
Transcribed Messages


By Pastor Sheila Vitale






(Unlinked Messages Have Not Been Transcribed)



001  -  The Truth About Witchcraft

002  -  The Seduction Of Eve

003  -  Evil Children

004  -  Out Of The Dust

005  -  Satan Swallowed Up

006  -  Ephraim, Man Of The Earth

007  -  Judah, The Church Today

008  -  The Latter End

009  -  Man Of Sin

010  -  God Wants You

011  -  And Cush Begat Nimrod

012  -  Witchcraft, Tithing & Other Tidbits

013  -  The End Of The Commandment Is Godliness

014  -  1 Corinthians, Chapter 15 - Alternate Translation

015  -  And The Earth Stood Up Out Of The Water

016  -  The Spiritual Root Of Homosexuality

017  -  And Jacob Prevailed

018  -  A Place Teeming With Life - An In-Depth Study Of The Creation (9 Parts, Exhibit)

019  -  The Fall

020  -  Innocence, Death, Life

024  -  Salvation

025  -  Reconciliation

026  -  Redemption

027  -  Thy Neighbor's Landmark 

030  -  Signs Of Apostleship

056  -  Son & Heir, Or Servant

059  -  Spirit, Water, Blood

062  -  The Parable Of The Talents

063  -  The Mind Of Christ

065  -  He That Hath Life

069  -  Cleansed From Sin

072  -  Two Sorcerers

076  -  All Ye Adulterers & Adulteresses

077  -  No More Condemnation

081  -  Is Your Foundation Christ

104  -  Basic Principles #1   [Video]

105  -  Basic Principles #2   [Video]

106  -  Basic Principles #3

108  -  The Good News

110  -  Basic Principles #4

112  -  Basic Principles #5

114  -  Basic Principles #6

115  -  Basic Principles #7

116  -  Basic Principles #8

117  -  The Spiritual Ministry Of Christ

118  -  Basic Principles #9

119  -  Basic Principles #10

120  -  Basic Principles #11

122  -  Basic Principles #12

123  -  Christ Jesus - Man's New Mind

125  -  Spiritual Or Soulish Christianity

127  -  S. Vitale At Lagos, Nigeria 12 31 91

149  -  Apostolic Ministry

169  -  Principles Of The Kingdom #1

179  -  Principles Of The Kingdom #2

183  -  Principles Of The Kingdom #3

198  -  Signs Of Spiritual Manhood

202  -  Time For Resurrection And Q & A

203  -  The Harvest, What Is It? & Other Questions

205  -  S. Vitale At Surelere, Nigeria 01 19 93 (2 Parts)

206  -  S. Vitale At Ejigbo, Nigeria 01 23 93

207  -  S. Vitale At Peter Omole's Nigeria 01 31 93

208  -  S. Vitale At Benin, Nigeria 02 04 93 (4 Parts)

209  -  S. Vitale At Ekosodin, Nigeria 02 12 93 (2 Parts)

218  -  The Unforgivable Sin (2 Parts)

228  -  Where Will You Go When You Die?

229  -  Saved: Who, What & How?

231  -  Our God, A No Thing?

242  -  The Mind Of The Spirit

247  -  Sanctification Of The Spirit

262  -  The State Of The Church

271  -  Christ & The Existing Five-Fold Ministry

289  -  S. Vitale At Aguda, Nigeria 05 11 94

290  -  S. Vitale At Aguda, Nigeria 05 17 94

291  -  Farewell To Aguda

292  -  S. Vitale At Isolo, Nigeria 05 22 94

293  -  S. Vitale At Festac 05 27 94

294  -  S. Vitale At Festac, Nigeria 05 29 94

295  -  S. Vitale At Festac, Nigeria 05 28 94

317  -  Growing Up In God

318  -  One Covenant Between God & Man

393  -  Spiritual Foundations (10 Parts)

449  -  Homecoming (Return After Ministry)

453  -  Justification & The Spirit Of Reconciliation

515  -  Ministry In The Field

536  -  S. Vitale At Jalingo, Nigeria 03 15 06

554  -  You, Too, Can Be Spiritual

581  -  Lust To Minister

582  -  Christ Or Barabbas

589  -  Correction, The Love Of God (2 Parts) 

590  -  Is God Responsible?

603  -  He That Overcometh

609  -  The Alternate New Testament Reviewed

612  -  Elements of Change

613  -  Meat & Potatoes

614  -  To Die Is Gain

630  -  I Have Arrived

720  -  Letting Go Of Pentecost

731  -  Resurrection Issues

758  -  So You Want To Be Spiritual Do You?   [Video]

763  -  Spiritual Confusion   [Video]

764  -  The Judgment Of God Is Just   [Video]

776  -  Trespass Offering (Spiritual Application) (2 Parts)

779  -  God Requires Recompense [Video]

789  -  Training In The Field [Video]

790  -  Mature Ministry For Mature Sons [Video]

791  -  Walking The Spiritual Walk [Video]

796  -  Self-Preservation & Two Ways Of Escape [Video]

797  -  Spiritual Crimes Under the New Covenant [Video]

799  -  God's Intentions, Motive & Opinons [Video]

821  -  Let This Mind Be In You, Christ Doesn't Do That [Video]

823  -  Let This Mind Be In You, Christ Jesus Man's New Mind [Video]

825  -  How Jesus Will Save Humanity [Video]

826  -  An Insignificant Man [Video]

827  -  A Testimony About Healing & Incarnation [Video]

828  -  Why Do Bad Things Happen To Us? [Video]

832  -  Distinguishing Between The Two Minds [Video]

833  -  Death In The Pot [Video]

834  -  Are You Preparing For Christ Jesus' Mind? [Video]

835  -  LEM/CCK SC Conference - Day 4 [Video]

836  -  Quantum Mechanics In The Creation Of Christ Mind In Us [Video]

837  -  Christ's Covering Through Obedience [Video]

841  -  Did The Lord Make Me Sick? [Video]

844  -  Sexual Dating Produces Ungodly Soul Ties [Video]

845  -  What Does Love Have To Do With Serving The Lord? [Video]

849  -  Deep Hidden Sins [Video]

856  -  The Oral Law In The New Testament [Video]

862  -  I Do Not Hate Your Like You Hate Me [Video]

868  -  God: His Name, His Image & His Shape (2 Parts)

869  -  1 John, Chapter 5 - Exhortation [Video]

871  -  Why Are Our Lives Sustained? [Video]

878  -  The Book Of Ephesians, Chapter 4 - Alternate Translation [Video] 

879  -  The Book Of Ephesians, Chapter 5 - Alternate Translation (2 Parts)

887  -  Deception [Video]

888  -  I Stand At The Door [Video]

891  -  Spiritual Inception Foundation (2 Parts)

896  -  A Time For Everything [Video]

897  -  Follow Me [Video]

904  -  Talk To God And Then Pray [Video] 

905  -  Know Thyself [Video]

906  -  Romans, Chapter 10 - Alternate Translation (4 Parts)

909  -  Gino Jennings: A Response - Jesus Is Not God [Video]

913  -  It Is Hard Following The Lord (2 Parts)    

926  -  Get Understanding [Video]

927  -  Be Ye Transformed [Video]

934  -  Wake Up You Who Are Sleeping [Video]

945  -  Owe No Man Anything [Video]

946  -  You Shall Lack Nothing & Owe No Man Nothing [Video]

951  -  Wholly Following The Lord [Video]

957  -  LEM/CCK 2019 Conference (Jesse Aldrich: The Great Suffering)  [Video]

958  -  LEM/CCK 2019 Conference (Tony Milton: You Cannot Do It Yourself) [Video]

960  -  LEM/CCK 2019 Conference (Sandra Aldrich: Refined By Fire) [Video]

963  -  LEM/CCK 2019 Conference (Margaret Mobolaji-Lawal: My Personal Journey) [Video]

966  -  Pick Up You Mat And WALK (Sandra Aldrich) [Video]

970  -  What Lies Beneath (Sandra Aldrich) [Video]

971  -  You Are Not Your Own (Tony Milton) [Video]

972  -  Spiritually You Are Not Your Own (Tony Milton) [Video]

976  -  Godly Communication And Mind Control (Sandra Aldrich) [Video]

978  -  The Three R's: Race, Racism & Racist (3 Parts)

999  -  Made New In Christ (Sandra Aldrich) [Video]

1001 - Sin In The Blood, You Can Be Healed (Tony Milton) [Video]

1003 - The Three Sacrifices Of Jesus [Video]

1008 - Feed My Sheep & Lamb (Tony Milton) [Video]       

1052 - Rev 14 & The Current Political Situation [Video]   

1054 - Innocent Blood [Video]

1078 - A Spiritual Crisis (2 Parts)

1085 - Pre-Marital Counseling [Video]

1092 - Spiritual Ascension & Duality In The Church [Video]

1093 - 2023 LEM/CCK Conference (2 Parts)       


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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