Transcribed Messages


By Pastor Sheila Vitale







(Unlinked Messages Have Not Been Transcribed)




014  -  1 Corinthians, Chapter 15 - Alternate Translation

028  -  Lazarus & The Rich Man

031  -  Babylon Is Fallen - A Study Of Man's Spiritual Anatomy (Isaiah, Chapter 14) (8 Parts, Exhibit)

032  -  Mystery Babylon (Revelation Chapter 17) (6 Parts)

062  -  The Parable Of The Talents

071  -  Daniel's  Beasts (10 Parts)

095  -  Christ Jesus, Judge Of Israel (Micah, Chapter 5)

101  -  The Church In Korah's Rebellion (Numbers, Chapter 16)

133  -  1 Corinthians, Chapter 7 (3 Parts)

142  -  Daniel, Chapter 2

217  -  John, Chapter 1 (2 Parts)

235  -  Ephesians, Chapter 1 - In-Depth (2 Parts)

236  -  Romans, Chapter 5 (2 Parts)

237  -  Romans, Chapter 8 (7 Parts)

240  -  Amos, Chapter 3 (2 Parts)

270  -  Zephaniah, Chapter 1 (3 Parts) 

272  -  Zephaniah, Chapter 2 (6 Parts)

305  -  Zephaniah, Chapter 3 (11 Parts)

340  -  Leviathan, An In-Depth Study (14 Parts)

368  -  Amos, Chapter 5 (8 Parts)

392  -  Daniel, Chapter 11 (3 Parts)

399  -  Revelation, Chapter 12

409  -  Ezekiel, Chapter 20

430  -  Ezekiel, Chapter 1 (8 Parts)

444  -  Fishing For Leviathan (6 Parts)

467  -  What Really Happened At Gibeah

473  -  Samson's Riddle  (4 Parts)

475  -  Samson & The Foxes (11 Parts)

480  -  Samson & Delilah (19 Parts)

521  -  The Woman In The Well (2 Parts)

525  -  The Alabaster Box

564  -  Romans, Chapter 1 (5 Parts)

591  -  The Virgin Birth (8 Parts)

637  -  A Better Resurrection

748  -  A Deeper Look at Isaiah 54   [Video]

768  -  Israel, Isil & Palestine (2 Parts)

822  -  1 Corinthians 11, Alternate Translation (2 Parts)

853  -  The Book Of Colossians, Alternate Translation (3 Parts)

855  -  The Book Of Ephesians, Chapter 1 - Alternate Translation [Video]

858  -  The Book Of Ephesians, Chapter 2 - Alternate Translation (3 Parts)

861  -  The Book Of Ephesians, Chapter 3 - Alternate Translation

864  -  Colossians, Exhortation On The Alternate Translation (3 Parts)

873  -  If The Dead Rise Not (2 Parts)

878  -  The Book Of Ephesians, Chapter 4 - Alternate Translation [Video] 

879  -  The Book Of Ephesians, Chapter 5 - Alternate Translation [Video]

906  -  Romans, Chapter 10 - Alternate Translation (4 Parts) 

907  -  Deuteronomy, Chapter 17 - Alternate Translation

912  -  Romans, Chapter 1 - Alternate Translation [Video]

914  -  Romans, Chapter 2 - Alternate Translation (2 Parts)

915  -  Romans, Chapter 3 - Alternate Translation  (3 Parts)

961  -  LEM/CCK 2019 Conference #5 (Sheila R Vitale) [Video]

962  -  LEM/CCK 2019 Conference #6 (Sheila R Vitale) [Video]

967  -  1 Peter, Chapter 1 - Exhortation [Video]

975  -  The Clash Of The Titans & Olympians

1104 - 1 Corinthians 5 & 6 Unveiled [Video]      


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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