Transcribed Messages


By Pastor Sheila Vitale





(Unlinked Messages Have Not Been Transcribed)


281  -  The Gospel According To Thomas (Aguda, Nigeria) (7 Parts)

282  -  The Book Of Jasher (Aguda, Nigeria)

350  -  The Gnostic Christ

354  -  Retributive Karma

358  -  Comments On St. Germain

367  -  Satan, Set & Wiccan

373  -  Kundalini (5 Parts) 

418  -  T’ai Chi Ch’uan & The Subconscious Mind

425  -  Theosophy (9 Parts) 

427  -  Living Soul, Dead Soul & Tantra

429  -  Kundalini, Serpent-Fire, Seraphim (3 Parts)

450  -  Review, Movie: Merlin

488  -  Review, Movie: Hilary & Jackie

490  -  The Fiery Serpent Rising

512  -  Twilight, The Fifth Energy Center

518  -  Review, Movie: The Matrix - High Points Of The Movie

520  -  Jesus, The Monad & Kundalini

533  -  Review, Movie: The Matrix Reloaded - Commentary (3 Parts)

534  -  Review, Movie: The Matrix Revolutions - Commentary (3 Parts)

547  -  The Merovingian Bloodline

839  -  Death Of The Ego[Video]

872  -  Random Comments On Spiritual Subjects [Video]

877  -  The Quantum Leap [Video]

910  -  So You Want To Be A Son Of God, Do You?

997  -  Mind To Mind Combat [Video]

1002 - Recognizing The Good Side Of Satan [Video]

1030 - Ascension Christianity (3 Parts)

1056 - Zechariah In The Book Of Revelation [Video]

1064 - Armageddon: What Is it? [Video]

1066 - Man of God #5 - Smart green Cities [Video] 

OLM -  Comments On The Matrix (3 Parts) – Online Meeting

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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