you're talking about before you read it, you'll never understand, it's absolutely impossible.


Verse 1, Gen.22, "And it came to pass after these matters, that Elohim intending to test Abraham said, see if you can recognize me." Now I'd like to point out to you, at that point I don't know whether anybody recognized it or not, but this commandment "to see if you could recognize me," is the whole story in that one little sentence, is the whole story of the judgment seat of Christ. This is the issue that Adam fell over, he could not distinguish between his right, his good self, and his other self which was evil. He couldn't tell the difference, and, of course, Adam's good self was Elohim.


So here we see Elohim saying to Abraham, you see, he's saying to Abraham who has a mind, every man has a mind, so Elohim is saying to Abraham, "See if you can recognize me because Leviathan will never recognize me. So if you can recognize me, I know that your mind is Adam, I know who your mind is."


This is the test that Adam failed at the beginning of time, and we're all down here in hell because of it. This is the same principle that Elijah was speaking about when he said to Elisha or, let me put it this way, when Elisha said to Elijah, I want to ascend above the firmament too, I want to be a magnificent man too, I want your walk, I want everything that you had and Elijah said, I cannot promise you that, you must pass the test, you see. Jesus said to.... who was it, the mother of the sons of Zebedee? I may have the wrong character there, I can't promise you that your sons will be at the right hand of the father, you have to pass the test, brethren. It doesn't matter who your mother was, it doesn't matter who father was, doesn't matter who you know, it doesn't even matter if you're reconciled to Jesus Christ, every man has to pass the test for himself.


Now every man does not have the same strengths, but every man who asks for him has Jesus, and Jesus is the great equalizer, he fills in all your holes and all your crevices and when you become one with him, you're him. So it doesn't matter where you are when you start out, cause he's all there is, and he will stretch and expand to meet you and fill you in, in every spiritual place so that you become complete in him, and when you are complete in him you can do all things in Christ.


So Elisha said to Elijah, I want to be like you, and Elijah says, I can't promise you that, you must pass the test, and this is how you will know whether or not you have passed the test. When I am taken up, if you see, I can't remember the exact Scripture, if you see me, I think it said if you see me as I'm being taken up, you will know that you've been granted your promise, and then as we went on with that translation we found out that what Elijah meant was, if you were in your carnal mind you'd never see me, you'd never see me being taken up. Why? Because it was a spiritual event. But if you could see me being taken up, you know you have the mind of Christ. And when Elijah went up, Elisha yelled, my father, my father, the horsemen of Israel, or the chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof, proof that he had the mind of God. He saw an event that was taking place in the spiritual world of God, something that could never be seen with the carnal mind.


The judgment seat of Christ, in this hour Adam's descendants, all of us mortal men, are having an opportunity to have Adam raised from the dead in us and take the test again. Brethren, nobody, nobody, not even me, not even me, nobody is going in unless you pass the test, and the test is to be able to tell the difference between righteous Adam and your own sin nature. You have to be able to tell the difference, and you have to be able to tell the difference in every slight, in the subtlest manifestation of your sin nature.


So see, once again getting back to what we were talking about off the message, there are several reasons for learning to relate to one another in a Godly manner. Some of the reasons we talked about off the message, that it improves your life, that we have to be blameless, but here's even another reason, that these subtleties of communication that do not glorify God, they're not coming out of Christ, they're manifestations of your carnal mind, and the only way you're ever going to ascend is to be able to recognize your carnal mind every time she's manifesting.


No matter how subtle it is, if it's your carnal mind you've got to see her, and you've got to stop living out of her and do it Christ way, or we'll never pass the test, and if you don't pass the test, there's no way you're going up, there's no way you're going up, you see. And we're all capable, everyone of us of exchanging our ways of doing things in the carnal mind with the ways of doing things in Christ because we have Christ growing in us, and we have our elder brother Jesus Christ and we could do it, and all we have to do is confess or at least ask him to convict us, that if this is true that this apparently harmless way of communicating is sin because it's a manifestation of our carnal nature, not that we're wicked or terrible but that we're expressing ourselves through our carnal nature, therefore it is a sin, and that we would like to stop doing that, and learn how to do the equivalent communication out of Christ, so that we might be blameless and be passing our test by which we are stepping up into the world above the firmament.


Just out of curiosity did anybody here recognize that in Verse 1, "And Elohim said to Abraham, see if you can recognize me," did anybody understand at all that, that was the judgment seat of Christ? Okay praise the Lord, I'm laughing because everyone is going out in the spirit here, two thirds of our group is going out in the spirit.


Verse 2, "And Elohim said to Abraham," Elohim further said to Abraham, he went on, "It's time for you to marry Michael your lover." Well brethren look, the first verse is an introductory verse. Elohim is challenging Abraham, Elohim is coming to Abraham to give him the judgment seat of Christ, to see if he has enough control over his carnal mind to ascend, and that first verse is the statement of what is about to happen here. Adam is being tested again in the man Abraham, and, right after that, Elohim instructs Abraham, he gives him instruction. And Verses 2, well you see that I've interspersed here, Verses 2, 5, and 8 are instructions. Let's read them.


Verse 2, "Elohim said to Abraham, It's time to marry Michael your lover." Well there's no way you're going to recognize me if you don't marry Michael your lover.


Now Michael in the Old Testament is the Holy Spirit, and this is the first stage of the spiritual marriage that I talk to you about, it's under the first stage of resurrection, it's the Holy Spirit marrying the human spirit, it's the marriage of the spirit. The first marriage is of the Holy Spirit to your human spirit, the second stage of the marriage is Adam, who's raised from the dead in you, to marry Michael who's above the firmament, and the third stage of marriage is the last and the first Adam, Michael and Adam which are now one, intertwining with your mortal personality.


The first stage of marriage is the Holy Spirit marrying your human spirit. Sometimes we call it crucifixion, we went through a stage of teaching here where the Lord was calling it the crucifixion of the human spirit, the penetrating of the human spirit, the joining together, the union of the human spirit with the Holy Spirit. "Elohim said to Abraham, it's time for you to marry Michael, why? Because I want you to pass this test, I want you to be able to distinguish between Adam and Michael, and Satan and Leviathan. I want you back up above the firmament with me, and this is how you're gonna get it done, here's your instruction. You have to marry Michael, your human spirit has to be crucified by the one from above."


"And Elohim said to Abraham, it's time to marry Michael your lover," now why is that word lover being used? Well, brethren, before the Holy Spirit crucifies our human spirit, before the Holy Spirit marries our human spirit, we have a relationship with the Holy Spirit. He's our lover in reconciliation, the Holy Spirit is pursuing us as a man pursues a woman, he's coming with gifts, he's healing us, he's delivering us, he's giving wonderful experiences, you can have a relationship with the Holy Spirit without, without remaining unmarried, you see.


You can't go on in God beyond that, but there are many people who are reconciled to God through a relationship with the Holy Spirit, and I'm not talking now even about what the church says, the baptism with the Holy Spirit, we know nobody's baptized with the Holy Spirit today, we've just received a measure of the spirit, but you can be reconciled to Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit, simply by faith in his word. You can have a relationship with him and not have received the spirit okay. That's reconciliation.


So Elohim said to Abraham, it's time for you to marry Michael your lover, he's your lover, he's in your mind, he's flowing with you but you haven't consummated yet, you're not joined to him yet. "And Elohim said to Abraham, it's time for you to marry Michael your lover, my only son," my only son. Elohim has only one son, it's Elohim's son in you and it's Elohim's son in me, it's called the body of Christ. There is just one son of God, and he's appearing in every mortal man that he is marrying or that he's reconciled to or justified, or whom he has justified. And here we see justification in the first phrase of Verse 2, "And Elohim said to Abraham, it's time to marry Michael your lover, my only son." That is the marriage of the human spirit to the Holy Spirit, it's called justification, and Elohim continues with his instructions, "and proceed with Isaac into Adam, the mind that sees with Jehovah's sight."


He's saying go on to full stature, go on to full stature, and go on to Adam the mind that sees with Jehovah's sight, and Jehovah's sight is a translation of "Moriah." That's why I have that there in brackets. "And after you do that, after you ascend to full stature, continue ascending and ascend up the stairway." Now who's the stairway? Adam is the stairway. There's only one way to get above the firmament, and that's walking up the stairway that's growing out of your own person. Adam is the stairway, and your mortal personality ascends up above the firmament, when he, when your personality has a relationship with the mind of God in you. "And ascend up the stairway, ascend by way of Adam into the united mountain," and I have interpreted the phrase, "the united mountain," as the last and the first Adam.


So Elohim is saying to Abraham here, he's talking to him about the first phase of the second stage of resurrection. See apparently Abraham is reconciled to Elohim, how do I know that?


Because Elohim is talking to him, so he's reconciled to Jehovah through Elohim, and Elohim is telling you now it's time to go on to justification, and after justification, full stature, and after full stature, and that's whole first stage of resurrection, and after the first stage of resurrection, it's time to go on to the first phase of the second stage of resurrection, spiritual marriage to Michael, who is above. Is everybody okay?


Okay, I'm going to read you the whole verse now. "And Elohim said to Abraham, It's time to marry Michael your lover, my only son, and proceed with Isaac into Adam, the mind that sees with Jehovah's sight, and after that continue to ascend up the stairway into the united mountain that I have told you is above the firmament." So we see that Abraham was instructed about the world above before he even went on to justification. I believe that the day is coming that there will be believers who will be receiving this instruction after reconciliation, after we're in full stature. We're going to have spiritual people, spiritual believers, in all stages of growth.


Going on to the next verse, the next verse that I have for you here is Verse 5, and I have this comment in here because this is a change to the way I presented it to you in Part 1. So let me read you my comment. The Interlinear Text says, "And Abraham said to his young men," in the last message we had already determined that the lad was Adam, the phrase, "the lad," is talking about Adam, and that the term, "young men," was referring to Adam in Abraham and Isaac, you see. If Abel is being raised from the dead in you, you have a young man in you, you have a young male in you.


So not being, I didn't understand, I really didn't correctly understand the Interlinear Text when I gave you this Verse 5 in Part 1, and I couldn't understand how Abraham could be speaking with authority to Adam because Adam is the authority over Abraham. So I took translators license, and I turned it around saying Michael and Adam said to Abraham, because I thought I took translators license on the premise that some scribe somewhere couldn't understand it and just switched it around. But the Lord has shown me that it was Michael in Abraham speaking to Adam, you see. It wasn't Abraham instructing Adam. It was Michael who was... Abraham was reconciled to Michael.


It's as if to say someone with the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit spoke through that person who was an immature believer but had the Holy Spirit. That's what was happening there. Michael and Abraham spoke to Adam in both Abraham and Isaac. Now if that sounds strange to you, I'm going to give you a witness that it happens all the time, and let me relate it to us personally.


Michael is as Jesus is to us. Now we have Jesus, and we have Christ growing up in us. Christ is our new person, but Jesus is our elder. He's the one who's overcome the world, and he's here to help us through, he's not dependent on us, he doesn't need anything from us at all, and he's going to still be Jesus whether we take the victory or whether we don't, but Christ who's growing up in us, he is dependent on our personality because if we don't take the victory, the Christ is growing in us is going to cease to exist, you see.


But Jesus is strong and completely independent of us, and sometimes Christ speaks to me, and sometimes Jesus in me speaks to Christ in me, and I believe that it's happening to you all the time but you're probably just not recognizing it, you're probably just not recognizing it. I do have a Scriptural example for you, and I didn't put the Daniel Scripture in there. That's Dan.8:16, "And between the time that I asked to understand the vision, and the time that the spiritual warrior appeared, I heard a voice crying out saying, Gabriel, enlighten this mortal mind with spiritual sight." And I'm suggesting to you that Gabriel is Adam, and that the spiritual warrior is Michael, and that the voice crying out was Michael, Michael speaking to the temporary Adam that had been raised from the dead in Daniel for the purpose of Daniel receiving this revelation.


Let me say it again, Daniel was a prophet of high order, okay, I don't even know that we have prophets like that today anymore. Today we have the son, and the son is still imperfect, but according to the Jewish law if a prophet brought forth one wrong prophecy he was to be stoned, he was a false prophet.


That means it was Jehovah's obligation, when he wanted to communicate with his people through prophecy, to embark on such a procedure that the prophet's carnal mind was so completely paralyzed that it was impossible for a wrong word to get through. To be a prophet in the days of Israel, the spirit of God fell on you with such a strength that it crushed your carnal mind to such a degree that every word that was put in to your mind was repeated by the prophet accurately, see.


So Gabriel, I suggest to you, is Adam who is raised from the dead in Daniel, a temporary resurrection, an imputed resurrection for the specific purpose of Daniel receiving this message. And then Michael, the one who's above the firmament was crying out or communicating with Adam who had been raised from the dead in Daniel saying, Gabriel I want you to explain what you're doing to Daniel, because, see this was not a usual thing to give understanding to the prophet. The prophet was a human vessel who was put upon by the spirit of God crushing his carnal mind, raising Adam from the dead for the specific purpose of receiving the word, and as soon as the word was received and transcribed Adam dissolved, and the man went back to being a mortal man.


But in the case of Daniel, who was a special prophet, Michael who was above the firmament was instructing the resurrected Adam in Daniel to give him understanding. Did anyone not understand what I just said? And I'm convinced it happens to all of us all of the time. Is there anybody here that can tell me they know that this happens to them, that Jesus speaks to Christ in you? I don't think so, it happens all the time you're just not recognizing it. And the reason you're not recognizing it, is that it's hard to understand that you are Christ, Christ is your new man.


So Christ is.... help me to explain this Lord, Christ is your new man. For you to be able to recognize that Jesus in you is speaking to Christ in you, you first have to be able to tell the difference between Jesus and Christ in you. Can you hear what I'm saying, can you tell the difference between Jesus and Christ in you?


You probably cannot, and this is something that I have just recently started to do, and the only guidelines that I could give you is that when I hear a strong authoritative voice, it's most likely Jesus. When Christ communicates to me, he comes to me in the form of my own thoughts, not as another voice, not as another person, because Christ is my new man, he is me, and he is the one that filters Godly righteous thoughts into my mind. It's my new mind functioning so I think it's me functioning, but when I get a spiritual communication from Jesus, he talks to me as another person. Can you hear that, you know what I'm talking about? Ask the Lord to help you see it, and he'll help you see it.


So that's the first step, if you would like to be able to recognize when Jesus is talking to Christ in you, you first have to accomplish this, you have to distinguish between Jesus and Christ, that's the first step and then after you do that, the rest will come, you'll see the difference.


We're up to Verse 5 now, and Michael is still Abraham, he's already told him about justification, he's told him about full stature, which we have on the board as sanctification. Full stature is the name of the first stage of resurrection, so I guess sanctification is not mentioned here. Okay, reconciliation is not mentioned, we have to figure that out ourselves by saying that Abraham has a relationship with Elohim, then justification is mentioned, and then full stature which is the complete, is the fulfillment of the first stage of the resurrection but there's no talk of sanctification here. Does that mean that Abraham does not have to be sanctified?


And what is sanctification? Let's review that. Sanctification is the domination by the resurrected Adam of your carnal mind unto the point of sinlessness. So it's very obvious here that Michael has not mentioned sanctification to Abraham, but he goes on to say to him, ascend up the stairway, talking about the first stage or the first phase of the second stage of resurrection.


Now we're suppose to be thinking people, just as we figured out that Abraham was reconciled because Elohim's talking to him, in the same way we're challenged to figure out that Abraham somehow, somewhere, someway, if not in this verse, in another verse will be instructed about sanctification, because there's no way he can get to spiritual marriage without sanctification. Is everybody following me? The Lord wants you to think, brethren.


Going on to Verse 5, "And Michael spoke through Abraham and said to Abel in Abraham and Isaac." Michael, we might say Jesus came and spoke to Christ in you and me, and he said, "I will continue to dominate Leviathan until she is prostrated, that means until she's in complete submission to me," and I want to suggest to you that this is talking about sanctification, and it came up in Verse 5. "And I will continue to dominate Leviathan until she is prostrated, so that Adam the lad in Abraham, can return to the world within and dwell on this side of Leviathan." Now I'm going to add sanctification to this verse, "and I will continue to dominate Leviathan," let's put in sanctification over here.


So we have already seen the first three, the full three phases of the first stage, we've seen that dealt with already, and the first phase of the second stage, and this is all in Elohim's instructions now, let's go over a few of these instructions. "I will continue to dominate Leviathan until she is prostrated," and that word, " prostrate," another word for it is "worship." "I will continue to dominate Leviathan until she worships me, until she serves me." Remember, Michael is the man and Leviathan is the woman who's out of order, she's the woman who's acting like a man. So she has to be brought down to her correct position.


The woman cannot dominate the man, and because we're in a fallen world, we see this principle occurring everywhere, not only.... well just in case there's someone reading this message that doesn't know this, all women are not subject to all men, the wife is subject to her husband, and women in general are not subject to men, there's no such law in the Bible.


And also we have spiritual men and spiritual women, and once again, as in the army, the Sergeant is female to the Lieutenant. It does not in any way emasculate the Sergeant or make him a weak man, but he knows that his function is in submission or in subjection to the officer, and it's the same thing in spiritual offices. It has nothing to do with putting you down or making you small or anything such thing. It's a chain of command that is necessary if we're to function as Jesus intends us to function.


We have to know what our office is, and we have to know who and where we're relating to because we could be female to one person and male to another person. Every relationship has its correct moral order, you see. And some of us who aren't trained in this, some of us who cannot yet or are still struggling with recognizing authority, we not only fail to relate correctly to the authority, we fail to relate correctly to the people that we are male to, because we have not yet learned to tell the difference.


You see, if you cannot recognize the one that you are female to and submit to that person in a Godly submission which does not debase, you see Godly submission does not debase, it's just a chain of command. If we cannot recognize the one whom we are to submit to because of chain of command, be sure that you cannot recognize the one who is suppose to be submitting to you because of chain of command. And the Lord wants everyone who is female to you submitting to you without debasement. Do you know that people who have been abused frequently have a problem exercising their authority, because they have such an aversion for abasement and humiliation that because of their own experience, without their mind being corrected by Jesus, they cannot separate, they cannot differentiate a Godly submission from a debasing submission.


So they're so opposed to humiliation and debasement and abuse, that they reject the exercise of all authority, but you see this is not healthy in your mortal life, and neither is acceptable to God because he has given us authority, and if he has given us authority, he wants us to exercise a Godly authority without debasing anybody, you see. So we must submit to the officer that's above us, and we must exercise our authority and demand, in a Godly way, the submission of the one who is female to us, because we must take our position in the chain of command.


This is how the body of Christ is coming together, you see. And at this point we practice in our families and in our personal relationships, but, eventually, the Lord is requiring us to know by his spirit whenever we meet another believer what our relationship is to that person, who is in authority.


And, you know, the issue of authority doesn't even have to arise. It's just an attitude, it's the way you relate to one another, without abasement, it's a chain of command. We have to know who we are, where we fit in, who's suppose to submit to us and who we're suppose to submit to. For the whole body eventually must come together and function, we must come together, and everyone must know where they fit in, and you can have authority without abasement. And authority exists in this world, even outside of Christ, without abasement, it does exist, there's some abuse of authority, of course, but I'm not talking about that. We do have authority without abasement.


I'm an abused person, I grew up in an abused home. I remember the first time I was stopped, while I was driving, by a policeman, I don't know what I was doing, some traffic violation, and I was amazed at how polite that policeman was to me. I couldn't believe it, because anytime I had been corrected in my life, I was verbally abused, and made to feel like I was an absolute fool, and absolutely nothing. And this policeman looked at me through the window of my car, and I think he said, good afternoon ma'am. I almost fell away, but he told me that I had done something wrong, without condemnation. For the first time in my life, someone in authority told me that I did something wrong without condemnation, and he gave me the ticket. He did his job, and there was nothing personal in it for him, he didn't hate me, he wasn't against me, he wasn't putting me down so he could be a big shot, he just did his job and he went away. I was amazed, see. So there is the exercise of authority without abasement even in the mortal world, but if you've been abused you're going to have trouble seeing it, you see.


Okay we're in Verse 5, and we're examining some of the principles here. We see sanctification, the third phase of the first stage of resurrection, in Verse 5, "And I will continue to dominate Leviathan, until she is prostrated, until she worships me, until she submits to me, and the reason I'm doing it, is that Adam in Abraham, Adam the lad in Abraham can return to the world within." Do you see the righteous motive? It's so that Abraham can return from hell unto heaven. I'm going to dominate your ungodly mind and I'm going to cause you pain because we are that ungodly mind, our personality is inextricably intertwined with our ungodly mind, and with the emotions associated with that unGodly mind. And when Michael dominates Leviathan we feel pain, but a blameless person, Michael is a person, a blameless person can inflict pain on a person who is a sinner for the purpose of delivering them from that sin, and this is the principle of the death of death, you see.


We must die to this whole existence that we might live. So that, "I will continue to prostrate Leviathan until she is prostrated so that...." I thought, well I had changed that somewhere, I'm going to change that. So that Abraham, I'm gonna take out that "Adam, the lad within." That was wrong..."so that Abraham can return to the world within, and dwell on this side of Leviathan." Did I really say that Leviathan was the ass? I would think that the physical body was the ass. I will have to check that out off the message but it looks to me now, well we'll just let it go for now. Before I put it in the alternate translation, I'll have to check that out. "So that Abraham can return to the world within."


Brethren, we're all living out here in outer darkness. We all live in outer darkness, even me. I'm the most spiritual person that I know and I live in outer darkness. How do I know that? Well, I believe, and I'm not a hundred percent sure of this, but it's my opinion at this point that to dwell in the world within, you're not dependent on anything of this world. I don't think Jesus went to the supermarket and we know, of course, I haven't looked it up in the Greek, but the King James says, when he needed money he looked in a fish's mouth. What that is saying is that your needs are met by a supernatural means, supernatural provision, that's what it means, live by a supernatural provision.


I have to go to the supermarket, I have to cook my food, I have to wash whatever I wash, I have to wash clothes, I have to wash a few dishes, I have to clean the bathroom, I don't live by supernatural provision.


Let me read you the whole Verse 5, "And Michael spoke through Adam and said to Abel in Abraham and Isaac, I will continue to dominate Leviathan until she is prostrated, so that Abraham can return to the world within and dwell on this side of Leviathan," or whatever it is. It's either Leviathan or the devil, the physical body, or the personality. I think it should be the personality, well I'm not going to take any time on this message.


Now I wanted to point out to you that Abraham is returned to the world within, and that he wants to dwell on this side of Leviathan, we'll say Leviathan for now. What does that mean this side of Leviathan? Well, brethren, either you're underneath Leviathan or you're on top of Leviathan. It's one or the other. So Michael is speaking to Abel, in Abraham and Isaac, and why is he speaking to Abel in Abraham and Isaac? Because Michael and Abel are working together to dominate Leviathan, see. That's why he's speaking to Abel. They're in league together, and he wants Abraham to dwell on this side of Leviathan, he wants him to be on top of Leviathan, and that's why he's doing it, everybody okay?


The next, in accordance with our interspersed translation here, the next verse is Verse 8, and I have a comment on that. Let's see what it says. In the last message I said, "And Abraham said, My son Elohim will present himself as the lamb," but the Lord has shown me that it is Elohim responding to Isaac's question through Abraham, the intercessor, saying that Adam is the bloodless sacrifice that connects us to heaven. "And I said, and Abraham said, "My son Elohim will present himself." So it sounds in the King James and in my translation of Part 1 of this message, it sounds like Abraham was answering Isaac's question, and the Lord showed me, no, Abraham was not answering Isaac's question.


Abraham was the mediator between Elohim and Isaac. And this is an important principle because God speaks through the mediator, God speaks through the mediator, and this is an issue that is grossly misunderstood in the church today. Although everyone has their own relationship with Jesus Christ, we're all hoping for full stature, we're all at various stages of development for certain purposes. Jesus will speak only through a mediator, and one of the most obvious purposes to those of us in this ministry is for this Doctrine of Christ.


He's not giving it to every individual person. Everybody that sits down with the same books that I sit down with, and sit at the same computer, is not getting the same message that I'm getting. Why? Because Jesus, for whatever his purposes are in this hour, is ministering the Doctrine of Christ through a mediator and it's me. It won't always be this way, but that's the way it is right now, and I think for a long time he will be ministering this message through a group of mediators. It doesn't....unless things change after full stature, it doesn't look like he's going to be giving this message to people who are refusing to submit to a teacher and just sitting down with a concordance and trying to find this themselves. This Doctrine of Christ is imparted to the people through a teacher. So, eventually, I will not be the only teacher, so unless the Lord changes the rules, whoever is learning this doctrine is going to be learning it from a teacher, and if you won't submit to the teacher, you're not going to get it unless he changes the rules. That's the way it seems to be right now.


So what else did I say? Okay, I've revised Verse 8 to indicate that it's Elohim responding to Isaac's question through the....well, I wrote intercessor here, it really, well it could be intercessor or mediator, both are correct, and well let me tell you what the question is before I go on with that. Verse 8, "And Elohim said to Isaac through Abraham...." This is in the wrong place, brethren. Verse 7 should come before Verse 8. That's why I didn't know what I was talking about.


Okay, let's do Verse 7. Now we see that Elohim has instructed Abraham in Verses 1, 2, and 5. In Verse 7, now Isaac apparently has been privy to this information, somehow he's getting this information through his father, and he asked the question, he says father.


"And Isaac spake unto his father saying, Michael, my spiritual teacher, said that we would see his son, and he continued, I see Satan, the fire, and, Leviathan, the wood, but where is Adam, the lamb who will ascend above the firmament?" So Isaac is asking the question. Apparently, he was privy to even a lot more than has been revealed in these first few verses.


And then comes Verse 8, "And Elohim said to Isaac through Abraham..," you see the Scripture says, "and Elohim said to Abraham," but Isaac is the one who asked the question. So Elohim is answering Isaac through Abraham, and once again I'll just say one more word about this principle.


It's a tragedy that the pride and rebellion of some of the people in the church cut them off from many of Jesus' answers for them. There is such a ministry in the church. Some questions that you ask the Lord, he will answer you directly, others he will answer through another person. It doesn't happen to often with me, but I have asked questions that he has answered through heathens. You have to have your ears open for the word of the Lord all the time. To take an attitude that he must speak to you directly is a manifestation of pride that can kill your spiritual life.


The Lord can answer you however he wants. He can do whatever he wants to do, and if you cannot receive your answer from someone else, you're really severely restricting the move of the spirit in your life. And how does the Lord decide who he's going to answer you through? He answers you through people who have authority and/or knowledge.


You see it's not impossible for him to answer one of my questions through somebody here, but it's not likely that he would answer a spiritual question through somebody here, but he could answer a question about something that you have knowledge about that I do not have knowledge about. I could be praying about a particular issue, and he could tell me to ask somebody here, or you might just mention it to me. You know, we've had a lot of talk about communication tonight. I just want to tell you again, I want your information, it's just how you put it to me, I want your information, I want it. There's no way that anyone person could know everything.


Okay we're in Verse 8, "And Elohim said to Isaac through Abraham, you will see my son Adam, the sinless lamb, who is the staircase to the world above the firmament." "And Elohim said to Isaac through Abraham," I guess that Verse 7 does go after Verse 8. I'm sorry about that, it should be Verse 5, 8, 7. So let me give you 8 again and then we'll go to 7, I'll show you the sequence here.


Verse 8, "And Elohim said to Isaac through Abraham, you will see my son Adam, the sinless lamb, who is the staircase to the world above the firmament and the two of them continued on together." So we see that Elohim's instructing Abraham, I see what I did. Look in Verse 8 where it says "And Elohim said to Isaac through Abraham," take out that "Isaac through." I must have realized that the sequence was wrong, but I didn't take those words out, that was what confused me. Okay, we see Elohim instructing Abraham in Verse 2, 5, and 8, "And Elohim said to Abraham, you will see my son Adam, the sinless lamb, who is the staircase to the world above the firmament." So that's part of the instruction, and it's also a promise.


And then there's a sentence there which says, "And as the two of them continued on together, Isaac spake unto Abraham....," now honestly I do not know who that two is. "And as the two of them continued on together." I don't know whether it's talking about Abraham and Isaac, or whether it's talking about Elohim and Abraham, I really don't know. I did ask the Lord, but as of this moment, I have no revelation on it. "And Elohim said to Abraham, you will see my son Adam, the sinless lamb, who is the staircase to the world above the firmament. And as the two of them continued on together, Isaac spake unto Abraham his father saying, Michael, my spiritual father, said that we would see his son, and he continued, I see Satan, the fire, and Leviathan, the wood, but where is Adam, the lamb, who will ascend above the firmament?


So we see that Isaac was hearing what Abraham was hearing and apparently understanding. Now remember that Isaac sees Satan and he sees Leviathan. That is saying Isaac is seeing his sin, he's recognizing Satan and Leviathan, he's recognizing that his own nature is Satan and Leviathan, but he has not seen the son yet, and I did talk about this a little bit on Part 1.


Please be encouraged all of you that are laboring long, and confessing your sins, and repenting, and you're not satisfied with the measure of Christ that you see coming forth in yourself, he's there, he's there, because if you're confessing your sins and repenting and in you're in this program, he's there. He may still be an embryo, but you've got have an increase, you've got to have your.... well I don't want to say harvest. In the church they would say harvest, but you've got to see his life come forth, it has to come forth if you just stay with it.


You have the seed planted in you, you're submitting yourself to the ministry, you're studying the word you're watering it, it's receiving sun, and it has to come forth, and it's a long time coming, there's a long gestation period. It takes three to six years to just see the first glimmers of Christ coming forth, and Christ is different than the gifts of the Holy Spirit, but that doesn't mean that he's not there. It just means that he's not showing himself yet. Why is he not showing himself yet? Well maybe even though you're confessing your sins and repenting, maybe Leviathan is very strong and he just has him bound, you know, and that's what the judgment is all about, ripping Leviathan off of the Christ that's being formed in you.


Okay, so we see Verse 2, 5, and 8, are instruction by Elohim to Abraham, and then comes Verse 7 which is a question by Isaac and it's an intelligent question, and then we go to Verse3. We've broken up Verse 3 into, actually, three parts, 3a, 3b, and 3c. If you look on page 5, I have two 3bs. Please make the second 3b, 3c, on Page 5, the lower half of the page, it's after 6b.


Okay, starting with 3a, "And Michael," okay, so now we see some action coming to pass, Abraham and Isaac have been instructed, Isaac has asked his question, and now we see some action. "Michael arose in Abraham, and married the two young spiritual men." And I suggest to you that the two men are Abel in Abraham and Abel in Isaac, "and he married the two young spiritual men who were near to him." And this is justification. Now we saw justification spoken about in the instructions, this is the actual occurrence of the justification. Michael arose and married the two young men, and shouldered the burden of ruling Leviathan.


So here we get a little more information about justification. To be honest with you, I never quite saw it that way myself but I do get a witness to it, that the conception of Christ in us is the relief of the widow, because you're a widow even if you have the Holy Spirit. You have to be married to not be a widow, and one of the benefits of marriage is that you have someone to share the burden with you, but in this case we're female. We're female to the Christ that's being formed in us, and so he's a man to us, and he's shouldering the burden. Shouldering what burden? The burden of keeping sin underfoot and also just the burden of everyday life.


To be honest with you, and if anyone has an opinion please give it now. I would be...., it's been so long that I've been dealing with Christ and not the Holy Spirit that I don't even have an opinion as to whether or not a relationship with the Holy Spirit can give me as much support and as much information and help as a relationship with Christ. Now, in principle, I would say Christ has to be a richer relationship than the Holy Spirit, but I really don't have enough of a memory of my relationship with the Holy Spirit. Can anybody here compare the difference between their relationship with the Holy Spirit in their early days and their relationship with Christ?


The only way that I could remember it is that I was so spiritually immature in those days, that I was never asking the Holy Spirit the questions that I ask Christ. I was never asking him to run my life and give me wisdom and take over. So I guess the relationship with the Holy Spirit is pretty much asking him for healing. I guess I'm answering my own question. The relationship with the Holy Spirit, marriage to the Holy Spirit, asks him, not marriage, a relationship with him, you ask for healing, you ask for deliverance and you ask for your finances to get in order, and if you want to get married you ask him for a wife, or for a husband, but when Christ is conceived in you, you're supposed to start asking for more mature things, for spiritual growth, for the formation of the kingdom in you. Praise the Lord.


Okay, now I have a comment here. In view of the context of the whole account, it is my opinion that the word "son" and not "Isaac" appeared in the original text.


Okay let's take a look at Verse 13a, And Abel ascended up the staircase. I see what I said, okay Verse 13, let me take a look at it in the King James here, "And Abraham lifted up his eyes and looked and beheld, and behold behind him a ram caught in the thicket by his horns. I must be in the wrong....that is not 13, that is 3, "And Abraham rose up early in the morning and saddled his ass, and took two of his young men with him and Isaac his son, and clave the wood." Okay, when I did the alternate translation on this Verse 3, Isaac just didn't fit in properly, and I'm taking translator's license and saying that some scribe somewhere changed the word "son" to "Isaac," because if we have the word "son," then we could be talking about Abel or Adam, but if it really is the word "Isaac," it doesn't fit in to the alternate translation.


So, accordingly, I'm taking this translator's license based on the whole concept of this whole 16 verses that we're doing and I'm saying that it was Adam, Michael's only begotten son, who ascended and not Isaac, because it doesn't make any sense. Is Isaac going to ascend ahead of Abraham? It didn't make any sense to me. I gave you a little exhortation off the message how I reached...., but how I think and how I reached these conclusions, and that's what I'm talking about here.


According to the Hebrew script, it does say Isaac but it doesn't make any sense. It's saying that Isaac ascended ahead of Abraham. So I'm taking translator's license and saying that some scribe must have changed the word "son" to "Isaac," and we're going to switch it back to "son" which is a generic word. It doesn't say which son it is. Is it the spiritual son or is it the physical son? And when I switch it back to the generic word son, the word that fits into the whole translation is Adam.


So let me read the whole thing for you, "And Michael arose in Abraham, married the two young spiritual men who were near to him, and shouldered the burden of ruling Leviathan and Abel ascended up the staircase and proceeded to the place that Elohim had told Abraham they belonged." I just could not see Isaac ascending up ahead of Abraham, it doesn't make any sense to me. So I made it Abel, and Abel ascended up the staircase, and proceeded to the place that Elohim had told Abraham they belonged. Abel ascended up to full stature. Is everybody okay with that?


Okay, that was Verse 3a. Going on to 13a, "And as Abraham ascended spiritually, he looked with his physical eyes, and he saw with his spiritual eyes Adam behind the woman." And we talked about this, this morning, and as Abraham ascended he ascended in to his Christ mind, and if you want to see in the spirit, you first have to focus your attention, focus your attention, I just started talking about this recently here.


Actually, I've known this for a long time, but it was not in my mind in a form that I could teach it. It was something that I was practicing but it...., I just didn't have it to the point where I could teach it, and ever since we had that round table discussion where I pointed out to you that all of these years that I've been rebuking you for talking having carnal talk when I go inside for a minute, that I never really explained to you that we were suppose to be concentrating and focusing on keeping the Christ mind on top of the carnal mind, and once the Lord showed me to explain it to you, you all just are doing such a great job at it, that it's a shame I didn't explain it to you years ago, but I just didn't have it in my heart that way to explain it to you. And this is the difference between being under the law and saying, now don't have carnal talk when I go inside and teaching people so that they desire to do what you're asking of them because they have a revelation that's it's of a benefit to them.


And Abraham ascended, okay so I was talking about focusing your concentration, and ever since the Lord has brought this concept into focus in my mind so that I'm no longer doing...., there are things I do on automatic, you know, and even in the world lots of people are very accomplished at all different kinds of skills and they can't teach. Being able to teach what you do is a whole different story, see. So ever since the Lord has brought this concept of focusing your mind to the forefront in this ministry, I'm just hearing it, I'm just hearing it everywhere. I'll fix that, I'm just hearing it everywhere, I'm hearing it on TV, you know, and especially when I hear things about spiritual things, you know, sometimes I'll watch spiritual programs or read spiritual things that are not in Christ, and the name of the game is focus. You've got to focus your mind. Do you know that's how karate people break bricks, it's such a focus and concentration of the mind that somehow, and I don't even understand it, it translates into physical strength.


Now that's the occult, I'm not telling anybody here to do that, I'm just talking about the fact that I know to go off into the spirit requires a focus and a concentration, that's what I'm saying, whether you're doing it in the Serpent, or whether you're doing it in Christ, it requires concentration. And there in the occult, sometimes they'll sit down, you'll hear about someone meditating their navel, you know. What they're doing is concentrating on a single point, which concentration enables them to go off into a trance, you see.


Now we don't do that in Christ, see. Now we don't do that in Christ. We focus on the word of God, you focus on the word of God, or we focus on our communication with the Lord, okay, but it's the same thing, it's the same principle that we are a mortal man. Whether you're the Hindu contemplating his navel, or whether you're a Christian concentrating on this word of God, we are both mortal men who are attempting to catapult ourselves into the spiritual world, and we're doing it through concentration, you see.


Now the more disciplined a person you are when you come to the Lord, the easier it's going to be for you to come to this place where you can concentrate, sometimes you have to concentrate for long periods of time, you know, to get off into the spirit. Now if you come to the Lord and you're not a disciplined person and many people who come to the Lord come with a lot of problems in their life, okay. If you're not a disciplined person to start with, you have a bit of a handicap, but all things are possible in Christ, but there's no way you're going into the spirit, in Christ, without being disciplined, you see.


I don't think anybody here has that problem but.... although, I guess we may in various areas, but reading this message, there's no way you're going on in God without being disciplined. You have to discipline your own fallen nature. Discipline is a big thing in the army, if you're not disciplined you get depressed. It's just very important that you're disciplined.


We're in Verse 13a. Well now, what have we had in actuality now? Michael arose in Abraham and married, that's justification. We see justification as actually happened, and we see full stature has actually happened and, again, sanctification is skipped over for whatever reason.


Okay, Verse 13a, well I guess that's sanctification up there where it says at the end of 3a where it says, "and shouldered the burden of ruling Leviathan." I would say that would be sanctification, that would be the bringing to pass of holiness, of keeping Leviathan down. Okay so we see full stature accomplished here.


Verse 13a, And as Abraham ascended spiritually, he looked, he focused his eyes, his physical eyes, he focused, he concentrated, and he saw in the spirit, and when he looked in the spirit he saw Adam behind the woman. It's as if to say, somebody looked right into someone's heart, you look right pass their crazy behavior and you saw that, that person was in terrible pain, or you look right pass that phony front, and you saw the person's true motive. As Abraham descended he saw, he looked and he saw, Adam behind the woman and where do you think he saw Adam? Behind the woman within himself. He looked, as he ascended spiritually he saw himself, and he saw Adam in himself.


Now this is really a very important point, because we have a lot of people coming to the Lord who are devastated in their self-esteem, and they cannot see the life of God in themselves at all. All they see is the condemnation. Some people no matter...., I can talk myself blue in the face that there's no condemnation in the revelation of the exposure of your sins, not from me anyway, and all they see in it is condemnation. Well you see, as Adam ascended, spiritually he looked within himself and he saw #1, that he was the woman, and #2, he saw the potential for Adam to be raised from the dead in him. He saw that part of him that had the potential to be the son of God, and he also saw that Adam was trapped, he saw that Adam's spirit was interwoven with Satan, and that Leviathan was overlaying him, was overlaying Adam, but despite this, Abraham still proceeded to marry Adam. He didn't let this stop him, he didn't let it put him off when he saw Adam's true condition. And how can we relate this to ourselves brethren?


Let me relate it to you this way. I've talked about it somewhat, I know for me at this point, I have such a strong revelation of the bondage that men are in, I have such a strong revelation of the bondage that the institutions of our society place us in that sometimes it's distressing to me, and you've heard me talk about that. I don't know that I want to get into it on this message, but human activity that is considered acceptable and good in this world, the reality of this behavior is that it binds you to this world, you know. And, once again, at the risk of being misunderstood, marriage and sexuality binds you to the life in outer darkness. I'm not saying whether you should get married, or whether you shouldn't, I'm not telling anybody whether to get married or whether to not get married. I'm simply stating a fact.


Marriage is a life in the flesh, raising children is a life in the flesh. You see what we're doing in this ministry, it's a deep.... besides being spiritual, it's a deep intellectual exercise. A deep intellectual life is not compatible with a life in the flesh, they're antagonistic towards one another, and they cancel each other out. Is a life in the flesh bad? That's up to you. I'm not saying it's bad, I'm giving you the facts. The flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit lusteth against the flesh, and the two will never be reconciled and only one can prevail.


Paul said, let the young women marry, but if it's your time to go on in Christ, if it's your time to go on in Christ, it is an activity, it is an institution that will work against your spiritual development. What am I saying? I'm saying that the institutions of this society of this world are spiritual gravity that binds us to hell. If you engage in the activities of hell, you are bound to hell. And this is what Paul was talking about when he talked about reverencing death, that we're in bondage forever, those who reverence death are bound by death. You cannot get free from what you need, you see. And on the other hand you can't separate yourself from it unless it's along with Jesus' plan. You can't do it in the flesh. You have to ask the Lord.


If you're reading this message, I don't think anyone here is having this problem, you have to get your head straight about it. First, you have to admit what is the truth, even if you're reading this message and you're married with 16 kids, and believe me Jesus is not telling you to abandon your children, he's certainly not doing that, you still are in a position where you could understand this thing. If you're married with 16 kids, with the youngest one two years old, and the Lord has brought you to this message for whatever chance, even in this condition with the grace of God, you can recognize the truth of what I'm saying. I'm not saying your marriage is bad, I'm not saying your children are bad, they're not they're a blessing in this world, but this lifestyle interweaves you with this world that you're in. And it's that much harder to get out, simply by virtue of your children alone, I'm telling you, Jesus is not telling you to abandon your children.


You had those children and you raise those children and, after they're raised, if the Lord's willing he'll take you into a spiritual program. If you want to get into a spiritual program sooner, then you might petition the Lord and ask him whether or not it's his preference for you that you don't marry, but, of course, if he's not willing to move you into a spiritual program as a young person, well then get married. So better find out what he's doing in your life.


My only point here is that the lifestyles that are cherished by this world are spiritual gravity that keep you here, they bind you here and prevent you from ascending above the firmament. And you don't give up the things of this world except as the Lord raises you up out of them, don't do it in the flesh, don't do it.


Okay, and as Abraham ascended spiritually, he looked within and he saw that he was the woman, and that his spiritual manhood was behind or underneath the woman, and that Adam's spirit which is his spirit, was interwoven with Satan, and that Leviathan was overlaying him, overlaying his new, resurrected Christ mind. But, despite all this, Abraham went on and he married Adam, and he ascended up the staircase, and the staircase is Adam. He proceeded to marry Adam, and what is that talking about now? I think at this point, it's really talking about Abraham choosing Adam over Leviathan, choosing Adam over Leviathan, and we talked about that a lot. We talked about it this morning, that the personality chooses the mind that she will marry and the mind that she marries is who she is.


So I really....I'm going to check out that word "marry" before I put this in the alternate translation. There may be a better translation of that word. I believe what's being said here is that Abraham ascended spiritually, he looked at himself, he saw that he was the woman, and that his manhood was underneath the woman, and that Adam's spirit, which is his spirit, maybe that should even say in that...., Adam's spirit was interwoven with Satan, and that Leviathan was overlaying Adam, Abraham's righteous mind, but Abraham proceeded to choose Adam despite the fact that he was in this condition. And by his very choice of choosing Adam to be his mind, okay, he, Abraham, ascended up the staircase.


Now let me try and bring this into focus for you that you could relate to your present life. The whole significance here is that Abraham saw Adam and Adam did not look very palatable, Adam did not appear to be in a condition that Abraham would want him. Okay, so now how would that manifest in our lives? I suggest to you, brethren, that when at the beginning we get a vision that there is a Christ mind and that we want him, but when we also get a vision of the warfare that's going to be required and of the persecution that's going to come against us, Leviathan whom we are divorcing, many people are not willing to pay the price.


But, you see, Abraham chose Adam despite...., you see, let me put it to you this way. Abraham had all this instruction from Elohim now, and he had to know that if he wanted to ascend to the world above, he was going to have to marry Adam. It must have been shocking for him, or perhaps it was shocking to him to see the condition that his manhood was in, you see. And he might have been tempted to say, well, no, I'm not going to have this persecution or one of us here...., it would mean when we see the bondage that our spiritual manhood is in, many people, many believers are not willing to fight. They're willing to stay married to Leviathan, that's what it comes down to.


You want Adam, you want the mind of God, you want the mind of God, you want the mind of God, but when you get the revelation of the warfare that's necessary to actually marry the mind of God, because you have to get him out of bondage first, it seems that more believers are not....will run, you know. They just can't seem to handle it. I thank God that we're as many as we are here. They just can't handle it, and the church is filled with people, you know, that are saying that they don't need elders, and they don't need teachers. And they desperately need saviors, they desperately need believers who are overcoming to strengthen them, but everyone's so many....,I don't want to say everyone, are out there a lone ranger today, you know, they don't think they need anybody except Jesus. It's amazing.


Okay going on with 3b, "And Adam, the lad, burst through Satan and Leviathan." That's the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and I suggest to you that, well I have written down here that, that's the first stage of spiritual circumcision. 


The first stage of spiritual circumcision is marriage, I can't really say the first stage of spiritual circumcision, but I perceive it as the bursting through. Now you have to realize that Satan and Leviathan are covering over the Christ mind, and please realize that what gave Adam, in Abraham, the strength to burst through the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is that Abraham chose him. Okay, remember we've talked about this principle several times today. The personality chooses the mind, and the mind that the personality chooses is empowered when the personality chooses that mind, you see.


No matter how bound up Adam is in us, okay no matter how bound up he is, when we choose him, and we're willing to fight the warfare, it empowers him and he will burst through the bondage that the carnal mind has placed upon us, but he'll never do it if we don't choose him. This is a hard word, you know, a lot of Christians get really upset at this word. They want Jesus to do everything, it's really an infantile mentality. We must make a choice, and then we must pay the price. Jesus said, "count the cost." You have to make your choice, then be prepared to pay the price.


So we see that Abraham chose Adam, and the very next thing that happened was that Adam found the strength to burst through Leviathan's domination, and I guess I really cannot say that, that's the first phase of spiritual circumcision. I really can't say that unless....I don't want to get too technical, you know, you could say it's a pre-stage. You know, in order for Adam to marry Michael, he has to break through the....he has to be circumcised. So to be honest with you I don't know where to fit it in on our chart over there. I call it pre-stage, before the marriage, you have to get to the chapel before you get married.


I see, thank you Lord, it's not the first stage of spiritual circumcision, that is the sanctification, brethren, that's the sanctification. Adam burst through and forces Leviathan.... actually it shouldn't be Satan, it should really just be Leviathan underneath him, that's sanctification, there it is.


Okay, now we see up at the very top of the page where I said that was sanctification, the phrase "and shoulder the burden of ruling Leviathan," well the two are sanctification in two different stages. At the top of the page which is Verse 3a, the phrase, "and shoulder the burden of Leviathan," that is sanctification in progress, okay. The actual sanctification talks about the domination of Leviathan. So this is the beginning of it, it's the beginning of it, "..and shouldered the burden of ruling Leviathan." But then we see down in 3b which is actually the same verse, I just have those verses separated in 3b, we see that the sanctification is completed when Adam burst through Leviathan's domination and forces Leviathan underneath him. Hallelujah.


Verse 6a, "And Abraham captured Satan and Leviathan the Tree of the," I guess it should really just be Leviathan. I keep putting Satan and Leviathan in there, it really should just be Leviathan. "And Abraham captured Leviathan, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and Adam the stairway to the world above the firmament seized and covered over Isaac, his son. Now please note that Abraham captured Leviathan. That means Abraham, when he dominated his own Leviathan, that's talking about full stature now, Adam, Abraham's mind, Abraham's sword, your mind is your weapon, when Abraham took the victory over Leviathan, Adam seized and covered over Isaac, his son.


You see, when we take the victory in our own life, Christ in us will reach out and cover our children. See we can't do it in the flesh, we don't have any power to protect our children. We have to be very careful that we don't go overboard and damage them, see. And this was the instruction that the Lord gave to me years ago, when I cried out for help for XXXXX, a covenant that the Lord made with me. I cried out for help for XXXX, and he said, "you get yourself cleaned up, you serve me, and I'll take care of her." And this is the exact principle that we're seeing in the Scripture. Abraham dominated Leviathan, and Adam rose up and covered his son.


I'm not in full stature, but I have had a lot of success in dominating Leviathan, and the Lord is keeping his promise, and I expect him to completely fulfill his promise to me. I believe that XXXXX is under his cover, because of the covenant he made with me, and it seems to be a general covenant. You worried about your kids, you're concerned about your kids, serve God with all your strength, and your kids will be touched by the anointing that's on your life.


And Abraham captured Leviathan and captured....you see, to me the word captured is that he permanently put him under him. We're talking about full stature again. And Adam seized and covered over Isaac, his son. That's a good word for all you parents out there, that's a good word.


Verse 9, "And they came to the place that Elohim had told them about," so I guess that's Abraham and Isaac, came to the place that Elohim had told them about, and what place had he told them about? In Verse 2, it says, "I have told you about the world, about the united mountain that is above the firmament," that's the end of Verse 2. "And they came to the place that Elohim had told them about, and Abraham repaired the altar there which is the upper part of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and directed Isaac to it, to the altar, by binding Leviathan in Isaac and putting Satan and Leviathan, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, in the correct moral order.


Let's take it a phrase at a time. "And they came to the place that Elohim had told them about," that's the first stage of the spiritual circumcision. Back again at the bottom of Verse 2, "and the united mountain that I have told you is above the firmament." That's the place they headed for, the united mountain, that's marriage to Michael. So they came to that place, and when Adam married Michael, the altar was repaired. What altar was he talking about? The three-part altar that plugs us into the eternal realm where Jehovah is. When Adam connected to Michael, when Adam married Michael, Michael is already connected to Elohim and Jehovah, that is the repair or the restoration of the three-part altar.


I'm very excited I had a prophecy years ago, that the Lord was rebuilding the altar, now it's not rebuilt in me yet. Apparently, rebuilding the altar is marriage to Michael, and I want to tell you that it's looking to me more and more as we dig in these Scriptures that we're going to be ascending at least in to the first phase of spiritual circumcision after full stature.


That's my feeling because the more I study this, the more it looks like we're still going to be very vulnerable in full stature, very vulnerable. We have to be joined to Michael to have any degree of security at all. Praise the Lord. So they came to the place that Elohim had told them about, and Abraham repaired the altar there, and I just explained to you how he did that. He did not pick up a hammer and nails and wood and repair the altar, it was the repair of the spiritual altar, which is the upper part of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.


Now, does the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil have an upper part? Yes it does, it has an upper part, and that is the altar. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is supposed to be in subjection to, in submission to, underneath the three-part altar, and that's not necessarily a physical position. We're talking about authority here. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil has a higher authority, it has a higher power, and that higher power is the three-part altar, Jehovah, Michael, and Adam, that is the higher power over Leviathan. "And directed Isaac to it," directed Isaac to the three- part altar, and by binding Leviathan in Isaac and putting Satan...." To be honest with you right now, I don't know whether it should be Leviathan alone or Satan and Leviathan, but I seem to be going with just Leviathan for now.


I may change my mind back again, "and directed Isaac to the altar by binding Leviathan in Isaac, and putting Leviathan....," and that's the two levels of Leviathan, the conscious mind and the subconscious mind, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the correct moral order, putting them down in the correct moral order.


Now this is an important principle. I have preached along these lines with regard to Jesus being our controller. Do you remember those teachings? I know we did several Scriptures in the book of Acts showing that the resurrected Jesus in the apostles was the controller and is the controller who is putting Leviathan down under. He's putting.... well it's not the Holy Spirit, it's not the resurrected Jesus. It's the son that Jesus is bringing forth in us. It has to be Christ growing out of you, he is the controller that is controlling our sin nature, and one of the major functions of the sons of God is to lend our strength to other believers who are struggling with their own carnal nature, and to join the strength of our Christ with their Christ and, hopefully, give them enough power to put Leviathan down under.


Now I've been walking in this revelation for a long time, brethren, and I want to tell you that it's very discouraging to see how little power I have to help someone do that, you know. And there's one person that I know right now that is really desperate to overcome their sin nature, and I have only been able to help them in a very limited way, and it certainly doesn't build up my Ego, which is a good thing because Ego will just kill you and Christ anyway, and the Lord is in control, and he knows what he's doing. But my whole message to you tonight is that when we are in full stature, Christ in us will be a powerful controller. We will be powerful enough to join with Christ in other believers and put down their sin nature, and, not only that, but Christ in us will be powerful enough to sting Leviathan in men that are not consciously willing.


Remember the account of Malchus in the Garden of Gethsemane. Now Malchus had faith towards God, he had faith towards God, and Peter was able to sting Leviathan, his carnal mind, and impart the seed that would enable Malchus to conceive Christ, and he did not ask Malchus' permission. Heavy anointing rolling in here, it's been hitting you all night, right? I'm starting to get woozy myself.


We're in Verse 9, "And he directed Isaac to the altar." He had authority over his son, he went in and bound up Leviathan, and he put the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in moral order. Abraham acted as a controller to his own son. Will we be able to do this to our children when we're in full stature? I don't know.


Now, brethren, listen, this is a very important principle because now I get these questions in my mind in the spirit, and I don't know whether it's somebody here, or whether it's just the Lord's way of having me preach along these lines because he knows that someone who's going to be reading this message is going to have this question. Look, binding up Leviathan in your children or in anybody against their will as long as you're in full stature and you're doing it with a righteous motive you see, you can't be a fallen man saying, I know what's best for you and I'm going to help you. You can't do that, you see.


But if it's Christ in you binding some carnal mind, it is not a terrible thing, and this is the principle behind it. When the mind of God binds up someone's Christ mind then they will turn towards God because the whole principle behind this thing is that we're in hell, we're in a fallen world, we're blinded by the God of this world, and the people who are rejecting Christ are not in their right mind, see.


And the test is that when the mind of God binds up Leviathan in a man, the man then chooses Christ of his own free accord, you see. When the one who's blinding him is restrained, the man then makes the sane choice. So it's not the same thing as forcing someone to do something against their will, it's merely binding the one who's restraining their true free will. This is a very important point, see. Jesus does not force you to do anything, but he will deal with your sin nature until your righteous nature makes the right decision, see.


Now the whole problem with that is we are our sin nature. So, when we make the wrong decision, if we're truly a son and he's chastening us, you know, and we're not a bastard, if he's really dealing with us and we make the wrong decision, he will deal with our sin nature, and we will feel the stress of it until we come to the point that we make the right decision, depending on how stubborn and rebellious we are. It could be many years and much pain.


It amazes me, you know, and that thought is there in the back of my mind, I have to rebuke it all the time, you know. I don't know Lord, isn't there anyway this could be done any faster, do people have to spend years in torment until they find out their only problem was themselves? And I know that Jesus is righteous, so the answer has to be yes. Hopefully, things will change when the sons are manifested, but right now, everything that I've ever seen, I haven't seen anything to the contrary, that someone who is called by God, and just about everybody that's called is rebellious and prideful, because that's our fallen nature, that they just go through hell for years, until they come to the place that they could honestly submit to him, or truly submit to him.


I mean I had someone just the other night going on for a long time about how submissive he was to God, and the man's just.... maybe in a couple of little areas, he's submissive to God, but he's not at all submissive, from what I could see, in major areas. Well let's go on because I'm going out in the spirit. Let's try and finish this message tonight. Hallelujah.


So to be in.... and we're in the bottom of Verse 9, and we see that Abraham has now put Isaac in the correct moral order, and that is full stature. The correct moral order is full stature. So we now see full stature for Isaac.


Verse 6b, "And Adam," and that is a translation of the word "hand." Abraham's mind....and Adam, Abraham's mind, took hold of Satan and Leviathan and cast the pair into the lake of fire. Now I have a little red lining in strike out there, I wanted to show you what I did. The legitimate translation says, "and cast them both together," and it just doesn't....the English just doesn't flow right, so I replaced that phrase, "them both together," with the words, "the pair." I can't seem to fit it in together smoothly, I can't see any reason for it, so I just eliminated it. "And Adam, Abraham's mind, took hold of Satan and Leviathan and cast the pair into the lake of fire." That's the judgment.


Verse 13c, "And Abraham exchanged Satan and Leviathan for Adam, Elohim's son."


Brethren, you see that word "exchange" there? See, this is the true repentance. Repentance, you've heard it preached as a change of mind, but what most people think repentance is, is a change of opinion, you see. Repentance is not a change of opinion, or that could be a beginning, to change your opinion, and to get a revelation of what's right, but the true repentance is a change of mind you see.


Your carnal mind....you have to leave your carnal mind, you have to abandon your carnal mind. True repentance is taking your mortal personality and choosing Jesus and rejecting your carnal mind, and then going through the whole war, and all the punishment that Satan's going to inflict upon you, and all the pain she's going to cause you, and to stand by your decision. Eventually, the end of this sacrifice is that your carnal mind, Satan and Leviathan, shall be exchanged for Adam, Elohim's son, and you shall truly have repented.


Now this repentance comes forth in pieces, comes forth in individual areas of our emotions, in our thoughts, but the end of the whole process is that we will have rejected the carnal mind, and taken on the Christ mind. And every time we have a true repentance, if it is a true repentance.... you see, we went through something like that this morning. A correction came forth, and the person honestly told me that they were willing to submit, but they couldn't see it. You see, even though that's the best that you could do at the time, that's not a true repentance, because a true repentance involves truly understanding that you've done something wrong you see.


It's good to submit to an authority and say, I'm sorry if I offended you and I won't do it again, but that's not true repentance, you see. True repentance is an understanding, Gee, that really was wrong, and I really would like to do things differently in the future, and then you ask.... you speak to Jesus and he gives you the ability to do things differently in the future. That is the true repentance.


So our whole nature is changing, an experience at a time, as we become convicted by Christ that something that we thought all the normal people do, okay, when we become convicted, that even though multitudes of people do it, as far as the Lord is concerned....you see, the fact that everybody does it doesn't mean that it's right, you see. And when we become convicted, that it's really true, it doesn't glorify God, and that there's a better way to do it, and that, that's really wrong, that is a speck of repentance, and as we keep making these changes about our attitudes, and the way we think and the way we feel, and by an act of our will we stop doing it the carnal mind's way and start doing it Christ's way, this is repentance. But the end of the whole thing, true repentance at its fulfillment, is that we have transferred out of our carnal mind into our Christ mind, and that will be full stature. Praise God.


Verse 6c, and, of course, back with that 13c, that's full stature also. I think, I have in 13c, "and Abraham exchanged." I better....that must be Isaac, cause Abraham had it already. Abraham went up into full stature in 3b.


So this is 3c. That should be, "and Isaac exchanged Satan and Leviathan for Adam, Elohim's son." 6c, "And Abraham and Isaac died to their mortal lifestyle." The two of them ascended into full stature. 15, "and Michael, the angel of the Lord, called out of heaven." Where's heaven? It's above the firmament. "And Michael, the angel of the Lord, called out of heaven until Abraham, who was in the second timeline." You see, Abraham, even though he will in full stature, he was still underneath the firmament, you see.


The second timeline is underneath the firmament. The first timeline is above the firmament. So Abraham was still in the second timeline, and the angel called out to him from heaven, from the first time line.


Verse 12, "And Michael said, the Serpent has withheld Adam, my only begotten son, from me, but now she perceives your submission to Elohim, and has sent Satan and Leviathan after Adam's spirit to restore her moral order." Okay, Abraham's in full stature, and he is getting a communication from Michael, or in our case from Jesus, above the firmament, and this communication is a warning. And the warning is, "do not feel secure because you're in full stature, because Satan is coming right after you to overturn your full stature, and to take you back for the kingdom of the Serpent."


Now, brethren, this message is for us. Michael is Jesus calling out from heaven right now, through my mouth, telling you....and I just talked about it a few minutes ago, when we stand up in full stature, don't sit down and rest, you're still in danger.


I'm excited. With this kind of teaching coming forth, it's got to be soon. I do not believe Jesus gives this kind of teaching to people who are not going to experience this, I don't believe that, I really don't. There's such an excitement in my spirit. Listen, brethren, when you get a revelation that you're in full stature, you're not safe, see, you're not safe, and this is why you're not safe. The Serpent has withheld Jesus' son from him for a long time, but now that she perceives that, through your submission to Jesus Christ, she no longer has Adam all bound up, she has sent Satan and Leviathan after Adam's spirit, that's after your human....that's after your spirit, your resurrected spirit, and she wants that spirit back, and she wants you back in her moral order, and her moral order is the man underneath the woman.


Remember, it's the energy that she wants back. Spirit is energy. She cannot keep this world, she cannot sustain this world, without the energy. She wants it back, and she's not fooling. It's very exciting. Michael said, "the Serpent has withheld Adam, my only begotten son from me, but now that she perceives your submission to Elohim," and that submission to Elohim, to me that's full stature. She has sent Satan and Leviathan after Adam's spirit to restore her moral order. The spirit of your Christ mind, the spirit of your Christ mind, the Serpent wants the spirit of your Christ mind.


You see, every man is given a measure of faith. You have so much, your human spirit is so much, is a measure of energy and, to the fullest degree that Christ is possessing that energy, the Serpent is absent that energy.


See, now when you're in full stature, so long as Satan and Leviathan and the Serpent are alive, this energy is being pulled from mind to mind, that's the warfare over the energy you see. And that's why you're not really saved until you go into the second stage of resurrection, and the beginning of your safety is marriage to Michael who greatly enhances your strength, and then your harvesting from the Serpent's mind goes very far. You're no longer dependent on her for anything.


But this is the message, now hear this, now hear this, you wake up tomorrow morning, you find yourself in full stature, you're not safe, you're not safe, hide behind Jesus. You still need Jesus who is above the firmament, hide behind Jesus.


Going on with Verse 10. So we see in Verse 12 this communication from Michael to Abraham. It's really an exhortation that's saying, get ready for the second stage of resurrection, it's a warning that you're not safe, which is also a pronouncement that there's another stage to go through, the second stage.


Verse 10, now I have a comment, let me see what that's all about. Okay, Verse 10 in the King James says, "And Abraham stretched forth his hand and took the knife to slay his son." The Hebrew word translated "son" is Strong's #1121, and this Hebrew word can be translated male or female. It doesn't have to be a son, and the reason I'm giving you that comment is that I'm translating it "daughter," speaking about Leviathan, the Serpent's daughter. And, of course, the King James translation tells you that Abraham is about to kill his son, indicating Isaac. But I'm telling you, no brethren, Abraham is about to kill the Serpent's daughter, Leviathan. Hallelujah.


I rebuke this translation, I rebuke this aspect of the King James translation, I rebuke you, I rebuke you, I rebuke you, to say that Jehovah would require a faithful servant or even his worst enemy to slay his own son to gratify Jehovah, I rebuke you. That's the activity of the Serpent. It's not the activity of our God, who is gracious and mighty and merciful and slow to anger, and fair and reasonable, and the epitome of justice. How dare you impute that to him.


Verse 10, "and Adam shot forth in Abraham." We might say he manifested. I just didn't think that was a good word for the alternate translation. Not many people know what that means, "and Adam shot forth in Abraham and took hold of his other self." See, we have two selves. Adam in Abraham shot forth and took hold of Satan and Leviathan, the other self, in Abraham and Isaac, and he sacrificed the Serpent's daughter. I guess I should put down, "and he sacrificed Leviathan, the Serpent's daughter." Actually, it's Satan and Leviathan, they're twins. Nope it's just Leviathan, just Leviathan, "and he sacrificed Leviathan the Serpent's daughter."


And I have a little note there for you reminding you that Leviathan is the blood sacrifice, the blood sacrifice, that's the one that's killed, that's the one whose blood is shed, Leviathan. Jesus is not replacing bulls and cows and goats for you. Jesus was a perfect man okay, and he, Jesus, was the sacrifice for your sins. It was his bloodless offering, his bloodless sacrifice, he gave up an immortal life so that he could be reformed into a form that would enable the life of God to be seeded into humanity. It was a bloodless sacrifice. And the blood sacrifice is your own fallen nature, your own fallen nature.


Jesus did not die instead of you, despite what you are being taught in the churches. It's a lie. He did die for you, but he did not die instead of you, he died to give you the provision for the life of God to be reproduced in you. And you have got to confess your sins, you have got to be exposed, your sin nature has got to be exposed, you've got to confess your sins and repent and you've got to fight this war, and you are undefeatable. If you just follow Jesus' instructions and ask him to help you to be as honest as possible as you go along this journey, you're undefeatable.


The only thing that could keep you from this victory is your own pride which will blind you to confessing your own sins.


Verse 4, well let me comment on this here. This sacrifice, this sacrifice of Leviathan now, this is the second phase of this spiritual circumcision which is the second stage of resurrection. On the board it says the harvesting, the separation from the vine. Now this Leviathan, this is talking about the subconscious mind. It's not talking about the individual conscious mind, it's talking about the separation from the collective subconscious mind, which is directly attached to the Serpent.


So when we're harvested from the vine, when you separate from the Serpent's vine, we're also separated from the trunk of the tree. Remember, the Serpent is the roots, and we're also separated from that tree trunk. We're going to be grafted into a new tree. The sacrifice of Leviathan is the second phase of spiritual circumcision, and she is the Serpent's daughter and the blood sacrifice. She completely cuts us off. When we sacrifice Leviathan we're completely disconnected from the Serpent.


Verse 4 says, "And Satan was carried away, and Abraham's eyes saw the golden timeline." So Satan is to be carried away. We know that she's boiled away, this was a word that was indicated in this verse. We know that we have a deeper understanding of it, that for Satan to be carried away, it means that she's boiled, she's boiled away, and of course that is her death, that is the end of her, to be boiled. "And Abraham's eyes saw the golden timeline."


I suggest to you that Satan's death is the completion of the second stage of resurrection, and that when Abraham had ascended to that point, he.... the phrase that says, "and Abraham's eyes saw the golden timeline" means that he saw the reality of his potential for glorification, as of the point of the completion of the second stage of resurrection in him. He fully comprehended the third stage of resurrection. That's what the Scripture means when it says, "and his eyes saw." He beheld it, he beheld it, it became a real potential for him.


Verse 11, "And Michael called to Adam," he called to himself, he called to Adam in Abraham, "out of heaven, saying "Abraham," and Adam in Abraham said, "I can see you." Now remember the very first verse was, "and it came to pass after these matters that Elohim intending to test Abraham said, see if you can recognize me," and in Verse 11 Michael called to Adam. Well maybe we should make that Elohim. I tell you some things, I'm really not sure of these symbols yet. I may change it back again. "Elohim called to Adam out of heaven saying, Abraham, and Adam in Abraham said, I can see you, or I recognize you."


And Michael said in Verse 16, "I have completed you so that," you see, he now says, "I know that I've completed you because you can see me, and I've done this for you as Jehovah commanded because the Serpent withheld my only begotten son." Michael completed Abraham because that was what was necessary to get Adam back. Now if you hear a mortal man saying something like that, I think even I, myself, would say, wow that's a terrible thing to say you know, that's the only reason you want me is because you wanted your son?


Well coming from the fallen mind that's an insult, and a put down, but coming from Almighty God it's not an insult and it's not a put down, it's just the truth. But the reality of his receiving us for whatever reason is so glorious you see, that, if you're reading this message and you're having a problem with that statement, I've talked a lot about it tonight, you're manifesting pride. It's your pride that's manifesting, and you need to deal with it because it's the truth. But God is not a man you see, God is not a man, and he's not putting anybody down. He's not putting us down, he loves us. He does love us, but the reality is that he loves us because his son is in us, you see.


Did you ever hear....see the Scripture talks about God hating, you know. I had someone say to me once, God never hates anybody. Well he doesn't hate like a man hates. The term, God hated, who was it? He hated Esau and he loved Jacob, what that means simply is that his son was not in Esau. He didn't hate like a man hates, but he only loves the man in whom his son is, but it's not the love of a fallen man, nor is it the hatred of fallen man. All that it means is if God hates you, it means he has nothing to do with you, and to be separated from God, to not have a relationship with God is to be cursed and to be cursed is to be hated, you see, but it's not an emotional hatred.


See, when fallen man hates you, he's out to destroy you. Jesus is not out to destroy you. All that it means is he has nothing to do with you, and if you want him to love you, you have to take his son. He will not take you without his son, he will not love you without his son in you, and he will not marry you without his son in you, he will not receive you if you will not receive his son. What did Jesus say, "If you deny me, I'll deny you before my father." Isn't there a Scripture like that? That's what he was talking about.


See you cannot take the good things of God without having Jesus' son reproduced in you, and if you deny, if you refuse to have his son reproduced in you, he will deny you before the father. That means you will not have the benefits of the three-part altar which is connected above the firmament, but it's not a vindictive retaliation from a mortal man. And I'm sure that, that translation was just an unfortunate translation. It sounds very retaliatory, but it's not, it's the truth, you see. The truth cannot be an accusation, the truth cannot be a threat, the truth cannot be retaliation. It's just the truth, that if his son isn't in you, the benefits of marriage to his son are not available to you, see.


But we make people in our own image, we make God in our own image, and we do it to other people all the time. We perceive people in view of our own minds, in view of the way we relate to people and in view of our experience. We frequently do not see people as they are, but they're colored....our perception of people is colored by our own experience, and by the way we see things, but that's not a good thing because we're not seeing people accurately, see. Maybe that person doesn't have the reaction that you have, maybe they are a different kind of person, you see. So people, colored by our own experience, is not good on two levels.


First of all we're not honestly relating, we cannot honestly relate to the person because what we're responding to isn't real. See, they're not thinking that way, they're not doing things that way, they're different than we are, see. And it's also not good for us, it's not good for the other person, because you're not seeing them accurately, it's not good for your relationship with the other person, and neither is it good for you, because one of the ways that we grow is to recognize that other people are different than us. They could have different thoughts, they can react differently to the same situation, and I grow, I frequently grow by seeing other people's reaction, and sometimes I get a perception that, that other person, they had a much more mature reaction than I did, and I'll ask the Lord to help me to move into that, you see.


But if we see everything that happens out of our own experience, then we'll lose that opportunity. So basically speaking, it's not a healthy thing. We should be striving to see everybody as they are, to see them accurately, to see ourselves accurately, and to perceive every situation, every interaction accurately, that should be our goal. We should be asking the Lord to help us to do that, because that's one of the characteristics of being a son. We don't judge with these physical eyes, or these physical ears, or with our carnal mind. We only judge with the mind of Christ, and he sees everything, either as it is, or as he intends it to be in the kingdom of God.


Verse 16, "And Michael said, I have completed you as Jehovah commanded, because the Serpent withheld my only begotten son, that's the only reason I did it, but it's good for you, and now I love you like you're my own." It's just as if to say your son was engaged to a young lady that you really would have preferred that he didn't marry, but he married her and the Godly parents, it's okay to disapprove your son's fiancé if you really don't think the woman's good for him, but if you're a Godly person, and he marries her anyway you'll say, "well my son married you, and now you're in the family and I receive you and I love you with all of the love of my own child."


Now a lot of people don't do that, but that's what we're supposed to do, that's what we're supposed to do. Praise God.


One more verse, Verse 14, "And because of all this, Abraham called the name of that place where all this happened, the revelation of Jehovah." You see, it was a spiritual place, and in the King James it's Jehovah Jirah. That's a translation of Jehovah Jirah, a revelation of Jehovah, and this is why, because Abraham willed himself towards Michael, Jehovah's personality, and Adam the foundation of spiritual Israel's timeline..."


Let me read that again, "And Abraham called the name of that place the revelation of Jehovah, because Abraham willed himself towards Michael, Jehovah's personality, and Adam, the foundation of spiritual Israel's timeline." That's the first and the last Adam, and that's just a fancy way of saying, Abraham chose Adam over Leviathan, that's what it means.


Now just as a closing thought, when I looked at Verse 16, saying, "And Michael said, I have completed you as Jehovah commanded," that Scripture came in to my mind in Isaiah, "command ye me, command ye me." I've heard that preached so many times, command ye me, tell God what you want, and I really question that. That could be an accurate translation, and it was really strong on me to look it up, and I did and, of course, it doesn't mean that at all. I didn't have time to write down the whole alternate translation of that verse, but what it's saying is, "I'm going to show you my kingdom, and I will show you the ones who are in command over my kingdom." Jehovah is saying, "I'm going to show you the sons of God," you see. See the sons of God, we are the commanders, we're commanders, you see.


And some one with their carnal mind says, wow don't you have all that pride? No, this is not pride. Jehovah said that we're going to be saviors on mount Zion, and he told us that we're going to be commanders, righteous commanders, not abusive debasing officers, but righteous rulers of the sons who are not yet....who have not yet ascended to the place where we are. There are commanders in the Lord's kingdom, and there are thousands of Christians who are arrogantly denying this today, and if they don't get the message they're going to lose their anointing. Then it could be too late.


Even if the Lord's willing to give it back to you again, you have to start from the beginning. Well I don't even know if that's true, they have to start from the beginning, but who would even want to risk that the Lord wouldn't give it back to you. And the danger of a judgment like that, is that when you lose your anointing, you really can't even see that it's gone. So if you can't see that it's gone, how could you cry out and ask Jesus to give it back to you?




So I'd like to end this message tonight with a prayer for all of those rebellious Christians that are out there. Father in the name of Jesus we forgive their sins Lord, we rebuke their rebellion and their pride and we pray, Oh God if there's anything that you're willing to do, I've said earlier, I don't really understand this, I just know that you're righteous, it's hard for me to see all these people just out there having hard times and in pain and they don't have an understanding of what the problem is, and I know that if I try to tell them, they don't believe me, you know, and I don't really understand what you're doing and I hope I'm not criticizing you and if I am, I'm sorry I don't intend to be criticizing you Lord, but we're just praying tonight that if there's anything more that you're willing to do with these people, to at least get the message to them, so that they could make a choice, we just pray that you do it, and if there's any other prayer that you would have us, the sons of God, pray tonight, Lord, for these people or otherwise, we're here and we're at your disposal, and we just pray that every man who could possibly be saved from death and hell should be saved, and we just remind you Lord your people have always been a rebellious people, and we're hoping for the best for them father. In the name of Jesus, Amen.




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    Pastor Vitale develops and teaches the universal spiritual principles that prepare the student to understand the Doctrine of Christ.
    Pastor Vitale teaches the foundational principles of Salvation and Faith.
    Christian spirituality is based on the Bible, the Word of God, and is the fruit of a relationship with Jehovah, the God of the Bible, through his Son, Jesus Christ.
    Pastor Vitale comments and teaches on male-female and family relationships, and western culture today.
    Pastor Vitale teaches on the concepts of Truth, Judgment & Understanding, according to the Bible.
    Pastor Vitale teaches on the authority of the Christian over demons and unclean spirits.
    Pastor Vitale teaches on the Book of Revelation.
    Pastor Vitale comments on and points out the parallels and differences between Christian spirituality, Hinduism, Buddhism and New Age Doctrine.
    Pastor Vitale teaches on the relationship between Quantum Mechanics and other scientific principles, and the spiritual principles set forth in the Bible.
    Some LEM Messages have been made into Books, and others are still in Transcript form. Some Transcripts have been edited for punctuation and clarity, and others have not. Pastor Vitale would like all LEM Messages to be transcribed, edited for clarity and made into Books, but such a task, although underway, is monumental, and there is no estimated date for its completion. All LEM messages that have been transcribed may be read ON DEMAND! by clicking on the View Now link.




Free-hand drawings of Pastor Vitale’s sketches enhanced by Cecilia H. Bryant
(October 18, 1921 – October 23, 2013)


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Fidelis Onwubueke

Pastor Vitale’s sketches expressed digitally by Fidelis Onwubueke

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Pastor Vitale’s conceptualization of the spiritual principles of the Doctrine of Christ.

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    Selden, NY 11784 USA

    All correspondence to:
    544 Jefferson Plaza #562
    Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776-0562 USA
  •   631-331-1493
  •   631-536-2089

Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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